CAMPUS SOCI ETY Where To Go I1 L 1 II Mayer Appoints League H eads For Next Year lthstallation Banquet Will' Be Held Wednesday In Honor Of New Boards Appointments to fill League offices for the coming year were announced today by Grace Mayer, '34, newly- elected president. Ada Blackman, '34, was chosen business secretary. Chairmen for the various committees of the League, ;which were appointed, are Ruth Rpbinson, '34, as chairman of the Board of Representatives; Harriett Jennings, '34, chairman of the Ju- diciary Council, and Mary Louise Kessberger, '34, chairman of the Undergraduate Campaign Fund. Charlotte Simpson, '34, chairman o the Caps and Gowns committee; Charlotte Anderson, '34, chairman of the Library committee; Mary Stir- ling '35, chairman of the social com- mittee; Margaret Becket, '34, chair- man of the point system committee; and Betty Davis, '34, chairman of the World Fellowship committee. Persons appointed to these offices will assume their duties directly after the installation of new officers which will take place at the Installation Banquet to be held May 10 in honor of both the new and old boards of the League and of W. A. A., accord- ing to Miss Mayer. Houses To Hold Informal And Formal Dantes, Glee Club To Make. Public Appearance In Concert Tonight The University Women's Glee Club, which will give its first Ann Arbor concert in years tonight, had its in- ception 22 years ago. Mrs. °George Hasteiter was ,director ofsthe club when it was first organized among University women interested in vocal, .University Will Entertain Wives Of Legislators Pianist Is Feature Helen Newberry Elects Of Jordan Dance Officers For Next Year Helen Newberry held its annual Ruhl Kenyon, pianist, played for election of officers Wedneday night. guests at the tea aance given by Jor- Ada Blackman, '34. was elected presi- dan Hall yesterday afternoon. Tea dent; Isabella Currie, '35, vice-presi- was served in the living room. Those dent; Margaret Arnold, '34, treasurer, who poured were Mrs. Charles Sink, and Eileen McManus, '36, secretary. Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, and Mrs. Theo- House representatives will be.Sarah phile Raphael. Place, senior; Elsa Van Slyke, junior, The spring formal given by Jor- and Gertrude Walker, sophomore. dan Hall will be held Friday, May Chairman of committees and com- 26, and will be a dinner-dance, mittee members will be named soon. - - . Motion Pictures: Michigan, "A Lady's Profession"; Majestic, "Pay- ment Deferred"; Wuerth, "Broadway Bad." Drana: "Journey's End," 8:30 p. m:,Laboratory Theatre. Open House:, Architectural School, showing of students' work and tea will be ser'ved,~3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Exhibition: Selected paintings from the Forty-Fifth Annual Artist's Ex- The dancing chorus of th man Lantern Dance will hav rehearsal from 3:30 until 5: today in the ballroom of the Margaret Ballard, '36, char the entertainment committe that additional freshman w< out for any kind of enter hibition from the Chicago stitute, 1 to 5 p. m., Alumni b Hall. House And To Make Senate Annual Club Tour I Il. Inspecting University work. Miss Nora Crane Hunt of the W School of Music faculty, the present Weves of the members of the State director, has held that post since Legislature, comprising an organiza-; 1913. tion known as the House and Senate One of the most interesting pro- Club, will be the guests Thursday, jects of the club was the organiza-;May 11, of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- tion of :what ,is, now known as the yA University Women's Trio. This trio, ven and Mrs. William A. Comstock which performs with the group and for an inspection trip through parts alone, comprises Lucille Lucas, '34SM, of the University, it was learned Maxine Maynard, '35, and Elizabeth yesterday. M. Fagg, '33Ed. Each year, for many sessions past,. Two years ago the ciub sang over this trip has been a custom and a nation-wide radio broadcasting promises this time to bring an even hookup originating at Station WXYZ, larger number of visitors than ever Detroit. Among. its other activities before. The party will arrive Thurs- have been a program before the Ann day morning and will be escorted Arbor Women's Club at Christmas through the group of buildings in time, 1932; entertainment of the the Law group. They will then go Cincinnati Girls' Glee Club in April; to the League, which will be their two concerts earlier in the semester, headquarters during the stay here, in Adrian and at University High for luncheon. School, and co-operation with male After luncheon the party will again students in the production of De- tour the University, including such Koven's "Robin Hood" last year. The buildings as the University Hospital group has also sung at Ohio State and Mosher-Jordan dormitories. University and. at various Michigan Returning from this they will be colleges in recent years. guests at a special organ recital by The concert tonight will take place Palmer Christian to be given in Hill at 8:15 p. m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Auditorium in their honor. The aft- Theatre. An admission charge of 25 ernoon will be concluded with a tea cents will be made. Miss Hunt has at the .home of Mrs. Ruthven. chosen the following program: Group One, by the glee club- Assisting as hostesses will be Mrs. Stanley: "Laudes. Atque Carmena;" Junius E. Beal, Mrs. Horatio J. Moore: "College Days;" Czechoslo- Abbott, Mrs. George Burke, Mrs. Wil- vakian folk song: "Wake Thee Now, liam D. Henderson, Mrs. Shirley W. Dearest." Smith, Mrs. James G. Bruce, Mrs. Group Two, by the University Wo- Clarence S. Yoakum, Mrs. Charles A. men's Trio-Negro spiritual, "Lindy Sink, Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Mrs. Lou;" Strickland: "Awake, Little Russel W. Bunting, Mrs. Albert C. Robin, Awake." Furstenburg, Dean Alice Lloyd, and PHOENIX HOSIERY with CUSTOM-FIT TOP Jam -Rk } L '} 3 r 1 . , N*ml w for that Extra Little Hat' YOU'LL FIND "YOURS" T THE COLLINS SHOPPE Now -- no more gagged thighs. No more baggy knees. No more too long or too short tops when you wear Phoenix Custom- Fit top. It fits every size leg comfortably . ..perfectly. I t's woven to stretch both ways - up and down, round and round. Made of Certified Silk for greater beauty, longer wear. 2 9s others to $6.50 Dashing little hats that have a personality all their own - and they cost so little, too! New fabrics . . , new straws . . .new soft felts. In a host of shades to go with any of your ensembles. The campus is entertaining royally this week-end with over 20 dances, both formal and informal, scheduled. The Law Club dance tonight is to be informal and the chaperons are Prof. John P. Dawson and Mrs. Dawson, Miss Bertha Flynn, and Miss Della McCallun. Lyle Pleshek,; '33L, is in charge and Ray Gorrel's Orchestra is to play. A formal dance is to be held at the Chi Phi house tonight under the direction of Venable D. Johnson, '34. Dr. M. R. McGarvey and Mrs. McGarvey will attend. Max Gail's orchestra is to furnish the music. Delta Sigma Pi is also entertaining with a formal dance at which Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tibbitts will be pres- ent. Edgar Hornik, '33, has made the arrangements. Phi Kappa chap- ter house will be the scene of an- other formal dance for which Charles Duerr, '34, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stace are to chaperon. Pi Lambda Phi is entertaining, and Mr. Phillip Jay and Mrs. Jay and Dr. J. A. C. Hildner will be present. Zeta Beta Tau is holding a house party this week - e n d at which Mr. and Mrs. Irving S. Frank, Toledo, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gage, Detroit, are to attend. James Gould, '34, is in charge of the formal dance to be given at the Sigma Chi house tonight. The chap- erons are to be Mr. and Mrs. B. D. DeWeese, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Slagle, and Dr. William Brace. Delta Chi is holding a, dinner dance for which special decorations and plans have been made. A formal dance will also be held at the Theta Delta Chi house for which Fred George, '34, has made the arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Donovan, Grosse Pointe, will be present. Phi Sigma Sigma sorority is enter- taining with a formal dance tonight at the Huron Country Club. Lillian Fine, '36, is the chairman for the dance. The chaperons are Mrs. Edna Babson and' Miss Agnes Barker. Thrllng Ne III Group Three, by the glee club_ Mrs. Leona M. Diekema. Chaminade: "Evening Prayer in Brit- tany." Group Four, by Margaret Martindale, '34SM,-- violin solo. Hie' Dance Toi Be Group Five, by the glee club - I tCa ar t It "College Sing," a potpourri of Michi- 7(Rd R 'e gan songs taken from Union operas, the Junior Girls Plays, and other The Hillel Foundation will hold its sources. Group Six, by Leah Mar- annual spring formal tomorrow in garet Lichtenwalter, '33SM,- group the Grand Rapids Room of the of vocal solos.. League.. Al Cowan will play for danc- Jane M. Law, '34SM, will be the ing from 9 until 12. The entire sec- accompanist to the club. ond floor will be given over to the party. Congrega ioiial Students inThe dance this year will be held in cabaret style and will feature a To Give Dance Tonight floor show under the direction of An informal dance will be held to- the master of ceremonlies, John Sil- night in the church parlors of the verman, '34. The price of the dance Congregational Church under the will be $1.50, and tables may be re- auspices of the Congregational Stu- served by calling 2-1156. /> 79c X1.35 East Liberty at Maypard ;I League Hosiery Shop i I The Smartest Shop on the Campus Every Ann Arbor Co-ed Says So , x Wj% 0 A0 dent Fellowship, it has been an- nounced by Harriette L. Clark, '34, social chairman of the fellowship. Music will be furnished by the U. of M. Wolverines. Admission will be 25 cents. University students and' their friends are invited to attend, Miss Clark said. THE FIFTH AVENUE COSMETIC SHOP (f'ormerly in the Arcade) New Location, 300 South State St. (Next to Mary Lee Shop) a"f ' ,, . (e I Min i I They'll simply take 'I your breaj FOR BIC FOR SK FOR HIP FOR STI tn away! SIl __ I__ - -,j , i I A AL Y'e yon' lll 1A VI '4'0i ,g" . t II * I.* 7 ' 6 8 eat and Stude nt? ,*-q - run \U :YClING .. ATING .,. KING ... REET . . . ArWw , , oo FIVE minutes for break- fast! That's plenty o ftime for a big bowl of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Thrilling New Arrivals in $3.95 and $5.95 With frilly trims . . . wide shoulders . . . all sorts of smart ideas in jackets and capes ... in monotones and shears and a wide variety of prints. THE RIGHT HAT 1 *You've never seen such tricky shoes! Smart "cut-outs" to give your feet "the air" . . . They have leather soles and rubber heels. .,.:.. O ' Choose from all-over BLONDE . Blonde with Brown saddle Beige Reverse Calf . . All White _r-- . or shiny Black Patent, They're a "whiz" at twice this price. MAIN FLOOR Just pour on milk or cream. Listen a second to that appetizing sound-snap, crackle, pop--then enjoy the finest, crispest rice cereal ever made. A grand energy food! Nourishing! Easy to digest! And listen--Rice Krispies are a great food to wind up the day. You'll sleep better. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. h k Ga' se 'N o . e ov (CS\IX( $ 95 i sten!1 to Go With t1'I A t% Your Costume (L7 Af% 11 1 I I 1 al II f-4 .i _ .._