The Weather Fair and continued cool Thursday and Friday. Y Sfrigzu ~~Iai -wo-VA-040"m Editorials L Peaceful May Day Marks Decline Of Agitators; The President And Women. I 5 i - d .. r VOL. XLIII No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruthven Will Open Student Parley Today First Two Days Will Be Used For Model World Economic Conference Faculty Men To Act As Advisory Board Student Conference Will Model Procedure After League Of Nations President Alexander G. Ruthven Will deliver the address of welcome before the International Students' Conference at 7:45 p. m. tonight in the Assembly Hall of the Union. The subject of his address will be "All the World's a Stage." The first two days of the four-day meeting will be devoted to a model world eco- nomic conference. During the conference as a whole, students on campus will endeavor to determine the issues of current prob- lems in world economics, world poli- tics, and world society, according to Gordon Galaty, '33, secretary-gen- eral of the conference. Modeled After League Following as closely as possible the procedure of international confer- ences as developed by the League of Nations, the model conference here will open with the seating of dele- gates and the calling of the confer- ence, after which President Ruthven will speak,. The report of the committee on credentials, the election of Martin Wagner, '33, as permanent chair- man, the adoption and distribution of agenda, and the constitution of commissions will also be taken up at the first plenary session tonight. The commission on war debts and reparations; will meet immediately following the plenary session in the Assembly Hall of the Union. Erle Kightlinger, '33, chairman of the commission, will present the histori- cal background. L~ouise Childs, Grad., and Evelyn Cornell, Grad., will speak on the economic aspects of the sub- ject. The attitudes of the various na- tions concerned will be presented by' the following student delegates: Werner Striedieck, '33, speaking for Germany; Donald Cummings, '33, and Elmer Bachmann, '34, for the United States; John Bergelin, Grad., for Great Britain; Wagdad Mack- dici, Grad., for France; and Harvey' Durand, '34, for Italy. After a dis- cussion among the delegates them- selves draft treaty recommendations will be drawn up. Other Commissions Meet Two other commissions will meetl at 2:30 p. m. in the Union. The sec- ond commission, that on tariffs and trade barriers, will hear Charles Orr, Grad., give a historical background of the subject. Permanent tariff poli- cies will be discussed by Faith Ralph, '33, and their general effect will be taken up by Marjorie Hompe, '33. Gillermo Castrence, '33, will speak on the effect of tariffs in the Philip- pines. Post-War trade restrictions will be the subject of Edward Mal- noski, '33, and restrictions in the Danubian states that of Wager Clu- nis, Grad. Carl Schwartz, '33BAd., a'nd Robert Peters, Grad., will present the back- ground for the commission on money and credit and capital movements. Kripa Singh, Grad., will speak on the gold standard and the world price level, followed by David Landsbor- ough, '33, and Wallace Liu, Grad., who will discuss banking systems and world money and credit policies. Group sessions will continue to-, morrow afternoon, and an attempt (Continud on Page 6) Demonstration To' Open Flying Season Glider demonstrations by Heath McDowell, '33E, will feature the. opening day of the flying season next Sunday at the municipal airport on South State Street Road. McDowell, one of the leaders of the Glider Club, will pilot a glider' towed behind a light plane flown by George M. Downs, chief pilot at the field. Although no definite time for the flight has been set it is ex- pected that it will take place at 2 and 5 p. m. Good Will Boxing Show Home Importance Decrease Is Noted ByProfessor Courtis Speaking on the "Social and Civic Responsibilities"of the Home," Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education declared last night at Lane Hall that the importance of the home is diminishing. A test taken by the persons at the lecture on the number of functions centered in the home indicated that they had decreased about 50 per cent in the last 100 years. During the days of the cave man, security, re- laxation, recreation, production of material goods, recognition and re- ward, reproduction, nutrition, and motivation and inspiration were cen- tered in the home. Todaymany of the former functions of the home are being performed by society. Professor Courtis stated that he was merely trying to present some of the problems resulting from this new condition, not to solve them. Con- jecture regarding the future of the home he left to the audience, but did indicate its trend in one nation by declaring that in Russia the home was gradually disappearing, for "the Russian revolution is a revolt against the home." Since the home is a social institu- tion, Professor Courtis maintained, the ultimate explanation of the home must be sought partly in the nature and needs of the individual, partly in the environment in which the in- dividual lives. "Marriage, he said, "is the natural or formal civic or religious ceremony which is usually looked upon as in- itiating the activities of home build- ing. Home building is usually count- ed as one of the major functions of life. "In other words, in our day and country the ceremony of marriage is a social, a religious, or a legal sanc- tion for a man and a woman to 'live together.' What 'living together' really signifies depends upon the spiritual development of the persons involved," he declared. Advocating a new set of standards, Professor Courtis said, this is a tran- sition age. "The old idealism is in- compatible with the conditions of modern life," he said. "Apparently the time has come, either for a new formulation of the old ideals in terms of modern scientific knowledge and social conditions, or for a new vision fo what the relation of the sexes should be under modern conditions. In any event a common knowledge of evolutionary trends is desirable as a basis of discussion." - ... ....o... ... . . Golfers Beat Northwestern By 10 Points Fischer Scores 71-74 In Spite Of Cold Weather; Wins Most Points EVANSTON, ILL., May 3.-(Spe- cial)-Led by Collegiate Champion John Fischer, Michigan overwhelmed the Northwestern golf team here this afternoon, 14 to 4. Bitter cold winds swept the course and kept most of the scoring from low figures. Fischer, however, came in with scores of 71 and 74 to give the Wolverines two victories. In the morning doubles rounds, Fischer and Markham defeated Brown and Reid . of the home team by winning three points, taking the first and second nines and the total. Dayton and Jolly had difficulty in overcoming McDonald and Flynn, 2 to 1, in the other doubles match. In the afternoon, Fischer defeated McDonald for three more points while Markham conquered Brown for three. Both Dayton and Jolly were tied by their opponents in the afternoon rounds, adding one and one-half points to the Wolverine to- tal each. Reid held Dayton while Flynn kept Captain Jolly from mak- ing a clean sweep. The cold, wet weather played havoc with Northwestern as they bowed to Michigan. Time after time shots were missed. The Wolverines did not seem to mind the cold as much, al- though Jolly and Dayton were in trouble for most of the round in the afternoon. War Drama Is -Approved By Large House Play Production's realistic drama- tization of R. C. Sherriff's war epic, "Journey's End," opened last night before a large crowd in the Labora- tory Theatre. Guests at the play were members of the Committee on Theatre Practice and Policy, and a reception was held following the per- formance in their honor. At tonight's performance members of the R. O. T. C. faculty have been invited as guests of Play Production, Valentine B. Windt, director, an- nounced last night. The R. O. T. C. has been instrumental in supplying information and costumes for the play. On display in the lobby of the thea- tre are a number of colorful water- color paintings of Miss Angna En- ters, dancer who is to be featured during the Dramatic Festival. The paintings were done by the dancer herself. Also, pictures of the 1932 summer dramatic work are being shown. Owing to the large ticket sales for the remaining performances to be given tonight, tomorrow, and Satur- day, a "depression" matinee has been announced by Mr. Windt. Tickets will be on sale at the box office at 25 cents. Phi Delt Sees Utopia- 13 Diamonds In A Hand That coveted but elusive dream of the bridge player- 13 suit cards-came true yesterday for Marvin Preston, '35, in a game at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Looking into his hand he dis- covered that every card was a diamond. Instead of fainting, be- coming hysterical, or following other popularized methods of con- duct under similar circumstances, he bid a grand slam. Other players in the game were "Bob" Petrie, '33, "Phil" Klein, '34, and Charles Ebert, '35. Initiation For 149 s Held By Honor Societ. Signa Xi Takes In Large Group At Annual Din- ner; Shows Movies Initiation for members and asso- ciate members ofSigma Xi, national scientific honor society, was held last night at the annual banquet at the League. Prof. Edward H. Kraus, head ,of the minerology department, was elected president of the organization, the object of which is to widen knowledge through scientific re- search. Former President Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the chemical engi- neering department, introduced Dr. Heber D. Curtis, head of the astron- omy department, who first showed a series of slides on astronomical phe- nomena which illustrated in an amusing manner the insignificance of our solar system in the universe, and hence the infinitesimal smallness of our earth. The program was concluded with the showing of two reels of motion pictures taken through a telescope. This is a new idea and is valuable for showing the movement of solar eclipses and other evident kinetic heavenly manifestations. The 149 initiates are classified under six heads: alumni and faculty members who have made some note- worthy contribution to science, grad- uate members who were associates and made some achievement in sci- entific research, graduate students making some achievement in scien- tific research, graduate students made associates who have shown in- terest and ability in research, and undergraduates made associates who have shown interest and ability in science. Alumni members elected were: Richard Harry Harrington, chemical engineering; and Frederick Kroeber Sparrow, Jr., botany. Faculty members attaining full membership were: Prof. John W. Bean of the physiology department, in physiology; Karl G. Emeleus, Rockefeller Foundation international fellow, in physics; S. Milton Gold- hamer, instructor in internal medi- cine and junior assistant in research in the Simpson Memorial Institute, in internal medicine; Cameron Haight, instructor in surgery, surg- (Continued on Page 2) Inflation Bill Approved By 221_Margin Farm Relief Program Is Sent To House, Senate Group For Adjustments Expect Completion Of Bill By May 6 Muscle Shoals Develop- ment Act Passes Senate By Vote Of 63 To 20 WASHINGTON, May 3. - (1) - With a roaring chorus of ayes, piling up a vote of 307 to 86, the House today approved the Roosevelt cur- rency inflation plan and sent its parent, the big farm relief bill, to conference with prospects of a Presi- dential signature by Saturday night. The inflation rider which now has complete Congressional approval, will allow President Roosevelt among other things to expand currency and credit by as much as $6,000,000,000 in addition to altering the gold back- ing of the dollar by as much as 50 per cent.. Conferes Will Meet Senate and House conferees will hold their first formal meeting to- morrow in an effort to agree upon several score of differences in the farm relief measure. Leaders hold hope of obtaining quick agreement in order that the legislation may be finally approved and sent to the White House by Saturday. The administration is anxious that it be expedited so that it can be placed into immediate operation for the aid of farmers, hundreds of whom are threatened with the loss of their property. The Senate today passed the Muscle Shoals-Tennessee Valley de- velopment bill by a vote of 63 to 20. The Senate bill was introduced by Senator George W. Norris, Nebraska, who has been endeavring for a dozen years to get such legislation thropgh the .final enactment. . The House passed a bill a week ago' similar in general terms but with dif- ferent provisions relating to Govern- ment distribution of power and man- ufacture of fertilizer. The two propositions probably will be sent to conference for adjustment of differences unless the House agrees to accept Senate changes without further contest. Senator Couzens voted for the bill; Vandenburg against. Action came on the inflation I amendment in the House today after it disagreed to all Senate farm relief | amendments and sent them to con- ference. Six hours of debate on the proposition was completed last night. Vote On Rider Rep. Bertrand H. Snell, of New York, the Republican leader and chief opponent of the inflation prop- osition, demanded a separate vote on the expansion rider. Speaker Henry T. Rainey had to consent under the rules, although it had been the Dem- ocratic plan to force a single vote on the entire bill. Without further ado, the roll was called. Thirty Republicans and four Farm-Laborites joined 73 Democrats for the proposition. Seventy-nine Republicans and seven Democrats voted in opposition.£ Representatives Joseph L. Hooper, Carl E. Mapes and Jesse P. Wolcott- all Republicans-were the only Mich- igan Congressmen to vote against in- flation. Ask House To License State Chain Stores{ LANSING, May 3.-(A)-The first gesture toward burrowing into the perplexing taxation problem was made by the House taxation commit- tee today when it released a bill pro- posing to license chain stores. The measure was reported with the recommendation that it be adopted. It would levy an annual fee of $10 a store against chains having three establishments or less, and would graduate the license upward to $250 a store for chains with 25 or more. The bill was released as the' commit- tee was tangled in a sharply drawn fight over the administration sales and gross incomes tax proposal. Some mrn-m o + t rrnmmitc--+ sains d Witnesses Of Iowa Trouble Talk In Court Military Tribunal Hears Testimony Of Those Who Saw HangingAttempt Clarence Darrow Plans For Defense Begin Sifting Evidence After Arrest Of 100 Suspected Abductors LEMARS, Ia., May 3.-()-One of three eye witnesses to the abduction and threatened hanging of District Judge C. C. Bradley told a military court today he had heard some of the 150 to 200 men who dragged the judge from his courtroom shout: "Get a rope. Let's hang him." At the same time, the witness tes- tified, others in the mob tossed a rope over a telegraph pole and fas- tened it around the jurist's neck. The three men told their story as the court martial began sifting evi- dence against more than 100 farm- ers arrested in connection with last week's riots. The witnesses said they were pass- ing the scene in a truck. They tes- tified they were noticed by part of the mob and commanded to "get out of here. You're not part of our gang." They said they would be able to identify several members of the mob and one, who said he had lived about LeMars several years, said he was; positive the truck in which the judge was transported to the scene of the threatened hanging was from Merrill, a town near here. CHICAGO, May 3.-iP)-Clarence Darrow was busy tonight studying "several points" which he plans to emphasize in defending nearly 100, Iowa farmers charged with the mob- bing and abduction of an elderly judge in an attempt to halt farm mortgage foreclosures. The noted lawyer, now 76 years old, decided to enter the case today after being assured that F. F. Faville, for- mer chief justice of the Iowa su- preme court and Attorney William Holly, his colleague in other recent trials, would assist him. "I could take no strenuous part," Darrow said, "because of my health and age. Probably I will be unable to be present during all of the trial, as it apparently is going to be a long one." Debaters Win Decision Over Indiana Team Michigan Argues Raised Standards Would Limit Western Enrollments The University affirmative debate team defeated Indiana's negative team in a Western Conference de- bate last night in Hill Auditorium. The question was "Resolved, That a7 Limitation in Enrollment of West-j ern Conference Universities Should1 Be Effected by Raising Scholarship1 Standards."; The Michigan team was coached1 by J. H. McBurney and was com- posed of Clinton D. Sandusky, '34, Edward H. Litchfield, '36, and Wil- burt L. Hindman, Jr., '33. The In- diana team was made up of Keith W. Tiller, Hugh Dillin, and Milton J. Finberg, and was coached by D. E. Bowen. Michigan argued that there was a definite trend toward making the last two years of college a senior college devoted to professional and scho- lastic training. The first 14 years of education, it was held, are used in preparing for life socially, but not for specialization. Supply and de- mand were cited as economic factors necessitating regulation in the amount of students in professional fields. A rise in scholastic standards be- tween the second and third college years, it was argued, would reduce the oversupply of professionals that graduate each year. One University speaker pointed out that the scholarship standard of the University is not too high. "Many students spend their afternoons rol- lerskatina. their evenings in dine and To Defend Farmers -Associated Press Photo CLARENCE DARROW Search Widens For Kidnaped 10-Year-Old Girl 2 Secret Service Agents Sent To Scene; Father Willing To Pay Ransom NEW YORK, May 3.- (1' ) - Two agents of the Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice were sent today to Massachusetts to work with state authorities there on the McMath kidnaping case, it was an- nounced tonight at the Federal Building. HARWICHPORT, Mass., May 3.- (U)-While a widening search for 10- year-old "Peggy" McMath spread along Cape Cod and out to sea to- night, her parents announced they would meet any reasonable ransom demand anid promised immunity to the kidnapers who lured the child from a schoolroom yesterday and vanished with her. Meantime, the family home stood unguarded, as police declared a 48- hour truce to permit the abductors to make safe contact with the par- ents. The father, Neil C. McMath, for- mer Detroiter and son of Francis C. McMath, prominent engineer, banker and industrialist, issued a new appeal to the kidnapers in which he prom- ised to "deal faithfully and honestly" with them "without thoughts of] prosecution or punishment." In announcing he could and would raise any reasonable sum sought by those who stole his daughter, the father said all he sought was the safe return of the little girl. The new appeal was issued from the family home, the summer resi- dence of Mrs. McMath's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kales, wealthy and socially-prominent residents of Detroit. Mr. McMath, his son Robert R. McMath, Peggy's uncle, and Judge Henry S: Hulbert had planned to be in Ann Arbor Wednesday evening, to receive their memberships in Sigma Xi, honorary scientific fraternity. The men were to be presented by President Alexander G. Ruthven, and their election to Sigma Xi signalized their rank as the outstanding ama- teur astronomers of the United States. But Wednesday night only two of ,the three, Judge Hulbert and R. R. McMath, went to Ann Arbor. Last summer the McMaths and Judge Hulbert went with the Uni- versity of Michigan group under the direction of Dr. Heber D. Curtis, head of the astronomy department, to Fryeburg, Me., to witness the eclipse of the sun. Fraternity Head To Be Elected May 10 The next president of the Interfra- ternity Council will be elected at the regular meeting of the council to be held Wednesday, May 10, according to Edwin T. Turner; '33, the present incumbent. Two candidates will be nominated by the Judiciary Committee of the council, and they will be the only ones eligible for election, Turner said. The committee's nominees have not been selected, according to Turner, and their names will not be divulged until the night of the election. FRESHMAN DUES Row Between Budget Head, Senate Ends Thompson Denies That He Made Statements With- Out Qualification $3,000,000 Enough For 'U,' His Claim Suggestions Would Have Reduced Appropriations Nearly $8,000,000 LANSING, May 3.-()-The un- precedented dispute between the Senate and George R. Thompson, State budget director, was at an end today. Thompson appeared before the Senate in answer to a summons for his technical arrest to explain a statement attributed to him that he could reduce the State budget $20,- 000,000 a year. He denied to the Senate he made the statement with- out reservations. A report giving Thompson's sug- gestions on "questionable" and "least essential" govermental functions pre- viously had been left by him in the Senate finance committee room. A motion to dismiss the entire matter as Thompson appeared was rejected, however, and the budget director was submitted to cross-examination. Thompson classified $968,584 of the proposed University of Michigan ap- propriation as non-essential, leaving the institution $3,000,000. 'Michigan State College would be given $1,000,- 000. The entire appropriations for Western State Teachers and Central State Teachers Colleges were listed as "questionable" along with a $90,- 000 fund for State parks and $221,075 for State police. Thompson said he had turned over a copy of the report to Governor Comstock and that he had felt the executive should have released it. Thompson's report presented sug- gestions which would reduce the bud- get now before the Legislature bY nearly $8,000,000 or 23.8 per cent ex- clusive of deficiency items. His sug- gestions would mean a total operat- ing budget of $23,934,762. If defi- ciencies of $3,835,388 for the general fund and $3,000,000 to the counties for tuberculosis patient care, to- gether with $1,500,000 in contingen- cies were carried, the total would be $32,270,150. The House ways and means committee has recommended a slash of $10,000,000 in the operat- ing budget. Attendance Cup Is Offered For SpringGames Fraternity Having Most Men Participating Will Be Awarded Prize A 15-inch silver cup will be given to the fraternity having the highest proportion of its freshmen and soph- omores actively engaged in the spring games and tug of war, It was an- nounced yesterday by Hugh Grove, '34E, who is in charge of the events. The cup will be donated by Greene's cleaners. .Union committeemen will be on hand at both the games and the tug of war, Grove said, in order to check up on the fraternity men actually competing. Fraternity men will prob- ably be asked to report to the com- mitteemen with old clothes, red or green paint smears, or similar evi- dences of intention to participate in the traditional battles, he said. The tug of war this year is to be held at 4:15 p. m. Friday, May 12, and the games will be run off at 10 a. m. Sat- urday, May 13-the tug over the Hu- ron River and the games at South Ferry Field. The fraternity winning this year's competition will be privileged to keep the trophy for a six month's period, while the Union trophy case will dis- play the cup for the remainder of the year. It was hinted yesterday that rep- resentatives of the freshman class might call a caucus for next Sun- day night, thereby getting the jump on Joseph Lackey, sophomore class president, who has called a meeting of his men for 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Union. rCmNiL tortr'am 11nn ,F-nhm.n