THE MICHIGAN DAILY mer Explainsl tins. Of f eredl Conferences ses Opportunities As ore Valuable Than eading Of Textbooks efends Bankers rational Conference n Economics Is Called tal To United States tings of the Model World Eco- Conference, to be held here ;day and Friday, will enable its, as no amount of reading to become acquainted with in- ional economic issues to be hit before the coming London 'ence, according to Prof. C. F. r of the economics department,] s acting in an advisory capa- higan students will be given a ;e through the conference this to hear a discussion of some of undamental issues involved in volt of the Iowa farmers, the 1 of free silver agitation, and ries of meetings at Washington fill the pages of newspapers, id.. Bankers Are Correct must recognize that this de- on is a world depression," Pro- Remer said in an interview day. "This is true whether we or not. It is true in spite of ,ct that the international bank- ink it to be true. It is true ,even h, we become so excited about tic issues as to forget it." American election of 1936 will ermined by the course of the s trade in the next two years, eclared. "No administration' President Wilson took office Le second time has been more. dependent upon international ns for its failure or success the present one, and the de- nce is now more largely upon nic relations than in 1917." Co-operation Needed phasizing the importance of the Economic Conference to every i in the United States, Profes- emer stated that "the eco- program launched in the I States since the inauguration esident Roosevelt cannot suc- here unless the international ions for its success are estab- Fanous Aviators Meet In Oklahoma City Arms, Ankles Broken While Roller Skating Health Service Reveal Students Suffer Many Injuries Due To Fad Roughly speaking, the sport of roller skating is not all that it's cracked up to be, but its participants often are--cracked up. Expert To Talk On Aerial Photography An illustrated lecture on "Aerial Photography" will be given by Maj. James A. Bagley of the United States' Army Engineers Corps, at 7:30 p. m. today in Natural Science Auditorium, it has been announced.' Major Bagley is recognized as the foremost cxpert in the army on aer- ial photography. He is being brought here from Detroit by Prof. Thomas J. Mitchell of the engineering college. The lecture is sponsored by Scabbard rand Blade and Pi Tau Pi Sigma, Chemical Clubs To Hold Joint Meeting Here A joint meeting of the University section of the American Chemical Society vwith the Detroit, Lansing, and Toledo sections will take place May 13, announced Prof. W. E. Bachmann, of the chemistry depart- ment. Members of the visiting sections will be able to witness the class games and the baseball game Satur- day afternoon. There will be a din- ner at 6:15 p. m. in the Union to acquaint the members with one an- other. Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Col- lege of Pharmacy, head of the min- eralogy department, will present a lecture at 8 p. m. on "The Quest for Synthetic Gems." In this lecture Professor Kraus will discuss the chemical composition of gems and the attempts, successful and unsuccessful, that have been made to synthesize gems in the lab- oratory. DEAT! CLAIMS ALUMNUS Arthtur P. Wood, '66E, 96-year-ol alumnus of the University, died Sun- day at his home in Omaha. Mr. Wood f o11o w e d engineering all through his life, starting in Lone Tree, Neb., with the Union Pacific Railroad. CLASSES NOW FORMING STENOTYPY SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING f BOOKKEEPING CALCULATOR DICTAPHONE SECRETARIAL TRAINING Day and Evening Classes Hamilton Business College State & William Sts. PHONE 7831 17th Year Interviews with six of the Univer- FVacLUly im pnies sity Health Service physicians and oa several nurses have'revealed a large Honor ard Plan number of casualties during the past I few weeks of the skating craze. Listed Owing to difficulties involved among the major casualties are one through the use of the present sys- tem of awarding honors at the time broken wrist, one broken ankle, one I of graduation, a proposal to replace broken leg, three broken arms, and the former plan by a new one was one dislo'+ated shoulder, one dislo- passed at a regular meeting of the cated elbow, one case of broken faculty of the Literary College late teeth, three or four sprained wrists, Monday afternoon. and several sprained ankles. The new system does away with About 15 cases of miscellaneous the four gradations of distinction, Aoutn aes ofe mielladnbye and is replaced with two covering the sprains have been treated by the I whole field of honor awards. "Dis- physiotherapy department with tinction" will be used on good work splints and the "whirlpool." Skinned and grades of the students while and cut knees, elbows, faces, and "honors in a department" will be ankles have brought 100 students to given in a particular field ofencdea- the Health Service for treatment. vor or departments, according to The major fractures which re- Daniel L. Rich, secretary. -Associated Press Photo Three of the world's most famous airmen met at Oklahoma City when Col. Charles A. Lindbergh (center) stopped there on a transcon- tinental flight. With him are Bennett Griffin (left) of transatlantic fame, and Wiley Post (right), co-holder of the round-the-world speed record. ." ,.,. Bishop Returns From Meeting In New York William W. Bishop,,University li- brarian, has just returned j-from a New York conference of the Ameri-I can International Intellectual Co- operation Committee, of which he is a member in New York. The inter- national organization was set up by the League of Nations and consists of a central committee at Geneva and branches over the world. The United States, though not a league member," has a representative on the central committee. upon conditions abroad," he said, "We cannot have farm relief without greater foreign trade in the prod- ucts of our farms; a rise in prices in the United States through a changed gold content of the dollar depends in part on foreign exchanges giving the initial upward push; the inter- national trade of the world must be stimulated before the problem . of war debts can be settled; greater world trade at higher prices is neces- sary to make our great holdings of foreign securities reasonably safel and provide the basis for the needed flow of capital from country to country." Aluimni University, To Feature Talks, Ott Many Subjects The Alumni University, annual course of lectures offered following commencement, will take place June' 19 to 23, inclusive, it was announced yesterday by T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni As- sociation. These lectures will be given in the mornings of commencement week by well-known faculty men. The series includes the following: "Sidelights on American History," by Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director of the William Clements Library; "Finance from the Standpoint of the Average Investor," by Prof. John E. Tracy of the Law School; "Far East- ern Pasts," .by Benjamin March, curator of Oriental art in the Detroit Museum of Art; "The Modern Novel," by Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department; "Present Day European Politics," by Prof. James K. Pollock of the politicalf science department; and "New Con-i ceptions in Physics," by Prof. S. A. Goudsmit of the physics department. quired an anaesthetic for setting were treated at the University Ho*- pital. Only one patient was kept in the Health Service infirmary, the others being taken to their homes. The greater part of the students who have come to grief included e i t h e r downright beginners or pseudo-experts whose conceits were greater than their skill, a concensus of the doctors' opinions showed. High-jumping and fancy skating should not be indulged in by the tyro, they say. Marriage Relation Talks End Today At Lane Hall Concluding the series of lectures on marriage relations being spon- sored by the Student Christian As- sociation, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the Schooldof Education will speak on "Social and Civic Responsibilities of the Married Couple" at 8 p. m. today in Lane Hall Auditorium. PROFESSORS TO STUDY BIRDS Jossylyn Van Tine, of the Museum of Zoology, and Dr. Max M. Peet, professor of surgery, whose hobby for many years has been ornithology, left recently for Munuscong Bay, 30 miles south, of Sault Ste. Marie. They accompanied Parish S. Lovejoy, of the State Department of Conserva- tion, and will study the migration of ducks and various shore birds. , t m THE BETSY ROSS h SHOP (In the Arcade) We Del ver -Dial 5931 I Sunday,,May 14th, is Mother's Day GIVE CANDY r, ,......... ...,...... ....,........ . .w...s.. U THE MODERN LIBRARY Hitids ome, Unabridged Editions, printed in large clear type, on good paper' and bound in luxurious balloon cloth. 2 10of the World's Greatest Books, only 95c ea. A Complete Stock at 5 CAMPUS CABS 4 5 4 5 WAH-R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE every proposal to do home depends at last I U« WFAWMMMMM i |U 1 I' THlE FORTIETH ANNUAL 1 I GREETS YOU I THE MAY FESTIVAL of the University Musical Society offers a selection of musical stars that are a real education for the Festival patron. Drawn from the greatest cultural centers of the world and universally applauded by the Metropolitan Press, this galaxy of musical celebrities has made the May Festi- val an affair of national interest. Rarely be- fore has the student body been offered such an opportunity for musical appreciation. I IN And ARTISTS Other THE V LCAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTtA, under the able tutelage of Frederick Stock, has had a worthy and unique career. In addition to the regular series of con- certs given each year, Mr. Stock and his players find time to make special trips to the East and Far West. Headliners NINA KOSHETZ, Soprano, Russian Operatic Prima Donna GRETE STUECKGOLD, Soprano, Wagnerian Opera Prima Donna LEONORA CORONA, Soprano, Metropolitan Opera Prima Donna ROSE BAMPTON, Contralto, Rising Star, Metropolitan Opera FREDERICK JAGEL, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Association JOHN CHARLES THOMAS, Baritone, Triumphant Opera and Concert Artist CHASE BAROMEO, Bass, Milano, Colon and Chicago Operas PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist, a Foremost American Performer JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist, World Renowned Virtuoso "Over the Counter" Sale of Course Tkckets Begins Saturday, May 6, at 9 a. m. at the School of Music 1 0 CONDUCTORS EARL V. MOORE, Musical Director U ....- - - - - ~ - .. - i I