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May 02, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-02

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FQreigit Representatives Meet Informally

!ence Will

Be itated ere
Student Delegates Will
Conduct Model Of June
International Meetings
Debts Leading Topic
All Nations' Viewpoints To
Be Presentled; T><eat
Drafis To Be Drawn Uj
A set-up following as closely a
possible that of the World Economic
Conference to be held in London i
June will be carried out by the model
conference to be given Thursday n
'Friday in the Union, according to
Charles Orr, Grad., member of thc
committee in charge.
Delegates will be seated in rows tc
the front, while the public will be
placed around the outside,.and will
not be allowed to enter into the
discussion until after the official
delegates have concluded their 'pro-
gram and drawn up draft treaties.
Students interested in taking an ac-
tive part may still become delegates,
Orr said.
Tariffs to Be Considered
Emphasis is being placed on the
work of the war debts and repara-
tions commission, which will hold its
meeting Thursday night in the Union
Ballroom following the opening plen-
ary session, The United States,
Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan,
Germany, Belgium, and Canada will
each be represented by a delegate
who will attempt to present the at-
titude of his particular country. Erle
Kightlinger, '33, is chairman of this
d t h e r international economic
problems, tariffs, trade barriers and
money and credit and capital move-
ments will be considered in meetings
Puring the day on both Thursday and
Friday. Faith Ralph, '33, has been
named chairman of the Tariffs Con-
mission, and Charles Hall, '34, will
be chairman of the Money Commis-
All of these related problems will
be brought together in a plenary
session Friday night, Orr said. "Rap-,
porteurs" from each of the three
cpnrnisions will make recommenda-
tions for a final and general model
treaty. Three students will also pre-j
sent a review of the world situation
as a background to the meeting.
Outlines Made Available
A program containing annotatedI
agenda and a bibliography for the
model economics conference, as well
as outlines for the meetings on world
politics and world society Saturday
and Sunday, was made available last
Members of the central committee
includes, in addition to the commis-
sion chairmen, Martin Wagner, '33,
general chairman, Louise Childs,
Grad., Y. C. Yen, Grad., and Orr.
Rea Explains Working
Of Student Auto Ruling
(Continuc i from rage 1)
a student might have a chauffeur
drive him around town, in direct vio-
lation of the intention of the rule,"
Mr. Rea holds.
.Exceptions are made in the auto
ban ruling in the case of students
who go home and drive the car "in
and about" their home town, while
students living more than 150 miles
from Ann Arbor may bring their cars
to the University if they put them
in dead storage and register them at
the dean's office.
The penalty for a violation of the
automobile regulation is generally
negative hours of credit. "This penal-
ty comes out in the end to the stu-
dent's credit," said Mr. Rea, and for
that reason it is the one generally

inflicted. Each case of a violation
is treated upon its own merits.
Any violation of a traffic ordinance
is a violation of the University rule
aa inst automobiles. Students more
than 28 years old, those who are
taking six hours or less of academic
work, and teaching assistants are
also eligible for driving licenses, but
must apply in person before a per-
mit will be issued.

'Savitri' Draws
Lar re Crowd
To Lane Hall
Presentation Of Hindu-
stan Club May Be Given
Latter Part Of Week
Lane Hall Auditorium was unable
to accommodate the crowd which at-
tended the presentaticn of the play,
"Savitri," given by the Hindustani
Club under the auspices of the Cos-
mopolitan Club last Saturday night.
"Savitri," which means "Love Con-
quers Death," portrays the philos-
ophy of ancient Greece which stresses
the spiritual side of human life. This
play also reveals the faithfulness and
loyalty which oriental women accord
to their husbands.
Mrs. Charles E. Kcella, wife of
Charles E. Koella of the French de-
partment, sang in four different
languages during the intermissions.
Native Indian costumes designed
to show the splendor- and beautiful
artistic traits of that ancient civili-
zation were used throughout the play.
The play itself is said to be 5,000
years old.
Those who attended the play
showed a great deal of interest in the
presentation and yesterday afternoon
more than 10 requests had already
been made for another performance.
According to officials of the Cos-
mopolitan Club, an attempt is being
made to procure a larger auditorium
for another presentation sometime
this week-end.
In keeping with the program of the
Cosmopolitan Club, this play was
given by one of the foreign students'
clubs, each of which takes a turn at
supplying the entertainment and
conducting the meetings of the fed-

-Associated Press Photo
Premier Richard B. Bennett (left) of Canada and Edouard Herriot,
former premier of France, are shown talking together informally when
they met at a luncheon given in their honor by Secretary Cordell Hull

The question of trousers versus the
usual habiliments of women seem, to
be getting serious. A news dispatch
from Norman, Okla., tells of a one-
girl revolt which ended in victory
for silk rayon, or what-wear you,
over mannish tweed. A daring co-ed
appeared on the campus of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma in a trousers
suit. The dean of women spied her
and ordered her to put on a dress at
once. The girl did. Then the dean
of women issued a order to all the
women in school. "Keep out of trous-
ers or keep out of school" was its
general tone. Someone suggested that
she adopt the motto, "step-in or step
The Columbia University's School
of Business says that the left hand
page of a newspaper attracts three
times as many readers as the right
hand page.N
Serenading of University of Illinois
sororities by male students has been
definitely discouraged by the offi-
cials for some time, but definite ac-
tion to eliminate nocturnal bursts of
song came recently in the form of
arrest and fining of nine members
of a prominent fraternity.
For following a 60-year old tradi-
tion, 13 freshman face expulsion
from Stanford University. The tra-
dition was to attempt to enter the
women's dormitory. Amid the smash-
ing of furniture and windows, an
the screaming of the women occu
pants, the 13 freshman were the first
to succeed in the 60 years.
Because they proved too popular
with the men students, three co-ed
at the University of Louisiana com-
pletely shaved their heads to pre-
vent the "he's" from dating them.
According to the Wisconsin Daily
Cardinal we learn: "University of
Wisconsin professors have added ma-
terially to their income during the
last year by writing over 20 text-
books that are now being used by
students at the University. Many of
the books are merely altered editions
of old texts."
From here and there-A professor
at the University of Pennsylvania
has mastered 140 languages, believed
to be all the varieties known to the
world-Freshman at Roanoke College
may belong to the Goldfish Club if
they swallow one live goldfish. Stu-
dents at Pasadena College recently
established a new fad when they gave
a "morgue party" at a mortuary in
Pasadena. Seventy-five per cent of
the inmates of the Minnesota State
Prison enrolld in university corre-
spondence courses received grades of
May Explains
Gym grogram
For Freshmen

Freshmen Are Urged
To Pay Des This We-k
Freshmen literary students are
requested to pay their dues of 50
cents during the next week, it was
announced yesterday. A table will
be sot up in the lobby of Angell
Hall on Tuesday where the fee can
be paid.
Persons collecting the class dues
are: Bob D. Hilty, George North-
ridge, Louise French, Helen Hax-
ton, Joseph L. Karpinski, Sedge-
wick Stagg, Betty Chapman, Ann
Timmons, Eloise Moore, and Helen
All persons holding office during
their sophomore, junior, and sen-
for years must have paid their
class dues in full, it was stated.
Bind Alan Becomes
Jigsaw E1th-1isiast
NEW YORK, May 1-lIP- if a jig-
saw puzzle fan is slow at getting the
pieces together, it is because he de-,
pends too much on color and picture
and works without a system.
The author of that opinion is Stan-
ley Warenburg. The basis of the
opinion is Wartenburg's experience of
a year in putting jigsaw puzzles to-
gether without the aid of eyes. He
has been blind since he had measles
at the age of 4.
His sensitive fingers find wanted
pieces more rapidly than the aver-
age eye. He became a fan when
ather members of his family tired
ind abandoned a puzzle midway.
Wartenburg finished it and found
- thrill comparable to the satisfied
:eeling he had always experienced
after solution of an interlocking ring
>r key puzzle.
Since then a jigsaw puzzle of 250
>r 300 pieces has furnished his recre-
ation almost every night. During the
day he is busy as industrial adviser
to broom and mop makers in the
Bourne Workshop for Blind Men,
which is maintained by the New York
Association for the Blind. He also
invents and adapts machinery to be
used by the blind.
Wartenburg's jigsaw system is
methodical. First, he turns all the
pieces either face down or face up-
by feeling for the glossy paper side.
He sorts out the edge pieces and
puts them together. He sorts and
classifies the remaining pieces ac-
cording to the nature of their curves
or projections.
The rest is"a search for forms the
fingers of his left hand roaming over
the edges of the pieces already placed
in the puzzle, and his right hand
seeking the mate piece from among
the classified groups.
"A picture," he said, "is likely to
|confuse the issue."
He lives in the Shecpshead bay dis-
trict of New York."

Club Meeting
Attracts 1,000
Ira M. S ith States Club
Enrolled 3,000 Yearly
Il Normal Times-
Between 1,000 and 1,200 teachcrs
attended the a n n u a 1 Michigan
Schoolmasters' Club meeting last
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
Registrar Ira M. Smith, newly elected
member of the club's executive con-
mittec, estimated.
Many who would have attended
in ordinary times were unable to do
so because of financial difficulties, it
was said. In normal years the club
boasted an annual enrollment of
about 3,000, but the number has been
dropping off steadily during the past
few years, and this year reached a
new low level.
An especially fine program was
scheduled in an attempt to draw
more teachers to Ann Arbor last
week, but its success seems to have
been limited.
However, Dean J. B. Edmondson of
the School of Education said that the
group that did attend was represent-
ative, of the state at large.
First Lawful Beer
Gets To Tenese
NASHVILLE, Tenn., May 1.-)-
May day brought Tennessee its first
legal beer in almost a quarter century
Special trains, fleets of trucks and
private conveyances hurried the brew
into the heretofore "bone dry" state
as soon as midnight lifted the 24-
year-old ban. There were 18 carloads
of Milwaukee and Chicago beer on
one train. Consignments came also
from Louisville, Cincinnati and St.
A Nashville brewery, the only one
operating in the state, was ready to
begin filling local orders this after-
Hillel To Hold Freshman
Open House Wednesday

while in Washington for economic

conferences with President Roose-

Award Winners
In Journalism.
Are Announced
Mary - A. Frederick, '33,
Given Gold Medal For
highest Average Grades
Recipients of the M c N a u g h t
Awards in journalism were an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. John L.
Brumm, head of the journalism de-1
partment. The three awards, a gold
medal for the student of .journalism
with the best scholastic record dur-
ing four years of school, a silver
medal for the student who has the
best record in editorial writing, and
a brnoze medal for the one with the
best record in newswriting in the be-
ginning and advanced courses were
established by Vergil V. McNitt, '00-
'02, owner and manager of the Mc-
Naught Syndicate of New York City.
The gold medal has been awarded
to Mary A. Frederick, '33. Miss Fred-
erick is the third woman to be
awarded the highest scholastic aver-
age reward. No women have received
either of the other two rewards. How-
ard E. Halas, '33, will receive the sil-
ver medal, and Murton Peer, '34, will
receive the bronze medal. It was
impossible to determine the recipients
in time for the honor convocation,
Prof. Brumm stated, but their names
will be included next year.
It is hoped that the medals may be
presented formally at some meeting
of the students of journalism in the
near future at which Mr. McNitt may
be present.
Forestry Students
Receive Positions

Modern Drug
Store Found At
Health Service

The Health Service dispensary is
perhaps the best equipped drug pro-
viding center in Ann Arbor.
It does not compare with the aver-
age corner drug store in regard tol
v a c u u m cleaners, auto-washing
sponges, and kindred articles which
stock its, shelves and floor space, but
the dispensary has a more complete
group of pharmaceutical products.
The University is enabled to main-
tain and provide these drugs to stu-
dents free of charge or at a very low
cost because of the relation of the
dispensary to the other State and
University projects here, namely the
hospital and the College of Phar-
macy. These institutions facilitate
,the buying of quantities of drug
products at low prices. Students in,
the pharmacy college also make some
of the drugs required by the dispen-
Cough medicines are the most pop-
ular of the ready-made products
which suggests being related to Ann
Arbor weather. There are eight or
nine different kinds of this remedy
prepared on the shelves, and pre-
scriptions can be secured from physi-
cians for a variety of other kinds.
Remedies for ring worm, or, as it
is more commonly called, "athlete's
foot," run a close second. Aspirin
tablets and other such common drugs
are carried, but students more often
get them from drug stores.
Licensed pharmacists fill out all
of the varied prescriptions which the
Health Service doctors write for pa-
tients, often taking care of as many
as 75 applicants in an afternoon.
but who have had considerable woods
experience, and have been appointed
to appropriate positions are Frank
Murray and Walter Magnuson, both
from Ann Arbor.
There are two types of these super-
vising jobs, one is that of Superin-
tendent of a Forest Cultural Camp,
and the other that of Technical
Foreman of forest cultural crews. A
superintendent must have graduated
from an institute of recognized
standing with a degree equivalent to
that of a Bachelor of Science in for-
estry with at least one year of field

Headline History Of
Beer Since Election
On tNovember 10th ,
10-Crusaders confident of State
Prohibition repeal.
11-'No Legal Beer By Christmas'
Abbott Says; 'But in March
24--Democrats will consider beer
bills on Dec. 7.
2-Wets, drys gird for action on
beer question in Congress.
8-House of Representatives starts
hearings on modification.
9-Governor to enforce State Pro-
hibition law.
11--United States Senate moves to
strengthen House beer bill.
14-United States Senate subcom-
mittee reduces 'kick' of new
beer. .
25--Dems- critize delay in vote on
beer bill in Congress.
During the month of February,
the beer issue lay dormant while
the bigger question of repeal occu-
pied the spotlight. Then, with the
coming of the Roosevelt administra-
tion in March, it came to the fore
15-Beer bill is approved by lower
House of Congress.
16-National beer bill due to be
law by end of week.
21-3.2 beer bill is approved by
United States Senate.
23-Roosevelt puts signature on
beer measure.
24-State beer bill deeply buried in
26--Comstock sees Michigan beer
by next month.

Hillel Foundation is holding an
open house and social for freshmen
at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday, at the
foundation building.
The purpose of this open house is
to get the Jewish freshmen on cam-
pus acquainted and interested in the
Hillel Foundation. There will be
dancing and bridge playing for those
who wish to play. Refreshments will
be served.
Hot Ham and Egg
Sandwich lOc
Across from Angell Hall
Ladies Invited

Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English
department, delivered the Phi Beta
Kappa address this week-end at the
University of Kentucky, Lexington,

(C'o ULII'((from age 1)
wa National Forest, Cass Lake, Minn.
Leslie Doty, B.F. '32,, Ann Arbor, will
go to the Hiawatha Forest with Mun-
ising, Mich. Don Winters, B.S.F. '28,
also has an appointment for north-
ern Michigan.
Appointments Made
Several foresters who have received
appointments, but have not as yet
been assigned to definite forests, are
Howard W. Snyder, M.S.F., '30, Ben-
ton Harbor; Russel A. Bonninghau-
sen, B.F., '30, Ypsilanti; George H.
Kelker, M.S.F., '32, Garretsville,
Ohio; Wilfred. M, James, B.S.F., '32,
Henry Door, M.F., '31, Chicago; Taci-
tus P. Gies, B.S.F., '23, Harry Thorn,
B.S.F., '21, John W. Anderson, B.S.
F., 27,; Cadillac;' William Toy, B.S.F.,
'32, Republic, Mich.; Albert C. Foley,
B.S.F., '20, Paris, Ill.; Tifterist Camp-
man, B.S.F., '32, Sheboygan, Wis.;,
Frank Murray, Ann Arbor; a gradu-
ate of New York State Ranger School
at Wnakena, N. Y.; and Dan Hic-
kc T11Milwaukee.
Other mien not graduates of the
Shon of fnsestry and Conservation

The annual election of officers at
the Hillel Foundation will be held
tomorrow afternoon when the exe-
cutive committee holds its regular
meeting. 'The officers are chosen upon
amcrit basis only. The retiring
olic s ar. Paul Werier, '33M, pre-
idcut; Jos 'phine Stern, '3,;re
president; and 0'orge Rubenstein,
'33, Secretary.,

work, or lacking graduation, the com-
pletion of three full years of college
work in forestry or graduation from
a ranger school with two years of
experience being rated as equivalent
to this one year of scholastic educa-
The duties of the superintendent
are to supervise the work of a camp
or to direct the field activities of the
members of a camp in forestry enter-
prises which require exercise of in-
dependent judgment and a broad
working knowledge of forestry prac-
tises. These include designating those
species which should be cut because

1-State commission is in accord
on beer bill.
4-Wets sweep State.
7-Beer stall continued by Michi-
gan House as 19 states cele-
brate end of 13-year dry spell,
18-O'Brien rules no beer manu-
facture until State repeal.
20-House pushes State beer bill
up on calendar.
22-State Senate halts legal beer;
bill tabled.
25-State senate fails once more to
pass beer bill.
27-Beer bill is sent to Comstock.
28-3.2 beer legal in Michigan as
15-year reign of Prohibition
29-State to wait fortnight for
legal beer.
of injury, presence of insects or dis-
ease, lack of merchantability or
value, or because of undesirable com-
)etion with better or more valuable

The primary purpose of physical
education for freshmen may be class-
ified into two fields: first, for indiv-
idual development, and second, for
development of the student in the
line of competitive games, according
to Dr. G. A. May, head of the physi-
cal education department at Water-
man Gymnasium.
Both of these types of activities are
stressed throughout the year, Dr.
May said, the program being con-
cluded this year by both indoor and
out-door games. In this way the ath-
letic activities of men were continued
after their freshman year. This sys-
tem co-operates with the intramural
department in competitive games.
In consequence, all freshmen are
segregated i n t o various activity
groups, and have proportioned them-
selves in this manner: tennis, 135;
golf, 42, only half as many as last
year; swimming, 61; soft ball, 15;
baseball, 30; track, 60. Others con-
tinued gymnasium work because of
convenience of time-there are 114
of such men and still others con-
tinued wrestling and, boxing.
"The boys this year are responding
very well to this re-arrangement,
and much interest has been shown,"
said Dr. May. "Our facilities are
being used almost to capacity.



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