1* , THTIHHA N 1) A[11,Y VA6E FIVE -__-- ~---- --- - rAtE FIVE Ask ar-Tinie Factory rlad oW g Of l'rodiuci Im WASINTON 7?:, JA-pr il 29.--(iP)- T e ' at O a o M-facturers ,undert-ook tod ay an c m a af)efSF.Y Ltv inea#}ures for iutr iia la2nung andA control of prod'uction. Within a few hou±r atrthea- soc iation had -voted Frid ('ay for r,- creation of the, Cou.nc,,il of National Defense,a cozan:iitte . of 25 leodifi; the support of President roosev('t and Congress. At the same tline it aprve.e vival of PeietWlo' ees couincil, the association cadopted a resclution opposin-g the proposed 30-?. hour work-week legislation n o wj paeding in Congress. 44There alr ead ;y is an instru- Ment for nat ional indu stial plan- nling and control an intuetthAt proved its wort h; before, during and after the World war,," Robert L. Lund ' of St. Louis told the association, of which he is President. "Through the revival of this wrga niration--tho Na- tional Council of Defcnse-we haveI ready-made an erz e: ;icy peace machine and per ounnelfo act qick- ly, definitely, and above all constr ue- tively to end thew impasse in wic induistry finds itself." In place of the 30-hour woi k-wCela bills the association proposed virtual abrogation of the anti-trust laws in, favor of industrial agreemients dar'- ing the emergency period. One of those strongly supporting the defense council resolution was Howard E. Coffin, Newc York, wzho asked' President Hoover to revive h council and issued ",everal state - mhents when Mr. Hoover declined to do so. ' i 1 inktrToSc_' OBSERVER Zi i i ty 1P te hwh~laana May 3 PHONE Holland Furnace Co. 7 f for your F4 T h( Clean, Eflrdeii Way TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE Ncr, Seoc d..-H , Rebuilt, ar .th-Corona., Noiseless, U~ndervoc&, 3Royal, Rin-toa. SoIR red.d. 0,. D.m f 314 S t*eS.~AnA'o Friiniis a \ ca llpr A~oci t11'"es Photo L ~ ~ ~ ~~~c usec .gciat fNew pewn For State I cc I lphoto *, i^"r ~may now sub- :,it enries k ;to i e Scond AMichigar '.xhibiuion of' Phot'o raphy inl Detroit, pr n to any resident of Mvichigan. ceig cnduiedby the Detroit In- ;iueof' A.rts a ,.d the Detroit Free ?-rers, i .t s annoI1un cd yes:~'terda"y. _:i-_1c ontestant may submitlJfour inoutd photographs and thosc diedupon by the judges will be it .a i the Art Institute. The ni1c- urer re..cjudged; on the basis of the art'istry displayed in a.,angement of inz phoographing. Photographs will ' e abou't four by ven inlches. La': yea of"hO ntries 120 were eleced t be ungin the Art Iti- itde T'e is DtoI iternza- .un c, . nofIndustrialPht- ~phyis lsobeiig ccnducted at thes axre ime.It is openl to photo - apixer a overth' woxrld. t u.:.''als have ^already arrived v~c asfo awy a Sattle and Lon-I den,. it w;as paid. The exhibition con- ,cerns the most mecdvrn type of " h. , e_, _,.p\hy. tha t, f the machine' 0he- L i Cdteforenrac is! May ~ ~ ii h n hpItre selectd will r_;y,', and Mic-s Marie Zetiler ent'lc l~vhv e eiaoi ie ~~ ~ ~ he Ui aersiL:s ffrm1 Ctative ebateY po1e.'_:oiol hsU anm team will mcZet Indiana's negative of ecy fa _mht stions that s eemed to meet with favor was tat thle faculty lift thle ban pi'ohibx ting wkomen from= entering- fiat ex'nity houses except for j egi.> tred ocial Qgatl i nns. If this dating situI'ation dentin-I pcVe mrater ia;ly n1 the necrfuture,. it was suggested that Syra"Pcuse Uni- vex'sty tux'n all its ,buildings ixnto 1diimly lighted libhrar'ies for a week or so ,,ii let naturec take its cour:;e. Ob erval ton( from here;o^.dz ~nEns %which hint orsuggest," oroxo nonC-cording to rJane 1 thiat women should smoke-A sur+1 ?.L".3 J 41 Vy 'i; ucker. '33, manageI'.IIualifyingrr )an1Eastern i.e' z(,y showed ha Sresms be in early sixnce thr'ee 6.3 per cent of the students sleep torn mnt a' to be run--begin- threugh at leas:t three how's of! a x~aixitrmee i tadvanced. classes eachwe. 209 South 4'11 Av. C. H. SCHElROEM' 2 NoAh University F. P. HALL ERWIN SCHIROEN _ , L .. _._... . ._,.s..... z rnr rzs+ac -xmu rx "++^.[X fO'XO'iifi'fMR M'O6M1ETtV 4fORifO!]f1C[ 1R34'iZit A= .RG1e'1:?lMfi. IRHZ?3t% #' 'A,,4flhjfswinm.in.inwin'#wate,2'~,wa.u.aw..kaaaftr-arAzrnnr~t,'mrm.gnWbflflt zrrm'Nr, mm'aan --~ '2-.,,&,wA-a,.vn4,a'awaga~-c.,ae' -- - -- - -~ - ~ ~ ATTEND THE e SWELL THE GOODWILL FUND a' RIOLLER SKATING CARN~IAL C i 4 'i' I il II *SWELL e TH-IE GOOD WILL FUND TUESDAY NIGHT~r - INGALLS STREET AT NORTH UNIVERSITY 'Wcdw lesday Nigh t if Postponed Because of Bad Weather) :; _ .... We appreci te our share o Syour rollcr-skcate I- __ -ti ._: w- _ ., .. ., , -, .,..: _. _. . ia-,saaZeMaaa.2'&2,ifli~aausA~t~aM..4,,.,,isw~latak.3*n~. - -- ' -~.. 1.1" A--- -- , mit patrnag. We'hcn~ y~ cn~Jtrust to serve Sa roCH L gEN K E R "2 y o u- , y o UNc LIST F EYNTS ND PIZES 1. Boys 100-yard dash ( under 13-lst mr'lieTennis Racket (Mor tgom exy Ward &: Co.) ; 2nd prix-e 'Theatre {yP:assies. 2. "I.en's 150-;yard das h - AA prize Kasl ette Radc cio Rl aynrcont Radio Shop; Wined prze Golf balsla (Go. Moe Shoxrt Shop). r.r;ls' 65-yard dash (uxndler'1n~ prizec Tenn is slIacks (Collins Shop). 4. Women's 102-yard dash--Ist prize Wi- eEvening ag t(Goodyear's) ; 2nrd prize Book Ends Kress Gift Shop). 5. Menx's fancy sk;atixxg--lst prize Sweatexr (Wild & Co.): 2nd ilrize 3 Pasces to Gr'ai cxis Ballrowm. 6. Womnen's fancy skating-Ist prize Fouxntain Pen Witham. Dr'ug); 2nd prize Woodenx Lettexr Opener (Fostex's). 7. Couple skating--lot prize L-ather Billfold (Fostex's, Purse (Jacobson's". 8. Mixedi couple (ginl backwards) -1st prize Suspenders (Saffel &r Bush), Hosiery (Mar'ilyn Shop). 0. Potatdo relay (ouce movexnent)---Ist prizc Bo s of Candy (Betsy Ross Shop) ; 2nd prize a Tennis Balls Fischer' Har'dwar'e). 110. Fr'atexrnity a ld Jindependent xrelay--$5 woxrthx of ecaning sexrvice (Goldman Br'os.). 11. Soxrority rela, ' 8 Theatre Passes. 12. Backwar d skating-Ist prize Fountaixn Pen (W~ah-'-) ' 21).0 rize Cigar'ette case '(F'oster's). 13.G, ,ucest costume-lsL, prize $3 W.orth of Trad? at Slater's. QUALITY RO.LLER SKATES Nickel Plated- Steel Faced Bearings Ankel Pad and Key Included MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 214 South 4th Avenue 213-215 W. Liberty i t. Phone '433163 The skates with the recd wh skaters vwear -TAKE ADVANTAGE O-JOURCU R ICel7s. The. better Y D3 OIL1ING SERVICE Ii ii~ Double Chromium-Plated BALL-BEARING r $T 0 Pair ROLLER SKATES with Built-Up Lceath i WBck 902 5.. tlt, 711 N. Uxxivex'rity 1' HADQ..T.S C ,(f~A E~ t~I . h'N RAYMiNT AD~( (7 AN STOP FOR A COOL DRINK ANDA DANCE in the League Hosiery So Campqus Head quartors for Phoenix Hosicry "CHICAGO" ROLLER SKATES rSmall size (for ladies) IRegular Size 1'for ....... 311 S. Main St. $1.Z5 Extra Large Size... ?.85 Skate Wheels 15C ec., 2 for. 25C If You are nt oeJtemn xm~ewh aeb'oi __ LPHL IG & LANMPHNEARj WE DlJ LIER Phone 6614 Al tit w a , m . ~____ A ,AI! -:_ -. _ ::iI