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February 19, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-19

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Urr 1AAL D ULLI11.1
Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the
,ived at the office of the Assistant to the President until



No. 991

University Broadcasting-Sunday: 5 p. m, "Social Values of Physical
:cation" Dr. Jackson R. Sharman, Associate Professor of Physical Edu-
8:15 p. m. "The High Cost of Retailing" Edgar H. Gault, Associate Pro-
or of Marketing, School of Business Administration.
8:30 p. m. "Mathematical Textbooks in Our Schools Today" Louis C.
pinski, Professor of Mathematics (What Parents Can Do In Demand-
the Choice of worth-while Texts by Well-Informed Authors).
Washington's Birthday, Wednesday, February 22, is a legal holiday and
ses scheduled for that day will be omitted. University offices and build-
generally will be closed. This includes the Out-Patient Clinics at the.
versity Hospital, and the Dental Clinic.
The General Library will remain open on February 22 as usual. De-
mental libraries not in the main library building, however, will be
Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty
his College on Monday, February 20, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 348, West
ineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Hopwood.Awards: Rule 14 of the Rules of Eligibility for 1932-1933
is: "In particular or irregular cases the committee may, upon petition,
ve particular parts of these rules, but no petition will be received by the
imittee after March 1, 1933." Bennett Weaver
The Camp Counselors' Training class offered by the University Exten-
i Division will meet for the second time on Tuesday, February 21, at
in. in Room 231 Angell Hall. Professor B. S. Mason of Ohio State Uni-
ity will be the lecturer on this occasion. His topic will be "The Camp
nselor and Creative Leadership. This is a non-credit course and, there-
i, is open to students regularly enrolled in the University. The fee for
course is $5.00, or $1.00 for a single lecture.

schools. Oriental-American Group at
3:30 P ,n.
Unitarian Church-10:45: Jury-
Panel Discussion on Social Trends:
Professor R. W. Sellars, chairman,
Dean S. T. Dana, Professor Carl La-'
Rue, Preston James, Lowell Carr, Z.
C. Dickinson.
Liberal Students Union at 7:30.
Baptist Students, 12 Noon. Study
group on Gospel of Mark, conducted
by Mr. Chapman. 6:00 p. m. addressI
on "Astronomy andl Religion" by
Professor Carl Rufus.
Philippine Club regular meeting 3
p. m. today at Lane Hall.
Marie Kamaw, President
Lutheran Students: Registrar Ira
Smith will address the Lutheran Stu-
dent Club on the subject "Home and
University," this evening, in Zion
Parish, Hall, corner of Washington
Street and Fifth Avenue. Social
Half-hour at 5:30; .Supper at 6:00;
and Speaker at 6:30.
Hillel Foundation services 11:15 at
the League chapel. Dr. Leo M. Frank-
lin, of Temple Beth El, Detroit, will
speak on "Atheism, Agnosticism, and


"Maybe things would not have
turned out as they have if I had
planned a little more when I was
Rather wistfully and with a damp
gleam in her deep set but surpris-
ingly youthful eyes, 65-year-old
Frances Dunbar, former assistant in
the zoology department and now a
"piece work" lantern slide maker, ad-
mitted that before March 1, after
more than three decades of associa-
tion with the University during
which her life has literally centered
about her work on the campus, she
will be forced to quit her quarters in
the southwest corner of the basement
in the West Medical Building.
With her will go Nellie, an affec-
tionate part-collie dog who has been
Paris Gun To
Be Discussed
By Col. Miller

To, Quit Campus After
Unb~fb~ - ci(~! fm j-T

Music Organizations To
Convene At Minneapolis


Graduate Outing Club: Meet
2:30 at Angell Hall. Opportunity
hike, skate or ski depending


es or U1.lnere 1e Music 'organizations from all sec-
tions of the country will meet May
Miss Dunbar's only intimate com- 21-28 at Minneapolis for the cigh-
panion for years. Nellie was given to teenth biennial convention of the Na-
her by medical students. So lonely tional Federation of Music Clubs, it
and shut in has been the dog's life was learned yesterday.
that it is frightened of roller skates Presided over by Mrs. E. J. Otta-
and bicycles. Dolly Gann, a sleek, way, (Ruth L. Haller, '09,) of Port Hu-
white rat, is another pet that has ron, president of the federation, the
shared the solitude of the slide
Miss Dunbar is not sure where she i CLASSIFE
will go. It seems hard to leave the
friendly shelter of the campus after
so many years. "I must be gettingo CLASSIFIED
may move into the back of an old ADVERTISING
house on N. State St.1
For five years, Miss Dunbar has Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
pored over her slide making in the The classified columns close at three
gloomy, black-walled laboratory that o'clock previous to day of insertion.
was once used by Dr. Frederick G-eBox numbers may be secured at no
was nceuse byDr. redric G. extra charge.
Novy, now head of the executive Cash in avance--ic per reading line
committee of the Medical School. j (on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
A few desks and tables piled high Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
with photographic plates and papers insertions.
are the only relieving note in the Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
large, bare room. A box for Nellie is 14c per reading line for three or more
placed at the end of a rude cot, insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
Janitors of the building declare from the date of last insertion.
th at Miss D nbarpe ntMinimumt dree lines per insertion.
By contract, per Iine-2 lines daily, one
time, day and night, there. It was month.........................8c
said that she often left her room by 4 lines E. . D.. 2 months........Sc
2 lines daily, college year .......... 7e
a window at ground level. 4 lines E.. D., college year......7c
It has been a long time since 100 lines used as desired.........9c
It as300 lines used as desired.......... 8c
Frances Dunbar has had- much ex- 1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
perience in living away from the I 2,000 lines used as desiredn........g6c
The above rates are per reading line,
campus. For years before she came to based on eight reading lines per inch.
the West Medical Building she had tonic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
an obscure room in the basement of letters. Add 6c perrline to above for
the Pharmacy Building. The space bold face, upper and lower case. Add -W
the harmcy Bildig.roc per line to above rates for bold face
in both buildings was provided with- capital letters.
out rent by the University because The above rates are for 7% point type.
of a lower rate for her services. Now,
in her old age, she is forced to go. TYPING
Coming to the University in 1896, TYPING-- Typing carefully done.
and receiving an A. B. after work as y rates. 0. K.
a special student in 1903, Miss Dun- Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
bar has little but her memories left. --_-
She and President Ruthven, then TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
only assistants, once worked together M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
in the zoology department. At that YIG-_eppr, dG d
time this department was located inTCNyN e H ers, and Grad.
the South Wing. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
For a number of years she re- LAUNDRIES
mained as an assistant in the de-
partment, but when it was moved LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
into the Natural Science Bulding Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
she became an independent worker. WASHING-And ironing. Called for
Since that time she has pursued and delivered. Silks and woolens
her solitary way, earning enough to guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
live on but little more. Now she must 611 Hoover. 15c
go. But where?

Conceded To Know
About Big Guns
Any Other Man


,mitory Directors:
Women: Women
Inesday, February
until midnight.

Sorority Chaperons: League House-heads: Uni-
students , attending the general drama reception
22, at the Laboratory Theatre may have late per-
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women

Business Administration Assembly: An assembly of the School of Busi-
ess Administration will be held in Room 25, Angell Hall, Tuesday, Febru-
ry 21, at 11 o'clock. Mr. William B. Stout, formerly President of the
tout Airplane Company and now President of the Stout Engineering Lab-
'atories, will speak on the subject "Influence of Obsolescence on Eco-
omic Life." Business Administration students are expected to attend and
;hers interested will be welcome.
Presidental Students: Students in the University who contemplate en-
illment in the School of Denistry next autumn should submit their sched-
e to me before they make final arrangements for their work for the see-
id semester. Marcus.L. Ward, Dean
M.E. 2a, Sections I and III: Sections I will meet in Room 348 until
rther notice.
Section III will meet in Room 336 until further notice.
English I1-182 (American Literature) Except for seniors who are tak-
g a teacher's certificate in English, no student will receive credit for
uglish 181 unless he elects English 182 for the present semester.
Psychology 31; -The regular lecture will be given Monday at .4 instead
Wednesday at' 11. The laboratory work will be omitted throughout the
Oriental Languages: Course No. 102 will not be changed from the nine
clock hour.
Lecture in Detroit: Dr. George S. Counts is to speak at 2:30 p. m., Sat-
'day, February 25, in the Cass Technical High School, Detroit, on the
bject, "Education and National Destiny." The Detroit Teachers' Associa-
an, under whose auspices the lecture is given, cordially invite members
the faculty and students to attend.
Public Lecture: Col. H. W. Miller, Head of the Department of Mechan-
n and Engineering Drawing, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Paris
un," Wednesday, February 22, at 8:00 p. in. in the Natural Science Audi-

Triangles: Meeting 5 p. i., Michi-
gan Union..
Latin American Club meeting at
3 p. im., Room 302 Michigan Union.
All members are requested to come
as their votes will be taken in mat-
ters of utmost importance.
P h y s i c s Colloquium: Professor
Henry M. Bates will talk on "The
Reaction between Hydrogen Atoms
and Oxygen," at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday,
in Room 1041, East Physics Building.
All interested are cordially invited to
Acolytes: Monday, 7:30, 302 S.W.
Mr. A. J. Bahm will discuss "An a
priori disproof of all arguments for
transcending presence." There will
also be a report on the proposed
Philosophy Section of the Michigan
Academy of Sciences.
Men Students in Education: Meet-
ing Monday night, February 20, at
7:30 in the Elementary School Li-
brary. Dr. L. T. Purdom will talk on
"Getting a Job."
Student Branch of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers pre-
sents Col. H. W. Miller, Head of the
Department of Mechanism and En-
gineering Drawing, who will give an
illustrated open lecture on "The
Paris Gun," at Natural Science Au-
ditorium, Wednesday, February 22, at
8:00 p. m.
Alpha Nu will meet Monday at
7:30 p. m. in the society's room,
fourth floor Angell Hall. Robert C.1
Steen, prominent student socialist,1
will lead a discussion on "Socialism
from the Student's Viewpoint." All
who are interested are invited to at-
Adelphi House of Representatives:a
Annual Spring Smoker Tuesday,
February 21, fourth floor Angell Hall1
at 7:30. The speaker will be Prof.
J. L. Brumm, chairman of the jour-'
nalism departiment. Visitors are cor-
dially invited.

Details which hitherto have been
kept secret about the huge gun Ger-
man military forces used to bombard
Paris during the war will be told in a
lecture by Col. H. W. Miller at 8 p. m.
Wednesday in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The occasion will be an open
meeting of the student branch of the
American Scoiety of Mechanical En-
Col. Miller, who is head of the en-
gineering drawing department, was
chief engineer for .the A. E. F. rail-
way artillery divisions during the
war. He is considered: to know more
about the Paris gun than any other
man, with the exception of a few
German army officers who are sworn
to secrecy on the- subject. It is re-
garded as treason -for any German
to divulge information regarding the
gun, Col. Miller stated in an inter-
view yesterday.
Only seven of the gigantic barrels
for the gun were made, Col. Miller
said. Four of these were destroyed by
the Germans before the Armistice
and the other three shortly after, be-
fore Allied experts had a chance to
examine them. Only two Germans
who really know anything about the
gun have written about it and these
writings were 'arefully censored by
the governmen until there was no
important inf rmation remaining,
Col. Miller dec ared.
Col. Miller was detailed to study
the effects of the giant gun shortly
after it began to shell Paris early in
1918. He examined every available
shell that was sent over, and after
the war devoted much of his time
to gathering evidence concerning the
gun. He investigated for eight years,
interviewing officers who were fa-
miliar with it, before nearly complete
knowledge was obtained.
ruary meeting will be held Thurs-
day, February 23, at three o'clock in
the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of
the Michigan League. The Garden
Section will be in charge.
Michigan Dames: Regular meeting
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Michi-
gan League. Since this is the season
of 'Washington's birthday, the nature
of the program and entertainment
will be decidedly colonial. Those who
participate will be dressed in costume.
Any member who Qares to appear in
colonial attire is urged to do so. The
wife of any University'student is cor-
dially invited tvaerltend whether in
costume or not.

convention will be opened with a con
ce-t by the Minneapolis Symphony
Cash awards of $1,000 each, or
$500 and a New York appearance,
will be presented to the first winners
of piano, violin, violincello, organ,
woman's voice, high or low; man's
voice, high or lown; and opera voice,
man or woman; in the final events
for the Young Artist's Contests held
in conjunction with the conference
and sponsored by the federation.
WANTED-To tutor in German,
HaveEM. A. degree. Experienced.
Reasonable rates. Write 190 Jor-
dan Hall. 312
GELEGENHEIT zu interessanter
deutsche r Konversationsuebung
wird fortgeschrittenen Studenten
geboten. Einzeln od. kl. Gruppen.
Tel. 2-3555. 311
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing, and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
FINGERWAVE-35c. Shampoo and
fingerwave 54c and 75c. Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday. Raggedy
Ann Beauty Shop. Phone 7561.
NOTICE-Let us give you prices on
repairing or altering garments.
Ladies' or .gentlemen's clothes.
Greene's Cleaners.
PASADENA APTS.--414 S. Division.
Furnished 2-room apartment, Pri-
vate bath, Frigidaire, porch. Mar-
ried couple preferred. 313
FOR RENT-Nice completely fur-
nished 4-rooms for housekeeping.
Private bath. Low price. Phone
2-2829. Southeast section. 310
SINGLE-Room. Southeast exposure.
Three large windows. Reasonable.
Mrs. Cannon, 1110 Olivio. 6152.
SUITE - Private bath, first floor,
well furnished, near campus. No
other roomers. For men. 3280.
NICELY Furnished front room. Suit-
able for one or two men. 928 For-
est, Phone 2-1767. 304
LOST-Brown leather notebook in
Angell Hall Wednesday. Finder
please phone 2-3243. 306
LOST - Wire-haired pup. White,
black and tan. Call 4818. 1706
Cambridge. 307
LOST -Small Elgin watch, white
gold, square with diamonds and
sapphires. Harriet Edelstein, phone
2-3281. 305

' el eeks' At
Wiscons in Is
Fraternities Now Tleach
Pledges History uring
Initiation Period T
MADISON, Feb. 28.-(Big Ten)-
"Hell week" at the University of
Wisconsin is eteriorating and will
gradually disappear entirely, accord-
ing to Frederick Suhr, president of
the interfraternity executive.board,
who bases his opinion on figures
gleaed from unsigned questionnaires
dealing with this subject returned
by 26fraternities on the campus
Many of the reports showed that
efforts were being made to take the
"hell" out of "hell week." Aii large
majiority of fratern ities, 22, :stated
that the purpose of the initiation
period was to teach the pledges the
history and ideals of their institu-
tion; only six said that they went in
for "horse play." Five fraternities
revealed that they were planning to
eliminate the period in the future.
The fraternities were only unani-
mous in answering that nothing in-
jurious was committed by the hazing
and that the purposes of initiation
were accomplished. Only two did
not admit that the pledges had not
time enough to study, and held that
it was not necessary to miss classes
during "hell week."
The more important flying clubs
in France have been assigned ambu-
lance airplanes.

STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
KLAD EZEE--Clothes. Girls' hand
made frocks. Spring styles. Easy
curtain stretchers. Call E. H. Can-
non, 1110 Olivia, 6152. 308
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c
FIRST CLASS-Woman cook. Best
of references. Hotels and fraternity
experience. After March 1st. Write
Box 14A. 303


Student Art Exchange: Exhibition Tea and formal opening, by invita-
tion only, Sunday from 4-6 o'clock. The exchange will be open to the public
every afternoon, beginning Monday.
All-University Convocation, at 8 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, formerly pastor of the Central Meth-
odist Church in Detroit, will speak on "Religion in Our Day: Its Task."
First Methodist Church: Dr. Harry Holmes of New York will speak on
"The Creed of Jesus" at 10:45 a. m. At 7:30 p. m. his subject will be "A
City Without Walls."
St. Andrew's Church: Services of worship this morning are: 8:00 a. in.
The Holy Coinunion, 9:30 a. m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten,
11:00 a. in. Morning Prayer and Sermon, "The Child, Ourselves and God"
by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Presbyterian Students: 9:30--Student Classes held at the Church
10:45-Morning Worship, Theme, "A Christian Ideal for Human Liv-
ing. ,
5:30-Social Hour and Supper at The Church.
6:30-Student Forum. Dr. Duffendack is to be chairman of a panel
of men selected from the Church to try to define the objectives of the
8:00-Student Convocation-Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Dr. Lynn
Harold dough is speaking on the subject, "Religion in Our Day: Its Task."
Harris Hall: Regular student supper at 6:15 o'clock at a cost of 25
cents. The program for the evening will begin at 7:00 o'clock, Professor
John F. Shepard of the Psychology Department will speak on "The Psychol-
ogy of Religion." The discussion class led by Mr. Lewis will meet at 8:15
o'clock and the topic this evening will be "St. Augustine."
Wesley Hall: Classes for Freshmen and Upperclassmen at 9:30 a. in.
Student Guild at 6:30 p. in. Prof. Leroy Waterman will speak on "In-
iluence of Various Religions on Culture." Graduate Forum, 6:30 p. in. Rabbi
Heller will speak on the Jewish viewpoint of religious education in the

Poetry Society: An important spe-
cial meeting will be held Tuesday,
February 21, at 8:00 p. m. in Room
3227 Angell Hall. All members are
urged to attend.
Luncheon for Graduate Students:
Tuesday, February 21, in Russian Tea
Room of Michigan League Building
at 12:15. Cafeteria service. Bring
tray across hall.
Second Semester Try-outs for the
University Girls' Glee Club will be
held in Miss Hunt's studio at the
School of Music Tuesday at 4 o'clock.
All officers of the club are requested
to be present for try-outs and a bus-
iness meeting immediately following.
Posture Classes: Elective posture
classes for women students are to be
held on -Tuesday and Wednesday eve-
nings at 7:15 in Barbour Gymnasium.
Anyone wishing to join the classes
should leave their name in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium as the classes
will be limited.
Diving Class--Women Students:
The elective Diving Class will hold its
first meeting on Tuesday evening at
8:15 at the Union Pool. Everyone in-
terested is asked to come out.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Tues-
day, Feb. 21. at -8 p. m. in the Michi-
gan League. Professor Wild will be
the speaker.
Faculty 'Women's Club: The Feb-


(A Unit of the University of Michigan Alumni Association)
/bncrican Express World-Wide Service

Try-outs For Michiganensian Busi-
ness Staff: There will be a meeting
for: All sophomores and second se-
mester freshmen in '*good standing
who are interested i trying out for
the Business staff df the Michigan-
ensian Tuesday, Feb 'uary 21, at 4:00.


1:304TO1 1 P.M.


- -------- - --- --

in the Screen's Master-Picture
maSiIver llair





- 'bring in those hats
of yours that have a 'seen
better days' look and they



r . Ill ,A
"S F


LAUREL & HARDY - "Towed in a Hole"



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