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April 30, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-30

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SUNDAY. APRIL 30, 1933

.. ....... ... .

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30. 11:30 a. tn. Saturday.


SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1933

No. 151

President and Mrs. Ruthven will not be at home to students on Wed-
nesday afternoon, May 3. Announcement concerning the dates for the
teas In May will be made early in the week.
Appa-tu s Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927,
authorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one de-
pa'tnent to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the bud-
get account of the department from which the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised
to send description therof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Pro-
fessor l;. J. Carney is Director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry building. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus
to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances
the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry Store on consign-
ment and, if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to
the department from which it was received. The object of this arrange-
ment is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus.
It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the ad-
va ntage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this
(pportunity. Shirley W. Smith
Faculty Meeting, Coli c o. Literature, Science, and Arts: The regular
May meeting of the Fauly of the College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts will be heHd in Room 22 AlH., Monday May 1, beginning at 4:10.
In addition to miscellaneous ins and the usual reports of the Dean on
the actions of thUniersity Cocil and the meeting of the Deans with
the President, two Spca ue have been authorized.
I. Report on honors at graduation.
II. Authority 01;d art mntal representatives in concentration
programs. John R. Effinger, Dean
Faculty, School of Education: The Faculty meeting scheduled for Mon-
(ay, May 1, has been postponed until Monday, May 8.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Sigma Xi: Notices of the annual banquet have been mailed to all mem-
bers in good standing. Any who failed to receive notice may make reserva-
tions by telephone (University 605 or University 706) not later than Monday
Angell Hall Observatory (on the fifth floor of Angell Hall) will be open
to the public from 8:00 to 10:00 on Tuesday evening, May 2, for the purpose,
of observing the moon. Children must be accompanied by adults.
Senior Engineers: Orders will be taken for invitations and announce-
ments Monday and Tuesday only, between the hours of 9-12 and 1-3, Sec-
ond floor, West Engineering Building. Payment in full must be made at
time of ordering.
Sophomore Engineers: 1935--All those planning to purchase a 1935
class jacket please remember that the time limit for orders on jackets is
Friday, May 5. This is for those jackets tobe delivered this semester. Or-
ders and measurements are being taken at Saffell and Bush, clothing store.
There must be a $2 deposit with every order with the balance to pay on de-
Freshman Literary Students: Pay your dues of 50 cents for this year
to one of the following persons:
Bob D. Hilty, George Northridge, Louise French, Helen Haxton, Joseph
L. Karpinski, Sedgewick Stagg, Betty Chapman, Ann Timmons, Eloise
Moore, and Helen Rankin.
There will be a table in the lobby of Angell Hall on Tuesday, Wednes-
day, and Thursday where dues will be payable. In Mosher-Jordan dues may
be given to Miss French or Miss Chapman; in Betsy Barbour, to Miss Tim-
mions; and in Helen Newberry, to Miss Haxton or Miss Moore.
No one may hold office during his college term unless his dues are paid
in full.
nglish 160: Men from Bierce. to Livingston inclusive will report in
ROOl 3Oi zvuth Wing for the bluebook on Monday, May 1.
Oscar J. Campbell
P sychology 33, 35, 37,-Make up thesis number 2 will be written Tues-
<ay, May 2, at 7:00 p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Bldg.

St. Andrew's Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a. m. The
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00
a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Presbyterian Student Appointments:
9:30-Student Classes at the Church.
10:30-Morning Worship. Theme, "Experiencing the Living Christ."
5:30-Social Hour and Supper.
6:30-Student Forum. Speaker, Mr. Authur Bernhardt. Subject, "The
Problem of Good and Evil."
Baptist Students: Sunday-6:00 p. m. Phil Austin, '33, will speak on
:'Faith." Discussion will follow. Social hour and "eats" from seven to eight.
Lutheran Students: Annual Ladies' Night will be held tonight at Zion
Parish Hall, corner of Washington Street and Fifth Avenue. At this meet-
ing, the young ladies of the group will furnish the entertainment. Social
half hour at 5:30; Supper at 6:00: and Entertainment at 6:30.
Liberal Students Union: Dean S. T. Dana, of the School of Forestry
will speak on "Forestry Aid the President's Relief Plan." Unitarian church,
7:30 o'clock.
Mr. Marley's topic for the morning church services will be "Youth
Movements Here and Abroad."
HIllel Foundation Services in the League Chapel at 11:15 a. m. William
H. Worrell, Professor of Semetics, is the speaker.
Philippine-Michigan Club: Regular meeting at 3:00 p. m. in Lane Hall.

U. S. Women Enjoy
More Rigits Than
French-- Ei i ard
(Continued from Page 1)
that although French women have no
direct voice in the government, their
opinions are reflected in every elec-
When asked how such a situation
could exist Professor Ehrhard said:
"The typical French woman sits in
her home all day. She has plenty of
time to think and does so-most
profoundly. She weighs the facts
carefully and then comes to her con-
clusions. When her husband comes
home from his work she says, 'May-
be you should vote for this Conser-
vative.' Never will she say 'Do this---
it is always 'maybe.' He might say,
'No, no, I have made up my mind to
vote Socialist and nothing you say
will influence me.' However, when he
goes to the polls he will vote as his
wife said."
On the social side of their life, Pro-
fessor Ehrhard believes that the only
objects which a French woman cher-
ishes in life are her home and chil-

chologica bl o hande them.." due mostly to foreign influence."

Professor Erhard said that it is
cFinon lor P
up to a Pea isa Ll n s er if
ab wis bes aunote. She will
53y ~ kil X~ enute,'bu~ any
futher a. a- bees a gial
conversation aic met x iith sharp re-

Frofessor Ehrhard recently received
a letter from his 72 year old father
u ho was very shocked when he saw
women lying about the beaches tak-
ing sun baths with but the scantiest
of clothing.
In conclusion Professor Ehrhard
made the statement 'that "As in most


Athcugh i g-is in Paris are large cities, people in Paris may do as

very se-ntimentuai thy are equasiy
r eser ved and i he gay aspect 01 life
m Paris and the French i esorts is

they please. They may be good if
they are good or they may be bad if
they are wicked."





Final arrangements for the club's "Santa Cruz de Mayo" picnic
made. Members who are expecting to have some guests must be
submit the names of their guests.

shall be
ready to

Physics Colloquium:
with Special Reference
p. m. Tuesday, in Room
dially invited to attend.

Mr. Harold Koenig will talk on "The Hill Equation
to Certain Types of Forced Vibrations," at 4:15
1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cor-


Junior Research Club: Dr. C. A. Arnold "Ancient and Mediaeval Ideas
Concerning Fossils." Dr. T. G. Bernthal "Carotid Sinus Reflexes in Rela-
tion to the Control of Blood Vessel Caliber." Tuesday, May 2, 1933 at 7:30
p. m. in Room 2082 Natural Science.
Woman's Research Club: Annual dinner Monday, May 1, at 6:30 p. m.
in the Michigan League building. For reservations call Mrs. Thorpe, 2-1384.
Price 75 cents. Dr. Kathryn Horst will talk on "Some Physiological Effects
of Caffeine and Coffee," and Dr. Wilhelmina Van Ingen will talk on "Fig-,
urines from Seleucia."
All Campus Open Forum: The Student Christian Association presents
A. J. Elliott, Secretary, National Council of Students Christian Associa-
tions, who will discuss "The Significance of College Attitudes" in the Natu-
ial Science Auditorium Tuesday, May 2, at 4:15 p. m.
R. 0. T. C.: A parade will be held on Ferry Field, or Field House in
event of rain, Tuesday, May 2, 5:10 p. m. This ceremony will be substituted
for the regular drills in Waterman Gymnasium week beginning Monday,
May 1.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting Wednesday, May 3, at 8:00 p. m. in the
Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the Michigan League. Program and re-

dren although she reads much and
practices the fine arts. They are more
prone to afternoon teas at their
friends homes than they are to the
typical American bridge party. There
are no social clubs for the purpose
of bridge or lectures.k
As far as their morals are concern-3
ed, he stated that contrary to com-
mon belief at least 15,000,000 French!
women would never consider goingI
out with another man when they are
married because it is not accepted in
the provincial bourgeouis society
which constitutes the backbone of
"In the provincial bourgeoisie wo-
men are very serious and work hard.
They do not have as many social
freedoms as men because for 200
years in France there were more wo-
men than men. This percentage was
increased due to male mortality in
the world war."
Professor Ehi-haid gave as his iea-
on for Paris being so gay this an-
swer: "Paris is one of the largest
cities in the world and has such a
floating population that one may do'
as one likes without being either
noticed or censored. Paris attracts
French and foreign woman who like
the atmosphere of luxury and the
m any entertainments. A foreigner
should be very careful with Parisian
women, who are very kind and may
seem gay, for it requires much psy-

"'!)\f['qtySI F ING
at n
; i rI Il: 1,:i' n1 -'. I :ie 1 . 1on' r-is4.-
inslek r o-o a ~fisrti
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ealphne rae-i c pr readinglute
(en a'l (A e a' eI rnOid to
fo or o oroic ons.
i1- pr re dng line or three or more
Telephone rate--I e pe- reading line
br one or two ineons.
I'cpr redng line fur three or more
IG< discoint If pid within ten days
from the eof lsnt inertionertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month ... ................8c
4 lines E. . D 2 tta .--s...- .......8c,
2 lines daily, college year...........7
4 lines E. O. D.. college year........7c
100 liies used as de-Irec............9c
SCO lines used asc r sire'd........... 8e
I OO I in vs used as desir..a..........7c
2,0100 lines used as desired..----c--
'T'.e aboveoi-are,- are 1)(r reading line,
based o em:.t reo ding unes per inch.
ionic type, upo: and lower ease. Add
tic per fine to aboe ,c rates for ali capital
I<Atc's. Ad;] 6c.pe r lime to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c, per line to above rates for bold face
capi alletters.
The above rates are for 73apoint type.





LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
STUDENT -- And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing and uphol-
sterin. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing. 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
VI~LL- -;,",per.F-n who found the
link b1arelet at the Milita ry Ball
plese : ,urn same to main desk,
LOST- - Illiois writwatch on or near
Camus Tharsday night. Call 7754,
I-ward. 412
suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
FOR SALE--113 volumes of law text
books, including 43 volumes, U. S.
Reports and Digest from No. 1 to
1389. $60.00. Phone 4997, evenings.

TJY NG Lxpc:-wnced typist. Ra-
M. Hartsuff. 9087.

TYPEWRITING-^:nd M\imeograph-
ing proIptly and neatly done in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
314 S. State St. 11x
TYPI G----Notes, Pap r nd Grad.
hee.Clyde HI ,i423. 35x
TYPING- Mimeograph ing, Binding.
Quality at the riight price. Brum-
field & Brumfield, 308 S. State.





University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a final rehearsal of the club
Monday evening, May 1, in the League at 8:15 sharp, in preparation for our
Blissfield concert Wednesday, May 3. The list of those who are to make - - c and Mony
this trip will be published Tuesday, (4ary cooper -o Heen ayes in


1 :30 TO P.M.

Freshmen Women: Try-outs for tap or aesthetic dancing, singing, or!
any form of entertainment for the Freshman Lantern Dance, will be heldj

--- Tuecsay and Wednesday
Double Feature


r -

Anthropology 106 will not meet this week.

Dr. Guthe

To Graduate Students in Education: The preliminary examinations
for the doctor's degree in Education will be held on May 25 and 26 at 2c
o'clock and on May 27 at 9 o'clock. All students planning to take thesef
examinations should immediately notify Dr. Woody's Office, Room 40001
University High School.
Sociology 238 (Child Welfare): Make up examination at 2 p. in., Mon-
dlay, Room 208 Economics.l
Organ Recital: Palm er Cristian, University organist, will give the fol-
lowiig organ recital, Wcdnesday. May 3, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium,
o which the gra : pb F ith the exception of small children is invited:
iash: Prelude and F-'uem' in :L m:; Handel: Suite from "Water Music";1
Jongen: Chant d' Mai; Fran' : Chorale in B minor; Wagner: Traume
0Written as a study tor Tri-tan nd Isolde) Vorspidl; Liebestod (Tristan;
xind Isolde).
Graduation Recital. Emil H. Steva, pianist, will present the following
graduation recital at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday, May 2, in the School of Music
auditorium on Maynard Street. Prelude and Fugue in C major, Bach:
Sonata Op. 28 (Fastoral) Allegro, Andante, Scherzo, Rondo, Beethoven:
Prelude Op. 28, No. 16, Chopin; Etude Op. 25, No. 8, Chopin: Scherzo Op.
16, No. 2, Mendelssohn: Seguidilla, Albeniz; Two Tales of a Grandmother,
Prokofieff; Marche from Petite Suite, Tcherepnine; Polonaise No. 2 in E
major, Liszt.
1First Methodist Church: Dr. F. B. Fisher will preach on "Re-Thinking
Missions" at 10:45 a. m. At 7:30 the theme will be "Finding God Through
ho Modern Poets-Carl Sandburg."i
Wesley Hall: The Wesley Players will present "The Valiant" at Wesley
<iall for the Student Guild meeting at 6 p. m. Installation of officers willI
take place with Dr. F. B. Fisher giving the address.
Harris HaII: Professor Howard McClusky will be the speaker at thei
udent meting this evening. His subject will be "Religion and Mental
Hygiene." Instead of the usual supper at the Hall tonight, if the weather
will permit, there will be a picnic supper and cars will leave the Hall at
five o'clock. ThQse who are planning to go are asked to notify Miss Cristy.
In case of bad weather supper will be served at 6:15 p. m. at the Hall. E

from 4:00 to 6:00 Monday afternoon,
May 1, in the Ballroom of the
fichigarr Dames: The regular
general meeting will be held Tues-
day, May 2, at 8 p. in., Michigan
League, when election of officers will
be conducted.
At this time tickets for the ban-
quet to be held May 16 may be ob-
tained from Mrs. W. E. Brown. De-
liquent dues may also be paid.
Hillel open house at Hillel Founda-
tion on Wednesday, May 3, at 3:30
for freshmen. All Jewish freshmen
on campus are urged to attend and
get acquainted with the foundation
building and its many facilities.
Pharmacy Banquet: The annual
all-pharmic banquet, under the au-
spices of the Prescott Club, will be
held at 6:15 p. in., Tuesday, May 2,
Michigan League. Dr. W. L. Scoville,
chief pharmacist for Parke, Davis
and Company, will ' be the main
speaker of the evening. All pharmacy
students who have not purchased
tickets should see Miss Grace, in the
office of the College, not later than
noon Tuesday.
Dr. Scoville
Will Talk To
Dr. W. L. Scoville, chief pharmacist
ef Parke-avis and Co., Detroit, will
deliver the address of the evening at
the fourteenth annual all-pharmic
danquet, to be given Tuesday night
tunde-r the auspices of the Prescott
Club, according to Prof. C. H. Stock-
ing of the pharmacy college.
The banquet will be given at 6:151
p. m. in the League. Elmon Cata-
line, '34Ph., president of the Prescott
Club, will be toastmaster, and Dean a
Edward H. Kraus of the College of
Pfh airmacy will present me d.a 1 s,
wards, and prizes for the year at
Liiat time.
Each of the four classes will be
tn-esentd bya speaker.

Forget the old, mistaken idea that Europe
is a luxury for the wealthy few. We have
trips to meet almost any vacation budget.
Drop in to Travel Headquarters and discuss
your vacation plans. We represent all steam-
ship and rail lines, hotels, etc. Lowest rates.
No charge for our experienced service. No
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Michigan Alumni Travel Breau
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