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April 29, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-29

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p Conferences Held By Schoolmasters


ork Of Grade,
ligh Schools'
Is Discussed
'y Aspects Of Problem
f Education Dealt With
i Annual Meeting
mny aspects of the educational
ems which are facing the teach-
f the state in grade and high
ls were discussed yesterday
e conferences of the Schoolmas-
y, State, and Federal school offi-
told the members of the School-
ers' Club the progress of their
ctive fields in meeting the pres-
conomic crisis of the schools at
nference held yesterday at the
ersity High School.
M. Allen, superintendent of
Is of Highland Park, stated that
s in the hands of the city school
Is to balance their budgets, in
' to relieve the present situation.
alk was illustrated by slides and

Program For Today
10:00 a. rn.-Conference for teachers. University High School Audi-
torium. Chairman: A. L. Cross, University of Michigan.
10:00. m.-Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars. Room
2225 Angell Hall. Chairman: John W. Baldwin, Collegej
of the City of Detroit. Round table discussions.
9:30 a. m.-Biological Section. Room 2054. Natural Science Build-
Ueographical Section. Room 25, Angell Hall. Social
Science Section. Room 25, Angell Hall.
10:00 a. m.-Business Schools Section. Michigan Union.
12:00 a.m--Luncheons:
Business School. Michigan Union.
Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars. Michi-
gan Union.

budgets and it is the duty of homeC
economic teachers to instruct themf
in planning inexpensive, though
wholesome meals, she said.
At the geography conference
Emanuel Clark of the Ferris Insti-
tute, Big Rapids, spoke on "Geogra-
phy in the Social Sciences." He sum-
marized the relationship of the old'
geography to the new as well as to
the social sciences and problems of
today. Faye Coney, of Ann Arbor's
Jones School, spoke of the impor-
tance of "Local Surveys and Re-
gional Plannings" to the teachinc of
sciences and social sciences.

Retiring President

four speakers of the program. Prof.t
Gerald D. Sanders, Michigan State
Normal College, and George D. Helm,
of the department here presented the
college viewpoint, while Miss Mary
N. Eaton, Grand Rapids, and Miss
Winifred Burroughs, Sturgis, spokej
concerning the difficulties confront-
ing the high schools in fitting pupils
for college English work.
Physics, Chemistry,
and Astronomy
At the physics-chemistry-astron-
omy conference of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' Club motion pictures
were shown, in which Sir Ernest
Rutherford and Sir William Bragg,
well-known British scientists, dis-
cussed "Construction and Transfor-
mation of the Elements" and "Ar-
rangement of Atoms in Molecules
and Crystals," respectively. Sir Ern-
est was the first man to transform
elements by meansof bombardment
of the nuclei with alpha particles.
The University of Chicago present-
ed a novel method of teaching chem-
istry to students by motoin pic-
tures. The topics presented were
"Oxidation and Reduction" and "The
Molecular Theory of Matter." Prof.
Dean B. McLaughlin of the astron-
omy department presented a film
showing the movements of various
heavenly bodies and the pictures of
the 1932 eclipse taken by the expedi-
tion which he headed.
Vocational Education
At the luncheon given for the
Michigan Society for Vocational Ed-
ucation yesterday in the League Ball-

room Miss Marie Dye, president of
the organization, urged each group
to send as many representatives as
possible to the American Vocational
Association Convention to be held
next December in Detroit.
The speakers, Clyde Allen, presi-
dent of the Michigan Association of
Teachers of Vocational Agriculture,
Miss Mary Barber, president of the
Michigan Home Economics Associa-
tion, and Warren Bow, local chair-
man of the convention, spoke on the
advantages this convention will offer.
The Classics
Opening the classical conference
of the club yesterday morning in
Angell Hall, Mrs. Mina E. Land, of
Royal Oak High School, presented
a paper entitled "Must We Forsake
the Old for the New?" Other papers
read at the morning session were
"Development of Original Composi-
tion in High School Latin" by Helene
Eruegemann, of Dearborn High
School, and "The Irony of Sopho-
cles" by Helen Bishop, of the City
College of Detroit.
Following a luncheon at the Con-
gregational Church, the afternoon
session opened in Angell Hall with a
paper on "Parallels Between Cicer-
onian Politics and the Recent
American Election" by Myrtle Wood-
ward, of Corunna High School.
Holland Furnace Co.
for your
The Clean, Efflicient Way

earce, State superin-
c instruction, warned
hat it was in their
the morals of the
to make them realize
give the little fellow
monson of the school
e of the 17 members
Joint Committee of
luded the conference
t conditions of the
'lorable, but that he
his belief that better
nited States are im-
E. Carrothers of the
1 discussed the rela-
,xes and the present
ping public improve-j
rly in the line of ed-
wanted better public
d, "and we have got
n 1929 the amount of
ch went to the main-
vernment functions
t. Today it is one-
course, is too much."
1, the formation of
o find out the facts
e taxes and expendi-
in the pension sys-
of banks; and a state
ae house of 15 mem-
hom would be elected

every year for a five-year term, whox
would be paid well, and who would
stay in constant session to study laws
and equalize taxes.
Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman, of the i
literary college, discussed "The Sup-w
ply and Demand of Teachers and
the School Crisis," and F. M. Thrun,
of the State Education Survey Com-;
mission, talked on "Concrete Studies;
in School Support and the School
"We go. on the assumption that
every person is educatable, so we
drive our students. We have toow
much democracy in education; the
requirements should be higher." This
is the opinion of Dean Ralph Dennis
of Northwestern University, as ex-
pressed in an untitled address before
the speech section of the Schoolmas-
ters' Club, at 2:30 p. m. in the
Chapel of the League.
Dean Dennis stated that the pres-
ent "debate to win" idea is all wrong,
and that in a few decades this, atti-
tude will change. Interpretations of
beautiful things, he said, will have
been substituted for the "cheap, taw-
dry stuff" that declamators now use
to impress judges.. "We must not,
debate to win," he said; "we must'
debate to know."
A round-table discussion at the 9+
a. m. meeting in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, led by Mr. Harry T.
Wood, director of men's debating at
Michigan State Normal College, on
"What's the Answer?" It was a prac-
tical treatment of present business-
conditions and their effect on debat-
ing work in the high schools.
The second round-table confer-

ence, entitled "Corrective Speech,"
was led by Miss Clara Stoddard of
the Detroit Board of Education, and
was mainly an analysis on problems
in speech correction. Miss Stoddard
said that the province of the speech
teacher is the work of adapting the
student to correct speech after phy-
sicians have examined and corrected
any physical defects he may have.
At 2:30 p. m., speech instructors;
from throughout the State convened
again in the chapel of the League
and held their business meeting and
Results of the election are: J.
Merril Heaphy of Pontiac High
School, president;'- Frederick McKay
of Michigan State College, vice-pres-
ident; Miss Cyretta Morford of Red-
ford High School, re-elected secre-
Home Economics
A health program, supervised by
the home economics department, was
advocated for all high schools by
Miss Lydia J. Roberts, chairman of
Home Economics at the University
oC Chicago, in the opening speech
at the home economics conference
yesterday afternoon in the League.
Miss Roberts advised that health
committees be formed to regulate
luncheons, and to provide regular
courses for all students on health
problems. Her speech was entitled
"The Home Economics Teacher and
the Health Program."
"Normal weight and height are not
j true gauges that a child is properly
fed," Miss Icie G. Macy stated in
her talk on "Nutrition and Health
in the Present Crisis." Many people
have been reduced to much smaller

fects of the cyanide to one-half of
one per cent of that of the untreated:
The best combination which isj
evolved from the experiment will be
recommended or required for use in
the treatment of factory wastes by
the Stream Control Commission of
In a paper yesterday entitled
"Mathematics as Adjusted to Pupils
in Our High School," J. G. Wolber,
assistant principal at the Northwest-
ern High School, Detroit, told the
mathematics conference of Michigan
Schoolmasters what was being done
in his high school to adjust pupils
to their proper grade in the study
of mathematics.
Miss Nellie Lose, supervisor of
mathematics, Flint, delivered a paper
entitled "Giving the Pupil of Low
Mentality a Chance in Mathematics."
She gave the results oz an investiga-
tion" conducted by Prof. Raleigh
Schorling of the education school in
connection with a committee of
grade and high school teachers.
and PLATE $2.25
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109-1 1iEast Washington St.
Phone 8132 Second Floor

These investigations concerned the
work that is being done in connec-
tion with backward Dunils.

Solutions to conserve fish from the
effects of cyanide dumped in streams
by manufacturing concerns by neu-
tralizing the cyanide are now being
tested by the Institute of Fisheries
Research in the Museum of Zoology.
E. F. Eldridge, research assistant
at Michigan State College, is work- Prof. A. L. Cross of the history
ing on solutions, one of which, ac- department was succeeded as presi-
cording to the tests made in the in- dent of the Michigan Schoolmasters'
stitute's laboratory, when mixed with Club yesterday by Prof. A. H. Harrop
commercial cyanide reduces fatal ef- of Albion College.


The English division of the School-
masters' Club was held yesterday at
the First Methodist Church. Fred
G. Walcott, University High School,
was in charge of the luncheon and
subsequent program.
"New Problems of Correlation Be-
tween Colle g es and Secondary
Schools" was the subject for the first

Baltimore Dairy Lunch

Ladies Invited

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Handsome, Unabridged Editions, printed in large clear type,
on good paper' and bound in luxurious balloon cloth.
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THE MAY FESTIVAL of the University Musical Society'has been
one of America's leading musical attractions. Reviewed and pub-
licized as heavily in the Metropolitan Press as in the local papers, it
is a performance of national interest. 0 Students, Townspeople,
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tunity to hear the best in the music world.
They realize that an all "A" appreciation of
music can better be secured at this festival





NINA KOSHETZ, Soprano, Russian Operatic Prima Donna
GRETE STUECKGOLD, Soprano, Wagnerian Opera Prima Donna
LEONORA CORONA, Soprano, Metropolitan Opera Prima Donna
ROSE BAMPTON, Contralto, Rising Star, Metropolitan Opera
FREDERICK JAGEL, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Association
JOHN CHARLES THOMAS, Baritone, Triumphant Opera
and Concert Artist
CHASE BAROMEO, Bass, Milano, Colon and Chicago Operas
PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist, a Foremost American Performer
JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist, World Renowned Virtuoso

of high ranking artists than from any course
or book in the realm of education.

GUY MAIER and LEE PATTISON, renowned dual pianists, are again
returning to the concert world after a three years' retirement. They
are making their comeback debut at the May Festival in Ann Arbor,
Mr. Maier's home town.


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