THE MICHIGAN DAILY VIIIAT T _TI TT T , a1 LL -1. ' F 12 l ---I Jam!U LAJLLLA4 J II in the Buletin is constructive notice to all member o the Copy received at the afice of the Assistant to th President until a. m. Saturday. . SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933 No. 150 Students Named To Asks Immunization Relioions Honorary Societies Awains HoPs So e - Following are the names of some C.. 't, Jh dit fS l (IE'i j# of the students honored in the hon- - --- --- AAtlon ors convocation yesterday. The first A student beer-lover presented a gounique plea to Dr. Buenauventura group is composed of first-year stu- Jimenez of the Health Service yes- NWorld Affairs dents who are eligible for Phi Eta terday when he asked that he be Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta, given immunization treatments to Conlider Po freshman honorary societies. The cure him of sensitivity to hops which Universal So second is a list of those elected to Phi prevented him from drinking beer. uised ............ NOTICES First Half Salary Checks Ready: Checks for half of salaries for April will be ready for delivery at the Business Office on Saturday morning to those who have not ordered that they be deposited in banks. These cover half of salary less any deductions for annuity or insurance premiums. Checks for deposit in banks will be deposited by Saturday morning. Faculty, School of Education: The Faculty meeting scheduled for Mon- day, May 1, has been postponed until Monday, May 8. C. 0. Davis, Secretary Library Science Students 1933-1934: Admission to the first year courses in Library Science during the year 1933-1934 will be strictly limited to fifty full-time students. All students desiring to elect such courses next fall should interview a representative of the Departinent of Library Science between May 3 and May 15. Students are asked to call at the Librarian's Office, 210 General Library, between the hours of 10-12 and 3-5 on these dates. Wi. W. Bishop, Librarian Students Interested in Librarianship: The Librarian of the University will be glad to confer with students interested in librarianship as a career oy appointment at any time between now and the end of the semester. Such students frequently require advice as to their choice of studies in fitting themselves to be librarians. The Librarian will be glad to assist in this choice and in advising students as to the possibilities of usefulness in public service as librarians. Wm; W. Bishop, Librarian Seniors in Education: Orders for announcements will be taken at the' following times: Tuesday, May 2, 3-5 p. m.; Wednesday, May 3, 3-5 p. m.; and Thursday, May 4, 1-5 p. m. on the fourth floor of the University High School. Payment must be made in full at time of ordering. Inspection of sample announcements may be made in the offices of the School of Education, in care of Miss Clark. ference Group Will ssibility Of ciety B e t a Kappa, national honorary scholastic society.I Ann Arbor-Dorothy A. Armstrong, Ilene Brunson, Frances E. Carney, Elnor L. Coles, Dcoothy S. Gies, Josephine S. Hadley, Margaret I. Hayes. Margaret R. Hiscock, Ruth A. Mowvry, Nelson V. Seeger, Cath- i-Enc E. Stitt andNThomas H. Weller. Bir- mingham-Edith L. Stone. Grand Rapids- ienry J. Cawthra. Grosse Ile-Elizabeth O. Laub. Grosse Pointe-Terrill Newman. Hart-Norinan W. Kuhne. Royal Oak-Robert M. Rigg. Sag- inaw-David W. Stewart and Robert O. Thomas. St. Clair--Nelson R. Droulard. Sault Ste. Marie-John H. De Young. California-Santa Barbara: Jane T. Ar- nold. Connecticut-Greenwich: Edward G. Begle. Stamford: Marie J. Murphy. Illinois --Glen View: Grace I. Bartling. Oak Park To CLASSIFIED DIREC 0., I ACADEMIC NOTICE iglish 160: Men from Bierce to Livingston inclusive 305 South Wing for the bluebook on Monday, May 1. Oscar J. will report inI Campbell Psychology 33, 35, 37,-Make up thesis number 2 will be written Tues- dtay, Maiy 2, at 7:00 p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Bldg. CONCERTS Graduation Recital: Emil Steva, Pianist, will give the following Grad- uation Recital, Thursday Evening, May 2, at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: Bach: Prelude and Fugue in C major; Beethoven: Sonata Op. 28 (Pastoral) Allegro, Andante, Scherzo, Rondo; Chopin: Pre- ltide Op. 28, o. 16; Chopin: Etude Op. 25, No. 8; Mendelssohn: Scherzo Op. No. 16; No. 2; Albeiiz: Seguidilla; Prokofieff: Two Tales of a Grand- mother Op. 31; Tcherepnine: Marche from Petite Suite; Listz: Polonaise nt, 2 in E major. Organ Recital: Thane McDonald and Everett J. Hilty, Organists, pupils of Professor Palmer Christian, will give the following program, Tuesday, May 2, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor; Vierne: Scherzo (Symphony 11); Karg-Elert: Hymn to The Stars (Seven Pastels) (Mr. McDonald); Karg-Elert: Choral Improvisation on "In dulci jubilo"; Vierne: Minuet, Romance, Finale, (Symphony 111) (Mr. Graduation Recital: Emil H. Steva, pianist, will present the following graduation recital at 8:15 p. w. Tuesday, May 2, in the School of Music aud torium on Maynard Street. Prelude and Fugue in C major, Bach: Sontata op. 2 (pastoral) Allegro, Andante, Scherzo, Rondo, Beethoven: Seluide Op. 28, No. 16, Chopin; Etude Op. 25, No. 8, Chopin: Scherzo Op. i8, No. 2, Mendelssohn: Seguidilla, Albeniz; Two Tales of a Grandmother, rakofieff; Marche from Petite Suite, Tcherepnine; Polonaise No. 2 in E 1iajor, Liszt. EVENTS TODAY Phi Lambda Upsilon annual banquet, 6:30 p. in. at the Union. Infor- mal. One dollar per plate. Graduate Outing Club will canoe from 3 to 5. A. V. S. Pulling, canoeing authority, whose canoeing handbook has just been published, will give a group demonstration, and individual pointers. Every graduate welcome; ybur chance to learn fundamentals or advanced manipulations. Will leave Angell Ilall at 2:30. Bring 30 cents. Cosmopolitan Club meets at 8 p. M. in Lane Hall. The Hindustan Club will present a five thousand year old play, "Salitri, or Love Conquers Death." There will also be additional entertainment and refreshments. Members and their friends are cordially invited to be present. Dance for Graduate Students at the Women's Athletic Building. From 9 until 12. Admission 30 cents. Upper Room Bible Class meets at 7 p. m. Upper Room Lane Hall. Mr. Chapman will speak on "Finding the Worth of Life." There are only a few more meetings of the class this year and everybody should be present. Presbyterian Students: Out Door Club lea1ves the Michigan League at 1:15-. COMING EVENTS University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a final rehearsal of the club Monday evening, May 1, in the League at 8:15 sharp, in preparation for our Blissfield concert Wednesday, May 3. The list of those who are to make this trip will be published Tuesday. Play-reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold its last meeting of the year Tuesday at 2:15 in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. Following the program there will be a tea in honor of the new officers. A full attendance is desired. Michigan Dames: The regular general meeting will be held Tuesday, May 2, at 8 p. m., Michigan League, when election of officers will be con- ducted. At this time tickets for the banquet to be held May 16 may be obtained from Mrs. W. E. Brown. Deliquent dues may also be paid. First Methodist Church: Dr. F. B. Fisher will preach on "Re-Thinking Missions" at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. At 7:30 the theme will be "Finding God Through the Modern Poets-Carl Sandburg." Wesley Hall: The Wesley Players will present "The Valiant" at Wesley Hall for the Student Guild meeting at 6 p. m. Sunday. Installation of offi- cers will take place with Dr. F. B. Fisher giving the address. Harris Hall: Instead of the usual supper at the Hall Sunday evening, if the weather will permit there will be a picnic supper and cars will leave the Hall at five o'clock, those who are planning to go are asked to notify the church office by calling 7735. In case of bad weather supper will be served at 6:15 p. m. at the Hall. Professor Howard McClusky will be the -William L. Riker and Arthur Will. Indi- ana-Gary: Grove R. Ginder. Massachu- ' etts-Cam'oridge: Mildred L, Shapley. Dor- chester: Samuel Stearns. Revere: Murray E. Satz. Worchester: Richard Rome. Min- nesota-Minneapolis: John G. Steele. New Jisey-Beverley: June M. Hendler. New- irk: Matthew Lefkowitz. New York-Baldwinsville: Alice C. Hayes, Buffalo; Robert J. Jagow and Willard E. Walbridge. Elmira: Bernard Etkind. Fre- donia: Ruth' M. White. Gainsville: Robert ,. Stevens. Rochester: William H. Eason znd Jack Lapides. white Plains: Hyman Sapakie. Ohio-Cincinnati: Irene P. Stew- art. Cleveland Heights: James K. Davis. ,iuron: Robert S. Fox. Lakewood: Seyril Schochen. wisconsin-west Allis: Walter 0. Widner. Wyoming-Riverton: Victor A. Goedicke. Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Altona-Harold G. Allen. Ann Arbor- David Dow, Anne G. Goss, Marian L. Heald, Mlariam J. Highley, Robert L. Pierce and Zonstance H. Steinberg. Battle Creek- Marian L. Giddings and Helen I. Travis. Bay City-Archibald W. McMillan and Mar- garet H. Timm. Charlevoix-George M. Stanley. Detrot-Erdman D. Beynon, Vir- ~inia M. Hansen, Margaret E. Hayes, An- lette B. Rudolphi and John H. Seabury. glint-Evelyn R. Labinski. Grand 'Rapids-Ralph E. Bennett, Edna; L. Hazard and Theresa J. Lammers. High-j land Park-Harry Baltuck. Ishpeming- Elizabeth Gribble. Jackson-Margaret R.I tcIntyre and Laura Miller. Jonesville- Edward C. Varnum. Monroe-William J. Welpert. Muskegon Heights-Marion C. Siney. Port Huron-Lester C. Houck. St.! Clair-Neil W. Macintyre. Zeeland-Wil- liam Frankena. Illinois-Oak Park : Faith L. Ralph. Pon- tiac: David R. Rittenhouse. River Forest: Sara Sherwood. Toulon: Frederick K.1 }rown. Indiana-Terre Haute: Francisl Regan. Iowa--Beaconsfield:HGladys L. Bak- er. Kentucky - Newport : Martin Wagner. Missouri-St. Louis: Ruth F. Duhme gNe- vada-Eko: Kenneth K. Luce. New Jersey -Neark: Sol B. Gusberg and Alan V. Lowenstein. New York-Brooklyn: Joseph Feingold. Buffalo: Vincent C. Di Pasquale. Gowanda: Carl L. Rollinson. Hastings-on-Hudson: Marian R. Schmidt. Monticello: Hazel Green wald. New York City: Robert Bor- tugno and Harry Kraus. Ohio--Cleveland: Ruth E: Dietrich. Cleveland Heights: Her- bert V. _Sharlitt. Pennsylvania-Mather: Charles W. Knerler. New Kensington:, Allen H.Berkman. Pittsburgh: Howard S.I Kaltenborn. China-Kuangtung: Wu Ta- You. Philippine Islands-Pasay: David L. Netzorg. o Deposit For Diners_ At CoOperative House No deposit will be charged diners at the Michigan Co-operative House for the remainder of the school term, Sher M. Quraishi, Grad., manager, said last night. The same charge will be made members and non-members, he said. Dr. Jimenez explained that a ser- Religions, social systems, and the I ' ies of hypodermic injections of an extract of hops .wo.uld decrease the racing all races and creeds will form irritation caused by that sensitivity, the general topics for discussion but he added that the customary at world's society division of the In- prescription in such a case is to elim- ternational Students Conference on inate the objectionable article from World Affairs to be held May 4, 5, 6,1 the diet, and much against the stu- and 7 at the Union. dent's wishes he recommended the In the field of religion talks on same procedure in this case. ntefedo rlgo ak n Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, Hin- o ri Surv l duism, Buddhism, and Confucianism S01 or ty Survival will be presented by local students who follow those respective creeds. Questione T By Dean Following these speeches, an attempt .___will be made in a panel discussion to (Continued from Page 1) explain the underlying structure and Kemocratic institutions, are some of philosophy of each belief, comparing dhee problems. Weucan oeawaythem to show on what points they these problems. We cannot get away agree and conflict, the Conference' from them. They are always with us. Commission on World Society an- "Sororities must offset these prob- nounced yesterday. hems by becoming so valuable to stu- Terltv feto ittrhp dent members and to our universities The relative effect of dictatorships dent memtbesano urunisesitigres and democracies on man's social life' that not to belong represents a great will be studied at the conference.; loss in educational opportunity. If This will include a comparison of the we are honest, we know that sorori- usocal structures such as exist ties are not meeting this challenge under a socialistic and capitalistic now. In many instances and on many form of society. campuses, the sorority is a glorified boarding-house. Out of this disaster, The possibility of an ideal world' comes in a sense the golden oppor- society will be discussed at the con- tunity for those who believe in sor- ference. Among the many obstacles orities. It gives them their oppor- thwarting this development the com- tunity to set sororities up differently mission in its preliminary report list- on a far loftier level than they have ed imperialism, nationalism, and the yet attained. It will always be niat- racial superiority complex. ural for a large student community The discussion in this division will to break up into small groups, but it center on the solution of world so- should not be on the basis of board- vial problems in India and Turkey, ing and rooming, but because such a the commission stated. group enriches the intellectual life of Open discussion to determine what its members. Such groups need not students on the campus can do to cost much. They will be above the contribute toward solution of these fluctuations of the market. pressing world social problems will "Whether they can grow out of be one of the aims of the conference, what has been so predominantly so- advance, reports from the world so-- cial into something more spiritual ciety commission indicates. In each in value, is a great question," Dean division of this discussion an attempt Lloyd Concluded. will be made to keep in mind that action on world social problems must University Gifts Accepted begin at home and that an opportun- ity for such action exists on this By Board Of Regents campus, student sponsors of the con- (Continued from Page 1) ference emphasized 1 all things and that the Regents are doing their utmost to continue the: institution at its present high stand- ITI I !j j ing. Today Only RANDOLPH SCOTT The committee which presented the "WILD HORSE MESA" petition represented approximately -----Sun. and Monday - 85 students who had gathered before HELEN HAYES-(Gary Cooper the General Library in response to a "FAREWELL TO ARMS" call issued by the National Student League to demand the assurance of - ---- - the Regents that there would be no tuition increase or dismissal of in- structors or assistants next year. Re- UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, gent Shields explained that any as- EXETER, ENGLAND sur ance of this nature was impossible since the Board of Regents can only work with the funds granted to the Residential: Three men's and , University by the Legislature. three women's hostels. Campus, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGC Place advertisements with Classifiedj Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.* The classified coluns close at three o'cock previous to day of inscrtion. Box numnbers may be secured at no extra ch~arge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to lin1e) for one or two insertions. Minlidm 3 lines per insertion. 0c per readiung line for three or more inset-tions. Telephone rate-ac per reading line for one or two insertions. 1^c per reading line for three or more linsertions. 10sdiscount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line- -lines daily, onej uotit....... ..........e 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months.......... Be 2 lines daily, college year........7c 4 lines E. U. D., college year...... iOO lines used as 300 lines used as desired...........8c 1,000 lines used as desired......... 7 2,000 lines usedl as desired. .... Theabove rates are per reading'line, bas-d on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6ec per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 1lc per linerto above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71 point type. TYPING TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph- ing promptly and neatly done in, our shop by experienced operators, at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill, The Typewriter & Statonery Store, 314 S. State St. 10lx TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x MICHIGAN, Now: CAROLE LOMBARD JACK OAKIE DAViD MANNERS LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels fee. Socks darned. 13 STUDENT - And family washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. tc NOTICE HAVE-Your snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce, 719 N. Univer- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. . 29c FOR SALE FOR SALE--113 volumes of law text books, including 43 volumes, U. S. Reports and Digest from No. 1 to 1889. $60,00. Phone 4997, evenings. 411 MA JE STIC START ING TODAY! PO FNER RO(E I LOST LOST-Illinois wristwatch on or near Campus Thursday night. Call 7754. Reward. 412 WANTED WANTED-MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 4, 5. 6, and 7 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago Buyers. 34r r in "From Hell to Heaven" Unusual Bill of Added Entertainment Matinees 30"c Coming S JOHN ETHl B A R R Y i 'Rasputin 2 Owl Show 1 Nights 40c Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. Jewish Students: Regular Sunday morning services at the League Chapel at 11:15 a. m. Prof. William H. Worrell, of Semetics Department will speak. Liberal Students Union: Dean S. T. Dana of the School of Forestry, will speak on "Forestry and the President's Relief Plan." Unitarian Church, Sunday, 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Marley's topic for the morning church service will be "Youth Move- ments Here and Abroad." 140 acres. American students accepted for long or short courses. Three terms (10 weeks each) in the year. Holiday Course for Foreigners, 1st to 25th, August. Apply Registrar, or Institute of International Education 2 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. unday L LIONEL MO R E Empress' Tonight " DOCTQR X " and Four Acts of Vaudeville on Stage ST NEWS A CONVENIENT OF FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD MERCHANTS Wash Slacks $1.95 11 Sport Hose 35c Warning! Don't be deceived through false statements of fact; write and see what Dobbs, Stetson, or Knox companies charge for Cleaning and Blocking Hats. They charge much more than we do, how then can others do good work for less? Obviously they cannot; such work is as inferior to genuine Factory Hat Work as counterfeit is to eal money. Our price is 50 cents minimum charge - the only place in Ann Arbor where you can get genuine Factory Hat Work in Cleaning and Blocking IHats. FACTORY HAT STORE I (W. W. Mann ) 617 Packard St. (Near State) 3 Pars $1.00 I' Oswald Katz 814 South State Street Telephone 6868 Dear Suzie: I know you're anxious to hear what everybody has been doing since spring has hit our little town, and probably the main ex- citement has been this roller- skating fad that has fairly bowled everybody over. Why, just this afternoon we were having a strawberry sun- dae at Calkins-Fletcher on Pack- ard, when on coming out who should we see but Johnny Mor- rison, skating by. We noticed' that he had gazed so intently at Oswald Katz' show case that we couldn't resist taking a look our- selves, and really, dear, they have some of the nicest looking men's things in there. Guess who I bumped into com- ing out of the Factory Hat Shop. None other than Jay Poz, re- member, of play production fame. He looked so nice and spruce-- he had just gotten his old spring hat blocked there, so he naively confided, and was just going after his old bucks, which the Quality Shoe Repair Shop was making practically new. My dear, at last I've found a place that can equal mother's homemade bread. The Purity Pastry Shop carries some of the NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT t WaERE QUALITY, COURTESY AND POPULAR PRICES MEET -A Charming Spot To Bring a Guest-- 3REAKFAST 10c UP, LUNCHEON 25c UP, DINNER 35c UP I Tickets ?5.50 for $4.50 Open from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. Corner of Packard and State 11 ore Made and Salt Rising Bre0ad.- a Specialty PURITY PASTRY SHOP 707 Packard Street 1i 1 . Here Is a Branch Convenient T ou Leave cleaning work with our branch, and you will re- .-.p,,,,,vp , fa , fcri n eeietebnefto cs n -- There is a difference in Materials and Workmanship! You select -- We do the rest! SMITH"S QUALITY SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 705 Packard, at State Street -________--- ----- A:.... <7',:.t Tolrir;n- 11 I"'l ii ' n1:'iorn TLoxrc