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April 29, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-29

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.. ...

The 'Weather
Saturday cloudy and some-
what colder; Sunday, fair and

'Yl r e

Sir A



A Desirable New

VOL. XLIII No. 150





Elect Harrop
New President
Club Adopts Resolutions
For Improving Public
Instruction In State
Prof. Cross Directs
Business Meeting
Jocelyn Urges Teachers
To Fight Appropriatioi
Cut For University
Prof. A. H. Harrop of the Latin de-
partment of Albion College was elect-
ed president of Schoolmasters' Club
for the coming year at the annual
business meeting held yesterday in
the Law Building. Professor Arthur
L. Cross of the history department,
retiring preident, had charge of the
Other officers elected at the meet-
ing were: vice-president, Webst~er H.
Pearce, former State superintendent
of public instruction; secretary-
treasurer, Louis P. Jocelyn, Ann Ar-
bor High school; members of the ex-
ecutive committee, Ira Smith. secre-
tary of the University, C. S. Cooke, of
Cass Tech.; Detroit, and Alice John-
son of Wyandotte.
A set ef resolutions for the better-
ment of public instruction in the
state were also adopted by the meet-
ing. They are.as follows:
Adopt Resolutions
1 To re-assert the principle that
the State, and not private enterprise,
is responsible for the education of its
citizens, from the grades upward.
2. To attempt to have the Statef
provide sufficient funds for the con-
Reports of addresses in group
conferences held yesterday and a
program of today's events will
be found on page 6.
tinued proper education of its citi-
zens. Since the property tax has
practically collapsed, the levying of a
sales tax to meet the required educa-
tional funds was advocated.
3. To resist firmly the adoption of1
uniform text books, a measure that
is now pending in the State legis-1
lature. .:
4: To favor the administration of,
schools upon a county basis.
5. To favor very strenuously the
filling of the office of State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction on a
non-partisan basis. This would beI
accomplished through the removal of
that office from popular election, andI
instead to fill it by appointment by
the State Board of Education.
Cross Speaks at Dinner
The annual dinner and reception
for members of the Schoolmasters
Club was held last night at the
League. Professor Cross, this year's
president of the club, gave the ad-
dress of welcome, followed by Louis
P. Jocelyn, secretary-treasurer of the
organization, who called upon the
visiting teachers to use their influ-
ence to prevent too drastic a cut
in the University's annual appropria-
tion. He termed the Michigan School-i
masters Club "the best organizationi
of its kind in the country" and com-
mended Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education and Ira M.
Smith, registrar, for their efforts to
widen the scope and membership of
the club.,

e4 .
Skating Part y
Prizes, Events
Fifteen local merchants have do-
nated prizes, some of which have a
value of more than $20, for the All-
City Skating Carnival to be held
Tuesday night in Ingalls Street west
of the League, it has been announced
by the student committee in charge
of the carnival.
The plans call for a parade on rol-
ler skates beginning at the Engineer-
ing Arch at 7:15 p. m., led by Pete
Blomquist and his band, also on
Coach Harry Kipke will judge the
events, which will be run off on In-
galls Street, and award the prizes.
The order of the contests will be:

Sororities Are Struggling For
Existence, Dean Lloyd States

Whether sororities in the "luxury
class" can survive the present crisis
was questioned by Dean Alice C.
Lloyd in a conference of deans of
women held yesterday in conjunction
with the Schoolmasters' Club con-
"Without a financial crisis, the
sororities on this particular campus
would have faced a serious crisis in
our increased dormitory facilities,"
Dean Lloyd said. "With the added
difficulties of a financial upheaval
they are struggling for existence. The
picture is a challenging one, and in
many ways it is a good thing that
it is so. It was time for sororities to
inspect themselves with a view to
evaluating their right to be on a
university campus.
"In the past," Dean Lloyd ex-
plained, "sororities provided dignified
lodgings, unusual opportunities for
friendship, comradeship, and a cer-
tain stability in social life. For this
service universities and colleges
should be grateful.
"Now, however," she continued, "a
different emphasis has developed.

Dormitories have become serious
rivals in the housing situation, and
the time has come, I think, for the
sororities to redefine their purpose.
They cannot now justify their ex-
istence entirely along the old lines
and must develop and move forward
to meet the new situation if they are
to continue as valuable adjuncts to
the life of a campus.
"To stress their value as house
clubs is to bring them into direct
competition with the dormitories,
which in many instances offer bet-
ter living conditions. To emphasize
the social life within their walls is
to bringvery forcibly toulight the
fact that the social situation has
changed from the earlier intimate
group life within the house to the
present-day social activities outside
the house.
"There are certain problems con-
nected with sororities on every cam-
pus," Dean Lloyd said. "The rival-
ries, the tragic disappointment of the
fairly large group that is examined
during rushing and found wanting,
the so-called snobbishness in our
(Contimied on Page 2)

I YI ii IliiiYY i+ . y-v i

Dugan Scores
Plea For Gradual Disuse
Of Monroe Doctrie Is
Voiced fly Speake '
Arguments against the Monroe
Doctrine and a broad plea that it
be "allowed to fall into disuse" were
voicedl yesterday in Hill Auditorium
at the tenth annual Honors..Convo-
cation by Dr. Stephen P.. ;luggan,
director of the Institute of Interna-
tional Education. Dr. Diggan be-
lieves that the doctrine will never be
publicly renounced, but hoies It may
in effect gradually be done away
The convocation address was an
appeal t "remove any .optacle. to
the happy relations between Latin-
American nations and the United
A return to the interpretation
which was originally intended by
President Monroe was advocated for
the Monroe Doctrine, and Dr. Dug-
gan deprecated the advanced inter-
pretations which have been attached
to it by President Theodore Roose-
velt and Secretary of State Hughes.
War Changed Relations
The World War caused the inter-
national position of the Latin-Amer-
ican nations to be changed, Dr. Dug-
gan said. Before the War they were
not *considered as important; after
the War they were invited to join
the League of Nations on an equality
basis. He pointed out that before
Names of those students eligible
for' Phi ta Sigma and Alpha
Lambda Delta and those elected to
Phi Beta Kappa will be found on
page 2.
this time, they had been members
of the Pan-American Union but un-
der the domination of the United
There is at present less antagon-
ism in Latin-American nations for
the United States than at any time
in the past,, Dr. Duggan said. He ex-
cepted students in Latin-American
Dr. Duggan observed that while
there are trouble spots in Latin-
American today Peru and Mexico hav-
ing broken off relations, Bolivia and
Paraguay being at war, and Argen-
tina and Uraguay having recently
resumed diplomatic relations-those
nations have been most willing in tie
past to settle their disputes by means
of arbitration, and other crises have
been averted by peaceful .means.
Morrow,Stimson Praised
The change 'for the better in re-
lations with Latin-America has come
through the efforts of the late
Dwight W. Morrow, wh, served as
ambassador to Mexico, and of for-
mer Secretary of State Stimson,
whose fairness in dealing with the
Nicaraugua situation won, the un-
derstanding and good-will of the in-
He also mentioned the trip which
Herbert Hoover made in 1928 fol-
lowing his election to the Presidency,
saying that in many places he was
received quite coldly. "Later as Pres-
ident Mr. Hoover did all in his power
to win the friendship of the Latin-
Americans," Dr. Duggan said.
Following the convocation address
the honorary degree of Doctor of

Penny Carnival To
Offer Spendthrifts
OpportunityTo night
Another outlet for those outbursts
made so popular by the roller-skat-
ing fad, will be offered when the
Penny Carnival opens tonight at
Barbour gymnasium. It's time to rob'
the young brother's bank and with
those few pennies banish all worries
for the gay, carnival spirit.
There are interests for everyone:
fishing for those who like to play
truant, ring-toss for the ahletic,
shuffle board for the more feeble, ad-
vice for the love-lorn, and bagatelle
for the devil-may-care.
Provisions have also been made for
the more serious-minded: there are
jig-saws in abundance, while visions
of the future may be obtained for a
few cents, too. And what could be
more luxurious than sitting with a
stein of beer from the (root) beer
garden in one hand and a steammg
bag of pop-corn in the other while a
bevy of attractive co-eds shine your
Dancing to the music of Simpson's
eight-piece orchestra is to be fea-
tured upstairs at five cents a couple
-why pay more? Additional enter-
tainment will be provided by the
popular trio, Jean Seeley, '36, Edith
Ferrin, '36, and Ernestine Richter,
'36, and by Dorothy Dishman, '36,
who will give a waltz number.
More interest will doubtless be
shown in those booths offering frost-
bites, coca cola, candy kisses, ice
cream, and apples (made so popular
by the unemployed).
Davis Smooths
Fight At World
Arms Congress
Quotes Roosevelt's Work;
French, German Envoys
Have Quarrel
GENEVA, April 28.--P)-A head-
on collision between French and Ger-
man delegates that threatened to dis-
rupt the World Disarmament Con-
ference was smoothed over today by
the intervention of Norman H. Davis,
the American envoy.
Mr. Davis recalled the constructive
efforts being made at Washington to
put the troubled world in order, and
pleaded that all show a similar at-
tempt to conciliate at Geneva.
In order not to "jeopardize the bal-
ance" of the armes reduction pro-
posal recently submitted by Prime
Minister MacDonald of Great Bri-
tain, the United States ambassador
said his government supportedsthe
British plan. The statement was one
of the dramatic developments in the
day's discussion.
Declaring that the origin of the
difficulties being grappled with in
Washington is excessive nationalism,
Mr. Davis said "we have been too
accustomed to approach these prob-
lems with a restricted point-of-view."
The dissension struck the confer-
ence when Count Rudolph Nadolny
of Germany complained that Ger-
many had been waiting 14 years for
the powers to make good their promi-
ses to reduce armaments, and when
Rene Massigli of France retorted
"it is my duty to invite those bring-
ing the accusation that certain now-

Gifts Accepted
y Regents In
Ap ril Meeting,
$1,000 Slocun Research
Fund, $2,500 Diatetic
Donations Received
Reed Is Granted
Leave Of Absence
Board Gives Sanction To
Graduate Scholarships
Exempting Fees
Several gifts to the University
were accepted formally at the April
meeting of the Board of Regents held
yesterday afternoon. Also the Board
elected new members to a number
of governing bodies of University or-
The bequest of $1,000 to establish
the George Slocum Research Fund
was accepted by the Regents. The
late Dr. Slocum was head of the de-
partment of ophthalmology in the
Medical School. One-half of the an-+
nual income from this fund is to go
to the Weeks Research Fund and the+
other half is to be added to the prin- 1
cipal until it provides an income of1
$1,000 a year. At that time the an-+
nual incbme will be used for research+
in ophthalmology. At the same time+
the medical books of Dr. Slocum were+
accepted for the Medical School Li-
Dietetic Gift Made1
Gerber Products Co., of Fremont.
Mich., made a gift to the University
of $1,500 to be used for research in9
dietetic treatment of colitis. The
work is to be under the direction of3
the dietetics department in Univer-
sity Hospital and the internal medi-
cine department. The law books of1
Prof. Horace H-. Wilgus which have
been given to the Law Library were
also formally accepted at this time.-
The establishment of University
scholarships in the Graduate Schoolj
for residents of Michigan who enter1
graduate work immediately on thet
completion of their undergraduate
curriculum was given the sanction ofi
the Regents. They are to carry ex-
emption from the annual fees as isi
done with the existing scholarshipsa
in the school.s
Regent E d m u n d Shields was
elected by the Board to succeed Re-
gent James 0. Murfin on the Board
of Governors of the Lawyers Club.
John T. Creighton, of New York City,
was re-elected to the same body for
another term. They will begin their
terms June 1.
Cheever Directors Chosen 1
Mrs. Louis C. Karpinski and Mrs.
C. L. Washburne were re-elected to1
three-year terms on the Board of
Directors of Adelia Cheever House.
Their terms will begin October 1.1
Mrs. Thurlo Coon was chosen to suc-
ceed Mrs. Amy Krolik Brown on the
Board of Governors of the League.'
Mrs. Brown resigned because of ill-
Leave of absence for the remainder
>f the current academic year was1
granted to Prof. Thomas H. Reed of1
he political science department. Pro-
cessor Reed's leave is necessitated by
.lness. Sabbatical leave for the first1
emester of the academic year 1933-
34 was granted Prof. Cambell Bon-
ner, head of the department of
3reek, and Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
;lusky of the psychology department.
One degree was granted by the
Regents-a B.S. in Architecture to
Floyd R. Johnson.
A group of students who brought

a petition to the Regents demanding
that there be no tuition increase or
reduction of the faculty as the re- i
sult of the expected lowering of the
University appropriation were inter-
viewed by Regent Edmund Shields.
It was explained to them that the
University is to be maintained above
(Continued on Page 2)

State To Wait
Fortnight For
Lawful Beer
Liquor Commission Head
Will Issue No Licenses
Before May 15
Comstock Names
Beer Controllers
Nine Democrats, Eight
Republicans Compose
Non-Partisan Board
LANSING April 28.-(P)-Gover-
nor Comstock late Friday completed
the personnel of the State Liquor
Control Commission . There are nine
Democrats and eight Republicans.
The members names will be sent to
the Senate Monday night.
LANSING, April 28-(P)-Thirsty
Michigan must probably wait. two
weeks for beer.
- Attempts to throw the mechanism
of the State Liquor Control Commis-
sion into high gear failed as obsta-
cles were encountered. Frank J.:
Picard, Saginaw attorney, who has.
been named chairman of the control
commission, reached the capital to-I
day and surveyed ahead of him. He
announced he did not believe li-
censes for the sale of 3.2 beer and
wine could be issued before May 15.
Governor Comstock said the mat-
ter. is in the hands of the commis-
He worked throughout the day and
into the night completing his list
of appointees. to the 17-member, bi-
partisan control body. The members
cannot officially . assume office until
Tuesday. They must be confirmed
by the Senate, and that body does
not sit again until Monday night.
The State Administrative Board,+
at a special meeting this afternoon
disposed of the bond required of com-
mission members by authorizing a
blanket surety for $1,700-$100 for
each member.
The commission will hold its first
meeting Tuesday, Picard announced.
At that time it will name the man-?
aging director-possibly Willialin Na-
gel, former postmaster of Detroit and
a Democratic colleague of William F.
800 Couples Attend
Annual Military Ball
More than 800 couples danced to
the music of Carl Moore's orchestraI
last night in the Union ballroom at
the Military Ball. The grand march
was lead by Donald E. Knight, '33E,
general chairman and Miss Amy
Dodge of Sewickley, Penn.
Major Basil D. Edwards of the Uni-
versity Reserve Officers Training
Corps was presented with a set oft
gold uniform insignia as a token of1
esteem at the Scabbard and Blade,
national honorary military frater-
nity, banquet held before the dance.
Major Edwards is leaving the local
R. O. T. C. in August.
A special feature of the dance was
the tango exhibition of Bob and
Donna Baker.

-Associated Press Photo
Federal Judge James A. Lowell, of
Boston, is facing a charge of im-
peachment by the House because of
his act on in freeing on a writ of ha-
beas corpus a Negro who was wanted
for murder in Virginia. Judge Low-
ell refused to extradite on the

Is Passe

Faces Impeachment


" obtain payment of the b©m


Farm Relief Measure Is
Approved After Weeks
Of Bitter Debate
Bonus Is Defeated
By Large Majority
France Expected To Pay
War Debts After Herriot
Talk With Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, April 28.-()-
President Roosevelt's inflation pro-
gram and the gigantic farm relief bill
to which it was attached emerged
from weeks of bitter debate early to-
night, bearing the approval of the
With vast majorities, Democratic
leaders battered down an effort to

grounds that Virginia does not call
Negroes for jury service.

Wolves Qualify
In Four Events
At Drake Races
Relay Teams, Egleston,
Ward Among Winners;
Metcalfe Stars
Ia., April 28.--()-America's fastest
intercollegiate sprinter, Ralph Met-
calfe, 22-year-old Negro flyer from
Marquette University, Milwaukee, to-;
day opened a campaign that he hopes
will be climaxed by reducing the
world's record for the 100-yard dash
to the amazing time of 9.2 seconds.
Streaking over the cinder path in,
the opening of the 24th renewal of
the Drake Relay Carnival, Metcalfe
dashed to an easy victory in winning.
his preliminary heat in 9.9 seconds .
The young Negro, who tied the
Drake century record of 9.5 which
Roland Locke, of Nebraska, set in
1925, merely coasted to capture first
place in his preliminary heat.
In the University relay mile, In-
diana and Michigan won the two
heats with the Hoosiers, winners at
Kansas last week, turning in the best
time, 3:21.-
University of Michigan entrantsI
qualified in four events.,
Egleston qualified in the 120-yard
high hurdles, in which Schieffley of'
Minnesota had the best time of 14.9;
Ward placed in the 100-yard dash;
the one-mile relay team qualified and1
the 440-yard relay team Ualified be.
hind Oklahoma A. and M.7
Fore stry Army
Will Recruit 54
In Ann Arbor.
Camp Custer Departure'
Date Undecided; Go To
Armory For Health Test
Ann Arbor will begin recruiting 54
young men for enlistment in the'
Civil . Conservation Corps Monday
morning at City Hall, Mayor Robert
A. Campbell announced yesterday.
The men, all between 18 and 25 years
of age, are to report first at the
mayor's office and then will be taken
to the armory for a health examina-
tion. After the city's allotment has
been picked it will be sent to Camp
Custer at Battle Creek. No date has
been set as yet for the transfer.
Washtenaw County's quota will be
132. Selections in areas other than
Ann Arbor will be decided by the
county supervisors. Ranking next to
Ann Arbor in the number of men
to be recruited is Ypsilanti with 20
and Saline with 12.
George P. McCollum, city poor
commissioner, has been placed in
general charge of county recruiting
by Mayor Campbell, who was ap-
pointed county chairman of the or-
ganization by Lansing authorities.
Unmarried young men between the
seriidaeo- n:e are nvnt ae n

defeated attempts to make major
changes in the inflationary and agri-
cultural legislation.
President Roosevelt had taken time
from his French and Canadian con-
ferences to send sharp notice of his
opposition to the amendment em-
powering him to aid the veterans
with new money.
"That ends it here," laconically re-
marked Speaker Henry T. Rainey to
newspaper men who told him the bill
was defeated and asked of House.
Premiers Leave
Those triumphs kept te President
smiling as he had earlier in bidding
adieu to Edouard Herriot, of France,
and to Prime Minister R. B. Bennett
of Canada. As with Prime Minister
Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain,
all participants recorded satisfaction
from the exchange of views, but em-
phasized that specific committments
were not the present aim.
The President and M. Herriott had
a "frank and friendly" talk on the
war debts but left conclusions for
later negotiations between the two
governments. As it stands, France is
expected here to pay up. Should the
London Economic Coiflerence prove
fruitful, revision may be in order.
As the former French Premier sped
to New York by train, the White
House made public a statement in
which he and the President said that
their meeting had resulted in "as
complete an understanding as pos-
sible" on common problems.
"We have examined in particular,"
it went on, "the manner in which
commercial policies should develop
for the purpose of promoting rather
than restricting international trade."
In that connection, a likelihood
developed that in London tomorrow
Norman H. Davis, ambassador-at-
large, will propose a world truce on
tariff changes pending the confer-
ence opening there June 12. His ap-
proach will be at a session of the
committee making ready for the
world parley.
Plan Treaty Power
Administration experts practically
completed the projected legislation
to arm the President with authority
to negotiate reciprocal tariff reduc-
tion treaties. This power, probably
limited to 50 per cent of the tariff
in question, would be used to restore
the weakened American foreign
trade. The bill may reach the Capitol
next week.
It is being taken for granted that,
if possible, Mr. Roosevelt will name
Secretary Cardell Hull to lead the
delegation to London. Those men-
tioned as his associates include
Chairman Key Pittman, of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee;
Robert L. Doughton and S. D. Mc-
Reynolds, of the House Ways and
Means and Foreign Affairs commit-
tees, and Raymond Moley, assistant
secretary of state.
It was clear that fuller realization
of difficulties in store had been made
possible by the Herriot conference,
the cheerful motto seeming to be
that "to be forewarned is to be fore-
Sanitarium's Roof
DestroyedBy Fire
Fire destroyed the roof of the sis-
ter's residence at Mercywood Sani-
torium located three miles west of
the city on U. S. 12, shortly after
12 noon yesterday.
The Ann Arbor fire department
rv"- --h f n a ~l - nr- v rrl i,

Infirmary Patients
Complain Of Skaters
An appeal to roller skaters to
refrain from skating past the
Health Service after 8 p. in. was
voiced last night by Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director.
Students in the infirmary have
complained of the excessive noise
until as late as midnight, he said.
Skaters probably have not realized
that they have been disturbing
patients, he concluded.

Flint Northern Wins Debating
Title By Unanimous Decision
I~t Og ggS.

Flint Ncrthern High School won
the Michigan High School Debating
League championship last night at
Hill Auditorium, defeating Manis-
tique High School by a unanimous
decision. They argued that the State
of Michigan should not adopt a state
income tax.
The Flint team, defending the neg-
ative side of the question, was com-
posed of Don Mayfield, Arthur Hu-
.--f mmYm T-Xillam 1Ho.Manis-

watches and the four final teams
with cups. The two finals teams re-
ceived large bronze cups; Trenton
and Grand Rapids Central, semi-
finalists, were given smaller cups.
Both teams showed careful prepa-
ration and clear understanding of
the subject. The result was a good
clash between the two teams. Flint
based its arguments on the issues
that an income tax is not needed, is
i-m.nU+P-e om an wnld be detri-



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