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April 28, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-28

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lien's V arsity
ite Team To
k On Radio,

estion Is Same As
)iscussed In Big
hebates This Year


Broadcast By WXYZ
Topic: 'Is Centralization
Of Radio Broadcasting
Four of the women's varsity de-,
bating team will speak over station
WXYZ, Detroit, Saturday. Mr. Floyd
K. Riley, coach and an instructor in
the speech department, will accom-
pany the women to Detroit.
Speaking on "Is Centralization in
Radio Broadcasting Objectionable?",
the women will discuss both sides of
the question. Although the wording1
is somewhat different, the subject-1
matter is the same as that debated
by the Big Ten Conference this sea-
son. Michigan debated Northwestern
at Elkhart, Ind., and the Ohio State
University at Columbus, Feb. 12 on

Solicitor-General Dr. Forsythe Worl Problems T
Advises Naps Be Discussed Here'
(Continted from tge 1)
And Iixercise Stanley Schlee, '33, and Evelyn Koh,
~ ~The non-co-operation policy of the
Athlete T Heart Not Result United States, the possible restora--
OfAlla tion of diplomatic relations betweent
United States and the Soviet Union,
Is Originally Healthy and the co-operation of the United'
_--States and the Soviet Union with
Although exercise may be harmful the League of Nations will be dis-
to some students when carried to cussed by Faith Ralph, '33, chairman,
the extreme, it is generally without Keith Billman, '35, Francis Landers,,
'35, and Wallace Graham, '34. The
bad results, stated Dr. William E. League of Nations' activities prior to
Forsythe, director of the University the appointment of the Lytton Com-I
Health Service, in an interview yes- mission, the work of the league since
terday. the report, and the future of the
league will be evaluated by Marg'arct
Some students are benefitted by Cun'3,anada '
spending their afternoons at sports, and Miss Ralph.
while others would be better off at _ -
home catching a few hours sleep, he r ,-
said. Anaenmic, under - nourished, Forign Stdt s 10 1
Asocat T-e- growing individuals who are pre-
-Associated P7rea hotm vented by studies or work from get- Haves Iirtt Fa
James Crawford Briggs, of Raleigh, ting their full quota of sleep at
N. C., former superior court judge night could build themselves up more Eight foein students from the
was ncinated by President Roose- easily by afternoon naps than by University will visit Port Huron this
vel fo aSolicitor-General of the exercise, Dr. Forsythe declared- week-end to take part in an inter-
United States.As for devotees of the more violent national Street Fair being sponsored
I sports such as long-distance running by the Women's Board of the Y.M.
Former Student Explains and sprinting, t h e i r exercising, C.A. of that city.C
though not an aid to their well- Features of the fair will include#
Hlawaian Senate Charges being, is no longer considered de- a ministrel show, a Chinese tea room,
A communication received yester- structive, he said, except, of course, a Spanish scene, a Dutch booth, an
day by The Daily from H. R Hiurlf, in regard to accidents. Enlargement exhibition of a Russian collection,
former student here, explaining the or poor functioning of the heart was display of a Syrian room, a nautical
resltuen toh r the cited as the cause of one or more of dance, and an Alaskan booth. The
Hawaiian senate, is reprinted below. the usual heart diseases.. The heart Michigan students, who will wear
a iTos ThenEditor:, condition called "athletes' heart" is their native costume, will give short
Idonk The Dalyralso due to one of these other causes talks at the fair.
I don't know whether The Daily . and has nothing to do with athletics,
was among, those papers runningaccording to latest medical findings, CO-OP OPEN THIS SUMMER
an item last February regarding Dr. Forsythe said. A healthy heart The Michigan Co-operative Board-
a resolution offered in the local cannot be hurt with exercise, but an ing House will remain open for sum-
Senate calling formy removal from afflicted one can have its effective- mer school students, Sher M. Qurai-
ofhce, but unfortunately many of ness impaired by over-indulgence in shi, Grad., manager, declared yester-
them did,.inelding the Ypsilanti sports, it was pointed out. day.
paper. The item seems to have - _

Teaehers Hold
Arnital Meeting
In City Today
(Continned from Page 1)
tude of young people toward gov-
er7nent. This is due in part, he be-
lieves, to the excessive overload of
Seven members were initiated
yesterday afternoon into Phi Delta
Kappa, hono'erry professional edu-
cation society, which is holding
a meeting in connection with the
Schoolnasters' Club.
Those initiated were William
Babcock, '33SM; William Brown-
rigg of L i n c o 1 n Consolidated
School; Hawley Cobb, high school
counselor, Plymouth; Ralph Dug-
dale, assisteant superintendent of
schools, Toledo, Ohio; Hamilton
Earston, Grad.; Fred Fcnske, '33Ed;
and Dr. Earl E. Kleinschmidt,
publir schools medical director,
Ann Arbor.
narrative history that social science
students usually are required to take.
In concluding the paper he de-
clared that the educational profes-
sion had made more sacrifices for
the good of the community than
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fundamentals of civilization,"

tra, under t

Cynthia M. Jones of Union High David Mattern, of the School of
School, Grand Rapids, in giving the Music, will play with Ruby Peinert,
public school point of view on meth- '345M, as 'cello soloist.
ods of teaching citizenship declared A chorus of 3b0 children from Ann
that the United States gave more
attention to the subject than any Arbor senior and junior high schools
country in the world. She outlined will give a cantata, Song of Vic-
many of the present day trends in tory," by Percy Fletcher. Prof. Juva
education. - Higbee of the music school will con-
A concert for the benefit of visit- duct.
f you want Coolness

ny other and that "the present dis- '.ng to chersv
p "ositionl of those in political power ' n, today inl Iii
to economize at the expense of elu- The Univerl
cation i a d-"irecttassult upovthe

iill A

Symphony Orch
direction of Pr

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Smith, '34Ed, and Elea-
'35, will speak on the af-
ide while. Ethel Howard,
atherine Coffield, '34, will

::, .. .... ._ _ . _ .

9"T" ,

addition to the five-minute con-
ive speeches there will be one
ation speech given for each
Miss Smith will speak for the
native in refution, and Miss
eld for the negative. In the
given for rebuttal, each side
ttempt to reflute the arguments
ated by the other.
e subject should be of wide in-
in radio circles, according to
Uiley, since it is so closely con-
d with the present status in
broadcasting. There has beeh
lerable discussion of late over
onopolistic trend in radio. The
e Saturday will consider wheth-'
s trend is for the general good
Jio or whether it will ultimately
in delitorious effects.
Wesley Players will present a
a, "The Valiant," at 6 p. m.
ay, in Wesley Hall. The play is
coached by Edward E. Fried,
or, and includes John Brackett,
nd June Curric of Ann Arbor, in
eading roles.

carried some news value, connected
as it was with the unfortunate
Massie case.
The resolution was offered by a
Hawaiian Senator named Th1ask
whom ' .moved to disbar in 1929
and-who has never forgiven me,
even 'though the Supreme Court
found him guilty of unethical prac-
tices .and, suspended him tempor-
arily . , He freely 'a initted among
his colleagues that 'revenge was his
motive and the resolution was im-
mediately referred without debate
to com'mittee,.where it still langu-
On March 15 the matter of the
confirmation of my second four-
year term was before the Senate
and I Was confirmed with only the
one dissenting: vote of Senator
Trask himself.

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. :



TIE MAY FESTIVAL of the University Musical Society has been
one of America's leading musical attractions. Reviewed and pub-
licized as heavily in the New York Times as in the local papers, it
is a performance of national interest. * Students, Townspeople,
faculty, and even, Detroiters avail themselves of this annual oppor-
tunity to hear the best in the music world.
They realize that an all "A" appreciation of
music can better be secured at this festival
of high ranking artists than from any course
or book in the realm of education.



During those six perforrnnces will appear in addition td
Mr. Baromeo and Miss Bampton -
NINA KOSHETZ, distinguished Russian operatic prima
donna, who will sing at the first "artist night" festival concert.
GRETE STUECKGOLD, Wagnerian prima donna of the
Metropolitan Opera. Miss Stjeckgold has never been heard
before in Ann Arbor.
LEONORA CORONA, one of the most strikingly beauti-
ful singers on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House.
She has had engagements at Milano, Lisbon, Barcelona, and
Monte Carlo.

ing baritone in the Royal Operas, of
Covent Gardens and Brussels, won
special recognition at the late Chi-
cago Civic Opera.

FREDERICK JAGEL, born in Brook-
lyn in the late nineties, is one of
America's greatest operatic tenors.
His debut at the Metropolitan Opera
has been followed by a series of tri-
umphe in Continental Europe.



These artists aren't brought here just to make money. Nor just to give the
School of Music something to do. They are brought here primarily as an opportunity
for you. For that reason no exorbitant price is being charged. Just enough to ensure
securing artists of the highest caliber.

HEIFETZ, a world-renowned violin virtuoso. He is an
example of the boy wonder 'who remained a wonder when
CHASE BAROMEO, Bass, is a product of the University
of Michigan, and has scored several tremendous successes
with the late Chicago Civic Opera Association.
ROSE BAMPTON, Contralto, has attracted much atten-
tion with the Philadelphia Grand Opera and Metropolitan







® _ . '

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