THE MICHIGAN DAILY Schoolmasters To Meet Todau Ph armacy School To Give Program Elmon L. Cataline, '34Ph., and In Ann Arbor Felix J. Johnson, '33Ph., will repre- sent the College of Pharmacy here -- at a program to be presented tonight (Cc ntinued from Page 1) by students from various pharmacy a. m. Saturday, Room 2054, Natural schools in the state before the De- Science Building. troi't Branch of the American Phar- Classical conference: 9 a. m. Fri- maceutical Association, meeting in Clasica cofernce:9 a m.FilDetrit, it was announced yesterday. day, Room 2003, Angell Hall; lunch- Cst eon 12:30 p. m., in the parlors of the Cataline is to speak on the life and Congregational Church, State Street; woak of Dr. Albert B. Prescott, for 2:30 p. m., Room 2003, Angell Hall. many years dean of the College of Business schools conference: 10 Pharmacy, and Johnson will discuss a.Bm.Stus daysssthes ion;rench-the relation of pharmacy to the work a. m. Saturday in the Union; Lunch- of the University Health Service, the I eon 12:15 p. m. in the Union. announcement said. Commercial conference: 2 p. m. Friday, Room 3-C, Ann Arbor High School. Science Pictures To Be Conference of deans and advisers .a c of women: 8 p. m. Thursday, Alum- Shown At Majestic Today nae Room, League; 9 to 9:40 a. m Among the features of the annual Friday, in the League; 9:40 to 10:45 a. m. Friday, in the League; 12 :15 meeting of the Michigan Schoolmas- a. m. to 1 p. in., League; luncheon ters Club, to be held here Thursday, at 1 p. m., in the League. n Friday, and Saturday, is the public Education conference: 9 a. m. Fri showing of six reels of motion pic- day, University High School Audi- tures at 9 a. m. tomorrow at the torium: luncheon, 12:15 p. m. in the Majestic Theatre. Included in this League; 2 p. n., University High feature is a motion picture recording School Auditorium. of the 1932 eclipse, taken by the English conference, luncheon 12:15 physics department of the Univer- p. m. Friday, First Methodist Church, sity. Washington at State; 2 p. m., in the Free tickets may be secured in the First Methodist Church. Registrar's Office, Room 4 University General science conference: 9:30 Hall; or from Prof. Daniel L. Rich of a. m. Friday. Room D, Law Building; the physics department. luncheon, 12:15 p. m., in the League. Geography conference: 2 p. m. Fri- luncheon 12:15 p. m. Grand Rapids day, Room 25, Angell Hall. Room, in the League. Home economics conference: 12:15 School library conference: 9 a. m. p. m. Friday, Main Ballroom of the Friday, Library of University High League; 2:30 p. m., Ethel Fountain School; luncheon 12:15 p. m., First Hussey Room, in the League. Methodist Church; 2 p. m., Room Junior high school conference: 9 110, General Library. a. m. Friday, Room C-3, Ann Arbor Social science conference: 9:30 l High School. a. m. Friday, Pattengi1 Auditorium, Mathematics conference: 9 a. m. Ann Arbor High School; 1:30 p. m., Friday, Room C-1, Ann Arbor High Pattengill Auditorium. School; luncheon 12:15 p. m., Parlor Speech conference: 0 a. im. Friday, 1 ABC, third floor of the League; 2 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in the p. m., Room C-1, Ann Arbor High League; 2 p. m., Chapel Room, in the School. League; 2:30 p. m., Chapel Room. Modern language conference: 9:10 a. m. Friday, Room 103, Romance Language Building; luncheon, 12:15 p. m., Lounge '1, League; 2 p. m., Room 103, Romance Languages New Evershar Music conference: luncheon 12:15 p. m. Friday, in the League; 2 p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, League. Introducing Physical education conference: the New Square Lead luncheon 12:15 Friday, Grand Rapids Room, League; 1 p. m., Grand Rapids Room, League. Physics-chemistry-astronomy con- ference: 9 a. m. Friday, Majestic $7.00 Carter I Theatre; 1:45 p. m., West Lecture Room, West Physics Building. Research conference: 9 a. m. Fri- e day, University High School Audito- > rium; luncheon 12:30 p. m., in the s League; 2 p. m., Room 1400, Univer- 1 sity elementary School. School health conference: 9 a. m. Friday, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall; To "resent Papers At Journal Club Meetin Papers to be presented tonight at the Geological and Geographical Journal Club, which will meet at 8 p. m. in Room 4054 Natural Science Building, are "Methods of Investi- gating Lake Erie Sediments" by Prof. M. W. Senstius, "A Criticism of the fn-Caflhe1d 'Meteorite Scars' " by Miss, Authority On Persian Art Will Speak To A.A.U.W. Members of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University Women have been no- tified of the next general meeting of the group at 3 p. m. Saturday at the League. Dr. Mohmet -Aga-Oglu, of the De- troit Institute of Art, who is a prom- inent world authority on the art of Marguerite E. Bush, '33, and "Quar- Persia and the Near East, will be ternary Geology of Minnesota" by the principle speaker of the meeting. Dr. Frank Leverett, it was announced Local art patrons have been in- .vited to be guests of the organiza- yesterday. tion. I .1 S IM 0 0 T H] THE MICHIGAN UNION BAND in the MICHIGAN LEAGUE BALLROOM FRIDAY 9 to 1 on NIGHT, APRIL 28TH $1.00 Per Couple *1 p Pencils . . . 50c1 s rase . Leads..* 15c Now 39c ountain Pens . . Now $3.50 1HR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ed without charge. I I I' THE FORTIETH ANNUAL OFFERS YOU THE MAY FESTIVAL of the University Musical Society has been one of America's leading musical attractions. Reviewed and pub- licized as heavily in the New York Times as in the local papers, it is a performance of national interest. 9 Students, Townspeople, faculty, and even Detroiters avail themselves of this annual oppor- i fit:,. fY . t And Other Headliners III on tunity to hear the best in the music world. They realize that an all "A" appreciation of music can better be secured at this festival of high ranking artists than from any course or book in the realm of education. During these six performances will appear in addition t Mr. Baromeo and Miss Bampton - NINA KOSHETZ, distinguished Russian operatic prima donna, who will sing at the rst "artist night" festivcl concert. GRETE STUECKGOLD, Wagnerian prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera. Miss Stueckgold has never been heard before in Ann Arbor. LEONORA CORONA, one of the most strikingly beauti- ful singers on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House. She has had engagements at Milano, Lisbon, Barcelona, and Monte Carlo. FREDERICK JAGEL, born in Brooklyn, and one of Amer- ica's leading tenors. He is one of our greatest contributions HEIFETZ, a world-renowned violin virtuoso. He is an to the music world. example of the boy wonder who remained a wonder when mature. GUY MAI ER and LEE PATTISON, famed dual pianists, These artists aren't brought here just to make money. Nor just to give the School of Music something to do. They are brought here primarily as an opportunity 1111 I