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April 27, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-27

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LY women. How disappointing! And what a pity! It
is now fast becoming a smoking den. Is it due to
the policy of the managcement. or to the fact that
-- the present-day college woman is utterly insen-
I sible to the rights of others? It was particularly
noticeable at the time of the performance of the
IJunior Girls' Play and during the style show given
x a short time ago in the League ballroom. On both
1occasions the air was blue with smoke and quite
sickening, due to the number of girls smoking.
And at both events, although a third or more of

be suing, with Joan Peebic in the title role. MiSS
Peebles' conception ofe the char,3.cter is sa!id to be
di stincily "Lot" by the critics of New%, Yorik, Bos-
ton and Chicago. El ; P ox. wh hassungsev-
eral roles in Detroit, will have the pairt of A'i
caela; Edward Molitore w,=ill appear as Don Jo,-e.
and Giuseppe InterranteX as Escamillo, the tore-
actor. Chevalier Fn1 ln',o G(3uerieri will be the
conductor. The orchest y for both. operas will bei
composed of memrs of theC ;cDtr1itSymphony.
In the following wcee,. the classic Smith-Do

N~ew, SeondH.J & Isbull , t
anith-corona., Noisel.ess,
I Undlerwo&, Ryaa, RIing ton
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and PLATE $2.25
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IPretty Soft' For You!


shed every morning except Monday during the
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mentatives College Publictions Representatives,
Telephione 4925
.............. ...ARL SFFERT
'S EDITO~R ..................JOH~N W. TIHO~MAS
'WEITORS: Thomas Contiellan, John W. Prtchard,
sh A. enthan, C. Hart S~chaf, Brakley Straw,
'S ASSISTANqTS: Fred A. Hluber, Albert Newmuan.
TER: Charley DBaird,. A ihs Ball, Dornald R.1
Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens. Ralph Cr.
er, Harold A. Daisher, (Caspar S. Early, Waldron.
Og, edEans, Wiliam Gi . Ferris, Sidney Frank~el,
rids 0roebn, Robert D. Gu~thrie, John C. Healey,
rt B. Hewett, George M. Homes, Joseph L. Karpin-
g Levitt; David G. MacDonald, ProcorMc.eachiy,
y Moyer, Jfoel P, Newman, John O'Connell, Lien-
Prker, Paul W. PhilipsGeorge Quimby,.Flod
Wiliam- Reed, Edwin W. Richardson, Rich-
Roine, H. . Sanders. Robert E. Scott. Adolpli
iroMarhallD. ilverman, Wilson L. Trimmer,
ge Van Vleck, P hilip Taylor . Van Zile, Williamn

the patronis were men-I saw very few men Koven 'Robin H-oodl will be rcviv,- \Vec( r;r1y
smoking. They were too courteous to do so, and$ evening and Saturday afternoon.
had too fine a sense of decency and regard for's - --- - - -
people present - elderly ladies and others who do HAROLD GELMAN-
not smoke. Pianists, singers and violinists iay come and
If the girls must be men - why not copy some go, but a musician, even in thae embryo. is rare.
of their virtues as well as their vices, and rememn- Last nig;ht Mr. Gelman proved himself capable of
ber that smoking is still offensive to many refinedj passing bey-ond the mcdium of his own particular
and equally wvell educated people. instrument into the larger concepts of the art as
An Interested Alumna. a whole-an ability that is seldom found in stu-
_________________dent work, and is even more promising of' a
REPLY TO JAMES C. JOHNSON1 future than his by no means inconsiderable tech-'
To the Editor: nical equipment. A certain tendency towards a
In Saturday's issue of~ the Daily, James C. heaviness of touch weighted and equalized pas-
Johnson finishes off a letter about "The Eco- 'sages whose demands were otherwise easily within
nomics Department and Socialism" with the fol1- his possibilities. However his simplicity more than
lowing paragraph: made up for this seriousness which would not have
"Like Joshua of old, we Socialists have encom- been so evident in a program of less emotional
pased he all o th ecnomcsbuidin seennature, for when it came to the moderns andj
pasesed hewalsdharybls of the ecoomcsbuldngsn particularly to brittle Poulenc pieces, his firm
and a little 'watchful waiting and the walls will hard tone gave them a delightfully clear outline.
crumble and fall. The department will be ours." -Kathleen Murphy
This juicy little paragraph is a most perfect and
succinct expression of the philosophy of the for- MARJO)RIE MeCLUING-
mer Second International and no0w existing So- Marjorie McClung, soprano, will give the fol-
cialist parties throughout the world.own grdainreia at 8:15 p. mn. today in:.
"We Socialists have encompassed the walls ofE thei Schoodl of iMusi Auditoriurn on Maynard
the economics building seven times." And as a Street. Miss Mvargaret Kimball will be the ac-j
result, what? Around and around the problem =companist. The general public, with the excep-
you go without making one serious effort to' tion of small children, is invited.y
undermine and, stifle the poisonous. bourgeoisie Invocazione di orfco from "Eurydice" ...... Perin
propaganda that is daily poured into the minds Star Vicino............... ...Salvator Rosal
of students by the economics department. Instead Ah ! Quanto e vero from "Il Pomod'oro" . ,.. Cesti
of organizing a corps of Socialists, trained in ' La Fiei a de Mast' Andrea .............. Giannini
Marxism Leninism, to be represented in _every Er Ist's............................... Wolf
economics classroom, to fight-'at every turn the 0 Wusst ich doch den Weg zuruck ...... Brahms
continual capitalistic Agitation carried. out by; Der Schmied.......................... Brahms}
flandman and his crew, to, rationally ridicule the Der Tot, das ist die kuhle nacht........ Brahmsk
anarchistic capitalistic theories: palmed- off by; Meine Liebe ist grun ................... Brahms
these august professors as fact, and so wipe out= Chanson Norkegienne ............... Foundrain
the artificial respect of the student for the views L'invitation au voyage ................. Duparc'
of these men-instead of any mass- effort, the So- j Apres un. reve .. ......................... Faure
cialist contents himself with individual attend- }Les Vaut-ours .............. .... ....Lenorman d
ance at ' economics classes and a semi-annual I The Feast .of the Lanterns............. Bantock'
mild protest to the Daily. ," The Dark Eyes to Mine ................ Griffes
"Now for a good hearty blast of the trumpets The Lament of Ian. the ]Proud ......... Giffes
4 ria 11-t.i'. .,,.4-,.1f.,1 it,in, a '~a sthe wa7,lls~ will. 1 The Clothes of Heaven ..... ,.. .. .. . . . . ..Dh

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Nina Koshetz...
Chicago Symphony
Frederick Stock..


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Mc 1rr ,bn - ax Mtl u h v. ' IIV alV ~r v ' N )PMd t ti l') II

,Sipso, athSonantie, arare SencrMiramI crumble and. fall. The department will be ours."
P.Sark, Marjorie Western. - This statement more than any other typifies the
Telephone 2-1214I attitude of,- the Socialist. Their's is a kind of a
BIJ8NESS MANAE........ BYRON C. VFDDER ws ufll~t o ne nyboyu rm
CREDIT1ANGE ..........HARRY R. BE LEYwihfllmntYonednybow outr -
WOMENS BUSINES............... Donna- C, Becker- 1 pets, sound your drums, wave your flags, patiently
DEPARMENT MAN'AGERS: Advertisng W.Grafton Sharp I wait, and the enemy will capitulate. You need only
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-' rebuke the' economics department about the drivel
ice, Nol Turnier' Accounts. Bernard E. Schlnacke; (-
culation, G~ibxt BE. Dursley; Publicatlons, Robert 1i. they are driving' homde, and they will consent to
Finn. e cange -their teaching -- in time. Their whole
A3SSISTAN~rS: John Belliamy, Ciordoni Boylan, Allen Clove- philosophy 'is' an emasculated revisionism of Mars.,
land, " Jack~ Efroyinson, .Fredt Hertrick, Joseph Ilunic, j based' on a naive fatalism-4"Didn't Marx say
Allen Knunisi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert1
Ward.ig Is W. Bartiness, Williawz B. Caplan, Willard Communism is inevitable? Then what's the use

Love's Philosophy........ .Delius
Screen 'Reflections
Opening at the Lydia Mendeissohn Theatre
:Iton-ig-ht is "The TDiaryvof al.Revolutionist."a Rus-

6 {~<
r .( .;
.OO.'------ '

doesn't mean high price!
Society Brand
and. Othier Fine Makes
and Up

Overtzure to "FRu:- an and
I-ucirniLo-a".......... ........Glinka
Aria from '-RussInl nand
Ludmilla" ............... . ..Gliiuka;
Nina Koshetz
Tone, Poemn, "'Thus Spake Zara-
thustra," Op. 30 .............. Strauss
Aria, "Letter Scene" from
"EugeeOnogin .......... Tlaikovsky
M1iss Koshetzs
Syraphony No. 12,.0Gmnor,
Op. 35 .... .... .......... Miaskovsky
Songs and Dances of Death,.
Miss Koshetz
Polkca and Fugue, froth "Schlwancia,
the ]3Bg)Ipe-Player's." . Weinberger
11. Thursday Evening, 8.15-May 18,
Chase Boaromec . Bass
Jascha Heifetz -..Violinist
Palmer Christian Organist
University Choral Union
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Earl V. Moore and
Frederick Stock , Conductors
" in the Faery Hills" ...... ........Sax
Ar-ia, "Confutatis Maleclictis" -from
"The Manzoani Requiem "..:'.... verdi
- t"Chase IRaromneo
"13cisha/zar's Feast"............. Walton
Mr. Jlaromeco, Chorus, Orchestr'a, OrganI
Concerto for Violin, D major,
Op. 77......................Bhrahmis
Jascha Ilcifetz
111. Fridi Afternoon, 2:30--May 19
Rose Bampton ... Contralto
Orchestra Accompaniment
Youing People's Festivat'
Juvo Higbee and
Eric Delarnoi'ter .1, Conductors
Ove;rtue, 'rThe Marriage of
F'igaro" ,..........Mo'ia.-
Aria, "Chic faro sensra Euridtice"'
from "Orfeo ed Eurldice",..... Chick
Symphony " Oxford" In G0
Gr"oups Of SOnIgS:
3ereiiade .. ............ ...... Tostl
Country Gardens............Gai ng(er
"Thle Little Dust Man"11......... Brahnm:'
Youtmg People's Fecstival Chorus'
Aria, "11 cst, Doux, 11 est Bon"
from "I-erodade........... Aaas suet
"Elegy and Waltz" from "Seren-
acle for Strings ........Tctaikovsky
Cnntata: "Spring Rapture ........,.Gaul
IV. Friday ILe ing, S:15-May 19*






Coluodas, kR. C. D evereaux, Carl J 'Jbiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton- Kramer, John Mark~s, ,John I. Mason,
.John P. Ogden. Robert Ti'imby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schifif, Geor~ge R. Williams.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulahi Chapman, Doris
Gilmmy, Billie Grifliths; Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McIComnb, Meria Abbot,. Betty Obapman,,
Lillain Fine, Minna, Glffen,. Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wosc.'
Southern J ustice-
And The 'N igger'.
T HT IE NOW FAMOUS Scottsbo-ro case
Iilluastrates very e;learliy that the
Southerner, of today still feels that any black,
regardless of how cultured or refined hie may be,
Is a "nigger" and as such is vastly inferior to the'
mnost degenerate white.
The attitude of the South in regard to the guilt
of the nine colored boys accused of raping two
white girls is that, whether the negroes were
actually guilty of rape or' i-ot, they are the type
that might ink e trouble with whites and so
sho~uld be convicted.
That the South objectedI very seriously to the
North's "meddling" in its affairs was definitely
shown when the prosecuting attorney told the
jury not to be influceced by "Jew money from
New York." Tdais remark was ordered stiicken
from the record by the presiding judge (and out
of- fairness it must be said that this gentleman
was absolutely imopartial in conducting the 'case).
The jury was told to disregai'd the stateme nt; but
tha.t it had influence in sh1apiing thie-verdict can
scarcely be doubted.
It is encouraging to note, however, that the
younger generation of the South is taking a
mdre intelligent itaixt towardi the negroa and
Southern justice. An editorial in the Alabamian,
student newspaper of Alabama College, -a Nwoman's
institutioii, has this to say about the notorious
--_The very principles for which America
stands, those of equality, 'justice, and sanctity of
tr~gish law, arel being threatened. The hideous
andl derzradinzg forces of prejiudice and <narrow

of struggling for it? It will come anyway." Of ILV1---------t-; -.A" jxj "_
course Marx, said no such thing. He said that a f ianfl en rsne yteAtCnm
violent class struggle was inevitable, and success' League.
Said to be the latest film made in Russia, this
depended on the historical circumstances. The so- pcuehscnieql oepo hnayo
cialist perverts this to .mean that victory is in- - h rvospeettoso h ege hl
evitable, and since we -are going to get it anyway h peios prpnaiondaof the league.s Wile
why use violence? Naturally it is easier to sit and obviously Soviet propagnganda the stcryni so wel n- ht h
do nothing than to carry out the day to day class I trsigadteatn owl oeta h
struggle. May we go back to Johnson's biblical propaganda element is not objectionable.
quotation and point out to him that after the FTestoryanois of the e ~tieojec of then: z
blast of the trumpets the walls fell IMMEDIATE- , ieYa lnado tedtcino oa
LY, and there was no period of "watchful wait- SPY who is obstructing the building of an impor-
ing. " The economics department is more thantntsi.Tetoybgsinmdrtmsbu
conenttohav yo ~wathfulywait"' while theyI through the agency of a diary being written by
continue to orientate the broad mass of students RyaowowsaBlheiedri h ii
against you. Need I give the example of the com - war, scenes from the early days of the revolution
plete triumph of Fascism among the students in are shown.,
the German universities? This will only be dupli- , yao steieouinr atrstl
C cated here in America by the policy of "watchful wife of a counter-i'evoluitiontary leader who later
waitng."escapes. In 1931 Rybakon, on a visit to the Crimea,
S waiting."meets -.n old friend he had not seen:since the war
It is not the intention of the writer to an- wh si hreo hpbidn ad.Pors
tagonize nor to alienate James C. Johnson or peo- onasi Iz ul sbighnec hog
ple ikehim An ma whocanso eneratngl the efforts of some 'unknown person. When Ry-
write "-Socialism is the goat of the economics bknvst i redsoeh eonzsi h
department. It is always pointed out as an ex- ,ao iishsfin' oeh eonzsi h
ample of what is NOT right"-with such a person man's beautiful wife the counter-revolutionary of
weof he atinalStuentLeauegeniney 1war days and discovers that,'it is she who is
we f h atoamSet Leagu, genuinelyplotting the delays con the ship. -B., S.
wisn to co-operahas M be


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GCrete Stueckgold
Chicago Symphony
Frederick Stock'"

.Sopra no

First National Bank Building

205 South Main Street



Richard Wagner 1:3-1883
,"The Flying Dutchan"al
-- Senta'sFBallad
-' I Grite Stmeckgud


fought on the theoretical front as well as on the_____----
pr actical. Students of Marx-Lenin must penetrate
the classrooms just like the workers must pene-
trate the factories. Admittedly, the National Stu-V
dent League has fallen down on this job. This hasj
been because it has concentrated on the imm- S RiPESA
diate tasks of emergency problems.
What say? Shall we get together? Shall we try -_______
to. make a living reality of your phophecy "The w- -- By Karl Sciff (rt--------
Department shall be ours?" We meet- every Tues- CLSIEDA:Hvprmsnsal u-
daymigt a th Unon.If ou re erius ou illness in need of capital. Can you invest $2,000 for
come down and present your ideas.qucrern
-Leon Gropper. qucrern
Twvo thousand bucks? A mere bagatelle, brother,
a mere bagatelle, ., .,


Musical Events


mihndedness are taking a toll which we us.col- DETROIT CIVIC OPERA PISENtS
lege students should help to eradicate anad over- "JACK AND THE' BEANSTALJK"
come, insofar as the blessings of education-enable Something novel in the literatur'e of opera will
us: It is' up. to us of the new generation -- to be shown by the Detr'oit Civic' Opera Company
spread the freedom of new thought and open in its fifth season, which will open In Orchestra
milndedness, and to quell tihe' insidious' dangers Hall, Detroit, Tuesday .evening, May 2, with "Jack
of darkness and unta'uth 'which threaten our and the Beanstalk:'"
culture and our glorious aeritage of liberty and The book for this opera is the work of Dr.
justice for all'."- John Erskine, poet, critic and novelist, author of
"The Private Life of Helen of Troy" 'and several'
other sophisticated novels. Co-operating with
Q ~Louis Gruenberg, 'composer of "Emperor Jones,"
C ampu upinion which the Metropolitian Grand Opera Company
- .. produced last winter, Dr. Erskine applied his wit
to the familiar fairy tale, with' somre astonishingj
Letters publishxed In this columnbou'd not b e sut.Teoeawspoue nNwYr w
oons trued as expressing the editoxial opinnilonf TheI
Daily. Anionymous coniinunicatims wil be cwsrcgard-. years ago, but has never been heard in the Middlej
ed. The names of conint nearits will, hiowever, be re-
garded as co111dertial vpol roquest.- Contributor s are West.
tasked to be bj,ld.con jg tie~iel 'cw .to lcss tjan The original cast of principals: will be heard .130wrsi cabe
AN AUMNS DQSN' in. the Detroit production, with Almra Milstead as
AN Ai. NUS OES"I'Jack, Ruby Mercer as-the Princess, and Raymond
1 ,rx' IF 'irI~'.....-- Middletonlasthe stupoid rather than wicked Giant.

We hale so too, Mrs. lMLean.
Student suibjects wrere unable= to pick pennies
from tables when tinder the hypnotic ;spell of Dr.
Frank Patti, professor of psychology at Rice Insti-
tute in Houston. Dr.. Patti,- said the students of-
fered unusual resistance to "deep hypnotism."
Say, what kind of results do you wan~t, Doe?
"Tihe organization is intended to afford an
Iopportunity for co-operative action to earnest
' ?re'public-an men and wovren who appreciate
I-the need for a militant p)olitical organization,
Inational in scope, to suppienent the work of
te regulai' party organizationis in promoting
teulia principles of government."
--Letter from Republican Federal Associates.


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2 7, 23,
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Eveningjs 25c

Guy Maicr and
Lee Pattison
-Chicao Symphony
freed ri kStock-



lBacchanaic (P, 'is Versioan) and Finale.
from tOle Overture
Elisabett'' prayer,
ine. Stueckgoil
"Tristan and Isolde"
Selectionsi from Act III
(Arranged for concert performance by
fred~erick Stock)
Fiuale-Entl'anmc of11whcCods
k Ilt . Sitct.goidc
S~iegfrhind inl thle IForsl'
"Gocttc 'da~ierung"
Son~gofithe Rhinle Maidens
SieCgfried's Death and Funerul March
IV. Saturday Afternoon,' :--y7,


Overture to "The Improvis-
Sym phonky No. 1. F minor, Op.
39..................... Sibelius
,.onacrto in C minor, No. 1, for
T::11- Pi' nuo- 'mtid Sri ....... Bac'1
611y Mai-t'r andi Iee Pat~tso
"Na tchecz-vn-Llic-lziiU (Th1ree Virginiani
Danc s5) . 0Op. 30 ................ .Powel11
Ballad, "King Estmere," for
-two puiosc and orchestra.. ... Sowerbay
Mfr. -Maier amil id Mr. atison
YLI satutrday Evending, 3:15--May 24
Leonora Corona ..- Soprano
Rose Bamgpton Contralto
Frederick loge! - - Tenor
John Charles Thomas.Baritone
Chase Ba-roneo------ Bss
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
University Choral Ulnion
Howard °Hanson,


Dr,'mtwtic Documuent of lxussia's Rebirth
Alive with the Ijeart and Blood of the People
4,._. r _ c r7l'_I_ _1 ?


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