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February 18, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-18

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iderwell Not-
ed By James
jury Finds
Young Prisoner On
rth Ballot; Case Was
'Detective Fiction'
i Defense Used

Defendant Is Taken To
County Jail And Charged
With IllegalEntry
(By The Associated Press)
LONG...............BEACH, Calif., Feb. 17.-
The state's explanation of the sensa-
tional slaying of "Capt." Walter
Wanderwell-a mystery with back-
ground and developments rivaling
detective fiction-was rejected by a
On the fourth ballot, the jury late
Thursday night freed 23-year-old
William James "Curly" Guy of the
charge he slew the leader of an ad-
venture-seeking band of eight young
women and seven men the night of
last December 5.
The almost fantastic career of
Wanderwell, 39-year-old Polish-born
soldier of fortune, was ended by a
pistol bullet aboard his yacht "Car-
ma," docked in the ocean harbor
fIn a few days, the Carmna, a for-
mer rum-running craft boughtat
a customs auction, was to have put
out for Hawaii, the South Seas and
oriental ports on a vagabond cruise
for which the strangely assorted
crew members were charged $190
Quarrel Declared Motive
Guy was not a member of the crew,
but he and his wife were members of
a 1931 automboile-ship expedition,
Buenos Aires to San Francisco, which
they left in Central America after a
quarrel with the leader, Wanderwell.
This quarrel was offered by the pros-
ecution as a motive for Wanderwell's
Receiving the verdict with a char-
acteristic smile and thanks to each
of the jurors, Guy was taken imme-
diately to the county jail at Los An-
geles to await disposition of a charge
of illegally entering this country. The
charge has been pending almost
since the time he was arrested Dec.
7 in the murder case.
The jury took the case at 5 p. m.
and reported a verdict at 10:35 p. m.
A vote of 9 to 3 for acquittal was un-
officially reported cast on the first
A. R. Montgomery, jury foreman,
said the jurors believed lighting con-
ditions about the yacht afforded too
great a possibility for error by mem-
bers ot the crew who identified the
debonair young Welshman as "the
stranger in gray" who appeared at a
porthole and asked for Wanderwell
just before the shooting.
Jury Visited Yacht
At the start of the trial the jury
was taken aboard the Carma to study
the slaying scene.
Edwin Delarm, Arapahoe Indian
aviator and the latter's family, tes-
tified Guy was at their place in
Glendale, 30 miles from the harbor,
at the time Wanderwell was killed.
Bates Rules On
Of Wayne Bills
Six Economy Measures
Reviewed; Reduction Of
Salaries Main Feature
The constitutionality of six bills
proposing changes in the government
of Wayne county in the interest of
economy has been passed upon by
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law
School. Dean Bates has for some
time been attending meetings of the
Legislative Committee of the Board
of Supervisors of Wayne county, at
the request of the board.
The bills involve the repeal and
amendmett of present statutes re-

lating to salaries of certain Wayne
county officials. One of them in ad-
dition proposes to merge the office of
undersheriff with that of chief
deputy sheriff.
Dean Bates' advice has pertained
only to the constitutional and strictly
legal features of the proposed legis-
lation. He has had nothing to do
with questions of policy, wisdom, or

Michigan Track Team
In Conference Opener
(Continued from Page 3)
couraging race to run in this meet.
The field house record is a world's
record for a mile on a cinder track
indoors, 4:12. Chicago distance men
were able to do no better than 4:39]
in a meet two weeks ago with Armour
Tech. With no chance for a record
and nobody for company except the
other Michigan miler, Childs, the
evening looks uninteresting in the
What holds for the mile is also,
true for the two-mile. When Ichabod1
Hill and AArchie McMillan turn onI
the "high-test" for the final lap,
they should turn in a two-mile timeI
close to 9:55. This would appear to
assure the team of another eight
points, since Chicago turned in timesI
far above the 10-minute mark in
previous meets.
Willis Ward will be doubling up
more than anyone else on a Michi-
gan team has for the past few years.
He takes care of the sprints, high
jump, and possibly high hurdles.
In the high jump there will also
be Moisio, who helped stem the Buck-
eye tide in the closing minutes of the
outdoor Conference meet last June.
It will be his first competition this
year, but because he is a veteran, a
creditable performance is expected.
Humphrey will do the pole vault-
ing for Michigan, and has a chance
to come through. Little is known of
the Chicago performers.
In the shot-put, Michigan is rely-
ing upon Blumenfeld and Damm.
Blumenfeld has already competed at
West Virginia, where he placed
fourth in some good competition.I
Chicago has a good man in the event,
Mattoon Speaks
On Problems In
Forestry Work
Pisgah Supervisor Tells
Of Conflicting Aspects
Noted On Preserve
Necessity for reconciling the con-
flicting aspects of forest manage-
ment work was dsicussed .by M. A,
Mattoon, supervisor of Pisgah Na-
tional Forest, near Asheville, N. C.,
in a series of lectures before the
forestry school Thursday and Friday.
Mr. Mattoon, one of the first gov-
ernment supervisors to come here
from an eastern forest preserve, pre-
sented the foremost problems of
managment of the Pisgah tract in
his talks. Recreation demands of the
public, he said, are especially hard
to tie up with the lumbering activi-
ties of 'the preserve.
In one of his talks yesterday he
described the recreational uses of
the Pisgah Forest, saying that wise
planning in advance and in detail is
necessary if places of special interest
and beauty are to be kept in their
present state, and if the correct rela-
tive importance and volume of public
activities are to be maintained.
In the division of the forest that
is set aside as a federal game pre-
serve, Mr. Matton finds it is neces-
sary not only to provide protection
for the wild life, but also to remove
the surplus so that the animal popu-
lation will be kept in balance with
other resources of the land. Reduc-
tion in numbers may be brought
about either by limited public shoot-
ing or by removal to other preserves,
He showed that the determination
of the carrying capacity of an area
is a much more complicated problem
than that of similar computation for
cattle ranges. He used the deer herd
to illustrate his points in regard tc

wild life.
"All work in the Pisgah Forest,'
Mr. Mattoon said, "is influenced by
the fact that it straddles the Alle-
ghenies, and water shed protection
must be maintained. The hetero-
geneous condition of timber lands
when bought by the government
tends to make the process of getting
the erect stands into a more produc-
tive condition a slow one. Keeping
the more valuable species of trees
well represented is important," he
"The forest no longer loses large
acreages through fire," Mr. Mattoon
concluded, "but the danger can be
further removed only through public
support and education, since 95 per
cent of the fires are man-caused."
For a number of years Prof. Leigh
J. Young of the forestry school has
been taking classes to the Pisgah
Forest for study, so that many of the
students and faculty here are ac-
quainted with Mr. Mattoon and his

William B.Stout
Will Give Talk
Here Tuesday
Public, Business Students,
Faculty To Hear Speech
Of Famed Engineer
William B. Stout, a world-famed
aeronautical engineer and promoter
of aviation, will speak here Tuesday
before a School of Business Admin-
istration assembly, on "The Influ-
ences of Obsolescence in Economic
Life," it has been announced by Prof.
G. Rodkey of the School of Business
Administration. The lecture will be
held at 11 a. m. in Room 25 Angell
Hall and will be open to the general
Mr. Stout, now president of the
Stout Engineering Laboratories at
Dearborn, and former president of
the Stout Metal Plane Company, a
branch of the Ford Company, has
had a career notable for the number
of prominent positions he has held.
Leaving the University of Minnesota
in 1902, he went off on a trip to
Europe, contributing illustrated arti-
cles to American newspapers and
When he returned to this country
in 1903 he began his engineering
career as instructor of manual train-
ing at a St. Paul high school. During
this time he began a department in
the St. Paul Dispatch, known as
"Jack Kneiff," that grew to a full-
page feature and was syndicated. On
his second trip to Europe in 1908,
Stout toured the continent in an
automobile, despite the fact that they
were still in their earliest stages of
An engineering position in St. Paul
was succeeded by the technology and
aviation editorship of the Chicago
Tribune in 1912. Since then he has
held positions with the Scripps-
Booth Company of;Detroit and the
Packard Motor Car Company, as well
as an appointment as technical ad-
visor to the Federal Aircraft Board.

Jobless Army
Dragged Out Of
City Hall Camp
But Leaders Say They
Have Moral Victory In
Expressing 'Sentiment'
SEATTLE, Feb. 17. - 0") - An
"army" of unemployed demonstra-
tors today was on the outside "look-
ing in," after being pushed, dragged
and driven by fire hose from the
county-city building in which it had
camped since Tuesday night.
With leaders claiming they had
won their aims to "crystallize senti-
ment," the demonstrators peacefully
dispersed late Thursday night, after
parading, singing and shouting'
through the streets to their new
headquarters in a nearby section.
Only a few minor casualties, mostly
confined to bruises, occurred in the
two-hour melee.
Police said four men, taken into
custody because they were believed
to have criminal records, later were
William Dobbins, the leader of the
movement, announced no further
demonstrations would be held before
the march on the state capitol where
the legislature is in session.
Dispersing of the throng was ac-
complished by deputy sheriffs, 100
policemen and two pieces of fire ap-
paratus, and most of the demonstra-
tors were ejected with little resist-
Once outside, however, a group of
more than 400 tried to push their
way back in through a door held by
between 25 and 30 deputies. At that
time, the hosemen on the eighth floor
turned on the water. The drenching
drove the throng back.
8 Trucks Transport Fuel
To Poor In Zero Blast,
When the temperature dropped be-
low zero for the first time in three
years, Oklahoma City's emergency
relief woodpile became an all-night
institution. Eight trucks carried the
fuel to needy families.

Constituents Re-Elet
Ilii Whihlelie s Ab'en
OKLAHOMA CITY, Peb. 17..-UP)---
State Senator David M. Logan, a
member of the Oklahoma legislature
for the past five sessions, was absent
from his district during three cam-
paigns but won out just the same.
He was re-elected to the house of

representatives in 1926 while on his
honeymoon: chosen again in 1928
while on a European tour; and re-
turned for his fourth term i the
I-louse in 1930 while in 'remnessec,
called by the illness of his wife.

The U. S. land office is the custo- couples lacking such education, in
dian of 173,000,000 acres of public the opinion of Mrs. Adele Starbird,
domain subject to all the applicable dean of women at Washington Uni-
public land laws. versity.


Marriage Of Graduates
Best, College Dean Says
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 17.--U() -Mar-
riages between college graduates are
more likely to succeed than those of



Late last night at a meeting of the Boss Barbers of Ann Arbor,
it was unanimously agreed to reduce the price of haircuts to 35 cents.
As in the past every sanitary regulation will be strictly adhered to.
Ann Arbor's barbers believe that they have always offered the best
in the way of service and co-operation and they hereby pledge them-
selves to maintain their high standards in the future.

All broadcasting stations in Japan
are members or one association,
which is under direct governmental




f 9

has to be a different kind of
tobacco from that used in
cigarettes... and it has to be
made by an entirely different
process .. .

UT in Kentucky, where they have
pretty women, fast horses, and
blue grass, there grows a tobacco called
White Burley. It doesn't grow anywhere
else in the world.
There is a type of this White Burley
that is best suited for pipe smoking. It
is neither too thick nor too thin. It is
not light and chaffy; at the same time,
it is not rank or strong. "U. S. Type
31" is the government classification
for White Burley.
Since no other pipe tobacco has yet
been found which seems to equal White
Burley, this is what we use in making
Granger Rough Cut.
Next, we use the Wellman Method,
a famous 1870 method of making pipe
tobacco, to give Granger its fine flavor
and fragrance. Then, too, Granger is
"Rough Cut"-just like they used to
"whittle" their tobacco off a plug with
a jack-knife. It smokes cool, lasts longer
and never gums a pipe.
And finally, we want to sell Granger
for 10 cents. Good tobacco-right pro-
cess.-cut right. So we put Granger in
a sensible soft foil pouch instead of an
1San L1w 7'na lA!C,® H/aTnAT'. Y '. '..iL '. ( l~ 7

Practice TRUE ECONOMY by eating at
Ann Arbor's Largest Restaurant
Established 1899

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