ITIG7AT A )t C r,~~ , ; A' matter but, as far as the city giving up its rights '- --_--- ---------------- _._._ is concerned, it has no rights other than those given it by the Legislature. Whatever rights cities A rt iReview s possess, are given them by the Home Rule Act, a purely legislative enactment. The city's charter was obtained from the State and it has no in- THE AMERICAN I alienable righ .s. ARTISTS EXHIBITION 3. The proposed amendment did not provide (A Review by Jean Paul Slusser) for any general regulation on the distribution of The American Artists exhibition held annually beer so it could not have come into conflict with by the Art Institute of Chicaj was pckcd this any provision of the Lansing beer bill. It merely year by a jury of three prominent mid-xvastern repcaled a local territorial restriction. However, museum directors, and the resultant show ap- if it had run counter to any provision in tthe peared as a rather broad-minded selection, de1'i- beer bill, it would have been nullified and nothing cient a little in out-and-out masterpieces, but could have been lost. agreeably diverse in tendency, and unusually in- 4. That the tenor of popular sentiment was teresting in color. The group of 43 canvases which} against Prohibition was clearly indicated in the now hang in Alumni Memorial Hall selected from elections last fall and this spring. Therefore, the I this exhibition by Robert Harshe, director of the tendency would have been to vote "yes" and the Institute give a fairly good idea of the general sewage plant proposal would have been' aided. tenor of the original show and reflect some of the The dryest ward in the city is the Sixth but, since tendencies current in American painting today. its voters are mainly of the "University class" should not be expected to confuse the issue. Several of the more important pictures shown the heheection is the last harter electionthahere, it may be noted, are works which made their Siancetheletioiseartheras harteueld~ection thatfirst appearance at the last two Carnegie Inter-, can be held this year, there should have been no national Exhibitions at Pittsburg. One of these, fear of "cluttering up" the ballot, but, rather. T *,,,' i ; ! ' >;' .Fi E . " s re s , ,$ R ':-ri 't nt "C!' :.rK nl+w l4tCAR .a + ..' , i t{ t _, EVERY DAY in The ichigan Daily ablished every morning e .ccpt Monday during the versity year anal Summer Session by the Board in trol of Student Publications. ember of tle Western Conference Editorial Associa- and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THlE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited toite or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news. lished herein. All rights of republication of special atches are reserved. atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by rd Assistant Postmaster-General.. ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by 1, $4.50. ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. epresentatives: College Publications Reprosentatlves, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 iston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, cago. EDITOIIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 IAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. GILBRETH. 'Y EDITOR......................KARL SEIF'ERT 'RTS EDITOR ........ ... .......JO-HN W. THOMAS MEN'S EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIEN ISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER iHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, seph A. Refihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, lenn R. Winters. -RTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. 'ORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R. rd, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens. Ralph G. >ulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron Iridge, Ted Evans, William G. Ferris. Sidney Frankel, homas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Hiealey, )bert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Joseph L. Karpin-' a, Milton Keiner, Matthew Lefkowitz, Manuel Levfn, ving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy,1 diucy Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Kcn.. ';t Parker", Paul W. Philips, George Quinaby, Floyd e, Will im Reed. Edwin W. Riclhardson, Rich- d Rome. H. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott, Adolph apiro, Marshall D. Silverman. Wilson L~. Trimmrr orge Va ieck, Philip Taylor Va Zile, WIlllarn eeks, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. rothy Adams, Barbara Bates, Marjoric Beck, Eleanor .Blium. 1F'rances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane >oley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy shman, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy -ea, Carol J. Hanan, Jean -Hanmer, Florence Harper, arie Held, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Lois fter, Hilda Laine, Helen Levison, Kathleen Maclntyre, sephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie :rrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D. The Daily bring .YU every morning al Ithe campus news, society chatter, and world affairs. You can't afford to be without this Daily summary of what you need to know to keep up with th e worldz the people should have been allowed to express themselves on a number of issues. 5. Even though the East Side ban may be illegal, the city attorney says it is legal and he has the final dictum in the city. Therefore, the only ap- peal against his decision is to the courts. Why go to the unnecessary cost of litigation? If thej amendment had been passed, there would have been no further controversy.: 6. Members of the council could not say whether or not the people of the East Side wanted beer. And they were not asked 'to make - a decision. The simple way to determine what East Side sentiments were, would have been to allow the people to vote on the nmatter. Alderman Kurtz made . salient point when he pointed that the students would get the beer "if they had to came down on roller skates for it."' The whole idea behind the original charter pro- vision was to keep students from close prox- imity to intoxicating licluor. This has never worked. If students want liquor they will get' it and it might be better if they sat in a State Street restaurant and quaffed 'beer' than if they sent for their bootleggers and driank liquor so potent that, as Sheriff Andres expressed it, "they climb trees." The disgradeful eisodes of the past few weeks, as a result of student drinking; have been no insignificant matters. 'They should have taught the City Council' a lesson. But, it seems that that body still has much 'to learn. JudL~ts02 n miths zarge and pow;,e ruly or ganizeda "Deserted Mill," a canvas which demonstrates again how closely akin the moderns often are to the classics, won a First Honorable Mention at the Carnegie International of 1931. Waldo Pierce's enormous and typically exuberant "Gemini at Bath," an outstanding essay in color as well as in composition, was widely commented upon at the same exhibition. Alexander Brok's half-nude, "Gecelia,' was one of his exhibits in Pittsburg the same year. Incidentally, as sheer painting this is one of the loveliest things in the room, though scarcely" in its complete impact to be compared with the same artist's "Nude on a Navajo Blanket" acquired by the Art Association here last autumn., iNear it is another beautiful, albeit slight, episode in paint, E. Barnard Lintott's white-costumed Pierrot. Georgina Klitgaard's impressive "Witten- berg" is possibly less interesting than the snow landscape of hers which ,hung here throughout the winter. 1 ' $1.50 For the Rest of the Sch ool Yea. Try This Bg Newspaper Value TEN DAYS DELIVERY FOR ONLY 30 CENTS ONE MONT HDE LiVERY FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR Make It a Point to See a Daily Salesman 12 C n (' 12 i s' a Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E. " uipon,.thi Sao snnanstne, Margaret Spencer, Miriam C 00i Aool n ityo~rn p. tark, Marore We tern. n " t o r Teehone -Death Of Dr. Darlin . . BUSINESS MANAGER.............BYRON C. VEDDER , GREDIT MIANAGER.............HARRY R. BEGLEY I WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......Donna C. Becker N THE DEATH last week of Dr. DPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertslng.W.GraftonSharp i I Cyrnus Darling the city and the Advertislg Contrtacts, Orvil A'onson; Advertising Serv- University lost a friend and a leader who for Ice Novl Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- m culation, Gilbert E. Bursey; Publications, Robert '. maze than 50 yeas has unsintingy served his imnn. ____ -fellowmen. Joint founder of the St. Joseph's Mercy ASSITANTh: sjuhn Bellany. Gordon .oylan, Allen Cleve- Hospital, his visible contribution to his community' land, Jalck Efroymson, 1Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume. is a monument that will not soon be effaced. Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Rohert t o d is n Waird, Meigs w. Bartmess. Williaur B. Caplan, Willard Underneath this outward sign of his bene- ood's, irt . aereax,'Crl 1.MFibler, AextI ficence there is in the hearts of his students and regory, Milton Kramuer, Johin .MVarkls, JoztI T. Maonz, t John P. Ogden, Robert Trimhy, Bernard Rosenthal, colleagues the fond memory of his sympathetic t Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Wiliams. understanding and inspiringaccomplishments. Dr. Elrzabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Bculah Chapman, Derls Darling vas unfailingly accessible to those who Gix~knmy, Biitte GriYlt, Cathlerine 1Me1Henry, dMay ce-. frite, irinia Mc+1' , Meria bbt, etty' apmn sought him for medical advice or moral counsel, Lillain Fine, Minna iffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. and his death is felt as keenly for the loss of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1933 his personality as for the end it puts to his en- ru______deavors toward the acquisition of finer medicale equipment and knowledge for his fellows.S East Side-West When the Carleton Angell bust of Dr. Darling "d AA'd. was presented to the University in 1931, President Ruthven described him as "one of the great fig- JTI HE ANN ARBOR Common Council taures" in the institution's history.a T HAnday night decided to continue These just words are equally applicable to Dr. thebeer rmnaynwigteietych Darling in connection with the service he has the beer dlscrlmlnation written in the city char- rendered his city. T ter against the East Side of the city.Ds.u It is problematical nozw whether the charter Dr.' Darlinag is with us no longer. His familiar 1 Itovisoislega.iSatenwtrethlercnt have face is gone from the campus and the city thatF provision is legal. State Street merchants aehas known him so long. But what he has donev if these are refused, they will probably turn d will not be forgotten while Ann Arbor and the the courts. City Attorney William Laird has ruled University endure. that the charter provision outlaws 3.2 beer. It v may be aigued that the. "brews and malts" re- ferred to in the charter were mnore potent than M usical E vents the newly-legalized beer would - be. Secondly, it' M s al E may be that the repeal amendment adopted last ,v fall renders the city regulation unconstitutional. LC A N Legal authorities have expressed this opinion. It' might have been better, however, if the people of The almost primitive vigor of the Lala Sym- Ann Arbor had been given an apportunity to ex- phonie Espagnole was well suited to Miss Lan-r press themselves on whether they wanted 3.2 beer den's full and intense tone which at timesf on the East-Side. reached a really thrilling pitch of excitement, and Ad. William Ieaton contributed in no small de-,at lesser moments dangerusly approached gree to the confusion at the meeting of the Coun- oarseness. Vitality akes art' live-but too great cil Monday night. To a man in his position the an expenditure of energy only leads to a physical situation should have been clear and, in other a tndpsychological exhaustio, both on the part matters before the Council during the past year., of the performer and the audience. Miss Landen he has shown a remarkable clarity of judgment, ,nplays well omone level-yetsvatriety. as Hwell as One might conclude then that he was intention-I'unty s a component of artistic form. The Handel ally trying to create confusion while at the same Sonata, the firm and vigorous Bach, and the fiery time concealing his real feelings behind a cloud of DeFalla dance were numbers on the pprogram that subterfuge. lent themselves particularly to this marcato stylez When the matter was first presented to the of playing. -Kathleen Murphy council, Alderman Paton argued that it wouldT-R A lead to the establishment of the old saloon and TODAY'S ORGAN RECITAL the return of hard liquor to the East Side. When Palmer Christian will present the followingE the amendment was changed to meet this ob. program today at four-fifteen at Hill Auditorium. jection, he shifted his ground. His argument Choral ..:.. . .........:.....;......Andriessen then, that the city would be giving up some of its I Benediction ...... . ... . .............Karg-Elert legal rights to the State, was out of place since Fantasie in A.. . . ............ . . . ........ Franck the matter in hand was purely local and the city Symphony No. 1 for organ .,.. .........Maquaire could reverse itself at any time. Allegro The arguments against the legalization of beer Andante on the East Side were: 1. That this would open Scherzo the way to the return cf hard liquors and of the Finale saloon. 2. That the city would be giving up some Hora Mystica . . ..........................Bossi of its rights, 3. Th a t the Legislature had not I Sketch in D flat .....................Schumann yet passed the beer bill and, therefore, the legis- Cradle Song ..... . .......................Held lation was premature. 4. That the ballot a t the Caprice Heroique.... ....... . .... . .......Bonnet special election would be "cluttered up" and thus the sewer proposal would be endangered. 5. That HAROLD GELMAN- the State Street merchants could probably sell Harold Gelman, pianist, will present the fol- 3.2 beer, anyhow. 6. That the people of the East lowing graduation recital at 8:15 p. m. today Side did not want such legislation. in the auditorium of the School of Music on May- These confused arguments were the products nard Street., of Council chaos and the subtle maneuverings of Prelude, Fugue, and Variation. ........Franck the Council drys.. Let us weigh them. Sonata, Op. 13 tPathetique) . .........Beethoven 1. Saloons and hard liquors are banned at the Grave; Allegro molto e con briol + Hma ho t. ta t:icanr3 national awInfhow- Aclaio cantabile Of the.prize-winning canvases, Sidney Lauf- nan's "Landscape," which won the first Logan ?rize, is a beautiful piece of quiet tonality, early Corot with overtones of Maurice Ut"illo, but with rnore architectonics about it than at first sight Lpears. "Amazon Carrousel" by Simka Simk- hovitch, another -prize-winner, is a gay and orig- nal design with' a fine suggestion of motion. Paul Trebilcock with his decorative "Anna May Wong" trikes the color note, as does Francis Chapin in t very gorgeous still life, while Harry Gottlieb and Stephen Etnier sing of the beauties of gray. The exhibition, the closing show of the year of he Ann Arbor Art Association, remains through May 12, and is open afternoons, including Sun- days. Town Points By FRANCIS WAGNER Ann Arbor was definitely a German town in he old days and the Germans have entrenched hemselves deeply in the business life of the city. As indication of this, take the names of city busi- ness establishinents-Lindenschmitt and Apfel, Ziefle and Nissle, Wahr, Muehlig, Schlenker, Schlanderer and Seyfried, Wagner, Wuerth, Sta- ebler, Ehnis, Walz, Haas, Schumacher, Fiegel, Schmitt, Seeger and Kress. There are 64 University buildings in Ann Arbor. Twenty-one of these are on the campus proper and 43 scattered over the surrounding area. Ann Arbor and Lansing are the only cities in Michigan in which the Associated Press keeps reg- ular correspondents. There are two Associated Press offices in Ann Arbor. .3~~ - I Studen t Publication s Building J it _ _ _ 4 F "p «.. ? uI oGRAr' )TG i___ our ounx sh1 cibyccatetent ez.torS 0.t iara erte rtes. 0. ~ . D.I 0RRI 'L ... - - __. .,. .a CL ASSES NOW FORMINGi STENOTYPY SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING ]300KK EEPING CALCULATOR DiCTAPHONE SECRETARIAL TRAINING Day and Evening Classes 'If Below are shown Day, Evening and Night Station-to-Station long distance rates for 3 -minute calls from Ann Arbor to repre- sentative points. Business College State & William Sts. PHONE '7831 17th Year a -- - -- - ----- --- - I STARS & STRIPES She 110 312 Weighs Pounds and Ounces m her New --y Karl~eifer Now that ve've thought it over some more, we realize that perhaps the student who was thrown into the street by the football player wasn't suf- fering from athlete's foot at all. Maybe it was B. 0.-black orbs, :-* * EVERYThING lN UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS -Bookstore Ad. Brother, there comes a time in the life of every young man when what he's learned out of Uni- versity text books doesn't help him a-TALL. ** * CLASSIFIED AD: Men with trucks-Wheeling, Virginia, to Detroit. No waiting for loads. Whatta gal. SLY WINK DEPT . "Nils Aster was given his first screen oppor- tunity by Mauritz Stiller, discoverer of Garbo, when the director saw himn break his leg in a ski race in Sweden." --Scrcen Note, * * * "I never thought I'd rave about a kitchen sink," says an ad. Probably not, mister, but that's the kind of thing that happens when you start writing ad- vertising. *, 4. -: : RAIN AND SNOW CANCEL GAME' -Headline In Ann Arbor that sort of a tilt is only temporarily postponed-it's practically a continuous performance. "It is fun to be able to meet women from cain- puses all over the country and see how they are rum."-League president in interview. f1nn Arbor to: Day (4:30 A.M- 7:00 P M.) B IN JOLIE FLAS ,fr r4-, r. Bc nton Harbor .$ . -95 Birmingham..... .30 Cadillac .... . 1.05 Cleveland ........ .70 Detroit ........... ...30 Flint... ... ....... .45 Hillsdale c .45 Eveiing 7:00 P.M.- 8:40 P.M. $ .70 .30 .80 .60 .30 .35 .35 .50 .60 1.35 .30 .35 .70 .45 Night 8:30 P.M. 4:3J0 A.M $ .50 .30 .55 .40 .30 .35 .35 .35 .40 .90 .30 .35 .45 .35 Joia. Kalamazoo .65 .. .70 II Marquette ....... . 'Monroe ......... . Mt. Clemens ..... . N iles ............ Port 'Hmron ........ 1.80 .30 .45 .90 .60 1 1 I ,:t She har dly knows she has on a I girdle-yet Flash" gives her all the control she needs! Made of a wonderful new openwork elas- tic and batiste combination-it weighs next to nothing, and is as easy to wash as a pair of silk stocking. Sizes 26 to 30. $.50 and $5.00 (On calls costing 50c or mor, a Federal tax applies) M ICHIGAN BELL "E" "" EE""E4 EE 44 L Em asie g