E MICHIGAN DAILY 4ki AP0S kmo*M SOCI ETY Yrs. John N. Garner Will Wear Simple Gown At Inaugural B )men' s Team ebates With Northwestern Debutantes Work On Plans For Inaugural Ball Pledgeingf Is 'Many Dances Main Feature Are Scheduled For Sororities For Week-End Many Members Have Left Sorority And Fraternities For Week-End; Others Plan Social Activities To Have Guests Visiting Begin New Semester WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. - (IP - "Just as plain and simple as I am" was the description Mrs. John N. Garner gave today of the evening ,ewn she will wear both to the White, House next Tuesday night and tol the Inaugural ball March 4. The dress will have atdouble his- torical significance in that It will grace her final important official ap- pearance in her role of speaker's 'wife, President Hoovrer, s dinner t he, speaker; and also her first social whirl in her new role of wife of the vice president.- we'll call it satin," she said, sinkl into a chair for a little breath spell. "It has a soft, lacy light co that starts in the back about I (she indicated a point above shoulder blades) and that come ward on both sides to form a co effect at the neck, goinVg on dc the front to a little V below the w "Thde trimming isn't dead wlIA but light, and it is embroidered Y sequins that give it a yellowish-s cast." Audience Balloted, Votes Not Yet Correlated Afterj;. Debate At Elkhart, Ind. Michigan's women's debate team met Northwestern's team in an audi- ence decision debate Thursday night in the auditorium of Elkhart High School, Elkhart, Ind. Michigan's team, composed of.:.. Dorothy Davis, '33, Jenne Hagaman, '33, and Eleanor Blum, '35, upheld the affirmative of the question, Re- solved, That the Federal Radio Com- mission should be empowered to or- u ganize all radio broadcasting com- panies into a single monopolistic concern under federal control. Ballots were given to each one in thne audience at the beginning of the debate on which the voter was asked whether he were strongly or slightlyI negative or affmative or net After the debate, they were asked to vote again, this time marking any change of opinion. Any shift toward --Associated Press Photo one side or the other will count as These debutante daughters of prominent Washington Democrats a vote for them. The votes have not are making plans for the younger set to participate in the inaugural yet been correlated. ball and other festivities in connection with the inauguration of Frank- The afirmative, offering a serious Jin D. Roosevelt. Left to right; ieanor Branson, Elizabeth Wheeler, presentation of the question were met daughter of Senator Wheeler, of Montana, and Helen Coolidge, daugh- by a farcical discussion on the part t of Northwestern's team. The Affir- _ ter of Senaor Coolidge, of Massachusetts. mative based their arguments on the evils inherent in the present com-ipet-i itive system and pointed out where Fat C 1 wns Are Featur'e In a monopoly of radio broadcasting -.C Mrs. Garner, in the third of herE Sororities have had an active week After last week-end of social activ- multiple character parts in the dra- of entertaining. Sevcral pledgings ities, the campus has not let down. ma of public affairs, secretary to herz have been announced and n hany Delta Theta Phi, law fraternity, and husband, was packing for the move, houses are giving rushing dinners. ! from the house to the senate side, Many have left the campus for the= Phi Beta Delta will hold dances to-. fteCpio ssedeciene weekend.night. Beta Kappa Rho, society of dress. ALPHA CHI OMEGA women living in unorganized houses, "It's black, satin I think, anyhow Alpha Chi Omega announces the will also give a dance tonight from 11 pledging last night of Betty Bergen- 8':30 to 12 p. in. at the Women's Ath- Ve1vt'a den, '34, of New York City, and leticBudn.e e P E Helen Brandt, '36, of Ludington. The uil 'gDELTA THETA PHI hI Par is te- house is entertaining one guest this Delta Theta Phi Law fraternity is __ week-end, Sally Wilbur, '32, of PortTL Huron. giving a dinner dance tonight. The PARIS, Feb. 18.-(IP)-Velvet holds DELTA GAMMAe G guests will be Margaret Smith, '34, the spotlight when Paris dances these .Three of the Delta Gamma girls Martha. Foster, '34, of Ann Arbor, einns are spending the week-end in Chi- Genevieve Spencer, '34, Elinor Allen, We t he n e, dec- sago The ar Jan Mithel, '3, Erated to resemble the queer old Place cag The are Jane Mitchel '3,'4, Helen Bentley, 33, Lo Ella Ger- du Terte in the historic Montmartre Heesn, 33.' nan f Lnsin, HlenFlyn, 35,quarter, held its recent after-mid- HeeseA MC33.Marion Crippen of Alma, Blanche night gala, chic Parisians thronged ALPHA OMICRON PI Barnhart of East Lansing, Helen its dance floor in velvet frocks, vel-1 A hard times party is being planned Bailey, '33, Marie Metzger, '35, vet slippers and velvet gloves.k for Tuesday night at Alpha Omicron Marion Pearson of Detroit, Vera New small coiffures which fitted Pi. Chaperons will be Mrs. Charles Johnson of Ann Arbor, Virginia Han- the head as closely as a cap, dia-, S. Beeheimer, house mother. Mrs. lon of Detroit, Ruth Alward of Ann mond bracelets instead of earrings Franklin Moore, from Kappa Alpha Arbor, Elizabeth Wilmon of Ann and little wraps worn with frocks Theta house; Mrs. Eva Anderson, Arbor. spelled other style notes of impor- from Alpha Phi, and Mrs. Maude The chaperons will be Mrs. Alex- tance. Thompson, from Theta Phi Alpha. ander Bochnowski, of East Chicago, Many costumes reflected spring- Music will be furnished by Max Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. William De- time flower tones. Madame d'Estain- Crossman. Haan, of Ypsilanti. ville wore a black velvet princess? Last night 12 guests were enter- Pfl 1ETA DELTA frock with a piquant jacket of rose tamed at a rushing dinner. Spring Phi Beta Delta is holding a dance pizk tulle made with puifc elbow flowers and ivory tapers decorated f w T o , sleeves and tied with a big bow under tonightfowhcTeKok'or the tables. Another rushing dinner chmstr wil play. Te Khpes are her chin. for 10 guests will be given Monday M and Mrs. Saul M. Schwarz, Mr. Several smart guests appeared in night. and Mrs. Morris Fishman, and Mr. hyacinth blue velvet frocks designed' CHI OMEGA and Mrs. Joseph Modell, all of De- on princess lines with scalloped hems . An informal tea will be held Sun- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward and trains; another chose leaf green day at Chi Omega. Brooks Eliezer of Ann Arbor. velvet with a scarf and gloves to Ruth Root, '35, will be in Lansing- . -. match. 1 to attend the Theta Kappa Nu for- Many women wore one or two dia- mal dance. Mary Gaylord, '35, is affair. Mrs. Eliezer is an alumna of mond bracelets outside their velvet spending the week-end at her home PhiSmaSigsan gloves which were wrinkled over in Algonae down the forearm. One striking cos- ALPHA XI DELTA Rose Modell of Detroit is spending tume of carnation red velvet was Charlotte Etzold, of Bay City, will the week-end as house guest. worn with red velvet gloves almost be a week-end guest at Alpha Xi ZETA TAU ALPHA corncea 1d by dazzling diamond brace- Delta. Ann Mayhugh Ratliff,'32 has Zeta Tau Alpha entertained sh from wrist to elbow. Mrs. Garner said she hadn't ye selected the gown she would wea on inauguration day for the cere monies at the Capitol, but that would certainly be some variation her favorite "black with toucheso white. Adelia Cheever Gives Scholarshij The board of governors of Adeli Cheever House has awarded the Ali Martin Scholarship of $100 to Ann Sorenson, '33. This . is the seco dime Miss Sorenson has been the re cipient of this award. These scholarships are paid fron the interest on a $10,000 trust furs given to Adelia Cheever by Alice Mar tin Hutzinpillar, Several awards $100 each are usually given eac year to residents of Adelia Cheeve douse as recognition of high scholar ship. Director Of Dormitory Eitertains At Dinne facilities would be an adequate rem- edy for the situation. The negative, on the other hand, failing to meet the affirmative on their issues, based their case on the good that had accrued from the work of the Federal Radio Commission, which, they maintained, had brought order out of the chaos that existed in broadcasting before the organization of the commission. This debate with Northwestern was held in substitution for the de- bate scheduled with Indiana, which was forfeited by that university. Michigan's negative team is sched- uled to meet Ohio State's aflirmative for Feb. 21 here. Where To Go Motion Pictures: "Czar Ivan the: Terrible," performance, 8:15 p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre; Michi- gan, "American Madness"; Majestic, "Island of Lost Souls"; Wuerth, "My Pal the King." Athletic Events: Wrestling, Michi- gan vs. Ohio State, 3 p. m., Field House; Basketball, Michigan vs. Iowa, 7:30 p. m., Field House; Hockey, Michigan vs. Wisconsin, 8:30 p. m.., Coliseum. Dances: Informal dancing, 9 p. m., League; Informal dancing, Union ballroom; Informal dance, closed, Phi Rho Sigma; Informal dance. closed, Phi Beta Delta; Formal dinner dance, closed, Delta Theta Phi. Graduate Students Will Hold Dance Next Week Graduate students will hold their first dance of the second semester Feb. 25, at the Women's Athletic Building. There will be an admission} charge of 30 cents to cover the cost of orchestra and janitor service. Interesting By BARBARA BATES Easter was the time a few years aack when mother and daughter lonned their new straw bonnets and ;ook themselves to church to display ;heir new purchases. Times have :hanged and straw hats begin to ap- )ear before winter has even started ;o lose its hold on frost-bitten in- aabitants. The shops are loaded with smart iew hats as variable in price as in ,tyle and color. Following the trend .f Paris predictions for blue and uhite costumes, there are white hats, >lue hats, and a mixture of both to upply the popular demand, as well is hats of every other hue. Hats, as Ilways, have an extreme dip over the ight eye and are pulled well down n the forehead. Brims appear on ,he newest hats for sports wear. Ihese of the last type are soft felts with narrow bands of grosgrain rib- don of a matching or contrasting shade. Worn with a navy blue taffeta Several Mosher-Jordan I Women Visit At Homes A number of the Mosher-Jordan women are spending the week-end at home. From Jordan, Grace Esther Schroeder, '36, is going to Toledo, Ohio, Alma Lamfrom, '35, to Fostoria, Ohio, Louise Stone, '36, to Birming- ham, and Mary Alice Emmett, '35, and Elsie Feldman, '33, both to De- troit. Mosher women leaving are Maxine Hutchins, '36, for Ionia, Mich., Jean Hoover, '36, and Catherine Hoover, '36, for Jackson, and Mary Spencer, '35, Jean Hanmer, '36, Katherine Hannon, '35, Ruth Lavendar, '36, Thelma Peterson, '36, and Elizabeth Harris, '34, all for Detroit. iNew Sprmg Hats dress with white touches about the throat and white gloves is one hat that is a combination beret and Turkish fez of white woolen visca. It is smart and severe, undecorated, save for a tiny clip in the exact cen- ter of the front of the hat. Mrs. Florence W. Tousey, director of Helen Newberry dormitory, enter- tamied at dinner, Feb. 14. the follow- ing guests; Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Jean- nette Perry, Mrs. Edwin N. Dickin- son, Mrs. Halstead H. Seeley, Doro- thy Ogborn, Eunice VanCamp. The guests later attended the per- formance of "The Dover Road" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. If you rite, w bay' It. Correspondence Stationei7, Fountara Pea, Ink, etcg. Tpmriters all =als. Gr4 CSad t, Aoverybod . 10, Do M O R R LbEE 134 S. Sate St,, .A= ro, Fortunately black straws are in as much demand as ever and may be worn with practically any costume. The styles of these new models vary from a pancake crown of practically r no height at all with a narrow brim, ' to soft, crushable straws that perch' delightfully over the right eye. railored flowers, severe feathers, rib- bons, and metallic clips all serve their purposes in decorating these hats. The straw is dexterously han-, dled in draped effects in the softer hats to appear like fabric and are often constructed on Victorian lines, with always a modern touch some- where in the decoration. The newest panamas for early summer wear, when Ann Arbor weather grows uncomfortably warm and classes are tedious, will have un- usual verve and distinction. The brims will be, without exception, un- believably shallow, and the brims wide. The bands of the hat will be varied as well to match the costume worn. Bands of contrasting velvet ribbon, bands of grosgrain ribbon, twisted ribbon in two shades, and other novel features will characterize these hats. been a house guest for the past week. COLLEGIATE SOROSIS Collegiate Sorosis is resting after the past week of recuperating from J-Hop week-end and the beginning of classes. However, several girls have left the house for the week-end. Martha Neuhardt, '35, is visiting at Ohio State, and Elizabeth Gilkey, '33, is spending the week-end at her home in Trainwell, Mich. PIT SIGMA SIGMA Phi Sigma Sigma wishes to an- nounce the pledging of Elva Baker, '36, Lynn, Mass.; Rose Levine, '36, Cheboygan, Mich., and Lillian Ma- gasiner, '36, Sioux City, Iowa, on Wednesday, Feb. 15. After the cere- mony ,the new pledges were honored at dinner. The table was attractively decorated with yellow tapers. The pledges entertained the active members at an informal victrola dance last night. The decorations were carried out in red on a St. Val- entine's theme. Mrs. Edna Babson, sorority house mother, and Mr. and guests at a rushing dinner Thursday. Black tapers and red sweet peas I 1 i ESTABLISHED 1904 217 E. LIBERTY ST. FUeelor 28 ears of Unexcelled Value and Service 4. __________- /M2< formed an effective contrast for table %ay 5 Designer of Gowns and decorations. Eb deco'atons Giossel~e Maian,,~Ensembles for All Occasions Jane Pinson of Grosse Ile,,Marian #s Laich and Anita Field of Detroit are REMODELING A SPECIALTY being entertained at the chapter Alratio Phone 468 506 East Liberty house this week-end. Saturday at r -For Ann Arbor ,. Thrift Buyers- Now Comes a Dramatic ID C I ONE DAY ONLY-SATURDAY Starting Promptly at 11 A.M. 75 SMART JACOBSON DRESSES .EMBRACE D RN T HIS IMPOR TANT DISPOSAL * Fashions for Sports -Daytime -Dinner and Evening READ CARFU LY the following price schedulef -Plan to be here early for best selection- K GROUP I GROUP II Values to *29.75 Values to $39.75 11A.M. $12.70 11 A. M. Choice $17.70 12M. $10.70 12 M. Choice $15.70 1 P.M. $8.70 1 P. M. Choice $13.70 2 P.M. Choice $6.70 2 P M. Choice $11.70 Final Drop Final Drop 3 P. M. $ , 70*+3 P. M. Down With' 13 M on,,#Aoton 1^a Gray Greens Navy 11ucs Furs ad ' Ca Values Extraordinary Furs and Fur Coat Values extraordinary! Whatever type of furs you've been look- ing for, you'll find it i this event - and marked at a saving you'll know you can't afford to miss! All 1933 Models of outstanding smart- ness Of guaranteed quality and work- manship. Insured storage free. A stitch in time saves nine. We'll repair your coat while you wait or furnish a fur coat free. (1 (. t f: X