T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAQE SE Europe-- A Magic Land To Appeal To The University-Trained Mind Travelers In France And Spain Offered Many Unusual Interests Those who can afford to travel abroad this year will in all likelihood favor the less expensive modes of transportation. and will seek the un- beaten paths in Europe. France and Spain offer unrivaled opportunities to those travelers who seek the pic- turesque and the unusual and whose purses are light. + Even in years of affluence it was a common mistake on the part of Americans journeying to France to plunge into the life of Paris without the preparation of a slow approach by way of the provinces. The ordi- nary tourist enters France at Le Havre or Cherbourg with historic Normandy before him. Here indeed is an ideal vacation land to explore at one's leisure-green, rich country, famous for its dairy products, its apple orchards, and its unexcelled cuisine. A brief comment on the pos- sibilities of this region from the point of view of the summer tourist should serve to illustrate the great wealth of pleasurable and profitable experi- ence stored up in the less-visited pro- vincial areas of France. Paris is tooI well known to require comment. Nortnandy Begins at Rouen The adventurer into the by-ways of Normandy should start with Rouen. Famed as the place of the' imprisonment, trial, and burning of Jeanne d'Arc, this town is a veritable museum of architectural remains from the Middle Ages. One would assuredly visit its great Gothic cathe- dral and the neighbor churches of Sanit-Ouen and Saint-Maclou, the great clock, the magnificent Palais de Justice, and the ornate Renaissance town houses which survive from the days of the nobility. In the environs are the monumen- tal ruins of the abbey churches of Jumieges and Saint-Wandrille-this last the scene of Maeterlinck's labors in writing "The Bluebird." Beyond, on the banks of the lower Seine, Caudebec's celebrated inn offers un- EXCEPTIONAL LUGGAt' ,. at Reasona be r d I ryPrices I surpassed fare for the "inner man." Caen, "city of spires," seat of a uni- versity, with its native Norman Ro- manesque churches of William the Conqueror and his wife Matilda, beckons the wayfarer to the banks of the winding Orne. Fron Caen, a pilgrimage to the home town of William the Conqueror, Falaise, in the beautiful "Switzerland of Normandy," should be made. Westward quaint Bayeux, with its massive cathedral, wooden house . and its unique tapestry merit attnn- tion en ra'ute to Mont Saint-Michel. with tempting invitations to linger by the way at Saint-Lo and other picturesque towns. By all means readc Henry Adam's "Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres" before a visit to this unrivalled abbey shrine towering on its rocky island amid the rushing tides of the Atlantic. Other Quaint Regions: Space does not permit further elaboration, but such a journey would be extended through interest- ing villages with ancient timbered inns by way of Lisieux to Chartres, I or one could turn southward into strange rough countryside of Celtic Brittany. Similar itineraries into the, Basque country, the Pyreneean area. Old Provence, and the Riviera-land of sunshine-might well be substi- tuted if one's interest lay elsewhere. Beyond the high wall of the Pyre- nees lies relatively untraveled Spain, a land of striking contrasts, grave courtesy, and unequaled historical in- terest for the American. In the green north, watering places like San Se- bastian lie across the routes into the south and westward along the Bay of Biscay to remote Compostela and the shrine of St. James, one of the great pilgrimage meccas of the Middle Ages. Southward over the mountains on the bleak uplands of Castile are Bur- sos with its Gothic cathedral, Vall- adolid, the great castle archives of nearby Simancas; Segovia with its gayly-colored cathedral and Roman aqueduct, and Avila, a medieval walled city living on into modern times. The great capital city of Ma- drid would be worthwhile for its Prado art gallery alone. One of the finest in Europe, it houses a splendid representation of the Italian and low-countries schools, as well as the best examples of Spanish painting. The Royal Armory, the bull-ring in season, and the newly-opened royal palace repay visitation. A I GermanyLand KVMen 4nd Women: Ever Charming t ha Is And IS NoN To The Tourist Woln I traveln Any old-time raler who knows every port-hole by its first name will Wheeler Says Factional give the same advice as to what should and should not comprise the Differences Will Not shipboard wardrobe. Sports things Affect Traveler to begin with, and warm, unless you're taking a trip to the tropics, Despite conditions in Germany at and few, because space is precious the present, traveling in that coun- in packing, and you will be clever to take fabrics that do not crush, and try will be as enjoyable as usual this with these fundamental rules in summer, declared Benjamin W. Wheeler of the history department mind you build your wardrobe. in an interview. German nationalists The cleverest and most practical are not opposed to citizens of other outfit we've seen yet for shipboard nations as such but are more con- was composed of what appeared to be a one-piece dress and a cape. In cerned about internationalism, he reality the skirt' was a wrap-around said. They will not interfere with feing in t back, wae-hropd the traveler if he does not interfere tfastening in the back, while the top, with them. There is a possibility tcomheg highd to the neck, fastened i that Jews might be annoyed under at the shoulders to the cape, which certain circumstances but the Ger- was ample enough to hold around man objection to Jews is that they one in protection from salty winds., man obci to ewsrmastatdtGey-The material was of grey heavy often claim to be Germans and Ger- tweed with a thin blue stripe run- man citizens, so the American Jew-;Wnthogi. ish traveler will probably not be ob- ning through it. r jectionable to the nationalists, Mr. For dinner wear, romantic as or- Wheeler declared. gandy may - seem for moonlight ta ly B{Gro-u vc Ie Two ^ At Bielefeld they will equip them- See Ital By Gro selves with bicycles And, after a few St a yi Off Plaf ledl By Senior days training, ,tart a tour which will Sain Of cover the important centers of south One of the most delightful ways of Germany, the Rhineland, Switzer- Beaten Paths spending seven weeks of next summer land, northern Italy, and a corner of __ _is that conceived by Werner F. Strie- Austria. (Continued from Page 6s dieck, '33, and Mrs. Striedieck. Mr. In Germany the party will stay at and Mrs. Striedieck will take a small the Jugendherbergen (youth hostels), will enable you to go back next year party on a seven-week trip which in- whcih are often located in romantic or the year after that or 10 years cludes a bicycle tour of parts of Ger- settings, old castles, cloisters, and later and see things in more detail many, Italy and Austria. forts. These Jugendherbergen are the and explore the galleries and the Leaving New York June 25 on the meeting-places for German students S. S. Bremen. the party will go to and those of other continental coun- See Milan or Turin for examples Bremen, proceeding thence by rail tries who spend their vacations hik- of bustling, modern, thoroughly to Bielefeld, in the Teutoburg Forest. ing or bicycling through Europe. "Mussolinic" northern Italian cities; - see Genoa for a seaport alive with smells of tar and rope and shipping and far lands; see Naples and Pom- peii and Venice for everything you've heard about (they're fun and if you go before the middle of July you'll avoid most of the tourists); see Rome's glories, it wasn't built in a day and you can't see it in a day, but any guidebook will take you over Enserribles it better than we can tell you); see Padua and Verona for two quaint old cities; see Siena for its queer 101o striped cathedral and its narrow streets. Como and Garda and Maggiore, bordr, wll ot fil t chrm yu; those azure gem-lakes on the Swiss border, will not fail to charm you; Lr v li.. .. the foothills of the Appenines, roll- ing and brown, afford grand views of miles of terrain; Italy's forests ! 0 You think first of suits and and lakes and rivers and low moun- swagger suits and Jacobson's tains are natural beauties that in have them in teed mixtures, some ways charm one even more soft wools,'ad knits in all of than those other things one invari- the popular High shades. The ably sees: St. Peters, Milan Cathe- repesuor dads. Te dral, Hadrian's Tomb, Vesuvius.da _______ Iand the Chitons for dinner:: Suggests Austria nights, it is not appropriate, because} it soon loses its charm in wrinkled For the traveler who feels any hes- folds. Chiffon or a soft crepe that itation about entering the country of can be thrust in a corner of the the Nazis, Mr. Wheeler 'suggests an grip without the slightest damage to Austrian trip, as the f eling there its freshness, is much more service- is not as intense as in the govern- able. mental centers. As for the men, there isn't much Mr. Wheeler believes that all trav- to say because the latest way to go elers in Germany should see Berlin abroad (men only) is on bicycles and that this summer should be no and all that that requires is a pair exception. The sections of the city of serviceable breeches, boots, some visited by sightseers are perfectly sort of an all-weather jacket, and a safe and "the 'tougher' sections slicker. F. W. Phone 4013 WILKINSON 325 South Main /I use the "Longest Gangplank in the orld" for your trip to Europe, and enjoy the comfort, beauty and excellence of cuisine offered by the modern vessels of the FRENCH LINE. WEEKLY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK- PLYMOUTH-HAVRE For Further Particulars Write to FRENCH LINE, 1247 Washington Boulevard, Detroit or consult your local travel agent The Fastest Way to Europe. . f I t t v t k t If 0 I @ l w f Ia 'e 0 n f: it IN d t; cl p iz 0 0. i* T e Mouse 'Tower, on ine icnine never have been." Dresden, Frank- furt, and Heidelberg are included in most tours of Germany and should not be missed. Nuremberg is inter- ^sting because it is one of the few larger cities which have retained the larger part of their medieval forti- fications, making them very pictur- esque. Many smaller towns which are not reached by many travelers are ex.- tremely interesting and worthwhile, according to Mr. Wheeler. Bamberg has more different styles of archi- tecture than any other town in Ger- many and is interesting for its his- torical background. Rothenburg and Nordlingen are examples of the old fortified towns, the former being probably the best known to the traveler but the latter the most in- teresting because less exploited. Weimar has as its chief interest the memories of Goethe and Schiller who were both from there. The Black Forest Probably the most interesting fea- ture of a tour through Germany is the Black Forest. It can be seen from a train or motor coaches but obviously the best way to see it is either on foot or by bicycle. The southern portion can be attacked from Freidburg, which has the best example of German gothic cathedral architecture in Germany. The north- ern center is the interesting town of Stuttgart. Mr. Wheeler recommends a tour of northern Germany which would not extend beyond a 100-mile radius from the landing point. This should include the district of the Harz Mountains, with such towns as Hil- desheim, which is noted for its old timbered houses, and Goslar, which contains the palace of medieval em- perors, an outstanding example of Romanesque secular architecture. Because of the regional differences n Germany a trip like this would give the traveler only a partial view f the country, said Mr. Wheeler. However, there must be a few who will go in the old-fashioned prosper- ous way, and for them there are in- finite possibilities. To begin with, since this is a vacation, there will have to be a lot of sports clothes, slacks and sweaters 'for shipboard and crepe-soled shoes to prevent falling overboard. Evenings in foreign travel are the most important thing that can be considered-anyone setting out must give a lot of thought to what to take iaogfor dancing and other evening amusements on the ship. If you in- tend to cruise around in the Medi- terranean don't forget your mess jacket-the only thing for summer formal wear in those parts. 0P J° 4C)) WAKE UP and sail....or at least get ready to . . . plan now to hop aboard any "4damu" ship ... that's where you'll find ST(A . . . which means all your friends and all the frn ... don't wait to get to Europe before your fun begins.. . sail STCA in tourist class . .. round trip $170 up ...all former second class accommodations . . . WAKE UP ... count your pennies and if you can't af- ford STCA, sail third class for $131.50 up round trip ... why stay at home? Ask about our S"ITCA HIand-Me-Dow"--. Drive Yourself service . .. Paris shoppin~g service ... and othaer special i,'atur,,. See. . Your Travel Agent 0 NORWEGIAN AMERICA LINE The Scenic Route to Europe 11 FAST - MODERN COMFORTABLE SHIPS Daily connections between Norway and Continental Europe by train. 0 Splendid Cabin Class Popular Tourist Class Comfortable Third Class I S. S. "STAYANGERFJORD" and S. S. "BERGENSFJORD" I Moderate Rates Excellent Cuisine including our famous "Smorgasbord" VISIT NORWAY-"Land of the lMiidnight Sun" enroute to the Continent. A delightfully differ- ent experience. Midnight Sun Cruise Visiting Norway's Famous Fjords and North Cape - as low as $310 for 37 Days including all shore excursions For further particulars regarding our service, please see your local agent or write to: NEW YORK TO NORWAY DIRECT IN 71/2 DAYS i Or Student Tourist Class Association HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE 29 Broadway, - ew ork City -. . . to Europe NORWEGIAN AMERICA LINE AGENCY, IncA. 333 No. Michigan Ave. Chicagoill. REM EI E I TRAvEhL TOP C LASS On One-Class Ships FOR AS LOW AS ROUND TRIP 1pciaI Eatures: Ftmf run ef the ihip - large rooms- wide promnenade docks Lim it'ecd ubers cf psstngers cerriod L RAIL ACROSS AMERICA --STEAMER THROUGH PANAMA CANAL sailing in rapid saccession with the Lloyd Expre*s Liner COLUMBUS and the Lloyd Cabin Liners BREMEN, STUTTGART, GENERAL v. STEUBEN, DRESDEN . . . to England, Ireland, France and Germany with a passage for every purse, in First Class, Cabin Class, Second Ctaiss, Tourist Class and Condncted Tours ~o Europe 26' ays ENGLAND HOLLAND RR (-,I (1M APT'y to: A-merica x echant Baltimore Mail Line New Service to the Orient, Japan, etc. O nStates Stccimsh;Ps FIRST CLASS TOURIST CLASS FIII I RST CLA-S 749.0' IU I I I I I