T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F~v PAGE FIVZ t CAMPUS SOCIETY 1Psi Ornega Initiates Pledges; Several Sororities Have Guests Psi Omega held its formal initia- tra furnished the music for the af- Lion Friday night. Those iiitiated fair. Campus Women Fete Mothers At Luncheon Litt'e, Sutherland, Bates O'Brien, Devine P lan Annual League Affair The Mothers and Daughters Lunch- eon, an annual affair, will be held at 12:15 p. m., May 13, in the League Ballroom. Mary O'Brien, '35, has been placed in charge of the lunch- eon, and will be assisted by Beatrice Devine, '35, table. decorations, Bar- bara Bates, '35 publicity, Betty Lit- tle, '35, entectainment, and Barbara Sutherland, '35, ticket sales. Followtig the tradition of previous years ',e purpose of this luncheon is to acquaint the mothers of wo- men students with one another. It allows them to meet prominent cam- pus women, .and provides additional 'entertainment for the Homecoming Week-end. Sororities and dormitories should make immediate reservations with the chairman of the ticket sales, Miss O'Brien said. Delta Phi Gives Formal; igma Nu Entertains Pastel shades, a sure sign of spring, were very much in evience at dances this week-end. The ever popular pebble crepe was seen in all varieties, and the newer organza, Wvhich cer- tainly will be in high favor this sum..- mer, was also noted. At the Delta Phi fornI, Mary Louise Kessburger, '34 appeared in shell pink crepe, ,dd Jane Thalman, '33, chose hyQcith blue pebble crepe combine fectively with orchid vel- vet.- 9r.tine Richter, '36, wore Mck.chiffon, the high decolletage bfrg outlined with brilliants. Louise Burke, '36, was in white pebble crepe with a short jacket to match, and Anne Tobin, of Niles, wore chartreuse green crepe, her sleeves being outlined with brown fur. Blanche Tobin, also of Niles, wore m'idnight blue lace, and Ruth Kutrz, 34Ed, was in lettuce green crepe. Mary Gaylord, '35, wore white net with large cerise taffeta bow, and Mary O'Brien, '35, was in a black chiffon frock with three-tiered white chiffon sleeves. Betty Barton, of Detroit, also chose black chiffon with white or- gandy sleeves, and Jane Neracher, '34, wore pink Chiffon. Rosemary Os- borne, '36, wore pale green organza with a very full skirt, while Ellen Reeves, of Ann Arbor was in burnt orange satin. Change Is Announced li Homecoming Program A change has been announced in this year's Homecoming program. A "family banquet" will replace the traditional Father and Son banquet, John H. Huss, general chairman, stated. Homecoming is to be held May 12, 13, and 14. The usual Spring Games, consist- ing of Tug-of-war, cane spree, pil- low fights, obutwle race, cap iiight, and free shows will be featuresof the three-clay progra. Various houses will hold open-houses and receptions, and many interesting lec- tues and exhibitions have been s Elanned. Nii Physical Edocaion Prograin To Be Studied Adolph Hitler's program to revi- talize Germany youth through vigor- ous physical education will be in- vestigated this summer by a group of Columbia University students, Prof. John J. Cross, director of Columbia's Summer Session, announced Friday. Field studies in Germany will be conducted by the International Insti- tute and the physical education de- partment of Teachers College of New York in co-operation with the Zen- tral institut fuer Erziehung und Un- terricht of Berlin and the Deutscher Gymnastik Bunid. The military exer- cises and women's physical training which are integral parts of the Ger- man Chancellor's plan, will be drawn in contrast with the sports pogram now enforced in American high- schools and colleges. MUSIC DIUECTOR VISITS HERE A. D. Zanig, director of music serv- ice of the National Recreation Asso- ciaion., will visit Am Arbor this week. lie is being brought here by the physcial education department of Ann Arbor high schools. Mr. Zanig will cnnfer with the uhvsical eduen- New FreedomOf Co-eds Termed A Significent Change1 The me4t noticeable change that has conia about in the last few years on fl colege campus i: the greater tedom enjoyed by women in all co-I educational institutions, said D.i Jane L. Jones, '12, dean of women at St. Lawrence University, last week at the Intercollegiate Association of Women Students Conference at Cor-1 nell University. Miss Jones mentioned the ways in which Cornell and the various otheri colleges she has known in the last twenty years have changed with re- gard to the way women dres. She mentioned particularly the greater freedom in chaperonage and the greater efliciency and competence of the college girl of this generation. "Dictatorship is becoming the rule everywhere," said Miss Jones, "but,1 tf Democracy is suited to the temper- ament of the people, it will survive."I She recommended that student gov- ernment groups should train theirI leaders for the better organization of ,hc system. Miss Jones has been dean of wom- en and professor of English at St. Lawrence university since 1929. She is state president of the American Association of University Women and has been president of Cornell alum- nae groups in Albany and Boston. !A d1 2' 1_.. _ . . Jt 1 ,. A !c A , l saVi',) A X1 LY Art Excnange 1st1s11, ( 1y injJL u ie W 111 Op nO f' weI e Ronald FOx, '35D, Robert Among the guess precnt were Slee s Not' d O'Shauhnessy, '35D, Titus V a n . Ruth Latchaw, '34, Marcelle Morford, To Give Colo Sleeves N ie Series Of Tango ICa.- Bekteiian,. DD,.Otis D.Stor34o.Betty Merer, '34, Anr Charlesn Bek ery Yon, O35D- 'toroty mersc, '35, Char- Lambda Chi Party L sHofman,34D, and Von K. Srowin. lotteWhitman,35, Molly Armstrong, Show T d ay Dance Lessoas Among the alumna were Dr. R. 0.!35, Betty Gillard, '36, Estelle Stand- _Spring shades, with pale blue lead- Dingman, Dr. Corwin Wright, Dr. ish, '35, Mary Brinijoin, '34, Ruth Ralph Moyer, Dr. Raymond S. Dur- Robinson, '34, Louise Crandall, '34, [hree Ar its Honored ing, puffy sleeves, and all sort of League invites Slude ts, kee. Dr. Willim James. Dr. M. D. Marie Metzger, '35, Miss Florence n,.frills which, all added together, spell .., I°, ' .Mackoy, Dr. A. L. McKenzie from Ojibway, Ann Arbor, Audrey Bates, At Tea To Be Given emphasis on 'emnininity in spring Faculty rO Join N sss Ypsilanti; Dr. L. O. Schultz, Dr. '33, Virginia Chapman, '35, Jane This Afternoon formals, were scen at the Lambda To Begin TuesdayI Ward Gordon, Dr. A. B. Bartlett, Dr. Brucker, '35, Constance Giefel, '33, Chi party last night. _ _C. B. Somers, Dr. A. C. Thompson, Kay MacGregor, '34Ed., Lillian Die- Featuring a color show by the One soft fluffy evening frock of The first of a series of tango les- Dr. E. V. Furey, from Detroit; and trich, '34, and Miss Margaret Bow- three artists whom they are honor- pale blue mousseline de soie had wide n w be given Tuesday night in Dr. W. A. Frowing from Bowling man, Detroit. ;ng, members of the Student Art Ex- frills of the material around the LeaueGreen Dr. D. M. Carr and Mrs. Carr, Mr. change will give their third tea Sun- shoulders, for the broad shoulder ef- the main b oom o Lg. ALPHA EPSILON PHI and Mrs. Charles Macntyre and Dr. day from 4 to 6 p. m. at the League, fet, and two bands of it encircled The lessons, according to Miss Ethl Mrs. Minnie Mahrer, use cape-A. B. MacPhearson and Mrs. Mac- William Laurenroth, Albert Kra- the wrist. It was worn by Roberta McCormick, social director of the on at Alpha Epsilon Phi. is enter- Phearson, Santiago, Calif., were addi- mer, Rudolph Mattern, Helen May- Jan Buskirk, Detroit, who was a League, are to be given for members taming the members of the sorority tional guests of the chapter, nard, and Edith Higbie are the art- tuest of Jack Jolls, of the faculty and also for students, at a novel buffet supper and dance THETA PHI ALPHA ists whose works will be featured. Lucy Parvin, Owosso, Mich., was The faculty lessons will be given tomorrow night at the chapter house. Betty Homann and Katherine The show will consist for the most 2scorted by William Hartman. Mis Tn The chaperon's party which has Beck, both of Toledo, 0., and Ann part of oils, water-colors, wood- ?arvin wore stiffened organdy of on Tuesday and Thursday nigdts become a tradition with the house Robb, '31, of Howell, were the week- blocks, and pastels, according to Dor- white with a thin pin stripe of red, from 7 Io 8 p. in., while the studentsbeen given annually fur Six end guests of Theta Phi Alpha. and pou, accordizxt r i ~~~~~~~~~havingbengvnanalfosiengutsf'TtaPiAp. othy White, who is in charge of the tremendous sleeves and a red sash lessons will be given on Wednesday ears by Mrs. Mahrer, is always plan- tea, culminating in a large red bow in C from 7:30 until 8:3 p. m., Miss Mc- ned around some central theme. This ZETA TAU ALPHA A special showing of fashion back. Marian Roach. Newport, guest ( Cormick said. year, it will be the idea of a motion Lois Zimmerman, '36, and Gladys sketches will also be included in con- of Robert Snyder, was gowned in Roland Fulton who will instruct picture studio and theatre. The Schroder, '33, spent the week-end in junction with the fashion show of black. the classes will be assisted by Miss house is to be decorated to carry out Grand Rapids. gowns designed by Frances Young. Besides being made up in organdy McCormick and Miss Emily White. the theme, and each woman will im- Helen Mikan, '32, Mildred Cassidy, Models wearing the dresses designed and net we noticed that a great deal In addition to tango, advance steps personate some prominent star and '30, Marion Robinson, '32, Grace for them will be Miss Ethel McCor- of the smoky inaugural blue was in waltz and fox-trot will be taught, contribute to the fun of the evening Hamilton, '32, and Emily Grimes, '32, mick, Mary Pray, '34, Mrs. Alexander made up in crepe and glistening if the pupils want it. The series of with a skit in character. all of Detroit, were guests at the so- Valerio, and Mrs. Ross Bittinger. satin. On a frock of triple sheer crepe lessons, comprising six in all will be Invited guests include Mrs. Rap- rority house this week-end. Tea will be served in the Host- were bands of pink and blue cire given for $2. -a Issacs, Mr's. Leo Sharfman, Mi's. ~--~ ess Room. Mrs. Bittinger, Mrs. Ralph satin flowers bordering the shoulder Mr. Fulton taui'A with the San-3Phi11ip Jay Mrs. S. Milton Gold- Hannett, and Mrs. Valerio will pour. straps. cheon Marco system in Los Angeles. haer, Ms. Moit Levi, Mrs. MarionWs re t t Numbers will be distributed to the Others we caught glimpses of were 4 He is at present teaching Bob and Fiske, and Mrs. Gus Ri h.,iM rphy fa lie guests so that they may have chances Mary Jane Bush, '33, in bright red Dona Baker, tango exhibitionists ~ntetreatpee ob afe atas, Adele Ewing. '3, wearing a; who will dance at the Military Bal ETA ETA E T President Alexander G. Ruthven off. As is usual at these teas, each delicate pink crepe, and Billie Grif- Friday. He was in charge o fa dancing Dorothy Whiting, '30, and Carlotte was pesent at a farewell dinner of the artists will contribute one fiths, '35, in white and rhinestones school at Rainbow Gardens, Los An- Mathauer, '31, have been spending given in honor of Mayor Frank picC of work to be given away by IOther colors noticed were the new geles, and also an instructor at the the week-end in Ann Arbor as guests Murphy, of Detroit, at the Book raffle. I T)PT ,, nn, nrm wiof Delta Delta Delta. Cadillac Hotel Friday. The din- ii Large Crowds See 'Juniors On Parade' "Juniors On Parade," current hit at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, closed its original official run last ight before a packed theatre. Owing to a sell-out of tickets for the three performances several days before the opening night, it was decided by the King's Daughters, sponsors of the play, to present another performance at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow. Tickets may be secured at the box office. Several local critics have declared1 that this production was one of the best of its kind ever to have been 1 produced in Ann Arbor. Much of the I credit has been given to Roy Hoyer, who has arranged and directed the dances and routines for more than 100 pairs of dancing feet. Featured in the show were Patsy Joyce Cline, star of last year's "Lucky Breaks," Harriet Heath, Mary Ellen Wheeler I and her interpretations of Zazu Pitts, Greta Garbo; and Max Goldman, Jr., and Billy Collins.- W. A. A. Board Holds Annual Outdoor Iarty Seated around the. fireplace after an active day at Sylvan Estates, the board and new officers of W. A. A. discussed a few plans for next year. Every spring the organization ends the old term with an outing. Before lunch the group took a jaunt through the woods, and after- wards indulged in a game of base- ball on the lawn of the lodge. The party returned to Ann Arbor late in the afternoon. Where To Go Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Today We Live;" Majestic, "King Kong;" Wuerth, "King of the Jungle." Lectures: Dean S. T. Dana, "The Problem of Science in The Commu- nity," 7 p. m., Harris Hall. peach shades, truimed in 1m10t calves .ej.N uxancng LatuY y, L r y l4~G4 LR , xa a v with pale blues, and pastels of grecin the largest dancing school there. SIGM , NU i ner was given by the iriends and as- and red. One startling combination Recently, he won the tango contest Sigma Nu iraternity cntertained I sociates of Mr. Murphy, among whom of peach and brilliant scarlet was with Frank Sebastian Cotton Club at Friday night with a "hard times" are many University of Michigan noticed. Los Angeles. party. John Herbard's Negro orches- alumni. I It 1Ve I For teM,.h A FRIENDLY CAUTION! You will enjoy your vacation more if you know your funds are safe. Before you start out, whether you take a motor trip, a journey to the mountains or the sea- shore, or abroad, it is a good plan to change your money into TRAVELERS CHEQUES Thwse Cheques make your travel funds safe. If they are lost or stolen countersigned, you lose nothing. The amount involved is refunded to you. In spending them, the only identification needed is your second sig- nature. They are issued in convenient denominations of $10, $20, $50,. and $100 at only 75 cents per $100, Tjfl ANN AIIBOR SAVINGS BANK ButIt's aMss For 1 - M IM LJL After many seasons of trouble with moths it is indeed relieving to know that scientists have compounded a solution which pre- vents garments from becoming moth eaten. And in confidence and surety of the treatment, we are able to offer a guarantee with every article so treated. Have our driver call for any garmgents, rugs, furniture and the like that should be moth-proofed. Ask the driver or call our office for any questions you may have relative to the articles that can be treated and concerning. Main St. at Huron St. North University Ave. Stepping Out? Watvh Yoiw Step! Investigate Before ,y 011 IiCavet r SWISS "Everything Modern -The Swiss Challenges Comparison" We Do Finest Pleating -Fancy Gowns and Velvets Our Specialty NOT JUST TALK Come Ir - Let Us Show You 15% DISCOUNT CASH-CARRY I ASK FOR MICRO-BERLOU Liven Up Your Hat We will renovate and block your hat by correct methods as employed by Mallory, Dobbs, Stetson and Knox. New bands and ribbons furnished on request. And all done at such a reasonable price. PHONE 23231 law Ol I 1 a IM 11 I aI