from buying the books, and large numbers of
them would doubtless do so, while those who had
not the means would be materially aided. The li-
braries still have a generous margin of unused
study facilities and much more use could be,
made of them. And as far as the expense to the
University is concerned, there is not much ques-j
tion as to whether the taxpayers would prefer tof
pay for ten books with tax money or for a hun-
1, -N
N .
ac a.f1W4 rdPy~(W 1( o UI W. WrI4I V MAJW{ ,MW xnctarnerr w 7TeW'4S ro:r.n+.vrMIUpia
Published every morning except Monday during the
U niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Normn= F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Scaa,
Brackley Shaw; Glen R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harold Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird. A.
Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
F. Blakert, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Wei Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Sichardson,
Jon Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
W. Stoddard White,
Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor'
Pterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
Spiess, Marjorie Western.
4 Telphone 2-1214
C~IT MANAGER......... ...........HARRY BGLE1
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Lester Skinner, Joseph SudOw, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc-
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
Every Course Must
Have Its Texto.ok..
E VERY COURSE must have a text-
book. As soon conduct a collegea
course without an instructor as without a text.
This has been the accepted creed of the faculty
since schools began. It is only natural that pro-
fessors, the authors of textbooks, should be re-
uctant to remove the market for their most re-
munerative by-product.
But with the advent of hard times and scarcity
of money, especially among students, the indis-
pensability of a textbook in the student's hand
when he goes to class may very well be ques-
There are certain courses wherein it is abso-
lutely essential that the student purchase 'a text
and use it every day of the semester and carry it
with him to every class meeting. Such a course
is mathematics or any of the laboratory sciences.
We do not propose that students should be re-
lieved from the obligation of buying a text in
these courses.
There is however, a group of courses on the
campus, especially history, economics, and other
social sciences, in which the situation is quite
different. History 133 is an example of these. Two
books, Adams and Stubbs, are the backbone of
the course. Monthly reading assignments from
these two, and from certain miscellaneous trea-
tises, are required. The assignments in Adams
are invariably much shorter than in Stubbs. Less
than a dozen volumes of Stubbs on the shelves
of the study hall are sufficient to enable the 300
members of the class to read 200 pages a month
from Stubbs, yet each student is required to pur-
chase the book by Adams to read 50 to 100 pages.
The inconsistency is obvious.
This is not an isolated case. In Economics 131,
purchase of a text is required, and reading assign-
ments are made in which that book plays only a
fractional role. If 10 volumes of book X in the
economics reading room suffice for the class, why
will not 10 volumes of book Y on the same shelf
serve just as well as 300 copies in the individual
possession of the class members? Here are a few
of the many other courses in which similar condi-
tions prevail: Political Science 114, Economics
164, Philosophy 31, History 142, Economics 53 and
54.'The list could be lengthened at will. In Eco-
nomics 51 the purchase of two expensive text-
books is required, and even the most liberal per-
son can see a reason for the purchase of onlyI
one of them-
Our propositioll is this: In courses such as
mathematics in which the textbook is indispen-
sable for daily use, let it be continued. In eco-t
nomics, history, philosophy and such courses,
wherein the assignments consist of text and "out-
side reading," let the texts be abolished and the
books be put in the study halls.
That such a method is feasible is evidenced by
its success in History 144. In former years as-
signments consisted of regular reading in a high-
priced text and 75 pages of weekly outside read-
ing. Purchasing of the text has been abolished
dred or two by a more direct method.
Professors are very reluctant to decrease the
circulation of textbooks because it is no secret
that such circulation means profits to them in
many cases. To collect such profits at the expense
of struggling students is not in keeping with the
attitude which they profess to teach.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
cOnstrued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:l
Due to misinterpretation of its position on the
campaign for relief for the needy students, the
National Student League, U. of M. chapter, wishes
to clarify its past position and state its future
Why did the National Student League oppose
the Student Good Will Fund drive? We predicted;
at the start that the Student Good Will Fund;
could not raise nearly enough money to provide
for the needy students on campus. Even the goal
of ten thousand dollars which would provide only
the meagre sum of twenty dollars per student for
the rest of the year, fell short by eight thousand1
dollars. Clearly this failure was not the fault!
of the leaders of the Good Will Fund drive, but
very simply due to the fact that the students had
no money to give, having themselves been hurt
by the crisis. This shifted the responsibility to
those who were in the least adequate to bear it.
This same thing has happened throughout the
country in our cities. Drives were made such as
the "Share the Work" campaign, and the "Block
Aid" campaign, and the "Community Chest" cam-
paigns, appealing to the working class for the re-
lief of the unemployed.
It is significant to remark that all these cam-
paigns were sponsored by people of wealth, and'
from their point of view, rightly so, since the more
the working class contributed, the less need they.
But for the same reason as in the case of the'
Student Good Will Fund drive these attempts
were unsuccessful. When it was seen that these
pass-the-buck attempts did not suffice, and after
mass demonstrations demanding relief from the
state, then only did the state begin to appropriate
funds for unemployment relief. This experience
of relief on a larger scale throughout
should have served as a lesson to those sincerely
interested for providing relief for the needy stu-
dents at Michigan. Student or worker the situa-
tion is identical, and therefore relief must be ob-
tained by parallel tactics. The National Student
League, realizing this, drew up the following pro-
1. Demand that the Board of Regents request
that the State Legislature immediately appro-
priate funds for needy student relief.
This can be done by taxing the higher incomes
-for example a 1 per cent additional tax on
Henry Ford's income would provide for the needy
students for the rest of their lives.
2. Cutting all salaries of the staff above $5,000k
According to the figures given by State Senator
Brown in the Washtenaw Tribune we find that
this cut would amount to more than a quarter
of a million dollars, as compared to the $2,000
raised by the Student Good Will Fund.
3. An appropriation from the football fund. If'
the Athletic Board is sincerely interested in build-
ing healthy bodies let them begin by feeding the
needy students.
The attempt has been made by the Daily to put
the National Student League in a ridiculous posi-
fi by nhc i i it all daA l k 'fJA rtcnnn
her personality she more than made whatever
faults she may have, seem small in comparison.
It is unfortunate that she should feel it neces-
sary to develop a reputation for her coloratura
accomplishments. When one can create a char-
acter like her Death in the "Erl-King," it seems
a waste to bother with such three-ring-circus
music as the Rassini aria. And, while it may be
an unusual feat for a contralto, why make a
point of turning handsprings just because you
can--especially when you're not particularly agile
at it anyway? Madame Onegin is a lieder singer.
In her warm humor, sympathetic understanding,
and feeling for the dramatic, there is a rare com-
bination of qualities that are lost in the fol-de-
rols of the usual Italian opera. We have all too
few who can do such an effective Doppelganger
or achieve so beautiful a simplicity as her Greek
"Lullaby." But, then, in the end, it probably all
goes back to how you choose to define that much
maligned activity of singing.
-Kathleen Murphy
Thie J-fHop ... A
11Iemory Worth Preserving
"The foremost creative artist in this country"
-that is Robert Henderson's designation of
Martha Graham, leading American dancer, who
will appear at 3:15 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 26, in a
special matinee program at the Bonstelle Civic
Theatre in Detroit.
Mr. Henderson, who has presented Miss Gra-
ham to Ann Arbor audiences during the Spring
Dramatic Festivals of the last two years, describes
her as "not only the greatest American dancer,
but one of the great dancers in the international
Miss Graham, with Louis Horst, pianist, will
come to the Bonstelle direct from the Guild The-
atre, New York, where she is appearing in a pro-
gram of "Six Miracle Plays." Her Detroit program
will be as follows:
1. Prelude ................... Chavez
A Dance of Greeting
2. Lamentation ..................Kodaly
A, Dance of Sorrow
3. Dithyrambic Piano Variations
by Aaron Copeland
Ecstatic Dances on a Ritualistic Theme
4. Two Preludes .................S..Scriabin
Piano Solo by Mr. Horst
5. Four Insincerities .............Prokofieff
a. Petulance
b. Remorse
c. Politeness
d. Vivacity
Satiric Comments
6. Tragic Patterns .............. Louis Horst
Patterns in Abstract Movement
7. Serenade . .................Schoenberg
A Whimsical Lament
8. Four Dance Songs ............ Weisshaus
a. Ceremonial
b. Morning Song
c. Satiric Festival Song
d. Song of Rapture
9. Tijuca .........................Milhaud
Piano Solo by Mr. Iorst
10. The Lamentation of the Holy Virgin-
A Miracle Play
The Virgin Mary ........... Miss Graham
The Narrator .............. Amy Loomis
11. Incantation .............. . ..Villa Lobos
Primitive Evocation
12. Harlequinade ........... ........Toch
a. Pessimist
b. Optimist
Two Satiric Dances
at the
-they re still only a dollar.
r rrr.. n+ r
ion Py empnaszng as anegeu acK ci suppt L,
and by playing with personalities. Never once did
the Daily come out in the open and analyze our
stand. If the position that the National Student'
League takes in this matter is not sound and log-
ical we invite open criticism. To this end we call ,
upon all students interested in meeting this prob-
lem to participate in an open discussion at the
Michigan Union on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 7:30.
-National StudentLeague,
Musical Events
The old controversy as to whether a singer is
a musician has been fought over and most con-
clusively settled time and again and yet it still
remains open to argument. The question is not as3
simple as it seems. Perhaps it should be resolved
into: Problem-What is a singer? The answer, of
course, is "one who sings." But that implies a def-
inition of the verb "to sing"-and therein lies
the beginning of the difficulty. Just what is sing-
ing anyway?
Sigrid Onegin, famous contra'to, is an example
of this adulterated type of artist-singer-musi-
cian, musician-singer or singer-musician, as you
like. Her range is remarkable, though the quality
is consequently uneven, her tone is pure and clear,'
and her diction, though thick at times, was forI
the most part excellent-yet, with your eyes shut,
it is, surprisingly, not a great voice at all. There
was little point to her attacks, the tones were
often artificially and laboriously produced, and
her voice lacks vibrancy. But, looking and listen-
ing there was a verve and a life to her singing
that made the most of her numbers completely
enjoyable. Madame Onegin is a woman of intelli-
gence, one who not only grasps the conception I
which lies behind the song but also can project
it outwards into the minds of her audience. She
knows her art form, and she knows human psy-!
=By Karl Seifert
Religiou-4sU Activities
C HURCHE. W. Blakeman, Director Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland
State and Washington Streets Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Ministers Today, 9:30 A.M.-Classe* for Fresh-
FredrickB. Fsher xmeni and Upperclassmen with the
Frederick B.Fisher Director.
Peter F. Stair 3:30 P.M.-Oriental-American Group. 11:15 A.M.-Regular Sunday services
Mr, Shinha on "Non - Violence at the Women's League Chapel.
Movement in India." Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, of Detroit,
10:45-Morning Worshipwilsek Suec:AHEl,
5:30 P.M.-Fellowship and supper. AGNOSTICISM AND JUDAISM"
"THE CREED OF JESUS" 6:30 P.M.-Student Guild. Prof. Wa-
Dr. Harry N. Holmes terman on "Influence of various 3:30 P.M. - At Hillel Foundation -
of New York City Religions on Culture." student reception for Rabbi Frank-
y6:30 P.M.-Grad. Forum. Rabbi Hellerlin and Hillel League sponsors of
7:30-Evening Worship will present the Jewish viewpoint
* IT ITOTWALLS" concerning Religious Education in
"A CIT WITHOUT the Schools 7:30-Rabbi Heller's class on "Stu-
delt Reactions to Religion."
East Huron, West of State
Huron and Division Streets R. Edward Bayles, Minister
Merle H. Anderson, Minister DO NOT Howard.Chama,Mnivsters
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister Pantor
8:30uchA ue,- Student 2Classes at the
Ch:rc Houe 12as ta N EGLECT 9:30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr.
Avenue. Logan. Superintendent .
10:45 A.Mb. - Mborning Worship. Mr.
10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship. YOU R Sayles will preach on
Dr. Anderson will preach on "The 12:00A M.-The student group meets
Christian Ideal for Human Living" I I for forty minutes at Guild ouse,
in the serles on "Christ and the 1E IG OU Mr. Chapman on The Gospel of
Modern Crisis." Mark.
ACTIVIITIES 6:00 P M.-Students at Guild House.
5:30 P.M.-Social Hour for Young Professor Carl Rufus will speak on
People. "Astronomy and Religion." A so-
cial hour and refreshments follow.
6 :3.0P.M, -- Youngr People's Meeting.*>*,
WhyGoing" e Dr 0nd DWerdAck Special, Thursday, 6:00 P.M. Church
taw,. Gong"Dr. . S"I~ufendclsSupper, followed by program given
will be chairman of a panel of
men selected from the Church C A well
who will try to define for them-
selves objectives of the Church.
Dear Editor: Generally speaking, I pride
myself on being perfectly normal, but once
in awhile everybody is bound to slip. Today
an awful thing happened to me. In an un-
guarded moment, I found out after it was
too late, I wrote something that strongly re-
sembles what newspaper men quaintly call
At first I was pretty much shocked, of
course, but after comparing it with some of
your stuff, I decided you would probably
think it was pretty good. Now between you
and me, I would be pretty self-effacing if I
didn't think it was really a lot better than
anything you or any of your contributors are
likely to produce. Here it is:
Come fill the beaded stein again
And pour us out some wine again;
We'll celebrate
the joyous news
until the break of day.
Oh ma iden alabasterous,
Go fetch us what will plaster us;
We're here to toast
the tidings and
you cannot say us nay !
With gesture free and plentious,
Come Spiritus Frumenti us;
We'll mark the day
with rye and gin
and other forms of cheer,
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
S~unday, February 19
WashingtonSt. at 5th Ave,
E. C. Stelihorn, pastor
(Evangelical Synod)
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore Schniale, Pastor
9:00 A.M.-Bible School
And safe in this speakeasily
Till morn we'll roister sleazily-
For all the statesmen
tell us that
9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic:
DOM." 9 A.M. service hi the Ger-
man language. ..
9:30 A.M.-Bible School-
5 5