The Weather Fair Sunday and probably Monday. Rising temperature. XAF 'ILLIL ANO PRWFP' vr t tt Editorials Drinkers Of Beer Abnormalities. VOL. XLIII No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Schoolmasters To MeetHere Apr. 27 28,29 Club Formerly Boasted 3,000 Members; Total Is Now Reduced Honors Convocation rTo Be On Program Delegates To Hear State Championship Debate, Hold Reception The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Will hold its annual meeting Thurs- day, Friday, and Saturday, April 27, 28, and 29 here, it has been an- nounced by Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of the history department. The club, which has been meeting for more than 30 years at the Uni- versity, in normal times boasts an annual enrollment of about 3,000 members, but it was pointed out by Secretary Louis P. Jocelyn, of Ann Arbor High School, that during the past few years the total had fallen off considerably. It would be diffi- cult to make any estimate of the number who would enroll at this year's meeting, he said. Program Announced Aside from he extended and com- plete schedule of special club pro- grams for Friday and Saturday, the meeting will include the following: Annual Donors Convocation, 11 a. m, Friday, n Hill Auditorium. Ad- dress by Stephen P. Duggan, direc- tor of the Institute of International Education, New York City. Annual business meeting for elec- tion of officers, 1:30 p. m. Friday, in Roon D, Law Building. University Symphony Orchestra and Children's Chorus, 4:15 p. m. Friday,- in Hill Auditorium. Schoold'asters' Club reception and annual dinner,, 6:00 p. in. Friday, in the League. Band concert and State champion- ship debate of Michigan High School Debaing League, at 7:45 and 8:15 p. m. respectively, Friday, in Hill Auditorium. Other meetings included, but not a part of the club, are: . Michigan Society for Vocational Education, 12:15 p. m. Friday, in the League Ballroom. Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars, 10 a. m. Friday, in Room 2225 Angell Hall. Other Features The Schoolmasters' Club also wishes to make the following an- nouncements: Annual conference on teacher- training, 9:30 a, m. Thursday, in the Union. Exhibit of art work, 1 to 6 p. m. Friday, in the College of Architec- ture. Exhibit of recent textbooks, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m, Friday and 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturday, in University High School. Exhibit of hygiene and public health department, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, in Room 135 West Medical Building. Exhibit of educational and mental tests, 8 a. m. to 3 p. m., Thursday and Friday, in Room 4002 University High School. InsanUity Verdict Saves Ruth Judd From Gallows FLORENCE, Ariz., April 22.--/)_ Winnie .uth Judd's sentence to death on the gallows for the murder of Agnes Anne Leroie was suspended automatically tonight by the verdict of a superior court jury finding her to be insane. The verdict was returned at 7 :25 p. n., about two hours after the jury of 12 men received the case. She had been scheduled to be hanged for the slaying of Agnes Le- roi next Friday, April 28. Under the verdict she will be committed to an asylum for the mentally incompetent. State Team Beats Swingout, Cane Day Dates Are Changed A chenge in the dates for two senior activities has been a - nuonced by Charles R. Racine, '33, president of the Student Council. Swingout will be May 17, and Cane Day has been changed to May 14. The date of the Senior Ball will be announced later, Racine said, because it will neces- sary to avoid a conflict with the May Festival, which will take place here May 17, 18, and 19. Lantern Niht First Event Of camecominr Ptate To Tax lossibility If.Beer Surgeon Dies East Of Division St. New Sources Refuted B Laird At Home Here For evenue Possibility that the Ann Arbor city A ter Ilness r Reven ordinanevohihitincathe salenof eAles Musician Honored y beer east of Division Street had been voided by a section of the Michigan Constitution as amended last Novem- Southworth Allocation Bill Dr. Cyrenus G. Darling Famed As Founder Of . T1- ' T . 7 Omits Property Levy As ber, and that it would therefore be legally possible to sell beer in the Cap Night Scheduled For Union With Women's Traditional Ceremonies Traditional Lantern Night cere- monies will open the numerous ac- tivities scheduled for the week-end of Homecoming and will commence at sundown Friday, May 12. Present plans are to hold Cap Night in con- junction with the ceremonies which will take place at Palmer Field. Jean Botsford, '33, president of the Women's Athletic Association and general chairman of Lantern Night, has selected the following women for positions on the central committee: Barbara Ann Fisher, '33, chairman of procession properties, Mary Stirling, '35, chairman of field decorations, Miriam Carver, '33, 1 chairman of publicity, Catherine Hee- sen, '33, chairman of the line of march, Florence Shaw, '34Ed., chair- man of activities, Elsie Feldman, '33, chairman of honor awards, and Grace Mayer, '34Ed., newly elected president of the League who will act as chairman of patronesses. A fresh- man representative will be chosen as soon as the freshman activity is se- lected. It is planned that the names of those women elected to the honorary societies for next year will be an- nounced during this annual event. Elaborate plans are being made to make this most effective. This is not in line with the form of procedure used before, but will be attempted this year to further carry out this most important tradition for women. Four leaders and eight aides, as is the rule, will be selected from each class to escort the members of the' four classes in the procession. The choice of these candidates is made from those women having the high- est activity points and scholastic standing on the campus. The names. of those selected will be made in a few days. This year the Freshman Pageant will not be held prior to the march as has been the custom in former years. In its place various athletic exhibitions will be held. The central committee is making further plans to take place during these traditional ceremonies which will be announced later. Shinto Expert1 Will Preach At Baptist Church Heaps To Discuss Bible For Congregationalists; Lathers To Give Reading Dr. Daniel C. Holtom, of Tokio, Japan, will speak at 10:45 a. m. to- day at the Baptist Church on "The Meeting of the East and West." Dr. Holtom has conducted a care- ful study of the history and meaning of Shinto, and his books on the sub- ject have won high praise from the government of Japan. He has also been editor of "The Christian Move- ment in Japan" and "Transactions of the Asiatic Society." The sermon by Dr. Frederick B. Forton uI Income - Union, was emphatically denied last St. JOSCpf's HO1lta1 night by City Attorney William Laird. Government Needs ."The Division Street ordinance"Was Acting Dean Mr. Laird said, "is a separate act of $40,000,000 Yearly the Legislature. confirmed by a vote Of Dental School of the people of Ann Arbor, and the Section of the Constitution amended Governor Believes Toll last Autumn in no way limits the o'- Came Here In 1890 As dinance's power. The debate in Lans- Instructor; Funeral Will ng g at the present time over local Will Make Up Deficit option does not concern Ann Arbor's Be At 10:30 Tuesday HUNTER JOB Division Street ordinance."______ LANSING, April 22.-- (P)-- The Mr. Laird said, however, that a After 51 years of service to hu- . Legislature today faced the necessity special vote on the ordinance may be manity in the profession of medicine, Hityhest P of drafting a taxation program whihheld along with the vote on the Dr. Cyrenus G. Darling, '81, dean ofI owh proposalto place the potential sew- Michigan surgeons, was claimed by will probe heretofore untouched age disposal plant on a utility basis. death Friday. Dr. Darling had been In M usic sources of revenue sufficient to yield "Severa1 aldermen have asked me to inactive for the past year, confined at least $40,000,000 annually for the frame such a bill, and I am now do- to his home. A few weeks ago his By rgnmg it," he said. "If the Common condition became critical and he died B operation of the State government. Council approves, the election will at 5 p. in. Friday at his home at 722 rhedtiated tax ation yl f itprobably be held sometime in May." Forest Ave. Hunter johusow traditional bedrock foundation of Agitation for beer in the Union His outstanding achievement was , property this week when the Legis- has recently been backed by legal the founding of St. Joseph's Mercy Prix De Roim lature passed the Southworth bill al- arguments to the effect that the Di- Hospital here, in which he was as- Of Prominent locating levies under the 15-mill con- vision Street ordinance is no longer sisted by the late Bishop Edward D. stitutional limitation. The bill has operative, and that the permission Kelly, of the Detroit diocese of the The Prix de Rome in no provision for a property levy as of the Board of Regents is all that Catholic Church. The institution is position, the highest a source of State revenue. ( will be needed to allow beer's sale called by many a living memorial to that a composer ma: Governor Comstock, who is ex- in the Union after the beer bill the work of these two men. The hos- been awarded to Hun pected to sign the allocation bill, passes. pital was founded in 1911 and first the School of Music. looks confidently to the administra- An amendment was attached to located in a frame building at the th . Jchon ws t tio onfes ndlygroshincom ta bill r. John::on was tl Lion sales and gross income tax bill the beer bill some time ago in th corner of State and East Kingsley Senate giving local units power to streets, from where it was moved a i coeo a o tprovide the deficiency in State rincopssadcn revenues left by the elimination of pass ordinances similar to the Divi- few years later to the present struc- world. The award is th the property tax. A number of leg- sion Street ordinance here. Patrick ture. Dr. Darling served as chief ofp islative leaders, however, are skepti- . O'Brien, attorney-general of the staff from that time until about prize in all music, tra cal of the ability of the single meas- State, declared the amendment would three weeks ago when he retired as Pulitzer Prize in litera ure to furnish sufilcient inc unconstitutional and it was subse- honorary chief of staff, his position It provides Eu'ope, ome. quently struck out by the House. being taken by Dr. Theophile Kling- travel for two years While the governor estimates the Those. who contend the Division mann. ad s o t e probable annual revenue f'om his I Stieet ordinance is unconstitutional Came Her In 18 ind stu o at tend of sales andsiome esre at $36,- declare that their arguments are Dr. Darling came to Ann Arbor in goes with the award. $25000 $30, oe $gs,000,000 are more suppo'ted by this fact. 1879 and matriculated in the Uni- was created to furnis accurate estimates. versity, after receiving his early posers with the best of '_ * A'X__l 1Ischooling in theD ubuic schools of ! fnr ovaQ # i in k.. ,.nvo KNSON xrize Won ructor Awarded e By Jury Musicians i musical com- official prize ,y receive, has ter Johnson of he unanimous the outstand- aductors of the e most coveted anscending the ture in this re- an study and with residence rican Academy f$1,400 a year ane Cowl To Apear InFestival Henderson Season Will Star Her In 'Twelfth Night,' 'Camille' Rose Hobart, Ton Powers Featured Heining, Barrett, Kerr, Kemble - Cooper, Hull, Peters Also Signed Jane Cowl, leading star of the American theatre, will play in two weeks of Ann Arbor's Dramatic Sea- son this spring. Tom Powers, first man of the New York Theatre Guild, will appear in every play of the festival. Rose Robart, celebrated motion- picture and stage actress, will be featured in the recent New York hit, "Another Language." Six other nationally-famous stars, V i o 1 e t Heming, Violet Kemble- Cooper, Rollo Peters, Geoffrey Kerr, Edith Barrett, and Henry Hull have also been signed by Robert Hender- son to appear in one or more plays. Featured productions of the sea- son will be "Twelfth Night" with Miss Cowl, and the first production outside New York of Noel Coward's "Design for Living" with Powers, Miss Heming, and Kerr in the lead- ing roles. Announcement of the complete list of plays and players, made here for the first time, was made possible by I In view of the need for new iu o sources ofincome and the variety _ of estimates on the yield of,, a sales U.B tax, a flood of special revenue incas- LJ Of JR T "o Be ures may find their way into the Legislature next week.Rd The list of new tax proposals to R n d r which the committee has called at- tention are those proposing levies on College Association Wi electrical equipment, chain stores, incomes, cigarettes, and amusements.IRe-Inv-stigate Athlet The program was initiated late this Conditions Of Titans week when Sen. Francis A. Kulp 1 (Dem., Battle Creek) submitted a bill CHICAGO, April 22.-W--A re-i proposing a chain store license levy, spection of athletic conditions at t estimated to yield $3,000,000 a year. University of Detroit was pending t A measure levying a tax on the in- day as. a result of action of the e come of foreign securities was re- ecutive committee of the North Ce leased from committee but with tral Association of Colleges and Se doubt that the State can reach such ondar'y Schools in retaining t ntangibles. school on its accredited list contra Should the proposed beer tax re- to recommendations of a sub-coi main at $1.25 a barrel the State mittee. would obtain an annual revenue esti- Recommendations of the commi mated at a minimum of $3,000,000, sion on institutions of higher lear in addition to license fees. ing for removal of four other colleg were allowed to stand by the exec Sunda Night Show At tive committee. In the case of Detroit the exec I Michigan To End At 11 tive committee did not reach its d cision until an early hour today a: Eleven p. m. is to be the closing only after the Rev. Fr., A. H. Po hour for the next two Sunday per- ker, S. J., president of the universi formances at the Michigan instead , appeared before it in an appeal. of the recently adopted 10:45 p. m., He declared that athletes had be Gerald Hoag announced yesterday. unable to repay loans owing to ha This reversion of the former sched- ing no time for part-time work a ule is due to the fact that the fea- pleaded for a re-inspection of conc ture pictures alone for those week- tions. ends last two hours and five minutes D each. Dean John R. Effinger of the 1i The new arrangement of placing eraryacollege, a member of the su several of the short subjects after the committee which originally decid main picture to allow women stu- to drop the university, refused dents to get in on time was very comment, stating that he could s successful for the two weeks that it nothing without the authority of t was tried, Mr. Hoag continued. Until committee. It is customary, he add this plan has been more thoroughly for the association to withhold d tested, however, the Majestic's sched- tailed statements concerning su ule is to remain unchanged. actions. Bethlehem, N. Y., and at Monticello Academy. He graduated from the Medical School in 1881. In 1890 Dr. Darling joined the University fac- ulty and served successively as in- I structor, clinical lecturer, and dem- onstrator in the surgera and oral for creative worx over period of time, and al the publication of th major woiks and thei by outstanding Europe ganizations. .Three years weres Johnson at the Unive The fellowship a long distance telephone call from ;h young com- Miss Cowl's representatives in New f opportunities York at 3 a. m. Saturday. Obtaining !r an extended the distinguished star for the festi- so provides for val was complicated by the fact that ,he composers' Miss Cowl is under contract to make ir performance a talking picture in Hollywood this an musical or- spring. Movie Postponed spent by Mr. Her arrival in Hollywood has been .rsity of North nostponed three weeks in order that da pathology departments for the next I Carolina in studying for a literary she may carry out her wish to appear [1 five years. In 1906 he was named career. here. The engagement here is the professor of oral surgery and clini- After graduation in 1929, he was first outside of a New York produc- IC cal professor of surgery. appointed to an instructorship in the tion which Miss Cowl has ever ac- Beginning in 1903 he was acting pointed to an instructorship in the cepted, according to the statement dean of the School of Dentistry for , University of Michigan, where he has which Henderson released to The n- four years and held important fac- taught composition and advanced Daily yesterday. he ulty posts there in succeeding years. theory for the past four years. Miss Cowl will also appear in o- In 1919 he concluded his active Mr. Johnson plans to leave Ann Alexandre Dumas, fils' "Camille." x- teaching in the Medical School but Arbor late in the summer and spend Other plays to be presented will be n- remained on the faculty of the some time in France and Germany Benn Levy's comedy, "Springtime e- School of Dentistry until 1927. After before going to Rome. for Henry," and Romney Brent's he this he gave his entire time to the - I "The Mad Hopes," both Broadway ry development of St. Joseph's Hospital 1 ' hits of the last year. Two dance m- and to his private practice, also fre- Rag e -ed Gam e 'I recitals by Angua Enters, noted quently contributing to medical peri- dance-mime, will be given. eis- odicals. He made important con- S "We regard the engagement of n- tributions in the field of aseptic O >ens eason, Jane Cowl, Prof. O. J. Campbell, ges surgery and was a nationally-known . W in10 chairman of the civic committee pre- u- authority on oral surgery. Il n14-10 senting the Dramatic Season, said Service Recognized today, "as a further compliment for u- Recognition of his long years of -- the standard of productions present- e- practice and teaching was given Dr. nid Darling in October, 1931, when a et- bust of him done by Carleton Angell ty, was presented to the University. At the presentation he was described by en President Alexander G. Ruthven asI av- "one of the great figures in the his- rnd tory of the University." di- I The State Medical Society chose Dr. Darling as its president in 1926 and in recognition of this signal it b- onor he was presented with a tes- leCtimonial scroll signed by his col- ed leagues on the staff of St. Joseph's to Hospital. Dr. Darling also found ay time to devote to municipal affairs he Ias is shown by the fact that he ed served as mayor of Ann Arbor in de 1894. In a later election in which he ch was a candidate for the same office he was defeated by only four votes. For the last 25 years of his life Dr. Darling was engaged in private prac- tice associated with Dr. C. L. Wash- burne. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday at the residence. Dr. Peter F. Stair will officiate. Fisher Brands Contest As ed in the Dramatic Season. Miss Cowl will lead a list of New York 'Worst' He Has Seen; artists scarcely duplicated in any Ei ght Pitchers Used other company in -the country." Other Actors Picked By JOHN THOMAS Featured supporting players in the "That was the worst game of base- festival list are: Walter Kingsford, ball I have ever seen in my life," said distinguished English character actor, Coach Fisher after the opening Big who will play Sir Toby Belch with Ten game of the season on Ferry Miss Cowl in "Twelfth Night," which Field yesterday. Coach Carl Lund- he also played in the New York pro- gren of the Illini, whoseteam won duction of the play last winter; out 14 to 10, was even more emphatic Kathrine Wick. Kelly, leading lady in his remarks. of the Cleveland Playhouse; Ains- Both teams used four pitchers in worth Arnold, Francis Compton, the game but the Suckers from Peggy Hovenden, Doris Rich, Alan Champaign had a big edge with their Handley, and Mildred Todd. moundwork, striking out 12 and is- The Dramatic Season will open on suing only six passes. Michigan got Monday evening, May 22, withRose 11 hits to 14 for Illinois, yet there Franken's "Another Language," star- was never any doubt as to the out- ring Tom Powers and Edith Bar- come after the first inning. - (Continued on Page 2) a- Man With Hole In His Stomach Is Aid To Medical Researc Illinois scored three more runs in ! the second inning. After giving Ton- coff a base on balls, Wistert made a fielding error on McCabe's sacrifice to mfhirnn first Thn nftpr fnrv- First Reports Of Student World Study Completed i Fisher at the morning services of the First Methodist Episcopal Church The tale of the experiments of a will be on "Am I Getting an Educa- young army doctor, whose medical tion?" It will follow the discussion knowledge was derived from reading and the general theme of the recent books and from practical experience Atrith - FirstCnrin the War of 1812, on a man who At the F irst Congregational lived more than 50 years with a hole Church, the Rev. Mr. Allison Ray in his stomach through which diges- i l r o puL m on rL v U. Bien a e r rtn ols ing Schustek to fly out, he hit KaschI Preliminary reports on problems to w a 1 k e d Chervinko, and allowed be discussed at the International Student Conference on Warld Affsa is But the next day the man was so, far improved that some hope was ex- pressed. According to excerpts from Beau- mont's journal "the wound was re- ceived just under the left breast, and was supposed, at the time, to have been mortal. A large portion of the Northwestern, 7 -R Roosevelt, M'DonaldWrobke to single. Wistert balked in a run in the Study Wori Trade third inning after Toncoff tripled over Braendle's head. Michigan got their first run when Waterbor singled WASHINGTON, April 22.-(P)-On Paulson home after he walked and both international and domestic went to second on Artz's grounder. Heaps will deliver a sermon on "Thej EVANSTON, Ill., April 22.-{J')- Bible in Literature and Life." The Michigan State made a clean sweep Student Fellowship will meet at 5:30 of its two-game series with North- p. m. in the church parlors. Follow- western, winning today's game, 7 to ing the regular supper Prof. J. Stu- 3. art, head of the department of speech Pemberton, the Sparton's south- of the Michigan State Normal Col- paw pitcher, allowed 11 hits but kept lege, will read J. M. Barrie's play, them well scattered. The Wildcats # "The Twelve Pound Look." A short scored two of their three runs in program of serious music by the OLWAU11L .%-U '.,J.JMJU. V114 Y V 4* *.4A* ,415 to be held May 4, 5, 6, and 7 at the Union, will be distributed to students tive actions could be watched, was told at the annual meeting of thej Research Club last week by Dr. H. B. Lewis, head of the department of physiological chemistry. In 1822 Dr. William Beaumont, at the time about 35 years old, was sta- tioned at Fort Mackinac, Mackinac' side was blown off, the ribs were fronts President Roosevelt drove fractured and openings were made forcefully ahead with his program for in the cavities of the chest and abdo- woild-wide currency stabilization to men, through which protruded por- tions of the lungs and stomach, much lacerated and burnt, exhibiting alto- gether a hopeless case . . . A per- hoist commodity prices and end de- pression. He and his guest, Ramsay Mac- Donald, Great Britain's prime min- ister, with a host of advisors, studied methods of steadying the world's Wistert can only blame himself for Illinois' run in the fourth. He walked Hotchkin, and hit Wrobke after Kasch had singled. Then Kasch scored on a fielder's choice by Gold- stein. Michigan got two more in the I fourth when Diffley was hit by Prob- ke. Wistert was knocked out of the box this coming week, Gordon Galaty* '33, student chairman, announced yesterday. The main points to be considered in the fields of world economics, in- ternational political relations, and the social conditions of the world will be listed in these reports. Bib- liographies will also be included for student reference. The purpose of this compound re- port, which was prepared by faculty members, is to provide students a Island, as post surgeon for troops foration was made directly into the that were occupying the territory to cavity of the stomach, through which