"THE MIICH'-IGAN DAI~ly . Vinal Will )eak H~ere On nature Study iker Is Well Knowni Outdoor NMan, Caml) rector And Teacher William G. Vinal, of Western ve University, will give an illus- lecture at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday, 25, in the University High 1 Auditorium under the aus- of the School, of Education, it cen announced. The topic of nal's talk will be "°Nature Edu- iin School." The main object svisit here is to address the in directed teaching that is con- d by Prof. Raleigh 'Schorling, visor of directed teaching in the rsity High School. Vinal, familiarly known to -eds of camp and school people, ap'n Bill," is a thorough-going or mazy, having done nature ig in Glacier National Park, di- summer camps, and for years een a professor of nature- edu- .n Rhode Island College, West- eserve University, and other Is. At present he is professor ure education at Western Re- University, =6d director of the Overturn OfGold Standard Ulpsets Thir i Cori seiC Tool Deba-te (Prof. J(llIfIliSls~ Sees', Builsinless a Fot'U Sconqd.,ary I plIitrnThrom'h Iniflation Plait ~H~I)~ IU I ' By JOHlN O'CONNELL j} } { i {1{ i (j i ({ i i ft}(! f l 1 TheSixtccthAnniual Champion- ship cbat in Ohe Michigan Hsighi _~ roil Debaing eaguwill be held Cat~ch_. -gh, .Aprril 28, at Hill Au- ,loiu.,Ii year t lhe debate is betwen amstqueand Flint North- I%. Musk; ,on t cioaiicl-n dOxford, la,.st yea s 1'a.pin ri rnner- urp v_-~tvly c c liminated in Thi wck i~itt ins eresent by ih~~~ ~~ iItivtn hmt ated and tha ha ben araned.This pro- .:ra nc1.ldes campus ti ours, student conulttiosa varsity baseball game1?._, and a concert by the varsity bandimmdiaelypjreceding the de- l cate. The judges of this year s debate arc Dean Ralph Dennis of the School of Speech at Northwestern Univer- sity, and Professors G. E. Densmore and J. M. O'Neill of the Department of Speech and General Linguistics here. The release of pent-up pur~cha.sing power has caused a marked upw- ardi movemenin i the bulsin~ess activ:ity oi according to Prof. C. L. Jamisoni, of the Schiool of Business Administra,- tion. "The result," said Professo r Jamison, "is that a compositeine of business activ ity ought to show a more abrupt ascent this year than ini preceding years. Moreover, the more recent recognition of impending in- flaitioni undoubtedly will accelerate the movement still further." The effect of the banking holidlay !that started locally early iiin ebrri?yI and spread over the entire countruyj towvard the end of the month ha been to halt or at leaft retard tee normal upwvard movemient of busi- ness this spring. Althoughd the geni- eral trend of business has been dis- tinctly downward since the summner of 1929, each of the past fourings including the present, has, shown t he, normal upward seasoa The Smnoker will be held at 7:30 Garters, reg. 35c Apollo. . 19c p. mn. April 25. in, the ballroom of rr th~ Union with music by Al Cowan 's I Suspenders, reg. $ 1.00C pr. 'i' 49c orchestra." Refreshments will beI served, and there will be smoking,1 wrestling, boxing, and 'tumbling for "A 0&K consulting engineer of Columbus, CAMPUS TIE RACK i~ the speaker for the occasion. Mr. I 300-E SOUTH STATE STREET Wyler will be given a dinner party I 1.,Dsc.r h rcsmre ntewno.Te r h by ;the faculty before the smoker. FS--Dorgrm terprices, anar ;c noewindlas heyd.eih T ickets are on sale for '25 centsfomri isa lrenj in the hball of the West Engineering Building. --- ~- Ax PERMANENT INVESTMENT' A!DA BEAUTIFUL ADDITION TO YOUR HOUSE npovt, youri bathroom-, shower, kitchecn, or sink by tiling. Colors that harmonize with the modern mode in decorating. Installed over your present walls with a minimum of troublu and expense. Estimates cheerfully given. A NN ,ARBOR01 tVEOh-" 0S CO0" II &I { _i Expect Beauty fromRai~f -starved Flowers! BEAU;TY(Idependson1 nourish- InenIt. Fc(_d your flowers the quare l, l for all plId 1s- V ipsoo. Complew, h~dan -vl, 4 lbs. per J100 sq. fi. , ii Imbrinr zirnaziiU, resullts! It 1isdeanl, oadorles3s, east' to usc-and ineoxenrsiVO. Display at 443 5th St. Office 324 S. Statc Phone 7729 SPRING'TIES $1 Ties 65c 2 for $1.25 Custom Tailored. SPRING SUITS BOOK BAsommmohGAINS SCHLENKE 'S MESSAGE CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, AND KEEP' IT UP! I I 11 OuIagi aleo ET N becomes more and more attractive -Additbons Daily! We have all the "uunemploye " tools for those who I a should employ them. American-m-ade quality at "Tbo Square Mot If