THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGnT1Im Varsity To Meet hi is Here Ty I C ference Opene From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Baseball, Golf, Prices Yunevich At Central Will Clash With1 ' " THEN tI*] ie Athletic W Association decided to drop the price of admission to base- ball games to 25 cents, it proved con- clusively that it had it ear to the groundf and that it was do- ^? ing its part to co-, operate with the 'baseball fans in Ann Arbor. Last year the Association collected $218 for the baseball season from paid attendance of townspeople. They kept the price up around 75 cents and this kept the people away. But with the new low price, it is expected that those who have noth- ing better to do and who do like baseball, will scare up the two-bits for the game. At first Coach Yost wanted a 40 cents charge established but sport writers protested thxat it was too high. The offlcial announcement yester- dnay came as a surprise to the sport writers most interested as they had been given the impression that the price would be 40 cents. However in making the cut the board once again demonstrated that it was will- ing to co-operate and give the towns- people of Ann Arbor a real chance to see the games. But the Athletic Association did not do as well with the golf course prices. The only reduction lies out- side the field of student interest. The prices for students, faculty members, employees, and their wives and de- pendents remains the same, 50 cents for 18 holes. However they can pur- chase a strip of ten tickets, teach good for one round, for $4. Outsiders and alumni will be able to play on' the course at a reduced rate, depending upon the time of registration. Early morning 'and late afternoon prices have been reduced still further for this group. OY SCOUTS, or campus B. M. O. C.s -self-styled - will not let the women on campus get ahead of them, it seems. 1 Vhen the women made life miserable .for those who -re-, tained their dignity walking, by zipping . past on skates, the boys sent hurried letters home to have their skates sent here. And now they are turning out in numbers to rival the femmes on wheels. The danger has grown to such an extent that Coach Kipke is considering an order to make his footballers stay away from the li- brary at night. He seems to want them for the gridiron more than to allow them to play with fire by-walk- ing on campus after dark. One halfback complained that walking along the diagonal now gave him more practice in broken field running than the gridiron ever did, and that there was no crowd to cheer him on either. Such staid individuals will just have to learn their place. The lime- light will fall no longer on us poor humans who stay afoot. And any- way, our mother just wrote back that our skates had been thrown away ages ago. * 6 ALEX YPN EVICH,' who used to tear apart opposition with his drives through the line while play- ing fullback at Purdue, is in a new role this year, helping Coach George Van Bibber with Spring football at Central State Teachers College. Last year he worked as coach of the Purdue "Bees" and turned out a highly successful outfit. With the help of Yunevich, Van Bibber hopes to have another successful team. He used to team with All-American Sleight at Purdue to form what many considered one of the best pair of tackles ever seen together. Van Bib- her loses only two regulars from the team which played a scoreless tie with Michigan's "Bees". They have 70 men out now, of whom over 35 have had Varsity experience. Paul Moss, All-American end from Van Bibber's Alma Mater last year, will help with the drills later to make it an all-Purdue coaching staff. ATHLETIC HERO LOWERED Dibbrell Williams, an Athletics hero in the 1931 world series, is slated to be understudy of Eric Mc- Nair at shortstop this season. AEN AVANT .«"rIarwv4 Strong Team In Today's Battle Patchin Or Wistert Will Get Mound Job; Illinois To Try New Infield By ALBERT NEWMAN Michigan's Varsity baseball team' will inaugurate the home and West- ern Conference season on Ferry FieldI this afternoon in a contest which' will be called at 2:30. The Wolver- ines' opponents will be the strong Illinois aggregation. The Illini under the direction of Coach Carl Lundgren will present an infield which is largely new, buti which has had the experience so far of six games, five of which the In- dians won. With the veteran Cher-j vinko behind the bat and Wrobke asi captain, the battery will be one of the best in the Big Ten, and one which made a successful appearance here last year. Appeared Here Last Year Schustek at first base and Fred Frink in the outfield were also seen in Ann Arbor last year, and Jack Yule, first-string shortstop, was in the game for a few innings. Coach Ray Fisher of the Wolver- ines has shifted his infield as the result of observations made during the game with Hillsdale Tuesday. Waterbor has been shifted from third to second, and Paulson will hold down the hot corner. Teitel- baum continues at short. The chance was necessitated by Waterbor's lame arm which prevented a good throw to first. Teitelbaum is also nursing a sore "wing." Michigan Batting P~oor The hitting of the Maize and Blue nine has. not been good to date, and that is Coach Fischer's chief worry in today's Illini battle. Avon Artz has been the only member of the squad who has been lacing the ball consistently, although Ted Petoskey, Stan Waterbor, Mike Diffley, Gene Braendle, and Ken Manuel may find hitting eyes almost any time now. Probable lineups: Illinois Michigan Lewis, 3b Artz, rf Xoldstein, 2b Waterbor, 2b 'rink, cf Braendle, if ,chustek, lb Petoskey, cf vlcCabe, if Difley, c .otchkin, rf Paulson, 3b .'hervinko, c. Manuel, lb Yule, ss Teitelbaum, ss robke,p Patchin or Wistert, p Golf Squad Of' 30 Is Selected For This Year Coming through the qualifying rounds of golf tryouats, Captain AlexI Jolly, '33E, shot a good 79.5 average to place behind Johxiny Fischer and Carroll Sweet on the tentative Var- sity squad. Fischer, a junior, came through brilliantly with a 72 average while Sweet, '35, shot 79 even. The remaining seven first-team selections averaged as follows: Dayton, '34, 79 2-3; Hanway, '34E, 80 1-2; Seeley, 1 35 80 1-2 G. David, '34, 80 5-6; Mc- Baseball iam. ToPlay "illsdale, State Normal In addition to today's baseball game with Illinois, Michigan's nine has another pair of diamond contests carded for early next week. Michigan State Normal College has been added to the schedule and will face the Wolverines at 4 p. m. Monday on Ferry Field. Wednesday Hillsdale will return to Ann Arbor to conclude their home-and-home series, of which Michigan won the first game 7 to 3. c4 hawon o 4 , UV -1, 4 . ... s ., - s u v v .- ... . .. . .. ... a .,. .. Pherson, '35, 81 1-2; Crossman, '33, 83; Menefee, 34, 83. 40 ets" Is New Alternates who qualified for posi- tions were Markham, '35, 84 2-3; Goodh Will Slogan Heifetz, '34, 85 1-2; Schloss, '34,' 86 2-3; Muzzy, '34, 86 2-3; Bergelin, "40 champions for 40 cents" is the '34E, 87 2-3; Field, '35E, 88; Degener, slogan that has rung through cam- '34, 92 2-3. pus sororities and fraternities during In selecting these Varsity men the last three days as 50 Union com- Coach Trueblood stated that each mitteemen carried on the drive to man must turn in three 18-hole sell tickets to the Good Will Boxing scores a week and that any marked Show next Wednesday. improvement would place an alter- The slogan is literally true since nate in the position of a lower first- veritably every competitor in the team man. twenty scheduled fights is a cham- Freshman Squad Picked pion in his own right. The selections for the freshman Vernon Larson, promoter, an- squad are still incomplete, but these nounced yesterday that a new star men have landed places so far: Gal- has appeared with the signing of Ted lagher, 82 2-3; Heusel, 83 1-2; W. Tednandowski of Christ Church A.C., Smith, 86; D. Smith, 86 1-2; Green- Detroit, to fight"Tony Dauksza, Uni- street, 86 1-2; Parkin, 89; Rosenberg, versity freshman boxing and football 89 1-2; Wenham, 89 2-3. Alternates star, in the welter division. Ted- for the yearling squad are: VanZile, nandowski has been having things 90 1-2; Schaberg, 92; Klene, 95. Two all his own way among state ama- more who have shot good golf con- J teurs this year and Dauksza will sistently this year but who have not have a tougher assignment than his yet qualified are L. David and Tar- ,recent hard 'battle with Corporal box. Oletski at the Armory. Coach Trueblood said yesterday that all players must be scholastical- ly eligible, that all putts must be run down and none conceded, and that all Varsity and alternate players must report today at 1 p. m. for foursome play before the baseball game. Another welter fight that is ex- pected to furnish. plenty of thrills will be the go between Lee Shaw, University sophomore, and Bill Lar- kin of Boys' Club, Detroit, Larkin will be seeking revenge for a fight he lost to Shaw on a decision during the Silver Shield bouts here. /oacco. Well,... here it is... already whittled FOR you. Granger Rough Cut is tobacco whit. ed right . that's one reason why it burns so slow W EN we started to uii ke Granger Rough Cut we knew that fine tobac- co burnt lot because it burnto fast. It kept your pipe hot. You coid hardly hold your pipe in your hand, it go so jot at times. Then we remembered that some folks back yonder used to whilie" their to- bacco. So we made GRANGER just like "whittle" tobacco - "Rou d (Cut." It smokes cooler and lasts a lot longer. And also, you'll find it never gums the pipe. So far, so good. NOw we wanted to sell this tobacco for 10c. Good tobacco-right process-cut right. I Ws a (uestion of how to do it for [he price. So we put GRANGER in a sensible soft foil pouch ilnstead of an expensive package, knowing that a man can't smoke a package. We gave smokers this good GRANGER tobacco in a common-sense pouch for lOc. GRANGER has not been on sale very long, but it has grown to be a popular smoke. And there is this much about it (T'PA r %