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April 22, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-22

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The Weather
Genrally fair Saturday and
pr bably Sunday; cooler Satur-
day; not quite so cool Sunday.


9 lall



Disccurtesy At The Seabur
Ccnvocation; Charlestonin
Re dents And Starving Dolers.



Fiormer Judge Receives
Doctor Of Laws Degree
At Special. Convocation
Rou Plunderers,'
his Plea To Youth
Urges Consolidation Of
City Administrative Of.
fices To Cut Graft
A plea for the youth of the nation
to "rout the plunderers who have
fastened themselves on American
cities" was made yesterday morning
by former Judge Samuel Seabury,
premier municipal graft investigator,
who spoke at a special University
convocation in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. John G. Winter, chairman
of the Latin department, presented
the University citation eulogizing
Mr. Seabury for his untiring cam-
paign against political racketeers,
and President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven conferred upon the eminent New
York jurist the honorary degree of
doctor of laws.
Reduction of the myriad munici-
pal administrative departments, more
adequate proportional representation,
and delegation of broader powers to
the municipal head, whether mayor,
of city manager, were advocated by
Mr. Seabury. "America .must be
taught to vote for men, not stars,
eagles, roosters, and elephants," he

Watkins Explains Effect Of
Gold EmbargoOn Exchange

Senate Halts

By RALPH G. COULTER tion seem to be the main factors
Commenting on the gold embargo causing the fall in the value of the
declared by President Roosevelt dollar an the exchange markets,"'he
Wednesday, Prof. L. L. Watkins of 'said.
the economics department in an i__ Whnaske h hreembago was
terview yesterday called it a moveI put into effect, Professor Watkins
to bring the world back to the gold stated that it was partly designed to
standard by removing the foreign neutralize disadvantages under which
exchange advantages now held by we have been trading with England
paper standard countries, ,nd other paper standard countries.
f "For some time now the low valuesE
"The United States has been oif of their monies in terms of dollars
the gold standard since the banking has given them an advantage in ex-
holiday," he said, "but it was not porting goods to us and placed usj
until President Roosevelt placed a at a disadvantage in selling goods to
complete embargo on gold exports them. The fall in the dollar may1
and promised inflation that the for- turn the tables, or at least remove
degnexaged.Thvsaleofthe dollarthis disadvantage. Furthermore, this
depreciated. This fall in the value magatsdrtytoasehe
facembargo acts directly to raise the
of the dollar in relation to francs, dollar prices of goods entering ac-
pounds, and the like, is not due to tively into international trade. The
an unfavorable balance in the for- administration doubtless hopes thatr
eigntrade relations of the United this rise will spread to other com-
States. England, on the other hand, modities and generate increased con-
when she abandoned the gold stand- fidence and increased spendin -
ard in 1931, was forced to take that "The abandonment of the gold
action because of a persistent drain standard is also an entering wedge
of gold from the country, resulting tanda dersxason oncern edc,
from an unfavorable balance in trade to further expansion of currency,
froann avoablerbalncintri adHeproposed in new legislation under
relations with other countries. Her consideration by Congress," he said.t
action was one of defense, ours ap- This legislation in itself does nott
pears to be one of offense. provide for any radical expansion ofC
"The imminent threat of inflation money and credit, but it does con-f
and speculative action aganist the fer rather wide discretionary power
dollar based on expectation of infla- continucd onn Page 2)

Leva Beer-
Bill Tabled
Rejection Of Proposal
Shatters Hope For Beer
Next Week
House Is Prepared
To Act Immediately
Adversity To Conuission
Is Hell Responsible For
Bill's Failure
LANSING, April 21.-,'Th-The ad-1
ministration bill to legalize beer and
wine in Michigan was stranded in
the Senate tonight.
A conference report, designed to
settle differences between the House
and Senate, was voted down. The
adverse vote then was reconsidered,
and the measure was placed on the
table. It cannot be considered again
before Monday night. The hope of
Governor Comstock that beer might
flow by the middle of next week was

R epblicans
Fight Plans
For Iflation

U. Of D. Dropped
From Accredited
List Of College

Deimocrats Are
They Have
Votes To Pass


Wagner-Lewis Bill
Passed By House
Reed, Walcott, Snell And!
Luce Sign Statement
Against Measure
biting denunciation of the Roosevelt
plan for controlled inflation was is-
sued tonight over the signatures of
four prominent Congressional Re-,
publicans, while Democratic leaders
stood their ground confident of more
than enough votes for approval of
the program in both Senate and
To a statement that the Presiden-
tial proposal will cause "no perma-
nent prosperity," that it "violates the
most elementary principles" of eco-

Avery And Kelb Win
Case Club Competition
Willard Avery, '34L, and Robert
Kelb, '34L, defeated Victor Rab-
inowitz, '34L, and Nathan Levy, L,
in the finals of the Law School
Case Club competition held at 3
p. m. yesterday in the Lawyers
Club. Avery and Kelb were pre-
sented with the Henry Campbell
Award of $50 each, while Rabino-
witz and Levy were awarded the
consolation prize of $25 each.
Kelb and Avery represented
Marshall Club, while Levy and
Rabinowitz were from Holmes
Club. The four were survivors of
32 entrants split into 16 teams.
Harry C. Bulkley, of Detroit,
made the award. The finals were
ruled on by Judge Arthur H.
Tuttle of the United States Dis-
trict Court, and Judges Guy A.
Miller, Charles B. Collingwood,
Homer Ferguson Arthur Webster,
and Alan Campbell of the Mich-
igan Circuit Court.
Pr-o ram For
is Announced

'Athletic Conditions' Ci
In Action Taken Aga
Catholic Institution
4 Other Schools
Also Are Banish
Fr. Poetker, In Prot
Denies Professionali
Blames Loan Tangle



Says Embargo
Against Russia
Is Inexpensive
Timoshenko Holds Trade
Ban On Reds Presages
No Loss To England
Great Britain's embargo against

M Donld Gives
ldr F
His Pledge For
ori Justice
American Abandonment
Of Gold Standard Hasn't
Changed Stand, He Says
WASHINGTON, April 21.=- (-') -


As the prospect of foaming schup- nomics and is "better designed to
ers receded, sparks flew from a bitter defeat than promote business recov-
inter-house dispute. Eight Republi- cry" were attached the names of
can Senators, aided by two Demo- Senator Reed, Pennsylvania, and
crats, mowed the conference report Walcott, Connecticut, and Represen-
down because they objected to plac- tatives Snell of New York, the party
ing absolute control in the hands of floor leader, and Luce, Massachu-

Most Acute Problem of Age
"With corrupt municipal elections
on every side, with racketeers in
league with and shielded by politics,
and with the police protecting rather
than detecting, municipal adminis-
tration has become the most acute
problem of this age," Mr. Seabury
"The faults of the state are small
indeed when compared with those ofj
the city. With an intense concen-
tration of population in the city, an
opportunity is given to extend a
corrupt and degenerate influence
through the state, the nation, and
even to affect international relations.
On every side we ,see the modern.
criminal in the person of the crook-
ed mayor, sheriff, alderman, fire
chief, and police chief taking full ad-
vantage of this opportunity," he said..
The former judge, who as special
investigator of the Hofstadter legis-
lative committee co-operated with
the then Governor Franklin D.
Roosevelt in forcing the resignation
of Mayor "Jimmy" Walker, drew on
his vast knowledge of New York CityC
politics to illustrate his points.
"In the recent probe of New York
City municipal graft, a mayor was.
forced to protect his honor and in-
tegrity by resigning, a sheriff was
removed, three magistrates resigned,
the vice squad was eliminated, and
nih inspector of police, the superin-
tendent of buildings, and the chief
engineer of building found it expedi-
ent to evade the jurisdiction of the
court where their cases were being,
tried," he said.
Commends Roosevelt
"Mr. Roosevelt conducted the hear-
ings with a consummate skill," Mr.
Seabury continued. "He took each
stcp with precision, and from the
iirst it was evident that the inves-
tigation of Walker could have but
one result,
The constantly recurring oppor-
tunitics for nepotism and political
juggling to develop in the modern
city structure were discussed by the
jurist, who pointed out that "Boss"
Tweed's old guard of 12,000 munici-
pal employees has steadily increased
until at present no less than 135,000
are employed by New York City.
SiHeary Gives Address I
At Law Club Banquet
National control of certain features
of the law which legal processes of
t oda vannotprm-perly con ewith was

imports from Russia, due to take ef- Pledging himself anew to peace and
feet next Wednesday, while probably conciliation, not economic war, Prime

used sincerely enough as a means of
protection for British citizens, is a
most inexpensive one from the Brit-
ish point of view, in the opinion of
Prof. Vladimir P. Timoshenko of the
economics department.
Russia, on the other hand, runs a
risk of losing what is to her a mar-
ket of great importance by provoking

Minister Ramsay MacDonald, of
Great Britain, arrvied in Washington
tonight for a week-end visit with
President Roosevelt, that is being
watched around the world.
Reaching America at a dramatic
moment in financial history, the
British statesman quickly assured
the nation that the events of recent

a State liquor commission. They de-
manded that local governing bodies
be given a voice in selecting vendors
of alcoholic beverages.
The House, which had remained
in recess during the day waiting forj
the conference report, adjourned in
a huff when it was learned the Sen-
ate had rejected the measure. A res-
olution, introduced by Rep. William'
M. Donnelly (Dem., Detroit), censor-
ing the Senate, was adopted. It de-
clared that had the Senate adopted
the conference recommendations, the
House was prepared to act promptly
to legalize beer and wine.
Rep. James G. Frey (Rep., Battle
Creek), supporting the resolution,
said "I am ashamed of the Senate.
The people voted for beer, but the
Senate adjourned without giving it
to them." Rep. Ate Dykstra (Rep.,
Grand Rapids), defended the Senate.
He declared those who opposed the
conference report were fighting "for
a real cause."

Great Britain to such retaliation, he days, including America's abandon-
said. "Britain has far greater bar- ment of the gold standard, have not
gaining power, and does not care to altered the conciliatory attitude in
import from Russia as tong as she which he accepted the President's
can get no new orders from that invitation to Washington.
country." "It is the supreme duty of all gov-
The British market for Russian crnments to see that economic justice
lumber has regained the important is done to all their peoples," he said
position it occupied before the war, in New York. "The only way to
Professor Timoshenko declared, while bring this about is by agreement and
England is the only country whose conciliation."
tariffs do not exclude what foodstuffs In t ords,
Russia has to export. In these words, official Washing-
BRusihs oexort. hton saw assurance that the prime
British dominions have been com- minister holds no thought of launch-
peting for some time with all prod- ing an economic war against the
ucts exported by PRussia, he said.
s United States in retaliation for its
"They have accused Russia of un- oing off the gold standard.
fair trade practices and dumping. gol
Great Britain, meanwhile, importedj
from Russia only to create a market I r
for her exports.
"Recently Russia has had to curtail i~If )II' f a k
imports because of her inability to f
pay for them or obtain further credit.
Under these circumstances, Great h~i /1eUC isoltwil


It ,was prepared in conferences at-
tended also by Ogden L. Mills, the
Hoover Secretary of the Treasury, and
statedly for his approval, ,although
not his signature.
!To only one provision of the
Roosevelt plan, pending in the Sen-
ate as the Thomas inflation amend-
ment to the farm bill, could the
WASHINGTON, April 21-{P)-
An outright Federal grant of
$500,000,000 to the states and pos-
sessions for relief was assured to-
day with the passage by the House
I of the Wagner-Lewis bill.
The legislation now goes to thev
Senate, which already has ap-
proved a nearly identical bill.
The House did not accept the
Senate measure for the technical
reason that it was an appropria-
tion bill and should originate in
the House.
The House bill makes available
to the states, on the basis of one
Federal dollar for every three ex-
pended locally, $250,000,000 in-
stead of $200,000,000 as provided
by the Senate, for relief until
Oct. 1. After that date, any re-
mainder of this sum and the other
$250,000,000 may be distributed
without strings. Any one state may
receive only 15 per cent of the
Grand Old Party leaders subscribe.
They are willing, the statement said,
to support the proposal that the Fed-
eral Reserve System buy up to $3,-
000,000,000 worth of government
bonds as a means of expanding
credit. But, it was added, they could
endorse such action only in view of

Father And Son Banquet
Will Be Replaced By
Family Gathering
The program for the Third Annual
Spring Homecoming, including lists
of exhibits, class and intercollegiate
games, lectures, and special attrac-
tions, has been completed, accord-
ing to John H. Huss, '33, generalI
chairman. Homecoming will be held
May 12, 13, and 14 this year.
Highlights of the festivities will be
the Family Banquet, replacing the
traditional Fathers' and Sons' Ban-E
quet, now abandoned because it is
said to have led to a disunion of the
family on its last night in Ann Arbor.
It will be the first time in campus
history that such a banquet has been
offered, according to Huss. The ban-
quet will cost $1. Other events thatI
are expected to draw large crowdsE
are Cap Night, with the MichiganE
and Majestic theatres throwing open
their doors for a free show immed-
iately afterward, a Comedy Club play
"Nothing Ever Happens," by Hobart
Skidmore, and a Saturday night
dance in the Union.
The detailed program follows:

CHICAGO, April 21. -- (--The
University- of Detroit and four col-
leges were dropped from the accred-
ited list of the North Central Asso-
ciation of Colleges and Secondary
Schools today. Reasons in the case
of four of the schools included "ath-
letic conditions."
In addition to the University of
Detroit, the colleges dropped were:
Augustana College and Theological
Seminary, Rock Island, Ill.; Hamline
University, St. Paul, Minn.; New
Mexico State Teachers College, Sil-
ver City, N. M., and the municipal
university of Wichita, Kan.
The action on the colleges came
shortly after the association had
dropped 12 high schools because of
inability to meet the association's
George A. Works, secretary of the
board of review, outlined the follow-
ing reasons for dropping the schools:
University of Detroit - "Athletic
New Mexico State Teachers Col-
lege-"General educational condi-
Municipal University of Wichita-
"Athletic conditions."
Augustana College - "Inadequate
facilities for science teaching, except
geology, and as a contributing factor,
conditions in the library and regis-
trar's office."
Hamline University-"Lack of ef-
fective educational organization as
an outgrowth of rather unfortunate
conditions of the last several years
and athletic conditions."
The Rev. A. H. Poetker, president
of the University of Detroit, a Cath-
olic institution, protested the drop-
ping of the school before a vote was
"The difficulty has been due partly
to the inability of the athletes to
repay loans because they have not
time for part-time work," he said.
"I have been in office only nine
months. If the association really
wishes to be helpful, it will continue
the University on the list, subject to
reinspection, at least,"

> E

Call Of The Paveme nts
Brings Skate Shortage
The year 1933 may well be set
down in the annals of history as
The Year of the Great Roller-
Skate Famine--at least if present
conditions are indicative.
Ann Arbor sports goods dealers
and hardware merchants last
night reported definite shortages
or complete sell-outs of both men's
and women's roller-skates as an-
other glorious spring day added
to the hundreds of skating en-
thusiasts who first made their ap-
pearance in force Thursday night.
One large downtown merchant




Friday, May 12. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.-
University Museum open, with Michi-
gan fauna, Oriental exhibits, and In-
dian work. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.- Col-
lege of Architecture's special display
of pottery, lacquers and fragments;

Will Be Given
Again Monday

Britain is no longer interested in the
Russian market," Professor Timo-
shenko said.
Campis Shops
To Fight BeerI
Zone RUlin
An amendment to the city charter
and its ratification by the electorate
will be necessary before beer will be
legal East of Division Street. Plans
are now under way to carry out theE
necessary procedure.
A group of State Street restaurant
owners are backing the plan. William
A. Laird, city attorney, must first
Write an amendment to the charter
to be passed by the council before it
is submitted to the people. The pro-
'posed change will be presented to the
council Monday night and if acted
upon favorably will go to the people
at a special election in the near fu-

sold 125 pairs of men's and wom- the "existing emergency" and felt it
If the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor en's skates yesterday and had only "contained grave objections."
Council has its way, being a direc- a dozen pairs left; he has a special The section of the legislation per-
tor or officer of a national bank will consignment arriving this morn- mitting the issuance of $3,000,000,-
become a job for only the more reck- ing. A campus sports goods shop 000 in new currency was denounced
less, or more courageous, types of sold out its entire stock of 50 as "inflation on a grand scale" and
humanity. pairs. Downtown 25-cent-to-a- the provision to empower the Presi-1
The council has gone on record dollar stores had sold out their dent to reduce the gold content of
as favoring beheadings of officers and | lower-priced models and had only the dollar was dismissed as uncon-
directors of all national banks which a few in more expensive lines. I stitutional, with a prediction it
fail. No mention is made of state would prove disappointing.
bank heads. The scheme, which is-
intended to .improve the banking fa-
cilities in America (presumably by Local Forestrs' Su estions
ending them), is borrowed from "the I
great nation of China," which, again -A
presumably, is free from all those or Receive Approval
annoying troubles pestering the I
United States.j
The resolution as it passed the Forestry measures, suggested by suitable place for the erection of a
council is as follows: members of the School of Forestry look-out tower for the whole military'
'"Resolved, that the Ann Arbor and Conservation to be carried on at reservation, a tract of almost 10,000
Trades and Labor Council gc0 on Camp Custer, have received the ap- acres.
' record as favoring the adoption of a proval of Col. Russell C. Langdon, In commenting on the military
resolution in Michigan such as that commanding officer of the camp, ac- staff of the camp, Professor Jotter
adopted by the state of West Vir- cording to Prof. E. V. Jotter, who said that Colonel Langdon and his
ginia, to wit: West Virginia, 1933- has just returned from a trip which entire personnel are carrying on work'
Regular Session: included a conference with the Con- in a helpful fashion, and wholeheart-
''Whereas, Throughout the United servation Corps officers. edly co-operating with the for-
States there have been, in the last Professor Jotter, with Colonel Lang- esters in preparing men in the
two years, innumerable bank fail- don, Capt. C. A. Canfield, and Lieut. best way possible for their later work
ures; and J. C. Carnes, spent almost the en- in the woods camps. While 10 of
"Whereas, The Great Nation of tire day Thursday looking over the the Michigan woods camps have been
China has not had a bank failure in whole camp area, including the 1,000 determined, it is not yet known
five hundred (500) years, and or more acres of woodland. Although whether the men from Camp Custer
"Whereas, there is a law in China the forester who will eventually be will go to Michigan camps. Already'
which provides that in the event of available for technical advice at a forester and an army officer are at
a bank failure in this country, all the Camp Custer has not arrived, the the Huron National Forest for the
officers and directors of such a bank commanding officer has expressed purpose of selecting 15 sub-camps
Sare immediatelev hoaded thorpfore himself as being very glad to co- for early work in Michigan.j

9 a. m. to 5 p. m.-fine ai'ts exhibit, A crowd of more than 750 people
first floor of Alumni Memorial Hall; packed the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
8 a. m. to 6 p. m.-Legal Research tre last night to view the opening
Library open; 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.-Un- performance of "Juniors On Parade,"
ion and League open for inspection; a musical fantasie, presented by 110
8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.-Registrar Ira members of Ann Arbor's younger set.
Smith will interview prospective stu- Due to the overwhelmingly large
dents; 10 a. m. to noon-R.O.T.C. box office sales for King's Daughters
inspection; 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.-engi- musical fantasie, "Juniors on Pa-
neering college and display open for rade," the production will be pre-
inspection, with mechanical, electri- sented again at 8:15 p. m. Monday in
cal, and marine laboratories featured. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to ac-
From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.-transpor- commodate many who have been
tation Library, engineering shops, turned away, Mrs. H. L. Rettick, pub-
foundry and metal casting roomI licity chairman, announced yester-
wind tunnel, chemical engineering day. This decision was reached late
and automotive laboratories open 1 yesterday afternoon after all seats
p. m. to 5 p. m.-exhibit in Physics for last night, this afternoon and
Building; 2 to 5 p. m.-Clements evening performances had been com-
Library open for inspection; 2:30 pletely sold out.
p. m. tennis, Michigan vs. Ohio State The revue was written and di-
at Ferry Field, free; 4:05 p. m.-: rected by Roy Hoyer, and consisted
baseball Michigan vs. Ohio State at of a number of chorus and specialty


Ferry Field, admission 25 cents; 4:15
p. m.-Henry Russel lecture by Prof.
Walter Pillsbury of the psychology
department, Natural Science Audi-
torium; 4:15 p. m.-annual tug- of
war between freshmen and sopho-
mores, Huron River.
From 7 to 10 p. m.-Angell Hall

a dvocated by former Judge Samuel -. _
T. Scabury in an address last night 'Diary Of Revolutionist'
at the Law Club. 'eG~nNx e
Stating that he believes the pres- ! o ' Given Next Week
ent tendency is toward this increased Apropos of the recent sentencing
centralization of control, he support- of British engineers in Russia for
ed the broadening of the powers of sabotage and espionage, "The Diary
Ihe national government on the of a Revolutionist," a story of a
grounds that matters of local con- White Russian woman spy in soviet
ccrn may become matters of national Russia. will h rDpr nted h the Art

dances by members of Ann Arbor's
younger set. The music was ar-
ranged from current musical scores,
and was furnished by Paul Tomp-
kins and Ruel Kenyon and his or-
I chestra.
Starring in the production were
Teddy Maier, Patsy Joyce Cline,
Tommy Roberts, and three-year-old
Jean Pew, supported by a cast of 100.
Tickets for the Monday night per-
formance are being reserved at the
box office of the theatre or by calling
6300. :Prices are set at 75, 50, and
35 cents.

(Continued on Page 6)
League Model Assembly
Convenes At Ypsilanti
YPSILANTI, April 21.-With rep-
: resentatives nresent from the major

4 A

I fj

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