... _ " ; 1.1 L 1 n1 .II t1' lLl 1 V '1}. i f i+ t a .r. a. a - )utdoor 'lichigan's Document Rat ifying Prohibition Repeal Items From Ot onc e r mom--- Three Professors Leave IMcMurray will confer with the Com- mittee on Land Utilization of the hcr Cam puses For Research Meetings council. These meetings are held in the form of round table discussions Professors Kenneth C. McMurray, and occur annually in the capitol BATHS, SUNDAY SCHOOL chairman of the geography depart- city. Shorts from here and there-Stu- ment, Carl E. Guthe, director of the dents living in one of the dormitories '!Museum of Anthropology, and Er- TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE at the University of Georgia were re- mine C. Case, of the geology depart- Neew, Seoon.-n Rebilt, :ently warned if they did not re- ment, left last night to attend the Smi~t-Croa, Nolbeless, frain from taking so many baths meetings of the Geology and Geog- Uunerwood yal, Reington. they would be charged an extra fee raphy Division of the National Re- o1&* e red ...Attending Sunday school is a! search Council to be held today and 0 * disciplinary measure at the Univer- Saturday in Washington. Professorofs4S. State St.Am Arbor. sity of Colorado . . . Students at- tending the University of Texas are requested to throw paper on the ground in order to give employmentHS to the varsity athletes . . . Co-eds at the University of California may SUNDAY DINNERS........... .....1:00 to 7:30 P.M. stay out every night until 2:15 ... WEEK-DAY DINNERS . ..... .....6:00 to 8:00 P.M. A freshman at Cornell on his way LUNCHEONS AND PARTIES BY RESERVATION to the Union game room remarked, "A Delightful Place To Entertain" "I've just had a few glasses of beer Limits Phone 2-1786 and now I'm off for a game of bil- PnicRa tCtiisPoe218 _ lious." MON - . . ,. , :. ' '^ k ' '' < . : . fi x T . .1 Three in two Wear the white trousers with the grey coat, and you make two of these new PALM BEACH SUITS do triple service ... Smart, cool, shape-retaining, are these Palm Beach gar- ments. They're tailored by Goodall... and that means quality inside, style outside. Buy a white (or light) and a dark suit, and you'll have a complete summer layout for $12.50. 1 < :: '{ ., ' i yw L.,Ly 4 .. . . { '' { ' ., ':, . .; . :.t { : "ww..,, : :. I A r LG'R.. 'E .. c D M Y: .'..GEN - I 6 C L - I I i __ b &I '' I ;i".. . ..t, ,. .. 6A 11 e e I t Assure yourself of the best in food by patronizing the merchants whose prod. ucts are advertised on these pages and better quality and more reasonable prices will be yours. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER is bottled in handy 2-quart bottles (6 to the case) for home use, and in a 5-gallon glass container for office or store use. Phone 8270 for Delivery We can also.supply you with chemically pure distilled water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 IL L. '1 PHONE 2-3141 HUNGRY FOR SOMETHING GOOD? This week we are featuring a delightful three- layer Special of- STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM LEMON SHERBET I' v'TI!fCT A 'T, V TT T TOrV C Dn A FOR YOUR FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS X11 If 11LIIJ AA L " L~, I IAM ',AJLq LA- R I I 11 11