THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY I i 'ti ' f fR ( i ^ ; } )." j s * -- -E ublished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in trol of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- iand the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news lished herein. All rights of republication of special -atches are reserved. ntered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by d Assistant Postmaster-General. gbscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, ). During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by 1, $4.50. :fices: Student- Publications Building, Maynard Street, , Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. epresentatives: College Publications Representatives, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street. New York City; 80 Iston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, cago. EDITORIAL STAFF . Telephone 4925 NAGING EDITOR ..-.... F'RANK B. GILBRETH Y EDITOR.......... .ARL SEIFFERT RTS EDITOR......................JONN'W. THOMAS MEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR........MIRIAM CARVER ;HT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John' W. Pritchard, seph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Lenn R. Winters. RTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. ?ORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R. xd, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. 6ulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron dr'ge, Ted LVans, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, homs rochn, Roblert D. Guthrie, John> C. Healey, obert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes; Joseph L. Karpin- 0, Milton Keiner, Matthew Lefkowitz Manuel Levin, Ving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy, dney -Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Ken- eth Parker,Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd be. William Reed, Edwin W. Ilichardson, Rich- d Rome, H. A, Sanders. Robert E. Scott. Adolph hapiro, Marshall Dl. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer, eorge Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William eeks, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Drothy Adams ,arbara Bates, Marjorie Beck, Eleanor . Blum. Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane ooley. Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy L mna Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette 'Duff, Dorothy les; Carl01J. Hanan, Jean lianmer, -Florence. Harper, lrie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Lois ottr ilda Laine, Helen LIevison, Kathleen Maclntyre, sephine IMcLeaniAnna. Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie orrison. Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D. na Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E, mpson, Ru~th Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam Stark, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1?14 SINESS MANAGER................BYRON C. VEDDER DIT MANAGER..................HARRY R. BEGLEY MEN=S BUSINESS MANAGER......Donna C. Becker 'ARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising,W.GraftonSharp ivertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- e, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- ulation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. i the beginning of his regime. When the new ad- lowest point consistent with sound educa- ministration first stepped into office ,there was tional practice. no dearth of calamity-howling by those steadfast Going on from there, Dr. Ruthven asserted that Hoover backers who believed that the dynamic the University realizes it should share with the energy of the new President was due to spend Governor and the Legislature a i'esponsibility to itself within the first couple of weeks following preserve the public credit, and, he added signifi- his inauguration. But so far from being stopped, cantly, "also to preserve the public service." the man has brought into existence a rehabilita- "It is operating the President continued, "to tion program so huge and sweeping as to keep him effect savings to the State; but since public serv- busy for many months. ice is basic to public credit, to economic recovery Probably the outstanding fact about the Roose- and to social advancement, it believes that no velt program is its-complete consistency-not only good purpose will be served if the institution is of the integral parts with each other, but also so handicapped by lack of funds that it cannot the consistency of the whole with such of his function properly." campaign promises as were clearly understand- So sane and reasonable a position as this should able. Roosevelt talked of the Forgotten Man; he not fail to appeal to any clear sighted person; and further indicated that his political ideas tended it becomes the more impressive because Dr. Ruth- somewhat toward the socialistic. His , work has ven himself estimates that his school can take a been consistently- bent toward fulfilling. both of cut of $1,107,000 from the present year's budget, these promises, if they may be called such. which is itself a decrease of one million dollars Acting swiftly, he took immediate steps to cen- from last year's budget. A statement of that sort Actng wiflyhe ookimmdiae sepsto en-indicates careful, conscientIous thought, and a tralize control of banking operations in the Fed- fullcsesefuliconsiit. eral government. Shortly thereafter, he proceeded full sense of public responsibility. er.l government.Shrtlythereafteheproceeded It may be that in the end, the Legislature will on his policy of opening up credit, of helping to consider a still larger cut imperative. But before restore monetary circulation. through legalizing they arrive at any such conclusion, the merem-usigarpalo.te igtet beer, and pushing a repeal of the' eighteenthnhyarv tayschcnlsotemm . bers should take careful account of the fact that amendment through Congress. Meanwhile he is mm attempting to absorb some portion of rthe unem- in dealing with Dr. Ruthven they are dealing with a man who is playing the game squarely and ployed into a forestry, program which will tide i many over until industry can again function nor- is not trying to put anything over on them. In the, man ovr utilindstr ca agin uncionnor }budget he presents, he is asking simply what in mally. The embargo on gold was merely an emer-hiudgm ent is a yncsaryinreto gency measure; the President has indicated his his judgment is absolutely necessary in order to desire to preserve= the gold standard, and at the preserve from injury a very valuable and historic same time he. has shown byrecent diplomatic property of the Commonwealth which has been moves that his policy, on. foreign affairs is one of an agency of incalculable value in its upbuilding, ic fn nn . 'o i -Detroit Free Press. --- - Wo-Drd ( t . P ? r ,. _.,,i ..- , !' the Y ' ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Jack Efrqymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinnier, Robert Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard Cohodag, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, Joh I. Mason, John P. Ogden. Robert Triinby, Bernard . Rosentha l, Joseph Rothbard. 'Richard Schiff,"George R. Williams. Elizabet. Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Glnmmy -Blle Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- fried,Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot,Betty Chapman, Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 Higher LearTing At The Umniversity . . AT THE PRESENT juncture, when the University- is passing through one of the most critical phases of its history, many people are thinking-about the .true nature of its function and position.-,As. President Ruthven pointed. out .before the legislators who gathered Monday at the-Union, this institution is engaged as much in learning as it .is in teaching. Perhaps no aspect of the- University is so fre- quently overlooked by persons fiat "directly in con- tact with it as this function of studying. Astonish- ment is of ten expressed. by way of example, at the discovery that .some members of the facul- ties here teach ,bt twree orlour or a half-dozen classes a week, Persoxis, who are!surprised 'to find this out forget that knowledge and information must first be -acquired if,- they, are to be .passed on in the. classroom . President Ruthven showed Monday that grad- uating lawyers and. doctors- and engineers must know a. great deal more today than was neces- sary twenty years ago., Competition continually demands new- methods, new standards of em- ciency and expertness.. Where is the logical place for the research- that- results ,in the technical and cultural, advancement that mean the progress and betterment of mankind? The answer is, obviously enough,-in the world's universities. The University men who do ,the work cannot be in two. places at once, so there are professors here who are not able to spend all of their time teaching. Their not spending all of their time teaching is probably . the,.chief reason why the State of Michiganis able to pride itself on pos- sessing one of the world's great-universities. - It is rare that the public learns of all the re- sults of a research experiment. -Naturally enough the part that it does hear of usually has more to do with the fanciful and colorful aspects of the discovery made than with the underlying, often dry, but significant truth that is .brought to light. It is to be expected that fault will be found with the expenditure- of much money and - time .in- vestigating, for- instance, so :remote a subject as the waltzing mice of. China. Yet, - as President Ruthven pointed out Monday, a great deal of sig- nificant information regarding the inheritance of a much dreaded disease has been learned through the experiments with the Chinese waltzing mice that have been carried on here. Of this immeas- urably valuable aspect of the work, however, the public knows little-or nothing. The business of this University, in short, is the acquisition as well as the dissemination of infor- internationaa tendency; rather mhan of nationa- istic centralization. If the President's policy continues in the future to be consistent with the ideals he has thus far' manifested, it will probably shape up something I like this: Federal control of public utilities. International disarmament, proceeding on a gradual and practical basis. . Increasing tendency toward free trade, although never quite reaching that point. An extension of Federal control over American railways. Careful regulation of such inflationary meas- ures as may be necessary. He has already de- clared himself in favor of this step. Regulation of the price scale, but not so rigorous a regulation as to cripple the functioning of economic laws. More complete government surveillance of the activities of corporations, in order to protect the stockholder and the laborer. Realization of this appears close at hand. Discouragement of the Great American Specu- lator. This is not a prediction; it is a probability. The President is not a socialist, but he has his so- pialistic tendencies. If he follows them rationally, a bright future may be prophesied for the nation. Musical Events , , Allen B. Callahan, organist, pupil of Professor Palmer Christian, will give the following gradua- tion recital at 4:15 p. m. ;Thursday, April 20, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: Fugue in E flat (St. Anne's)............Bach Vermeland.................Howard Hanson The Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre ,..... . Russell Scherzo (4th Symphony) . . , , ,........ Widor Fantasia............................Bubeck Prelude ... .. .................*..... Schmitt Toccata (Thou Art the Rock) ............Mulet Miss Helen Van Loon, soprano, assisted by Mr. Romine Hamilton, violinist, arAd Miss Laura Whe- lan, accompanist, will give the following recital at 8:15 p. m., Thursday, April. 20, in the School of Music Auditorium, Maynard Street, to which the general public is invited:. Wie Melodienzieht es mir ............. Brahms Sonntag .... . ...... .. . ............ ...Brahms Auf dem Kirchhofe .......... . ..........Brahms O Wusst ich Doch den Weg Zuruck ..... .Brahms Feldeinsamkei t..... . . . .........Brahms Botschaft................... . ..... . Brahms L'Amero..........................Mozart The Shepherdess ..................... Horseman The Song of the Palanquin Bearers ...., Shaw Adoration......... .....,...........Josten The Hills of Gruzia .................. Mednikoff The Island ...,.. . ...............Rachmaninof The Snowdrop . .. .......... . ... Gretchaninoff M andoline ...............................Faure I Pleure dans mon Coeur ............... Debussy Hymne au Soleil ....... . ... . .. Rimsky-Korsakov Crepuscule.................... ....Massanet Green .......... ......... ............Debussy A Toi.............................Bemberg Editorial Comment The highest temperature recorded at the Ob- servatory here since the beginning of complete. daily records in 1910, was 103.8 degrees in August, 1918. The lowest recording was 20.8 degrees below zero- in February, 1912. Screen Reflections -eA Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "PICK-UP" **SYLVIA SIDNEY TAKES UP WITH A CAB DRIVER, PRETTY GOOD Another Vina Delmar story of the,big city has been made into a talking picture. This time it tells of the girl railroaded into prison on a black- mailing charge and released two years before her gangster husband. The wife, Sylvia Sidney, deter- mined to go straight, keeps away from her hus- band's crooked friends and finally is forced to take refuge in a taxicab. The cab driver, being a decent sort of a fellow, takes her home and in due time they fall in love. Then the husband breaks out of prison. Sylvia Sidney shows considerable skill in her delineation of the woman determined to go straight and make something of her life at all costs. George Raft, as the taxi driver, however, acts very like a cigar .store Indian. This is a pretty good picture on the whole and if you've seen "Cavalcade" this one provides fair- ly good entertainment for two hours. Accompanying the picture is a very good Mack Sennett comedy. It's about a golf-playing dentist, but it is good nevertheless. There is also a very bad short subject of Ethel Merman singing. --B. S. __& STIPES By Karl Seiflen "Cocoanut in pastel shades," says a culinary note, "is now for sale and it is very effective." All of which reminds us that it is only a matter of days now before some enterprising baker will come out with mauve and orchid tinted pretzels. * * * SCRIP SELLING ON IN EARNEST -Headline Poor Earnest. HIGHLIGHTS OF SOCIAL PROGRESS A pickle manufacturer in Aastralia peels onions by subjecting them to a fierce gas flame for three seconds as they roll down an incline, thus burning off the .skins.-News Item. Some of the things we've tried the next day have done that to the inside of our mouth, but nothing ever fazed the onions. * * * SLY WINK DEPTC. "To start with, we must decide what the city budget is going to be. Until we do that, no one can tell what he is talking about." -Councilman Bradley of Detroit. TODAY--WA BE TOMORROW A Michigan Daily Salesmana may call on you. If he does he's offering you the biggest thing in the way of a newspaper value this town's ever seen. He's offering you many pages every morning of campus news, of sport sunnmaries, of society chatter, of world affairs, of everything in fat, yon need do know. And he's offering all of this to you for- The Rest of the School Year only $1.0 TEN DAYS for only . 30 Cents ONE MONTH for only . . One Dollar Don't Forget It's igan D~il I ..--'-- ''----------.-----~----i , I _..-- - -. ..-...._ - - ~- ~ A '->, 4- READ MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS s THEY PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFIT DAILY DR.. RUTIIVEN PLAYS FAIR The plea that President Alexander G. Ruthven, The use o of the University of Michigan, makes to the legis- cream from lature for sufficient support of the institution I writer. Well, which he heads, calls for uncommonly close at- banks needed tention. From the beginning of his incumbency, 1 Dr. Ruthven has played fair with the State and CLASSIFI] the taxpayers, and it is to be assumed that when night. Rewa he askps for a certain amount of money this year, , Gone forev he is requesting what he 'really considers the min- imum sum consistent with proper maintenance IK and preservation of the University. It is important to remember that the viewpoint of President Ruthven never has been the view- Then ren point of the typical schoolman who cherishes the idea that everything else must give way to the Estelle Ta ' demands of education. On the contrary the Pres- said to have ident of the University has a very clear view of and morose the position and obligations of the establishment Well, if she at Ann Arbor, and of the extent of its present the guy wh claim to consideration. This view he expressed il- So thar RADIO STARS f too much sugar will prevent ice freezing quickly, according . to a it's a cinch that what the Detroit d was a little more of that. )i * * ED AD; Fraternity pin lost Saturday ,rd. ver, chances are. * * * EEP LID ON TROUT TILL MONDAY, MAY 1 -Headline move from pan and season to taste. * * * ylor, suing for $150,000 damages, is - become sullen, despondent, nervous, as the result of an auto accident. gets the money it's a sure thing o pays will be all of that. * * * ma y shine lnre brightly, e 0 Over 1-1 leadiig broadcasting stations are now using Wes- tern Electric equipment. They know it transmits programs more clearly and naturally,'for your complete enjoyment. Out of 50 years of Bell Telephone making have come microphones, speccli input equipment, transmitters, ampli- fiers, vacuum tubes, reproducer sets-all the complex ap. paratus needed to put programns on the air right! Western Electric applies its special knowledge in many other fields, too: aviation communication, talking pictures, sound amplifying and distributing, aids for the hard-of- hearing. Constant pioneering maintains this leadership in Sound. ,11 .I