The Weather Partly cloudy Thursday; Fri- day rain, somewhat warmer. L2 AfriP 11 0 slooft.. 'o 41P Editorials Higher Learning At The Uni- versity . .; Roosevelt's Policy Shows Consistency . . VOL. XLIII No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENT Currency Inflation Is Under Way President Takes U. S. Off Gold Standard; Asks For Broader Powers Model Economics Conference To Discuss War Debts, Tariffs Dollar Revaluation Next On Program Woodin, Bank Governors Study Plans To Release $5,000,000 Cash WASHINGTON, April 19.-()-In a day of historic financial action, President Roosevelt moved boldly forward tonight for controlled in- flation on an international scale. He swung the United States off the gold standard in world trade as an opening sht and tonight sanctioned legislation giving him broad author- ity to carry through his program to lift American prices, stabilize the world exchanges on a revised gold basis, and expand the use of cur- rency. The swiftly executed maneuvers by the confident President brought a turbulent reaction throughout the world.American stock and commod- ity prices shot upward. The dollar fell off in the World exchanges. Wall Street quotations on foreign currency rose spectacularly. Withdraws Gold Support In his first move, the President adroitly put himself into a position to negotiate for a revised world gold standard by withdrawing support of the dollar in foreign exchanges to combat the depreciated currencies of the foreign nations now off the standard. He has in mind bringing all na- tions back to .the gold standard as a measure of stability; but he is con- sidering a new standard whereby the present ratio of 40 er cent gold re- serve for currency woildebe reduced. He will insist upon common action by all the nations in establishing the new ratio, which will permit more currency to be circulated on the same world supply of the precious gold basis, Attack Domestic Angle Meanwhile, the Administration at- tacked the problem from its purely domestic angle. Governors of the 12 Federal Reserve banks reported promising outlooks to Secretary Woodin and then studied means. of' pumping available idle currency into circulation.' The governors also tackled the task' of freeing the four to five billions still locked up in closed banks. Quick action appeared in prospect tonight. Young People T ake Part In Musical Revue University Students To Be Featured In Performance For Benefit Of Cripples An ensemble of more than 110 boysr and girls of grade school and Uni- versity age ranging from Jean Pew, three years old, up to Tommy Rob- erts, a University junior, will all pass in review in "Juniors On Parade," musical fantasie, which will be given1 at 8:15 p. m. Friday and Saturday nights and 2:15 p. m. Saturday aft- ernoon at the Lydia Mendelssohn; Theatre. The revue is being pre- sented under the auspices of King's Daughters. The proceeds of produc-, tion will be turned over to teachers of cripples at the University Hospital, The program consists mostly of dances, which have been arranged,' written, and directed by Roy Hoyer,1 onetime New York star, noted fore his direction of the Union Operas here. The music has been adopted1 from current popular musical scores, and will be presented by Raoul Ken-3 yon and his orchestra with the as- sistance of Paul Tompkins, '34, local1 theatre organist as pianist in the first act. Brilliant and colorful costumes1 have been imported from Chicago and Paris, according to Mrs. H. L. Rettick, publicity chairman. An-m.;n.,vin- in .nn val ,- m -_ War debts and reparations, tariffs and trade barriers, and money andl credit and capital movements are to' be the three general topics of discus- sion of the model world economics conference, to be held here May 4 and 5 as the opening of a week-end of world problems conferences, it has been announced by Charles A. Orr, Grad., member of the committee in charge of arranging the meetings. An attempt is being made to have all important nations represented on' each of the three commissions, Orr said. Foreign students are being in- vited through the Cosmopolitan Club to represent their own coun- tries, while other vacancies are be- ing filled by economics and political science students. Others interested in taking an active part are urged to communicate with Martin Wag- ner, '33, general chairman of the economics committee, or with other members of the committee. In most cases it will not be necessary to pre- pare papers, it was said. The conference will attempt pri- marily to enable students to gain a knowledge of world economic prob- lems, emphasizing the points of view of the individual countries, Orr said. It will also serve as a model of in- ternational conferences as developed since the World War by the League of Nations. In view of the international eco- nomic conference to be held in Lon- don in July, the National Disarma- ment Council is sponsoring student model conferences in universities and colleges throughout the country. The London conference will not dis- cuss war debts and reparations, ow- ing to opposition by| the United States, but will take up the other topics included here. Plenary sessions to be held in the evenings of both days of the con- ference will attempt to integrate findings of the various individualsi and commissions into a general con- clusion, according to Orr. The three commissions will meet separately both afternoons. All sessions will be held in the Union and will be open to the public. Annual Honors Convocation To MeetApril 28 Dr. S. P. Duggan To Talk On U. S. Latin-American Policy At Meeting The annual honors convocation ceremonies will be held at 11 a. in., Friday, April 28, in Hill Auditorium, according to an announcement yes- terday by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students. All classes will be excused at that time, it was announced.. Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, director of the Institute of International Eud- cation, has been named as speaker and has chosen as his subject, "Our Changing Policy Toward Latin Amer- ica." Dr. Duggan is a professor of poli- tical science at the College of the City of New YFork and is a member f the World Peace Foundation and a director of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has lectured extensive- 'y in Europe and South America as well as in the United States, and ias been instrumental in arranging for exchange students and lectures between this and foreign countries. Special invitations to attend the convocation will be sent to the upper 10 per cent of the senior class in scholarship rating, freshmen and sophomores who have an average of at least half A and half B, the newly elected members of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi, and the recipients of fellowships, scholarships, and special awards which are based primarily on schol- astic achievement. President Alexander G. Ruthven will preside, and an organ interlude will be given by Prof. Palmer Chris- tian of the School of Music. Council Names Gail As New Secretary Maxwell T. Gail, '34, was named secretary-treasurer of the Interfra- ternity Council for the year 1933- 1934 at a meeting of the Judiciary Committee of the Council held last night. He will take office at the last official meeting of the year to be held May 10. At the meeting at that time the president of the Council for the com- ing year will be elected by the Coun- cil as a whole from the nominations submitted by the Judiciary Com- mittee. All candidates for the presidency must submit written applications to Charles W. Jewett, '34, present sec- retary-treasurer, on or before Thurs- day, April 27, Jewett said last night. The applicants will be summoned to a personal interview with the Committee Wednesday, May 3. The possibility of combining fra- ternities was considered at the meet- ing last night, Jewett said, with two plans offered for discussion. One plan proposed that fraterni- ties might take in independents and others purely as boarders and room- ers, while the other suggested that two fraternities might combine into one house and rent the other house as a dormitory. Any group interested in combining Wolverines Bat Out 7-3 Victory Over Hillsdale Good Pitching And Timely Hitting Gives Michigan Win In Opening Game HILLSDALE, April 19. - Timely hitting in three innings gave the Michigan baseball team a 7 to 3 vic- tory over Hillsdale in the first offi- cial game of the season for the Wolverines here this afternoon. The Maize-and-Blue made their nine hits and the wildness of pitcher Stitsworth count for seven runs, al- though the batting weakness which dogged the Michigan nine in the pre- season games with Ypsilanti was still evident. Art Patchin and Whitey Wistert divided theihurling honors for the Wolverines, and' but for two bad throws by third baseman Buck Water- bor would have blanked the Dalers. The losers were limited to four scat- tered hits by the Michigan twirlers. Each pitcher registered four strike- outs. Stitsworth held Michigan in check until the third inning when three hits, including doubles by Captain Diffley and Braendle, a base on balls, a hit batsman and an error by Catcher Farquharson netted the Wolves three runs. Two sirgles, an- other hit batsman, and a long fly gave the Maize-and-Blue a brace of tallies in the sixth, and three hits, along with a pair of stolen bases gave Michigan their final two runs in the eighth frame. BOX SCORE Council Gives Up irection Of Cap Night May 12, 13 Are Named As Dates Of Spring Games And Lantern Night Swingout Scheduled For 3 P. M. May 10 Delays Election Of Second Year Member Owing To Possible Change Sidestepping the probiem of hold- ing Cap Night without any caps, the Student ; Council last night delegated the arrangements for the traditional ceremonies to the Union and gave the Underclass Committee of the Union power to-make arrangements for the annual Spring Games with the supervision of the Student Coun- cil. The Council set the date for Cap Night as May 12 and the Spring Games for May 12 and 13. It is understood that the hog-tying con- test in connection with the Spring Games will be held Saturday morn- ing, May 13, while the traditional tug-of-war Will be held Friday af- ternoon. Suggest Early Date It was suggested that the Cap Night ceremonies be made early enough to allow students and visitors to attend also the Lantern Night ceremonies, annual event for senior women, which will be held later in the evening. A plan to ask the co-operation of the Interfraternity Council in re- quiring freshmen to attend Cap Night was rejected on the grounds that a similar action was taken last year with little result. Last year the freshman class fail- ed to appear in very great numbers to celebrate their "passage into] manhood." The Council moved to delay the election of any sophomore represen- tatives to the Student Council until the regular spring elections in May. A possibility of a reorganization of the Student Council led the mem- bers of the Council to delay the elec- tion in hopes that it may be possible to hold the election under a revised plan of student government. Swingout Date Set Swingout, traditional parade of seniors which is held every spring, will take place at 3 p. m. Wednes- day, May 10, the Council decreed. Cane Day will be Sunday, May 4, and mention was made of a wish on the part of the seniors to be able to buy their canes at a price lower than usually charged. The Senior Ball will be held Fri- day, May 19, one week earlier than last year at the request of members of the Law School, who stated that the nearness of finals would make it impossible for them to attend if the Ball were held a week later. The Student Council will petition the Senate Committee on Student Affairs to grant permission to hold the dance from 10 p. m. to 3 a. m. Women To Pick Substitute For Annual Pageant Election Of Chairman For Activity Also To Be Held At League Today Meeting for the fifst time this year as a group, freshman women will decide today what activity will replace the Freshman Pageant this year. The meeting will be held at 4:15 p. m. in the League :Ballroom' Nominations for the offices to be filled at this meeting have been sub- mitted by Margaret Hiscock and Eliz- abeth Rich newly elected freshman representatives to the League Board of Directors. The nominations for general chair- man, are Margaret Ballard, Irene McCausey, anfd Jean Seeley. The assistant-chairmanship will be given the candidate with the second high- est number of votes. Although the activity has not yet been chosen, there will be three sub- committee heads elected. The candi- dates for these offices will be voted on in a block, the highest being ,. nco nnnn n1-. n 1irmn N, 0n House Pushes eer ill Up On Calendar Governor Comstock Says 3.2 Per Cent Beer, Wine Will Be Legal Next Week Discussion Packs Gallery Of House Temporary Licenses Will Be Issued To Speed Up Sale Of Liquor LANSING, April 19.-(P)-Under suspended rules the House Wednes- day night pushed the administration beer bill ahead on the calendar. The measure was taken up in a special night session for considera- tion in committee of the whole. Packed galleries listened to the discussion. Liberal floor leaders hoped to have the measure on Gov- ernor Comstock's desk in a day or two. Amendments attached by the House liquor traffic committee di- verged widely from the provisions approved by the Senate. .The bill may have to go to a conference com- mittee to settle the differences. Governor Comstock believed 3.2 per cent beer and wine would be legal in Michigan by next week. He said he would announce his 17- member State liquor control commis- sion as soon as the measure is signed. Temporary licenses will be issued as rapidly as possible, so the sale of wine and beer may begin promptly, he said. Reduce Ticket Prices For '33 Drama Festival Reservations For Season Seats To Be Made Daily Beginning Tomorrow Because of the financial as well as artistic success of the Dramatic Fes- tival last spring, according to Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English de- partment, tickets this year, especially when bought as season seats will be lower than in any previous season, it has been announced. Reservations for season tickets for the 1933 Dramatic Festival, to be held from May 22 through June 21 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, may be made at the Alumnae Council office in the Michigan League begin- ning tomorrow at 10 a. m. Seats for all performances will be on sale daily in this office from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., until the opening of the actual box-office sale. The civic committee of the Drama- tic Festival, of which Professor Campbell is chairman and J. A. Bursley, dean of students, is treas- urer, announce important reduc- tions in the scale of season tickets for the theatre festival. Perfor- mances will be presented nightly, ex- cept on Sundays, through the season. In addition there will be matinees on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, and also on Monday and Tuesday, June 19 and 20, during the closing days of the festival. Single seats for the evening per- formances will be $1 and $1.50 on the main floor of Mendelssohn Theatre, and 50 and 75 cents in the balcony. There will be a marked re- duction in prices for single seats at the Wednesday, Friday and Satur- day matinee performances. At these afternoon performances main floor seats will be 50 and 75 cents, and the balcony 25 and 50 cents. There will be 200 seats at 25 cents for all matinee performances. Season tickets for any six plays (Continued on Page 6) Hieber Speaks At Lutheran Service Christian life as it pertains to the minister and the layman was dis- cussed by the Rev. John M. Hieber, of Fenton, at a service last night of the South Michigan Pastoral Con- ference of the Missouri Synod, held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The conference will close with New England, Southern States Hit By Floods Guardsmen Watch Levee Dynamited By Agitators In River District Feud CBY The Associated Press) Cotton fields in Dixie and textile towns of New England were menaced by the flood waters of swollen streams Wednesday night. Thousands of acres of rich Missis- sippi cotton lands along the Talla- hatchie River lay under water, the lake of mud widening hourly as backwaters surged through a gap dynamited in the levee. Two companies of National Guards- men patrolled the broken dyke near Glendora, Miss., to prevent further blasting that would menace the far- mers at the head of Black Bayou. The guardsmen had arrived last night just as a group of dynamiters with spades and explosives were pre- paring to se;off another charge near the crevasse. A 30-foot break in the levee blast- ed open by a mob of 300 Tuesday, widened slightly and the levee guards made no effort to cose it, fighting only to prevent further crumbling. The civilian guards kept busy both during the night bolstering the dyke while the state militiamen drove out the dynamiting gang and sought to quiet the feud between farmers on opposite banks of the Tallahatchie. The peak of the New England floods moved from Vermont into Massachusetts and New Hampshire, imperiling industrial centers. Five lives have been lost in New, England, George Ross, 54, being car- ried to death at South Royalston, Mass., Wednesday while working at a dam near a factory of which he was superintendent. innin Orator To e Sent To League Contest It has practically been decided that the winner of the University Oratori- cal contest, which is being held at 8 p. m. tonight in the Laboratory Theatre, will be sent as a representa- tive of the University to the North- ern Oratorical League contest, which is being held this year Thursday, April 27, at Iowa City, Ia., according to Carl G. Brandt, of the department of speech and general linguistics. The schools who will send orators to this sectional contest are the Univer- sities of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota, Western Reserve Univer- sity, and Northwestern University. The following students will com- pete tonight: Alice Boter, '33, Dor- othy M. Davis, '33, Edmund K. Heit- man, '35, Wilbert L. Hindman, Jr., '33, Robert M. Sawyer, '33, and Rob- ert S. Ward, '35. This will be the first time two women have partici- pated in the finals. Skornia Heads Play SCerele Francais Harry J. Skornia, Grad., will have the leading role of Monsieur Jour- dain in Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gen- tilhomme," the annual Cercle Fran- cais play to be given April 27, Prof. Rene Talamon of the French depart- ment has announced. Supporting Skornia are: Ruth Karpinski, Grad., as Madame Jour- dain; Norma Lou Cove, '34, as Lucile, their daughter; John Maulbetsch, Grad., as Cleonte; Betty Bergener, '34, as Dorimene; Edwards C. Camp- bell, '34, as Dorante; Edith Carlin, '33, as Nicole; and James C. O'Neill of the French department as Co- vielle. Other members of the cast are: John F. Schmidt, '35E, Harolds Barnes, '34, Maurice Demers, '35E, Joseph A. La Cava, '34, John Seaman, State Educational Institutions Under One Board Sough Senate Studies Proposed Unification; University Would Be Affected No Vote Taken On Appropriations Bill Dispute Over Southworth Measure Is Ironed Out; Plan To Rush Action LANSING, April 19.-(AP)-A pro- posal was adopted tonight in the Senate to institute a study leading to the unification of State educational institutions including the University of Michigan under one control board. The measure was introduced in the form of a resolution by Sen. Andrew L. Moore (Rep., Pontiac). It would set up a three-man committee from that body to study the feasibility of a unified board of control for all State colleges and the University, Lieutenant-Governor Allen E.' Steb- bins will name the committee later. Meanwhile the two measures reduc- ing the mill tax appropriations for the University of Michigan and Michigan State College advanced in committee of the whole in the House without serious debate. During the session today confer- ence committees ironed out a dis- pute over the Southworth bill allo- cating property taxes under the 15- mill constitutional limitation. The conferees added two more members to the county tax commis- sions in direct charge of allocation 5,000 Leaflets Handed Out By Student League More than ,000 leaflets were distributed yesterday by the Na- tional Student League to students and faculty members urging them to telegraph the Legislature their protest against reducing the Uni- versity appropriation to less than the $3,750,000 suggested by Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven. The National Student League, in the event that the appropria- tion should be set at $2,645,000, the amount specified in the bill's present form, will wage a vigorous campaign "to see that the extra cut is not taken out on the stu- dents in the form of an increase in tuition fees," according to offi- cials of the organization. among local governmental units and directed that all school districts re- ceive a minimum of four mills, The conference report was sub- mitted tonight in the House and plans were made to rush the meas- ure through to passage. As the bill is written, there is no provision for a State property tax. A clause re- quires that a decision on whether there will Abe a State levy be made by May 1. As the bill left the conference committee, it would allocate a mini- mum of three mills to the counties, four mills to all school districts, whether in or outside of cities, and one-tenth of a mill to cities and vil- lages. If county tax commissions lim- ited the allocations to counties, school districts, and cities to the minimum amounts a balance of seven and nine-tenths mills would be avail- able to other local governmental units. Conferees added the country treas- urer and a private citizen chosen by the probate judge to the personnel of the proposed county tax commis- sion. 78 Participate In Hopwood Contests Seventy-eight students submitted entries in the 1933 Avery Hopwood writing contest, which closed yester- day, it was announced last night by the English department office. This number is three less than that for 1932, but; according to Prof. Bennett Weaver, secretary of the awards, the deficiency in entries will probably be made up by the higher quality. Each contestant has his own pseu- donym, left in the English office with Michigan Artz, rf ........ Waterbor, 3b ... Braendle, if .... Petoskey, cf ... Diffley, c..... Oliver, 2b ...... Paulson, 2b .... Manuel, lb .... Teitelbaum, ss Patchin, p ..... Wistert, p ... Totals ....... Hillsdale Boby, lb ....... Selby, lf ....... Gordon, 3b ... Bowerman, rf .. Farquharson, c Sweeney, cf ... Huston, 2b ..... Place, ss ...... Stitsworth, p ... Totals....... Michigan ...... Hillsdale ...... AB. .4 .4 . 5 .3 .4 .2 . 1 .2 .4 .2 .3 R. 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 H. 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 9 II. 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 O. 2 0 1 2 8 0 1 11 1 1 0 27 0. 6 3 2 2 10 2 1 1 0 A. 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 7 A. 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 E. 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 E. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...34 7 AB. R. 5 1 ...5 0 . .1 0 ...4 0 ...2 1 ...4 1 ...3 0 ...3 0 ...4 0 ...31 3 4 27 5 1 ....003 002 020-7 . ...100 002 000-3 Two- base hits-Braendle, Diffley. Stolen bases-Artz (2), Teitelbaum (2), Petoskey (2), Struck out-By Patchin, 4; by Wistert, 4; by Stits- worth, 9. Cross, Bigelow Speak Before Research Club Two papers on J. B. Priestley, Eng- lish chemist and student of theology, and one on Dr. William Beaumont, American physiologist, were read last night at the annual memorial meet- ing of the Research Club. Prof. Ar- thur E. R. Boak, chairman of the fin + iafirot inf rnrbirpronPfl,0fA T.