le weatner Tuesday and probably day; little change in ture. QJ g iq, rt igan .441pr i3attiq w ter Editorials Ruthven's Proposed Appr oriation Cut; Smoking in W men's Dormitories VOL. XLIII No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1933 PRICE FIVE C I I City Courncil Calls Special Sewage Vote Measure Would Provide For Operation Of Plant On Utility Basis Vote To Aid Birth Control Association Plans For Handling Beer In City When Legalized To Be Formulated This Year's Dramatic Festival Will Attract Unusual Interest By BURNS MANTLE (Editor's Note: Mr. Burns Mantle. distinguished dramatic critic and editor of the famous "Ten Best Plays of the Year" series, wrote the follow- ing article on the Ann Arbor Dramatic Festival, which appeared in the Sun- day, April 9, issue of The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune and 39 other metropolitan papers - hrough- out the country in a national syndi- cate. It is printed here by permission.) Robert Henderson, like a young Winthrop Ames come out of the west, was in New York last week complet- ing his plans for this year's drama- tic festival in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Having had a peek at his schedules, I may tell you that this is going to be a very interesting festival. It will continue from May 22 to June 21. This five weeks of drama in the college town is annually taking on a greater interest and importance. Each year additional hundreds make the pilgrimmage to see what Mr. Henderson can find for them in the way of newer and worthier plays, just as they journey in England down to Malverrn when Sir Barry Jackson gives his summer festival of historical drama. But what Malvern is for students of drama rather than for seekers after entertainment, the Ann Arbor festival is conducted for lovers of the theatre and of good plays, and has made fine progress on that basis. Young Mr. Henderson (and young he is past belief, if you count his achievements against his y e a r s, which now number 27) is frankly of this generation. It is the new, the modern, the exciting drama of today that interests him. He is willing to include one classical revival, or per- haps two. It was he, you may recall, who a year ago staged a notable revival of "Electra" at the Selwyn theatre in New York with Blanche Yurka and Mrs. Patrick Campbell at the head of its cast. But his own interest is definitely with the theatre of today. He has just completed his first sea- son as director of the Civic Theatre in Detroit, which he inherited from the late Jessie Bonstelle, and he is modestly proud of the fact that that institution was this year able to pay all its bills, despite bank morato- riums, Ford closings and such. Mr. Henderson's selection of plays (Continued on Page 2) SDea dline For Iopwoods Will, Be Tomorrow Prizes Awarded In Annual Literary High As Contest $2,500 Are As vote about. Mr. Paton replied, "Our chances of getting the money are impaired unless we pass the amendment. We can not afford to rest and wait any longer. It is that unwillingness to get things done which has put govern- ment in its present disrepute. It will, not be a pretty picture when Ann1 Arbor draws its last check and leaves its welfare workers without help." Three Men Opposed In the voting which followed the debate, Alderman Krutsch favored the election, saying, "If you have got to have charter amendment first, I am for it." The vote was 11-3, Alder- men Donald Mayer, Nelson Hoppe, and Phares Winney opposing. Possibilities of getting beer for rev- enue caused the unanimous approval of a resolution authorizing the ordi- nance committee to draft rules as soon as possible for beer's sale. The Council also was unanimous in pass- ing a resolution asking the State Legislature to allow beer. Support Birth Control A resolution introduced by Alder- man Faust suggesting that the poor and cemetery committee co-operate with the Michigan Birth Control League in their work among the poorer people was passed without de- bate, 10 to 4. Raymond L. O'Connell, a graduate of the literary college in 1929 and the business administration school in 1930, was approved as deputy city clerk, to which post he had been nominated by City Clerk Fred Perry. Sandenburgh Will Pik Fifty Forest Workers The names and addresses of all young men who desire to join the reforestation forces being assembled throughout the United States are being collected by Charles H. San- denburgh, city engineer. It is thought that about 50 men will be taken from Ann Arbor. They will be unmarried unemployed citi- zens between the ages of 18 and 25 years, who have dependents. The men will be paid $1 a day and fur- nished board, lodging, and uniforms. It is said that those who are willing to send $25 of their $30 per month salary to their families will stand a better chance of being placed. Manuscripts submitted for judging in the Avery and Jule Hopwood Award contest must be in the Eng- lish Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p. m. tomorrow, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English deparument, commit- tee secretary. These manuscripts cover every field of writing, from dramatic writ- ing and the essay to fiction and poetry. They are submitted by eligi- ble students who desire to partici- pate in the contest, which has aroused great interest among stu- dents since its inauguration in 1930- 1931. Last year the awards, totaling $13,000, were distributed among 15 students in the major and minor di- visions. Annemarie Persov and Dor- othy Tyler won the highest awards of $2,500 each. This contest is fin- anced by the principal of $300,000 left by Avery Hopwood to the Uni- versity at his death in 1928. Mr. Hopwood was a member of the class of 1905 and was a prominent dra- matist during the ensuing years. The committee in charge of the Hopwood Awards consists of Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary col- lege, chairman; Professor Weaver, secretary; Professors Oscar J. Camp- bell, Howard M. Jones, and Louis A. Strauss, of the English department; and Prof. Dewitt H. Parker, of the philosophy department. These men, assisted by other faculty members, perform the preliminary judging of the manuscripts, which are then sent to prominent American authors, whose names are not published until the announcement of the prize- winners is made. Professor Weaver believes that the work of the students who win awards in the contest is of decidedly superior quality, and may scarcely be classed with the work of amateurs. "The manuscripts submitted by students in past years have been of fine qual- ity, and it will be of great interest to determine the comparative merits of the work this year in relation to that of past contests," he said. April Law Review Comes Out Today "Public Policy and the Arrest of Felons," by Prof. John B. Waite of the Law School, a featured article in the April issue of the Michigan Law Review which will make its appear- ance today, is expected to prove of more than ordinary interest to devo- tees of the publication, it was said yesterday. Professor Waite discusses, in his monograph problems arising out of the difficulty of conviction and[ punishment of gun-toters after evi- dence of guilt is found. Other leading contributions in the April issue are "Anti-Fraud Legisla- tion" by Watson Washburn, and "What Can the Regulatory Securities Act Accomplish?" by Olga M. Steig. Coif Announces Selection Of 13 New Members Honorary Legal Society Picks Upper 10 Per Cent Of Senior Law Class Thirteen members of the senior Law School class-scholastically the upper 10 per cent in averages cov- ering the past two and a half years -have been admitted to Coif, honor- ary legal society, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Paul A. Leidy, secretary of the Law School. Those honored are Ledlie Allen DeBow, Kalamazoo; Raymond Wil- liam Fox, Kalamazoo; Robert Doug- as Gordon, Iron Mountain; Thomas Haldane Jolls, Fredonia, N. Y.; Katherine Kempfer, Detroit; Homer Kripke, Toledo, 0.; George Edward Leonard, Jr., Detroit; Charles D. Peet, Detroit; Evan James Reed, Akron, 0.; Robert Patrick Russell, Milwaukee; George Alexander Spater,, Highland Park; Carl Henry Urist, South Haven; and Anthony A. Ver- meulen, Grosse Pointe. An initiation and banquet for the new members will be held in the near future, it was announced. Free Silver Is Voted Down By 10 Votes Arms Embargo Passes Lower House; Senate Believed Favorable Roosevelt Starts Army Reductions Fish Leads Fight Against Embargo Bill; Charges Slip At Japanese Washington, April 17.-()-Free silver was voted down in the Senate today by a 10-vote margin, the ad- ministration's will prevailing over strong inflation sentiment. With that vote and with approval by the House, 252 to 110, of a resolu- tion to place in President Roosevelt's hands power to prohibit shipments of arms and munitions, the execu- tive program in Congress moved two long steps ahead. As the legislators voted, the Presi- dent was having the economy axe sharpened for the army. Two to three thousand officers and 12,000 to 15,000 men probably will be withdrawn from the present strength of 12,000 and 117,000, respectively, to save $90,- 000,000. PASS ARMS EMBARGO WASHINGTON, April 17. - ()- Congressional approval of the ad- ministration's proposal that Presi- dent Roosevelt be empowered to clap embargoes on arms shipments to1 countries in conflict appeared cer- tain today after overwhelming House1 adoption. Beating down stubborn opposition led by Republicans, the powerfuls Democratic majority sent the legis- lation through the House, 252 to 109, and to the Senate, where it is sup- ported by most of the Democrats.1 A similar proposai, requested by former President Hoover, was adopt- ed by the Senate in the last Congress, but it died in the session-end legisla- tion jam after former Senator Bing- ham, Republican, Conn., moved for9 its reconsideration. Despite some in- dicated Senate opposition, Demo- cratic leaders are confident the meas- ure will be approved. The House vote broke party lines. Twenty-two Democrats joined 83 Re- publicans and four Farmer-Laborites in opposition, while nine Republicans and one Farmer-Laborite, Kvale, of Minnesota, voted with 242 Demo- crats for adoption. Fish Heads Opposition 1 A final effort to modify the meas- ure, drawn as requested by Secretary£ Hull, was made by Representative Fish, of New York, ranking Repub- lican on the foreign affairs commit- tee. His motion to send the resolu- tion back to the committee for in- sertion of an amendment to "protect£ the neutrality of the United States" was defeated on the roil call vote of 247 to 113. In two days of bitter debate con-r cluded Friday, Fish and Pinkham, Republican, Mass., charged the meas- ure would carry the United States into the League of Nations "throught the back door" and that it was aimed at Japan." Factor Says He Can't E Raise Ransom Money CHICAGO, April 17.-(/P)-John "Jake the Barber" Factor, fighting extradition to England on charges of swindling investors out of $8,000,000,' told authorities it would be impos- sible for him to raise the $100,000 reputed to be demanded by kidnapers for the return of his 17-year-old son, Jerome.I 50 Per Cent Cut Applies To All State Employees From May 1 To June 30 Faculty Receives All Of March Pay Action On. Measure League, Board, Hit By Union, Athletic Publications Not State's Economy Salaries of all University employes will be affected by the recent order of the Finance Committee of the State Administrative Board, which reduced State payrolls 50 per cent from May 1 to June 30, according to John C. Christensen, controller of the University. "Salaries of thosedemployed by the League, Union, and the Boards in Control of Athletics and Student Publications will not be affected, since these are separate from the University," Mr. Christensen said yesterday. "However, University Hos- pital salaries would be partly unpaid temporarily, according to the terms of the reduction measure." The action of the State woard was deemed imperative because of the de- pleted condition of the State general fund at the present time and the prospect that little money would be turned into it before July 1. Mr. Christensen pointed out that' State funds have been tied up be- cause of banking difficulties, and that unpaid taxes have further decreased available State monies. Full payment of all State salaries, according to dis- patches from Lansing, will be made when the revenue is available. A quarter of a million dollars was distributed to University employees last Saturday, paying them up com- pletely to that date. Chinese Flee Before Heavy Jap Advance PEIPING, April 17.-(RP)-Bombing planes and heavy artillery went into action on a large scale today as Jap- anese troops sent the entire Chinese Army in the coast region of North China proper fleeing to the south bank of the Lwan River. It was the first extensive Japanese advance into the Peiping-Tientsin area, where there are considerable American and other foreign interests. The Lwan River is 65 miles south- west of Shankhaikwan and only 100 miles from Tientsin. Changli, where an American Meth- odist mission is situated, and numer- ous other towns fell in rapid order to the Japanese and a Manchukan Army. The Chinese had predicted this sweep over Peiping's route to the sea since the fall of Shanhaikwan, Jan. 3. Their fears were increased a month and a half ago when the Japanese began seizing all the passes in the Great Wall, to the north. Japanese placed responsibility on the Chinese in advance of the action, declaring that the move would not be made unless it was "forced" by attacks on the Japanese lines. LANSING, April 17.-Action on the Un iv e r s it y appropriations which was scheduled in the House tonight was postponed until to- morrow when University represen- tatives will meet with members of the House Ways and Means Com- mittee for a last minute discussion of the measure before a vote is taken. Dr. Ruthven will come here for the discussion. O'Brien Rules No Beer Until State Repeal Beer Manufacture Would Be Prohibited To All But One Of 200 Breweries LANSING, April 17.-(P)-Federal advices that Michigan's breweries may start manufacturing 3.2 per cent beer in anticipation of legalization of such beverages were challenged to- day by Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney general. He ruled informally that until the State Prohibition law is re- pealed or amended, beer cannot be produced or stored.- If the attorney general's ruling is complied with, only one brewery in Michigan may manufacture beer and hold it for sale after the prohibition act is amended. He held that brew- eries having permission to reproduce near beer by the de-alcoholizing pro- cess may manufacture 3.2 per cent beer prior to the enactment of the State beer law.- It was reported there is only one such permit in Michigan. About 200 other breweries would be barred from advance manufacture by the attorney general's decision. O'Brien took the position that Washington permits do not apply as long as the State dry law remains on the statute books. If his position is upheld, Michigan may have a beer draught when the manufacture and sale of 3.2 per cent beverages is le- galized. Sen. Adolph F. Heidkamp, Republican, Lake Linden, said it would take the breweries several weeks to get into production if they are not allowed to manufacture prior to the legalization of beer. The Sen- ate adopted a resolution urging Fed- eral authorities to allow breweries to operate. The House liquor traffic commit- tee, meanwhile, took up the adminis- tration beer bill unofficially and planned to hold a formal meeting Tuesday. Members of the committee believed a majority would favor striking out the clause attached by the Senate proposing absolute repeal of the State prohibition law. Final Hearings In Case Clubs To BeFriday Finalists in the Law School Case Club competition are Nathan Levy, L, and Victor Rabinowitz, '34L, op- posing Robert Kelb, '34L, and Wil- lard Avery, '34L, it was announced yesterday. The finals will be held at 3 p. in., April 21 in the Lawyers Club. Levy and Rabinowitz represent Holmes Club, while Kelb and Avery represents Marshall Club. The four finalists are survivors of competition among 32 entrants split into 16 teams. The Case Club finals will be the third feature of a day to be marked by the appearance of Samuel Sea- bury, distinguished New York jurist, and the Founders Day Banquet to be held in the Lawyers Club. Judge Seabury will speak at a special Uni- versity Convocation at 11 a. m., April 21, while the banquet will take place at 7 p. in. No Progress Made Tv, R I? ] LLa - £h .. * A" h Budget Cut Is Postponed For Grant Of $3,750,000; Ruthven Asks Legislators University Payroll Slashe Representatives, Senators On 'Fact-Finding' Tour Hear President's Plea $432,724 Decrease Is Suggestion Made Peril Involved Ii Larger Cut, With Increase I Youth Unemployment A request for an appropriation of $3,750,000 for the year 1933-34 was made yesterday by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven in a speech to 20 members of the State House of Rep- resentatives and Senate, who came to Ann Arbor to make a "fact find- ing"tour of the University. The appropriation suggested would represent a decrease of approximate- ly $432,724 from this year's total of $4,182,724 and a decrease of $1,200,- 000 from the 1931-32 appropriation, This would be the biggest cut that any university has received over thE period of the last 22 months. Dr. Ruthven, speaking quietly but forcefully, explained to the Legisla- tors that University could not take a larger cut and still retain its status as a first class institution. "We must cut expenses to the minimum," he said, "but we must not damage the present generation of students. If we cut the budget more than the amount I have suggested, we will do so at our peril and at yours. Any further reduction will mean that the Uni- versity of Michigan will lose its pres- tige built up through a hundred years as one of the leading univer- sities of the country and become a second, third, or possibly fourth rate university through one or more of th efollowing changes: radical in- creases in student fees, the closing o important departments, the perma- Toward the end of the meet- ing Rep. Miles Callahan (Rep,, Reed City), who has frequently been termed by the press an enemy of the University, de- clared that he has always been a friend of the institution and would at the present time take great pleasure in voting it un- limited funds if that were possible. Owing to the depres- sion, he pointed out, the Legis- lature has less money at its disposal than formerly. He in- dicated that he will support only as large a cut in the University appropriation as he believes the decrease in the funds at the dis- posal of the State makes neces- sary. rent loss of irrenlacable members of the following changes: radical in come from students driven away from Michigan." Would Increase Unemployment "If our tuition is greatly xased," he stated, "it will mean that we will add a certain number to the nation's unemployed young people that roam the highways living on dole." Dr. Ruthven said that he had been criticized for not cutting the salaries of professors and assistants more thantheyshad already been cut. He explained that all employees of the University were being paid at a mar- ket rate, and that if the salaries of instructors were cut until they were below the market rate they would go to other institutions. "The market rate of professors has decreased only very slightly," he said. "Most institutions have reduced pro- fessors' salaries only a very little, There are a few universities that have had drastic reductions in in- come, and it will take them at least 20 years to rehabilitate to their for- mer status." Funds Can't Be Diverted Dr. Ruthven explained that very little money that the University re- ceives as gifts can be used to meet operating expenses. Only about $10,- 000 per year of the donated money can be used in the general fund, he said. The rest must be spent as speci- fied by the donor. In discussing the growth of the University, the President said that the University was large, but that it had grown with -the State and with 2 British Officers Killed By Chinese HONG KONG, China, April 17.-- UP)-Two British officers and one Chinese officer were killed and sev- eral sailors were wounded today when the cruiser Read, which re- cently joined the Chinese maritime customs, was attacked by pirates after being grounded 15 miles from Macao. The vessel disappeared and it was believed that the pirates had sailed it away. There have been numerous inci- dents recently in connection with a sudden spurt in smuggling. M. W. Hallums, a European commanding a Chinese custom cruiser, is awaiting trial on a charge of manslaughter as a result of firing on a junk in Hong Kong waters and killing the small daughter of the junk master. From Macao it was reported that one of the British officers killed by the pirates was named Pearce and the other, formerly of H. M. S. Her- mes, was named Baldwin. Baldwin, it was said, died of his wounds some time after the attack. Thousands Taste Discipline Of Army Life AtCamp Custer, I Caverly State Publishes Tax Survey By LOIS JOTTER The 2,100 men of the Civil Conser- vation Corps now located at Camp Custer for a reconditioning period of two weeks must be made comfortable first of all, Col. Russel C. Langdon of the 2nd Regiment, commanding officer at the camp, told The Daily Sunday. Although the day was cold and damp, the men seemed very com- fortable in clothing issued as rapidly as possible from the army warehouse. Snm idaofth gppi it wic six cots and a Sibley stove. Colonel Langdon recounted the history of these stoves, which have been in use since the days of the Civil War. The stove is merely a metal cone set in a box of sand, with a stove-pipe leading from the top of the cone through a metal cap on the top of the tent. Because of the suddenness of organizing the camp, some of the later arrivals had to be housed in tents with neither floors nor stoves. Colonel Langdon and Col. Robert M. Lyon, who is in direct charge of the "The Tax Situation in Michigan," a bulletin seeking to bring together into a single brief compilation the essential data on revenues and ex- penditures of Michigan, property tax levies, and other problems of state finance has been prepared by Prof. Harcourt L. Caverly of the economics department and published by the Michigan Municipal League. The sale price of the bulletin is $1. "It has been apparent for some time that a more or less thorough overhauling of the tax system of the State of Michigan would soon be- oome necessary," Professor Caverly says in a preface to the bulletin. "Governmental costs have been ap-