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April 07, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-07

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idy, occasional snow and
y colder; Saturday, gen-
fair and warmer.

00, ANO trht "n



Perry Discusses Bill Number
10; Achievements And Vision
Of William L. Clements





- U


Convocation Speaker


Ho use

Michigan Stays Dry
19 States Partake
Foaming 3.2 Brew


)ek Forces
at 'Sane' Bill
Vote Is Set For
12: House Takes!


April 6.-(AP)-The date
r in Michigan moved
today as the House re-
up immediate consid-
top-bap measure.
on forces insisted upon
eir regulatory beer bill
or consideration. Pro-
lick action point out
11 open in many states
Michigan remains dry,
rs remained unmoved.
d in deferring until
upon the Cuthbertson
he State dry law.
al bill been rushed, 3.2
and wine might haveI
late next week. Ad-'
forces contended the
2uld wait for the bill
e Governor's special
sion. The commission
3 in the Senate Pro-
ittee, where members
harply over its provi-
expected it will reach
T next week.
Brisk Debate
rtson repeal bill was
a brisk debate. Rep.
thworth (Dem., Mon-
e acministration floor
that it be made a spe-
business for April 12.
want to rush this bill
should be passed beer
from other states, and'
without license or reg-
ant to wait until Mich-
can start operating,"
he House adopts the
Senate can use it a.
us to take any provi-
in the beer bill'"

-Associated Press Photo
Samuel Seabury, special investi-
gator of New York City graft, will
speak at a special University convo-
cation Friday, April 21, in Hill Audi-
Gov. Comstoek,
Reichert Seek-
Plan Approval
Will Present 'Michigan
Plan' For Opening Of
Banks; Discuss Welfare
LANSING, April 6,.-(/P)-Governor
Comstock and R. E. Reichert, State
banking commissioner, left for
Washington today.to seek approval
for the so-called Michigan plan of
bank openings. They went at the
invitation of Secretary of the Treas-
ury Woodin, and while there may
discuss the welfare situation with
Reconstruction Finance Corp. offi-
cials and possibly confer with Presi-
dent Roosevelt.
The plan the Governor will place
before Federal treasury officials pro-
vides for the payment 6f depositors
partly in negotiable certificates and
partly in preferred stock, when liquid
assets are insufficient to meet de-
positors' demands.
"Unless we can do this, many
banks may be forced to liquidate
their slow assets on a poor market
and go out of business," the Gover-
nor said. "Our plan is to authorize
banks to disburse to depositors funds

Seabury Will
Talk Here On
Former Judge To Speak
Before Special Convoca-
tion Friday,_April 21
Will Also Address
Lawyers Banquet
Set Finals In Law School
Case Club Conpetition
For Same Day
Samuel Seabury, former judge of
the New York State Court of Ap-
peals and special investigator of the
Hofstadter Legislative Committee,
will speak at 11 a. m. Friday, April
21, in Hill Auditorium at a special
University Convocation, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Dean Henry
M. Bates of the Law School. Mr.
Seabury's topic will be "Some Con-
ditions Prevailing in Our Munici-
Another address, "The Public Pro-
fession of the Law," will be delivered
by Mr. Seabury at the Founders Day
Banquet to be held at 7 p. m. the
same day in the Lawyers Club, Dean
Bates said. A third attraction of the
day will be the finals in the Law
School Case Club competition for
the Henry M. Campbell Award, to
be held at 2 p. m. in Hill Auditorium.
The several members of the Supreme
Court of Michigan have been invited
to attend the finals and decide the
outcome, Dean Bates added.
Practiced Law In New York
Long known as one of the most
distinguished members of the Ameri-
can bar, Mr. Seabury has, in the
estimation of Dean Bates, "rendered
what is probably the greatest serv-
ice of this generation to the cause
of good municipal government."
Mr. Seabury practiced law in New
York until elected justice of the City
Court in 1901. He became justice of
the New York Supreme Court in
'1907 for the term 1907-1920, but re-
signed in 1914 to be elected associate
judge of the Court of Appeals. He
was Democratic candidate for the
governorship of New York in 1916,
but since then has devoted the bulk
of his time to private practice.
Appointed Special Investigator
As special investigator for the
committee, probing into graft in the
|New York City municipal structure,

Tracing the history of American 5
Jewry, Dr. Harold Korn of New York, 1,0 c
in a lecture last night at Hillel Foun-
dation, pointed to the remarkable W sM s
part played by the Hebrew race in Unemployment Was Most
the history of the United States. Important Problem, He
A group of 21 Jews led by Asa!
Levi, Dr. Korn said, left Brazil in Tells Council Meeting
1654 to escape persecution. This -
group, he said, intended to settle in Spa.oo ae
Virginia but were carried by adverse
winds to New Amsterdam. Later, For Gas Approved
the narrator continued, the group
founded the Mill Street Synagogue
which was used on Saturcays by the Board Of Zonin Appeals
desand on Sunday by the Chris-
tians. The ruins of the building still May Use Own Judgment;
stand. Pass Wagner Relief Bill
Dr. Korn talked about the part
played by the Jews in the Revolu- Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, in a
tionary War. He told of the lives of speech before the Common Council
the three Graet sisters, one of whom last night in City Hall, declared that
refused to acceptain marriage Hcnry at the expiration of his term he


history Of Jewish
People I. teUric a
Is Traced By Korn

Newkirk Says
He Will Retire

Summer Rates
In Dormitories
To Be Lowered
Buckley Announces 25
Per Cent Cut In Both
Room And Board
Board and room rates in all dor-

Measure Is Called One
Of Most Drastic Peace
Time Proposals

30-Hour Working
Week Bill Is Given

Cliay and nursedthe fiancee 0f would retire to private-life, thus com- mitories to be operated during theI
Washington Irving through a dan- pleting 35 years of public service. "I 1933 Summer Session will be reduced,
gerous illness. On a trip to Europe, shall never hold a public office 25 per cent from those of a year ago,
Dr. Korn said, Irving told Sir Walter again," the mayor said, after review- it was announced yesterday by PaulI
Scott of the incident and the latter ing the accomplishments of his two R. Buckley, manager of University
used her name in "Ivanhoe." A sec- years in the city's chief elective of- dormitories.
ond of the sisters, Rishia, he said, !fice. The total living expense for the
was the first 'girl in the United States The most important problem which eight-week period will thus be re-
to receive a college degree, this at he had confronted during his term, duced from $96 to $72. Room rent
Frankli i 1737. the mayor said, was the unemploy- is to be reduced from $5 a week to
ment situation. About $200,000 has $3.50, while board will be lowered
Alum ni To Give been spent to take care of Ann Ar- from $7 per week to $5.50.
bor's indigents during the past two Both new rates will apply to the
TJ'Ayears, the money being used for the Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour
construction of sewers and for im- Residence Halls. Alumnae House will
5 Aprovements in the water system and be open for room service only, Mr.
ext Sem eS ter the sidewalks, he declared. Buckley said, and Mosher-Jordan
Ask Emergency Light Rates dormitory, will be opened for roomE
Acting on the recommendation of service if there is enough demand
Scholarships WilGo-Tothe budget committee, the Council from women attending the session.
unanimously passed a resolution ask- The Lawyers. Club will close as is
Deserving 1 FreShmen In ing the city attorney, William Laird, customary.
State Of Michigan to contact the State public utilities
commission for special emergency A k1Probe
rates on light and gas for the city's Ii"n Pr b
Fifty Michigan Alumni Under- indigents. The Council expects thati
graduate Scholarships will be avail- this lowered rate if it is procured
able next fall to freshmen who have will meet one of the grievances raised s 0o 1tinued
graduated from State high schools,.k
it was learned here yesterday. Those by the city welfare workers in recent "
eligible for the award must have a meetings. Do i ILec
ranking in the upper fifth of their ; Petitions of business men for per-j
classes and in small high schools are mission to remove their places of
expected to rank even higher. Re- business to residential sections were WASHINGTON, April 6.-( )-A
suits from investigations made by met by a resolution authorizing the committee of Congress jumped ahead
the clubs tmust 1sho wthatte stu- Board of Zoning Appeals to use its of the Navy today to sift the meager-,
dent is financially unable to go on own judgment regarding business in ly known facts of the tragedy of the
with a higher education without this residential sections. The resolution Akroni a public investigation which
aid, according to regulations made provides that all applications for si s as tnewses.
public by the Alumni Association, establishing businesses in what have survivors as witnesses.
In towns where there are both heretofore been home sections must This sudden decision to take the
University of Michigan Clubs and receive the approval of property own- lead was made by the House Naval
Alumnae Clubs, the necessary pro- ers within 300 feet. Committee after talking in a secret
cedure for submitting a name is the Resolution Opposed session to Lieut. Commander Her-
formation of a committee composed The resolution met with consider- bert V. Wiley, lone remaining officer
of members of both. The method of able opposition, a number of coun- of the Akron.
choosing candidates for the scholar- cilmen suggesting that it was illegal The meeting took place just after
ships is not definitely set for each to set aside a city ordinance by a res- Wiley had shed new light on 'the
group, programs being worked out olution. However, it passed by an disaster which early Tuesday de-
individually. eight to six vote, the majority feeling stroyed the airship off the Jersey
that the financial conditions neces- coast with appalling loss of life, and
Auto Ban Relaxation I sitate allowing business men to re- also while plans were afoot to have
move to more profitable districts as Ithe Akron investigation taken over
Set For Noon Today soon as possible, if they so desired. by members not connected with the'
The University regulations re- The Council approved the relief bill navy interests.
stricting students from driving of Senator Wagner (Dem., N. Y.) and "We propose,; said Rep. Carl Vin-
a .' 'son (Dem Ga) "to investate every




Constitutionality Of
Bill Is Challenged
Solons Reject Amendment
Proposing Exclusion Of
Piecemeal Labor Basis
WASHINGTON, April 6.-(/P)-The
Senate today passed and sent to the
House the Black bill providing a 30-
hour week for industry.
The measure, one of the mos?
drastic ever proposed in peace tit
and designed to put millions bac
in employment on a share work basis,
would bar from interstate commerce,
with some exceptions, all goods man-
ufactured by labor employed more
than five days a week or six hours a
Penalty for violation would be $200
or three. months' imprisonment.
Advocates of the bill, which is ef-
fective only for two years, contend
that it is wholly within the Consti-
tutional clause granting Congress
power to regulatebinterstatecom-
merce and- would be so held by the
Supreme Court.
Lawyers Doubtful
Some of the Senate's Constitu-
tional lawyers are doubtful, while
others argue it is "glaringly uncon-
The vote on final passage was 53
to 30.
An amendment by Senator Robin-
son to change the will to a 36-hour
week was' rejected by 48 to 40.
Twenty-one Democrats and 19 Re-
publicans voted for the 36-hour week.
Thirty-five Democrats, 12 Republi-

a club t
sions it

wite End
'Dry Spell'


NEW YORK, April 6.-(/P)-It was
"New Beer's Eve" tonight for more
than half the population of the
United States.
In 19 states, scattered across the
map, and in the District of Columbia
-with a combined population of
about 70,000,000-the moment after
midnight was the hour when 3.2 per
cent brew could legally be trans-
ported and sold.
Long before the hands of clocks
turned toward that position revelers
in cities from New York to faraway
Washington began gathering for
"beer balls" and "watch night
On all sides, as the festivities be-
gan, the note of "No untoward cele-
brations," "No rowdyism," was
Admonition Sounded
The admonition came from offi-,
cials, from organizations, and from
the brewers themselves.
In every one of the 19 states it was
a day and night of feverish activity
for many. Brewery forces were
working at top speed, and from all
sections came reports that they
would be unable to supply the im-
mediate demand.
Licensing clerks here and in many
other cities found long lines at their
windows when they came to work-
and they grew in length throughout
the day.
Trucks and freight cars were lined
up in brewery yards, waiting the sig-
nal that would start them off with
their liquid cargoes.
St. Joseph, Mo., Prepared
One brewery in St. Joseph, Mo.,
expected to move 100,000 cases across
its loading docks within four hours,
In New York City, where 400,000
barrels of beer were ready to roll out
of bi'eweries, Jacob Ruppert, head of
the United States Brewers' Associa-
tion, said that none would move until
6 a. in.
But plans for New York parties

quickly available. Certificates of Mr. Seabury compiled eight volumes
participation and preferred stock, of testimony and evidence, now con-
secured by frozen assets, could be ceded to have aided materially in
issued to depositors as tokens of the forcing the resignation of Mayor
balance of their claim. The certifi- James J. Walker.
cates probably would be acceptable The general public is Invited to the
by local merchants. The, preferred special convocation and to the Case
stock could be retired if the frozen Club finals, but the Founders Day
assets could be liquidated eventually Banquet in the Lawycrj Club will
for an adequate amount. If not, and be restricted.
the bank was unable to pay out, the
preferred stockhiolders, that is the},
de positors, would virtually control Senior Cans Ordered
1the bank. The liability of old stock NOW r o Be here In Weiek
holders would hold and the control
might be wiped out altogether in All ceniors who order their canes
some cases. before Spring Vacation may have
"We do not want to force banks them upon their return to Ann
to dump their assets when they Arbor, it was announced yesterday at
might re li e more for depositors Wagner's, where measurements and
later," orders for canes are being taken.
The Governor said he hoped the Failure to order before vacation will

1 f

cans, and the lone Farmer-Labor
Senator, Shipstead, opposed it.
Without a record vote the Senate
then rejected an amendment by Sen.
Duncan U. Fletcher, (Dem., Fla.) to
exclude skilled labor employed on a
piecemeal basis.
Black Defends His Bill
Black replied that the amendment
would make the bill inoperative, as
all labor would quickly be employed
on the piecemeal basis.
The Senate also rejected an
amendment which would have ex-
cluded all products manufactured
from farm articles of a perishable

The amendment, offered by Sen.
Royal S. Copeland; (Dem., N. Y.) and
perfected by Senator Dickinson,

automobiles will be relaxed at
noon today, according to Walter
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of
students. The regulation will
again be in effect at 8 a. m.,
April 17, he said.
Students who drive cars after
I Spring Vacation without getting
new University iicenses will be ,
considered as violators of the au-
tomobile regulation, Mr. Rea said.

aumorizea Uy ter reu rerry wo}
send a copy of its endorsement toi
Michigan's two senators, James Couz-
ens, Republican, and Arthur Vanden-
berg, Republican.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
reforestation program, which the
Council thinks will care for some of
the men now depending upon the1
city for money, also received ap-
proval. Prof. Leigh Young of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
one of the aldermen, and George H.
Sandenburg, city engineer, were ap-
pointed as a committee to see that
Ann Arbor welfare men are placed
among the reforestation workers.
Plan Selective Excise Tax
Aldermen William Paton and Leigh

o l, l i .., % .l L iyL3l aU G ll -- -
phase of the accident as well as look Rep., Ia.) have carried by a stand-
into the military and commercial ing vote, but Vive-President Garner
value of airships. announced its rejection, 23 to 21.
"It will be ar., open investigation Approval then wvas given an
Irm top to bnottominth aligt-namendment by Shipstead to except
from top to bottom with all wit- milk and its products.
nesses under oath. An amendment by Senator Hat-
"If witnesses who know things will field to apply the interstate move-
not appear voluntarily we will ask ment ban to imported manufac'tured
the House for authority to demand goods was rejected 41 to 39
their presence by subpena." goos _wa _rejcted41_t_39
Wiley's fresh-information was given!
to the Navy in the terse .phrases of sunuerianu to
an official report which minutely re-
ported all the facts and impressions roadcast Law
that he and his two companions
could recall. Outstanding were these
statements: R e L r m Plea

State controversy with the R. F. C.
would be settled by the time he
reached Washington. W. S. Carpen-
ter, State welfare director, and
John F. Ballenger, head of the De-
troit welfare department, are in
Washington. The Governor sent a
telegram to the R. F. C. signed by
members of the Legislature, promis-
Sing -prompt action on legislation to
provide State welfare funds.
Pope Prays At
Ceremonie In1
Vautican Garden
VATICAN CITY, April 6.-(/P)-On
his knees in St. Peter's Cathedral this
afternoon, Pope Pius commemorated
the anguish of Christ 1900 years ago
in the Garden of Gethsemani.
As he knelt i~n silence, Cardinal Pa-
celli and Cardinal Serafini prayedl
for divine help to relieve unemploy-
ment and to restore world peace, for
heavenly intervention in behalf of,
the "martyrs languishing in Russian
prisons and exiled in Siberia."
A priest of the Basilica recited
prayers in commemoration of the
Holy Hour-the exact time at which

delay delivery of the canes, it was

Ramsdell Says State Forestry
Bill Will Provide 10,000 Jobs
By MARJORIE E. BECK elude construction of fire-breaks,
"At least 10,000 unemployed men opening up of emergency fire roads,
in Michigan will be given jobs during removal of serious fire hazard areas
the first year of work under the pro- such as dead timber and fallen trees,
gram of the Forest Bill," stated Prof. along public roadways, and increase
W. F. Ramsdell of the School of For- of the fire patrol during the fire sea-




estry, in an interview yesterday.
As the bill stands now, it was said,
the first quota of men will be takenj
from the industrial centers of Mich-
igan, principally from Detroit. Since,
however, there are approximately
60,000 unemployed in the northern
part of the State, the section which
the bill primarily affects, the alloca-
tion of a larger proportion of men'
from the northern territory is being
Three types of land in Michigan
will benefit by this relief measure,
according to Professor Ramsdell:I
643,000 acres of national forest lands,
1,000,000 acres of State lands or-
ganized into units such as State for-
ests, anc approximately 15,000,000
ann-,of nrivate lands ~in the fores5.t-

The measure further provides for
disease control, particularly, as far
as Michigan is concerned, for pre-
vention of the spread of white pine;
blister rust by the eradication of allj
species of ribes, especially wild cur-
rants and goose-berries. The bill also
provides for preventative measures
against floods; but this applies, at
present, to the Ohio valley basin and
other tributaries of the Mississippi,
rather than to any section of Mich-
The bill is purely an emergency;
measure, it was pointed out, and
there will be no repayment of the
funds used which are available from3
previous public works programs. It is
estimated that, under the provisions


A wind gust of terrific intensity,
Thomas were named to draw up a sotadsde sabosrc
resolution favoring a selective excise short and sudden as a blow, struck
tax to send to the Legislature at the ship as she battled to say up Will Speak OnColumbia
Lansing. The money from the tax, in the heart of a storm. I
the Council specified, is to be used As the ship was struck by the Chain tunuay In Bar
for welfare expenditure. The Coun- gust, the control rope of the lower Association Series
cil believes that if the Legislature vertical rudder gave way.
passes such a tax the State will re- Attempts to steer with the upper A plea for the public to accept the
ceive money from the R.F.C., which rudder failed, for that control too co-operation of the legal profession
has refused to aid Michigan's unem- gave way. in reforming the law will be voiced
ployment situation until the State it- I Sunday by Prof. Edson R. Sunder-
self raises some money for such re- land of the Law School in a nation-
lief. Arson Charges Against wide broadcast over the Columbia
Confectioner Dropped broadcasting system. Professor Sun-
T klderland will go on the air at 6 p. m.
Louis Deising, 127 Grand View together with Henry W. Toll, man-
' ~ Blvd., who was charged with delib- aging director of the American Legis-
Chem ial Enginee1s erately setting fire to his confection- lators' Association. The two men will
ery store at South State and Hill engage in a discussion which will last
Henry Hess, consulting chemical streets so that he could collcet the for half an hour.
engineer formerly with Libby Owens insurance, was dismissed upon exam- The discussion will be the ninth of
and the J. B. Ford Glass Co. spoke ination in Justice Court yesterday by , a series being broadcast weekly under
last night at the meeting of the Judge Jay Payne. the auspices of the National Advisory
American Institute of Chemical En- Deising reported that he was kid- Council on Radio in Education. The
gineers. naped in the early morning of Jan. series has been arranged by the
The various phases of the glass in- 28 by two men who after entering American Bar Association.
dustry, its problems and the neces- his store, tied him up and drove him Professor Sunderland has defined

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