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February 17, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-17

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apanese Army
tarts To Move
On Jehol Front
roops Take Up PositionI
Near Mukden Ready To
Enter Chinese Province
Clash Expected
pan-Manchukuo Armies
Number 50,000; To Be
Led By Ablest Officers
sciated Press Staff Correspondent
MUKDEN, Manchuria, Feb. 16.-
ads southward and westward from
s most important Manchurian city
alive day and night with Jap-
ese and Manchukuo troops mov-
steadily toward positions whence
y will "jump-off," probably with-
two weeks, for the long-waited in-
ion of Jehol province.
[he drive along the 200-mile front
xpe ted to bring the biggest Sino-
panese clash since fighting began
September, 1931, with the capture
this city by the Japanese.
['he combined Japanese-Manchu-
o force is expected to total 50,-
), half of themn tested Japanese
erans. They will oppose about
)_000 loosely organized Chinese.
Send Ablest Officers
Realizing the campaign to wrest
s additional territory from Chi-
e control may be difficult, the
panese command has diverted its
est officers from other parts of
nchuria to lead the drive.
['he modern mechanical branches
Japan's powerful war machine,
planes, tanks and armored motor

Campbell Ready For Speed Dash

'Blue Shirts'
Will Oppose
Red Activities

Organization Begun
Jest Arouses Interest
Student Body.


-Associated Press Photo
Sir Malcolm Campbell, British speed champion, is shown at the
wheel of his Blue Bird II racing car at Daytona Beach, Fla. As soon
as conditions are favorable he will send his powerful machine over the
ocean speedway in an effort to better his own land speed record of 253
miles an hour.
Edmonson Reproves Prince For
Statement. Slandering Professors

e assert that the wife
e governor of Jehol,
-Lin, is being held as
ing to make him offer
e to their troops .
Marshal Chang
he North China war-
g Tang's wife at his
a the ancient Manchu
lI, which is about 100
Tang's capital at Je-
ce Called Firm
erved as governor of
irshal Chang, both be-
the latter was driven
aria by the Japanese.
'ts said his allegiance
>een unmoved by Jap-

The Japanese confidently predict
the Jehol campaign will last less
than one month after it is definitely
under way. Independent military au-
thorities, however, predicted a much
longer conflict unless the Chinese are
stampeded by the first heavy shocks.
Japan declares she is not at war
with China and describes the Jehol
drive as merely a "policing" opera-
tion. Its aim is to bring Jehol under
the control of the Japanese-main-
tained government of Manchukuo.
Goslin To Use
Dramatics In
Lenten Series
Experiment Sponsored By
Methodist Church; Other,
Churches Co-operate
Reverend and Mrs. Omar Pancost
Goslin, who are to conduct a lenten
series of services in the First Meth-
odist Church, arrived in Ann Arbor
last Sunday. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher,
pastor of the church, has made the
series possible because of his in-
terest in the need of a new pattern
for the Protestant service of worship.
In the series experimentation will be
made in the use of drama to add
color, interest, and emotional appeal
to the experience of worship, Mr.
Goslin said.
The University Council of Religion
and the Student Christian Associa-
tion have both endorsed this pro-
gram, and all the churches are co-
operating and making available the
membership of their Young Peoples
societies for these experiments, Al-.
fred Lee Klaer, of the First Presby-
terian Church, stated.
Mr. Goslin comb here with a va-
ried and interesting background. As
a minister associated with Dr. Harry
Emerson Fosdick at R i v e r s i d e
Church, New York City, he spent two
years on the campus at Columbia
University in charge of Sunday eve-
ning services in which drama as a
fine art was used. The presentations
included such material as Gals-
worthy's "Loyalties," William Butler
Yeats' "Hour Glass," John Drink-
water's "Abraham Lincoln," George
Bernard Shaw's "Saint Joan," and
John Masefield's "Trial of Jesus."
Mr. and Mrs. Goslin were director
and associate director, respectively,
of the Thurch and Drama League of

Recent statements by F. H. Prince,
retired railroad and stockyards mag-
nate, declaring that professors are1
"one of the chief curses of the coun-
try," yesterday were termed by Dean
J. B. Edmonson of the education1
school as indicating "either that Mr.
Prince has made the mistake of gen-
eralizing from a few instances, or
that he is one of those persons whoa
believe that expert knowledge of a+
given situation is a detriment, rather]
than an asset, to its efficient hand-
In an interview, Dean Edmonsont
pointed out that if the second pos-
'Silver Arrow'
Designed By
Students Here
Streamlined Model By
Johnson, Palmer May Be
A new custom built model of a
Pierce-Arrow, designed by two Mich-
igan students and entitled the "Sil-
ver Arrow," is likely to be put on
regu'lar production, according to
Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski of the Col-
lege of Engineering.
. C. L. Johnson, Grad., and E. D.
Palmer, Grad., ran the tests for ai
resistance on the model, which is a
marked departure from present
models because of the extent to
which stream-lining is carried.
Uses Same Motor
"The Silver Arrow" is powered
with the same 175 h. p. motor used
in the ordinary models, yet an in-
crease of 25 miles per hour is effected
through the stream-lined design.
The "Silver 'Arrow" is guaranteed tc
do'115 miles per hour in actual tests,
not on the speedometer, which would
register considerably more due to the.
slippage of the wheels at this high
Over 30 tests were run on the
model by the students before their
report was handed to the Pierce-Ar-
row engineers. Slight suggestions
were made, including rounding out
and filling in certain parts about the
front fenders of the car.
Body of Aluminum
The body itself is of aluminum
construction, hand made, with all
prominent projections removed. The
door hinges do not protrude and the
headlights have been designed to
eliminate as much wind resistance
as possible.
Tires are carried in compartments
behind the front wheels while the
tail of the car is used for luggage.
Another invocation is the 3-2 seating
arrangement, 3 in the front seat and
2 in the rear.
Power brakes are used on the new
model for easier stopping. They may
be applied at full strength without
the physical effort of using heavy
foot pressure to gain the greatest ef-
Handles In Cavities
The door handles are placed in
recesses in the car doors. The price
of the car is $10,000, due to the fine
workmanship in finishing the body.
' However, Johnson and Palmer
both stated that this model, like all
others on the market, is not fully
stream-lined, and even the beaver-
tail now used on many cars to round
out the lines is apt to be detrimental
rather than helpful in reducing wind
resistance which at 60 miles per
hour on the present car, accounts for
70 per cent of the power consump-
A tear-drop or raindrop itself is
spherical, not streamlined, as many
imacrin, Tn fact manv nonn hv

sibility is true, Mr. Prince's opinion
of college professors must necessar-
ily be applied to experts in business,1
as well.
"There is a class of people," said
the dean, "who consider that a pro-
ject may be most successfully carried
through by a director who knows
comparatively little about it. It Mr.;
Prince is one of those persons, his
opinion of professors is justified from
his own viewpoint. But to be consist-
ent, he must apply his statement to
experts in business, politics, and all
other fields, as well."
Mr. Prince was quoted as follows
in the magazine Time for Feb. 13:
"Professors are one of the chief
curses of the country. They talk too
much. Most professors are a buncht
of cowards and meddlers. Men do
not shrink from lifeunless thereeis
some cowardice about them. Profes-
sors do not hesitate to accept the
.ndowments of those who have ser-
4d the people and the nation in com-3
rnerce and industry, but do nothing
themselves but talk. You have only
o think back over the last ten years
to realize the difficulties we have
been drawn into through professors.
The sooner we get away from their
influence the better. . . Chuck out
Lhe professors, declare a general mor-
atorlum, and forget- about Europe.
ihat will lead us somewhere."
"It is quite true," added Dean Ed-
Mnonson, "that there are professors
to whom this verdict applies. Occa-
sionally it is found that a faculty
man, a recognized expert in his own
field, will publish an opinion which
extends outside of specialty; this
Sort of information is doubly mis-
leading because the name of a pro-
fessor lends false authority to the,
"But it must be remembered that
his error is not confined to the field
f education. Politicians, business
end professional men occasionally
pass opinions on subjects beyond
their intimate knowledge. The edu-
cational systems of the country often
"ave been criticized by persons who
!ave comparatively little knowledge
if the facts."
Co-op House Again
CusBoard Rates
A second reduction of the price of
board at the Michigan Co-operative
Boarding House in Lane Hall was
announced yesterday by Sher M.
Quraishi, Grad., manager. The new
:ates are $2.75 a week for three meals
a day and $2.50 a week for two meals
a day. A deposit of $3 is required at
the start, but may be applied toward
she price of meals or refunded after
a few weeks.
Board at the low figure of $2 a
week may be obtained at a new
rooming and boarding house opening
this week under the direction of Er-
win Linhorst, Grad. The house is lo-
aated at 807 South State street, and
has rooming accommodations for 21
students and will be able to board
$5. Room will be $1.25 weekly, to in-
clude barber service and laundry. No
work will be required, Linhorst said.
Eight or nine more student room-
ers will be accepted by the house,
Quraishi said, and a number of addi-
tional boarders can be accommo-
Arson Case Postponed
Till Prosecutor's Return
Because Prosecutor Albert Rapp
was detained at Lansing, the trial
of Louis Deising, 127 Grand View
Blvd., was adjourned in Justice Court
until Feb. 21. contingent upon the
return of Mr. Rapp.
Deising is charged with arson. He
claims that two men entered his
rtv IaJ 9nn hv2Rin u him nIa 'him

The "Blue Shirts," an anti-social-
ist and anti-communist organization
on the campus begun in jest last Sat-
urday night, has already attracted a
great deal of interest among stu-
dents and is in a fair way to becom-
ing an accomplished fact, it was re-
vealed last night.
Whilennot formally organized yet
as in some quarters, the "Blue
Shirts" have causd sufficient com-
ment among the student body to
lend color to the belief that they
may become in time a group strong
enough to compete with the various
forms of student socialistic clubs. F
Began in "Bull Session"
The group had its .nception at a'
gathering of students who unani-
mously declared that they were "tired
of the row being raised by the stu-
dent socialists" and that they thought
something should be done about it.
Originally intended to appeal to a
class of students not attracted by
Marxian ideas, the group made face-
tious plans for the "Blue Shirts"
whose insignia would be a blue shirt
wtih some kind of monogram. Con-
tinuing in the same vein, George
Fisk, '33, was elected arch chancellor
of the organization, David Hinks, '35,
archon of the women's vote, George
Schultz, '36, grand commander of the
storm troops and Kimball Stearns,
'35, secretary of foreign relations.
Many Inquiries Received
The idea seems to have struck a
popular chord, however, for many in-
quiries as to the organization, its
management, and membership were
rceived by Fisk yesterday and Sun-
Last night Fisk said, "While the
plan for the 'Blue Shirts' was in the
beginning nothing more than an eve-
ning's entertainmnt, the report of
the meeting seems to have spread
all over the campus. Since last Sat-
urday. I have been greeted on allj
sides by requests for information re-
garding the still embryonic organiza-
tion. The enthusiasm seems to show
the need for. such a group in the face
of all of the socialistic and commu-
nistic organizations at Michigan."
"I hope,' he continued, "that the
start we have given to this movement
will be given impetus by student in-
terest and it is not impossible that if
This enthusiasm is continued by the
elements on the campus naturally
opposed to revolutionary doctrines
that some such organization as the
-'Blue Shirts' will be formed."
Although a number of Chinese
companies have tried to produce mo-
tion pictures, the results have been
rated neither "financially nor artis-
tically" successful by U. S. attaches..

Carveth Wells
Will Leeture
Here Feb. 21
Well-Known Explorer To
Delineate Aspects Of
'Noah's Home Town'
Carveth Wells, the inimitable ex-
plorer-engineer who has lectured in
Ann Arbor on several previous occa-
sions, will again be here on Feb. 21,
delineating the several aspects of
"Noah's Home Town."
Appearing as a presentation of the
Oratorical Association, Mr. 'Wells'
{opic will concern a region of some
note, and of equal obscurity, in Asia
Minor. The lecturer, who has for
nay years displayed a penchant for
visiting out of the way places, has
developed a knack of presenting cold
truth in a manner which sometimes
has falsely branded him as "a pur-
veyor of outrageous mendacities."
The explorer began his career as
a surveyor for the British govern-
ment in the Malay Peninsula. The!
strange facts gathered by him during
his work of surveying a railroad in
the midst of matted jungles, alive
with mosquitoes and the more pest-
iferous forms of animal life in gen-
eral, were subsequently presented by
him in lectures all over the world.
The tales achieved a general popu-
larity which later induced him to
incorporate his lectures into a book,
"Six Years in the Malay Jungle."
Since that time he has published a
number of volumes dealing with the
same type of material.
525 Tuition Notes
Remain Unpaid
Since no action will be taken by
University authorities toward stu-
dents holding the outstanding de-
ferred tuition notes until after the
bank holiday, only 22 paymentsrwere
made yesterday. This leaves a total
of 525 tuition notes still outstanding.
According to the terms of the
notes the students holding them
have been liable to be withdrawn
from the University since they fell
due Feb. 13. It has been pointed out
by authorities that undoubtedly
many holders of the notes are stu-
dents who may have graduated or
already withdrawn from school with-
out notification.!
At present, however, it seems in-
evitable that three or four hundred
students will face withdrawal pro-
ceedings as soon as the bank holiday
is terminated, unless there is some
modification of the terms of the;
Practically all the members of the
league-leading Detroit Red Wings re-
ceived their first professional expe-
rience in the International League.
Evans, Young, Goodfellow, Voss,
Gallegher, Moffatt, Goldsworthy,
Carson, Emms, and Sorrell are all
I-L graduates.

-Associated Press Photo
Louis "Diamond Jack" Alterie
(above) was sought for questioning
by Denver, Col., police in connec-
tion with the kicnaping of Charles
Boettcher, 11, wealthy Denver broker.
Chayote May
e Used For
Any plant that can be used as
food for humans or in baskets and
hats should be a popular one, accord-
ing to Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, cura-
tor of ethnology in the Museum of
Anthropology. That plant is the
chayote, or vegetable pear, a staple
of the Aztecs 400 years ago but little
known to the white man in tem-
perate climates.
Dr. Gilmore, ethnologist and spe-
cialist in native plants, has grown
the chayote in the botanical green-
houses here. It is a tropical or semi-
tropical plant that should become
one of the important farm crops of
the Gulf States, where it is now be-
ing grown to an increasing extent,
and one of the favorite -foods of
northerners, Dr. Gilmore believes.
The chayote is green and creamy
white in color and ranges from pear
shape to almost spherical. It is a
member of the squash family, but is
firmer, less fibrous, and has a more
delicate and distinctive flavor than
the common summer squash. It has
only one very large seed.
The root may also be used for food,
Dr. Gilmore says, the vines make
good forage, and the fiber has been
used for baskets in Algeria and for
hats in Paris.
Parker, Sheaffer, Waterian,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up.
A large and choice assortment
314 S. State St., An Arlor.

At U.Of B

Sought By Police

To Give Series Of Talks
On American History At
Manchester, England
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, has completed
what was termed by Prof. A. E. R.
Boak, chairman of the department,
a "successful term" of lectures at the
University of Bristol in England.
Professor Boak said that he had
received a communication from Pro-
fessor Slosson, which told of some of
the experiences in England, where
he has been lecturing under the aus-
pices of the Carnegie Foundation for
International Peace.
Professor Slosson has left Bristol,
said Professor Boak and is now lee-
turing at the University of Manches-
ter, which he described as being sim-
ilar to the University of Chicago.
After leaving Manchester, Profes-
sor Slosson is expected to give his
course of lectures at the University
of Glasgow in Scotland.
"Professor Slosson serves as a
member of the faculty of the schools
which he visits," said Professor Boak,
"giving a general lecture course in
American history to the students in
these English universities, where no
regular work in this subject is given."
Professor Slosson will return to
this country next September, Profes-
sor Boak said.
President Of Eastern
Divinity School Here
A number of students planning to
enter the ministry interviewed Dr.
A. W. Beaven, president of the Col-
gate Rochester Divinity School, yes-
terday afternoon at Lane Hall.
Dr. Beaven was recently elected
rresident of the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ. Considered by
many as one of the outstanding
men in the field of religion in this
country, he is known as a staunch
advocate of the practical in religiion.
The visit of Dr. Beaven is in ac-
cord with the plan of the Student
Christian Association to give stu-
dents interested in religious work the
opportunity to have personal confer-
ences with leaders in that field.
Ohio's consumption of lumber in
1930 was 145 feet per capita.
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Hundreds of Second-Hand Books at Greatly Reduced Prices


Quality Goods at the Lowest Prices
We desire to thank the student body for their fine spirit of
co-operation in the energency created by the bank "holiday."
"At Both Ends of the Campus"


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