The Weather Rain, colder west portion Thursday; Friday partly cloudy to cloudy. ..odd 6 r I Afri tt Editorials Students Protest The Proposed Budget Cut .. . VOL. XLII No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933 PRICE FIVE CEN Akron Inquiry Court Named; Still Hunt Ship Naval Craft Persevere In Search For Fragments; Quest Is Fruitless Three Survivors To Submit Joint Report Use Of Dirigibles Finds Champion In Delaney; Vinison Opposes Hin WASHINGTON, April 5.-()-A minute and searching inquiry into the destruction of the U. S. S. Akron will be opened'next Monday at Lake- hurst, N. J,, by a naval court of in- quiry headed by Rear. Admiral.W. A. Phillips. The court was ordered late today. by Admiral William V. Pratt, chief of naval operations after he and other high officials had heard a per- sonal account of the tragedy froni the only three survivors, Lieut.- Comm. Herbert V. Wiley, Richard E. Deal, and Moody E. Ervin, enlisted men. Even as the survivors talked be- hind closed doors at the navy de- partment, there came from the many naval craft anxiously searching over an area of hundreds of square miles off New Jersey and Deleware coasts consistently disheartening reports of] "no luck." Neither men or fragments, of the demnished queen of the skies, were to be se'en anywhere near the scene of the airship's catastrophic plunge early Tuesday Search Ordered to Continue - But Pratt, not yielding to the ap- parently inevitable, sent out new or- ders tonight tor keep up the search until "there can be no thread ofK hope." 1 Likewise he ordered the submarine rescue squad out to start dragging for wreckage. Pieces of the craft, hie felt, miht contain the vital clues,. to the cause of the crash, upon which toe th'ee survivors could shed littlel Tonight the three men known tol be alive after the Akron's crash put{ in time on a Joint report, which they will hand tomorrow to Secretaryrl Swanson. Deal and Erwin were quar-f tered at the naval hospital for treat- ment of their slight hurts. Wiley went to the home of a friend. Tomorrow, President Roosevelt himself plans to talk with them. T Court of Inquiry Named With Admiral Phillips on the court of inquiry will serve Capt. H. A. Shoemaker, commander of the airK stationat Sunnyvale, Calif., a veteranl of the naval air service, who will fly across the country to take part.t Comm. Garland Fulton, head of the Lighter-Thn-Air division of the Bu- reau of Aeronautics, will be the third; member, with Comm. Ralph G. Pen-S noyer acting as judge advocate.x Phillips is commandant of the New York naval district. Uponatheir findings will hinge,t probably, the court to be held by Congressional investigations, f o r which plans were started today. Thej wave of sentiment for abolishment of lighter-than-air craft met a reaction in some quarters. A few Congress- men spoke up against "hysterical" conclusions. One of these was Representative Delaney, Dem., N. Y., who was as- signed a sub-committee to begin anc investigation the minute the court oi inquiry hands in a verdict. BuL Chairman Vinson of the House Naval Committee insisted experience had demonstrated the craft impracti- cable. HARRINGTON TO SPEAK Dr. Stuart Harrington of the Mayo Clinic will speak at 4 p. m. today in1 the amphitheatre of the University 1 Hospital on "Surgical Treatment of Intra-Thoracic Tumors." Dr. Harrington's speech will be the annual Mayo Clinic lecture. ROB GAS STATIONS Four armed bandits robbed two gas stations, one at Clinton and the other at Petersburg, late Tuesday night,< according to advices received at the1 Sheriff's office here yesterday. 1 Balkan Problems Discussed By Count S Itrza It Last Lecture Army Course For Doctors Elect Mayer League Head Backs Farm Bill By GUY M. WIIIPPLE Contemporary problems in the Balkans accruing from jealousies and the greed for added territories, and the "imperialistic vanity" ex- hibited by colonial expansion were discussed by Count Carlo Sforza yes- terday afternoon in Natural Science Auditorium as the last of a series of eight public lectures. The count took up in order the Hungarian scheme to regain lost ter- ritory and prestige, the Serbian-Bul- garian dispute over Macedonia, the Italian-Jugoslavian problem, and the Italian-Jugoslavian-Albanian trian- gle. He emphasized the Serbian- Bulgarian struggle as typifying the frantic attempt of one nation (Bul- garia) to overcome quickly the ad- vantage of another (Serbia) in order to prevent a strange language and strange customs being imposed on a third (Macedonia). "After the World War Macedonia was turned over to Serbia," Count ( Sforza said. "Since the peoples of Macedonia spoke a primitive South Slav dialect, it became Serbia's task to overcome this handicap to amal- gamation by teaching them the lan- guage of Serbia. It is this that Bul- garia is fighting tooth and nail to prevent." Italy today is much stronger than in pre-war days not because of Fas- cism, but in spite of Fascism, Count Sforza declared. He criticized the Fascist government for aping old imperialistic Austria-Hungary in its policy of egging on neighbor nations to war in order to further selfish in- terests. "In copying Austria-Hun- gary, Italy has forgotten the efforts of 600,000 Italians who fought in the World War," the count added. IAl is n l anrlU p i '.e. ,paiC Planned Here For 1,933-34 I Medico-Military Training Defeats Jennings In Race Period To Draw 100 To Fill Most Important, Physicians, Dentists Wonien's Position ETheory Problems i nstalltoBaqe -nstallation Banquet To Be Considered To Be Held In May Faculty Men Will Discuss Giddings, Diebel, Kirby War-Time Measures In 'Victorious In Contests Medicine, Sanitation For Other Offices Complete plans for the medico- Grace Mayer, '34, was elected pres- military refresher course, which is ident of the League for the year being sponsored jointly by the Uni- 1933-34 in yesterday's election, de- versity Hospital and the War De- feating Harriet Jennings, '34. Miss partment April 6 to 29, have been Mayer will succeed Helen DeWitt, '33, arranged, it was announced yester- in the most important position open' day. Ito women on campus.b 11 .1 t ana is an 'isiande protectorate of Italy, he said, "and is a hot spot because Jugoslavia is looking toward this little country with the idea of absorbing it some day. But Italy can not relax her hold on Albania (Continued on Page 6) -Associated Press Photo President Roosevelt's farm relief bill, a two-billion dollar plan for re- +I- rrin Z~nr mnrWo~a LUA Law Professor Goes To Yale For Research 'Professor Sunderland To Work Two Weeks For Legal Institution Prof. Edson. R. Sunderland of the Gargoyle's April Nearly 100 practicing physicians and dentists, who are reserve army officers from Michigan, Illinois, Wis- The total of votes cast was 495. I uucing the agriculure mortage tow+ Miss Mayer has been active on was introduced in the Senate by Ser campus since her freshman year, J a ad, Law School is spending this and next week at Yale University doing re- search for the American Law Insti- tute, it has been learned. Professor Sunderland left Ann Arbor Tuesday. Together with Dean Charles E. Clark and Prof. Thurman W. Arnold I of the Yale Law School he is en- gaged in the compilation and an- alysis of statistics relative to civil law and procedure in Federal courts. The three men are devoting special at- tention to cases arising from diver- sity of citizenship. Dean Clark and Professors Sunder- land and Thurman spent several weeks in December studying criminal' procedure in Federal courts. In their work they are using ex- haustive information that has been collected in 11 typical United States district courts. Their reports will be published by The American Law In- stitute, which is an organization formed for the study and restatement of law, and endowed for more than $1,000,000. New York Times Lauds Law Book By Student I "D i s c o v e r y Before Trial," by George Ragland, Jr., '30L, a book published for the Legal Research In- stitute of the University, has been termed by the New York Times to be an "important contribution to reform of judicial procedure," and a work "of technical interest to many law- yers, and of great importance to the public." Ragland is also the author of "A Study of the Organization of Litiga- tion in the Supreme Court of New York County," and now holds the position of research associate at the University. "KAMERADSCHAFT" RUN ENDS The final showing of "Kamerad- schaft," the Art Cinema League's all-talking picture, will be given at 8:15 p. m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Love Letters For Puzzle Broa By RALPH G. COULTER The educational programs of the University Broadcasting S y s t e m i brought at least one unexpected re- sult this year. They started a pas- sionate, if rather one-sided, love af- fair that bids fair to occupy a good many dull hours, now that the Serv- ice has gone off the air for the sea- son. A Bay City woman listener, who apparently has confused a number of radio programs and has little co- herent idea of what she has been hearing over the air in the last three months, has singled out for her at- tentions an imaginary "Dick Telle," whom she addresses in care of the "Ann Arbor University" and to whom she pours out all her secret emotions.I vlvan Simon a stuident in the ! (Jocr Jrt f k consin and the northern sections of having been chairman of programs Ileader. r BOhio and Indiana, will spend the two in the Freshman Pageant, chairman Steii s; Ousts Silk l week period here studying theoretical of the Sophomore Cabaret, a member i m bL Plan I ie ' ,"# problems in war-time medicine. Each of the Michiganensian staff, junior man will receive 100 hours active representative on the board of direc- Whether or not the Legislature de- duty credit, it was announced. tors of the League, and recording On Expedition cides to give students beer in the This will be the first time the secretary of Wyvern. near future, the lovers of the amber- course has been tried in the Sixth Marian Giddings, '34, was elected' A p r a colored beverage can feast their eyes Corps Area, but has been in opera- vice-president to succeed Jane Rayen, proaeh oal on a large, brimming, grinning stein tion annually for the past four years '33; Nan Diebel, '35, will succeed which appears on the cover of the in the Seventh Area. Josephine McCausey, '33, as record- April issue of the Gargoyle. The cover Under this plan, the University ing secretary; and Hilda Kirby, '34, Party To Study Ancien was executed by Tom Powers and i Hospital will allow the use of its lab- was elected treasurer to succeed Ruth Savanna In C 4autemalK depicts the stein in the act of kick- oratories and classrooms to the offi- Duhme, '33. WT Carneie Institute ing a malted-milk container off a cers. Various members of the staff Ruth Kurtz, '34, was elected senior ilti and doctors from other places will representative on the Judiciary Coun- Frank B. Gilbreth, managing edi- conduct the classes. Lectures will also cil and Mary Sabin, '35, and Kath- The University Expedition to the tor of The Daily, was nominated the be given to officers in the regular leen Carpenter, '35, were elected jun- Guatemalian Savanna, sent in co- preposterous person of the month,I Army on military-subjects not direct- ior representatives. They will sue- operation with the Carnegie Institu- and a striking (to say the leash ly allied with medicine. ceed Margaret Keal, '33, May Bar- tion, Washington, D. C., has nearly cariacature of him appears against a Ruthven, Novy to Speak nett, '33, and Margaret Shermack, reached its base according to word background of editorial clippings. After registration Sunday, April '33, senior representatives, and Ada received by Prof. Frederick M. Gaige.. Gargoyle gives its answer to the 16, the sessions will be opened Mon- Blackman, '34, and Har'iet Jennings, director of the Museum of Zoology. currently popular question "Is Vir- day by addresses by President Alex- '34, junior representatives. L. C. Stuart, research assistant in nt on Bal?" nerv I ander G. Ruthven and Dr. F. G. For the League board of directors the Museum of Zoology, and C. L an article on Journalistic Conserva- Novy, chairman of the executive Mary Louise Kessberger, '34, and Lundell, graduate assistant in the tism and a story on Athletic Spring. committee of the Medical School. Dr. Charlotte Simpson, '34, were elected I University Herbarium, the two mem- The April issue, of course, con- J. D. Bruce, director of post-graduate senior representatives; Virginia Rob- bers og the expedition, wrote Profes- tains Campus Calendar, telling the work of h chiptwilgve an out erts, '35, and Mary O'Brien, '35, were sor :aige that they had experienced sdurintshemnt as wela rtles line of courses. Major Basil Edwards, elected junior representatives; and difficulty with their bank drafts dueI during the month, as well as articles head of the R. . T. C. department, Margaret Hiscock, '36, and Elizabeth to the banking holiday, and were de- on Music, Drama, Radio, and Style will describe the military organiza- Rich, '36, sophomore representatives. layed several days on the coast. tion of the United States. They will succeed Vinselle Bartlett, At the date the letter was sent. Choir To Sino For At the Tuesday evening session, '33, and Janet Allen, '33, seniors; March 25, the two men were at ol. H. W. Miller of the engineeringMargaret Allen, '34, and Grace Flores, Guatemala, two days journey Mayer, '34. juniors; Barbara Bates, by mule from their base at Libertad. Last Worship Play1 wslp' 'ldsEih "dg y" sg ""~ae bn o1 aeaLie L; Worship =~drawing department will discuss ther'3,adMrO're,'5soh-codigtPofsrGie.T yj Samris gun used in the World War. 3,adMr 're,'5 oh-Iacrigt rfso ag.Te mores.hsaid that they had had trouble in The last worship-through-art play, On the following days, addresses The new officers will be installed at getting that far due to the late rains "The Trial of Jesus" by John Mase- will be given by other members of the the annual installation banquet to be | which made the mule paths almost field, will be presented at 4 and 8 faculty. Maj. F. N. Menefee, profes-I held early in May in the League. I impassable with their deep mud. p. m. Sunday in Lydia Mendelssohn sor of engineering mechanics, will __The expedition left New Orleans Theatre discuss water supply during war time. Al * March 1 for Belize, Honduras whence Music will be provided by the A Maj. J. S. Worley, professor of trans- University Alumni they went by river boat to El Cayo, Capella Choir from Jackson. This 'ortation engineering,rwilltalkion e Three Posiions Guatemala, on the coast. unit includes 40 voices and will ap-i military meth~ods of transportation. etTh eee osio o Ti xeitionsi!atofabo unticue 0vie n ila-Capt. Robert Lord and Lieut. Richard This expedition is part of a bio- pear at both performances. p logical survey of the country once This drama, sponsors stated last Coursey, both of the R. O. T. C. de- Results of the State election held held by the Mayans, who developed night, presents as accurately as pos- partment, will give talks on other Tuesday show three new Michigan the highest pre-Columbian culture sible the historical facts of the trial army measures. officials to be former University in the Western hemisphere, conduct- of Jesus for treason. The revolution- s Go rgScheduled students. ed by the Carnegie Institution, Wash- ary danger is emphasized, itf was said Prof. Moses Gomberg, head of the Edward MacGlen Sharps, '1411, ington, D. C. by directers of the production. chemistry department, will lecture on who was elected justice of the Su- One of the most important prob- j"War Gases" at 7:30 p. m. Monday, preme Court on the Democratic lems facing Lundell and Stuart i; April 24. Another lecture will be ticket, was president of the Webster to determine whether the great open To Represent Michigan I given later in the second week by Society in his junior year in the Law plain of northern Guatemala is true At ChicaCo Convention j Col. A. H. White, head of the chem- School. Benjamin Howard Holstead, savanna or merely burnt-over forest ical engineering department. '99L, a new member of the State land. The present bushmen inhabit- Four men will represent Michigan Medical discussions will be led by Board of Agriculture, attended the ants of the region are biological de- at the 12th annual meeting of the doctors connected with the hospital. University of Indiana for his under- scendants of the Mayans but have Central Section of the American An- Three hours of the morning will be graduate work and received his de- completely lost their culture and thropological Association April 7 and devoted to classes. In the afternoon gree in law here. State Highway cannot even read the inscriptions on 8. at the University of Chicago. theoretical problems will be given. Commissioner Murray Delos Van the historic palaces in this territory, Repeal Of LiquorAct Is Possible~ State House Receives Bill To Reject Michigan's Prohibition Law May Precede Action To Legalize Beer Modification Proposal Is Backed By Coalition Of Lower House Members LANSING, April 5-(P--There were some indications tonight of a race. in the Legislature between a bill for control of beer in Michigan and another measure proposing out- right repeal of the State prohibition law, which automatically would leg- alize beer without restrictions. While prospects grew of controv- ersy and delay in the Senate over an administration bill to legalize 3.2 per -ent beer, the House received, with he recommendation of the liquor committee that it pass, the Cuthbert- son bill proposing absolute repeal. Should this measure be adopted, the State could, if there were no de- lay, have beer in about a week. The measure has been printed and on the desks of members more than the re- quired five days. It could be passed by the House Thursday, under sus- pended rules, and by the Senate five days later. Doubt Bill's Success There was doubt as to how far the bill would get, but indications were that the repeal bill would be held over the heads of the Senate as a threat of what might happen if the beer bill were unduly delayed. Perturbed at prospects of contro- versy and delay over the Adminis- tration Bill to legalize 3.2 per cent beer, Governor Comstock and House members took matters into their own hands. In an effort either to spin the Senate into prompt action or to take the lead themselves, a coalition group of Republicans and Democrats backed submission of the measure in the House. Submitted in House The bill, identical in its terms with the one prepared by the Governor's special commission that studied liquor control. systems, and intro- duced in the Senate Tuesday, was submitted in the House by Rep. Frank Berka, Dem., Saginaw, and Gus T. Hartman, Rep., Houghton. Action was promised by the coal-, tion. While some changes may be made in the measure relative to the number of breweries that would be permitted and the fees for vending establishments, it was predicted the liquor traffic committee would report it promptly to the floor To Investioate Share-Expense Vacation Trips Because of the illegal activities of >ne of the so-called "share-expense auto bureaus" attempting to carry passengers from Ann Arbor to New York for the vacation period, Michi- gan Public Utilities Commission in- spectors were investigating these un- licensed cars attempting to leave Ann Arbor, according to reports from .he State Police last night. One unconfirmed report was to the effect that a large seven-passenger sedan was stopped attempting to leave Ann Arbor and its Detroit driver apprehended yesterday after- noon, because of failure to have proper licensing and Public Utilities certificate. Whether the student pas- sengers received their fares could not be learned. Similar action was said to have been taken by Public Utilities inspec- tors from Lansing last December, when an auto bureau attempted to transport passengers to New York in private cars. Numerous complaints from passengers stranded on the road by such firms led to a recent drive in Detroit when a number of drivers were given jail sentences for viola- tion of the state public utilities act. They are: Prof. Leslie A. White, of the Department of Anthropology; James B. Griffin, fellow in ceramics; Volney Jones, research assistant in the University Herbarium; and Gust, C. Carlson, Grad. Unknown Mani dcastiug Service mentos and keepsakes. She writes regularly about once a week, her let- ters being anywhere from 10 to 27 pages in length, and also mails sep- arate packages of pictures, greeting cards, and sheet music. To the mind that created the fic- titious "Dick," it was apparently but another step to the belief that he was returning her love. Occasionally, however, she fears that "Dick" is not quite all that might be hoped for in the way of a lover, and then she chides him gently because he does not "come to her." At other times this passionate fan launches into prolonged explanations of her conduct, detailed accounts of her ancestry, and various justifica- tions of her secret emotions. In the end. honevr. I it is lwa the ma. I . ,, ' 1 C'. University Women Now Smoke Pipes Michigan women have taken upj pipe smoking! Some people always did claim that Michigan was a man's school; perhaps the women are just trying to fit in. Anyway if you hap- i pen to see your girl friend walking down the street with a pipe in her mouth, belching forth clouds ofa J 7 , Y 4 S Z smoke, don't be surprised. One of the State Street drug stores has a complete selection of pipes for smoking co-eds to choose from. These pipes are small and slim and seem to hold less than an ordinary cigarette. The drug store says it has sold a number of them to local women. No special mild pipe tobacco for Michigan girls either; they use the regular man's stuff. The drug store says it has several women student customers who regularly buy two or three packages of their favorite pipe tobacco every week. Reich May End Press Omn Rngm.i ii (f Run-lr Wagoner, '21CE, was a member of it was said. These bushmen live in Triangles, Vulcans, and Web and complete independence of the outside Flange while a student here. In his world and make all their necessities senior year he was vice-president of of life themselves, according to Pro- his class. tessor Gaige. 'Nazis Opposed To Everythin'g International, Wheeler States By MARSHALL D. SILVERMAN :iomic misery and exploitation. They "The Hitlerites at present are op- have to blame someone. They have posed to everything that is interna- tried remedy after remedy, all of tional - international banking, the which have failed. INow they are League of Nations, and the Jews." trying this one-driving the Jews out Benjamin Wheeler, of the history de- of Germany," Mr. Wheeler added. partment, in an interview yesterday, "The ejection of the Jews from gave this as one of the chief ex- Germany involves the renunciation planations for the existing German of a preponderant number of Ger- attitude toward the Jews. man intellectuals. A great many of "To many Germans, the Jew be- the better literary men are Jewish. longs to an international class and The sciences and the medical profes- does not fit into their idea of a Ger- sion are largely participated in by man nation and the glorification of 1 Jews. The Germans are injuringI the national state," Mr. Wheeler themselves greatly by alienating this said. type of person. "A more practical opposition to "The Germans have stayed close the Jews arises from the fact that to Nineteenth Century romanticism," Hitler has proceeded to make them said Mr. Wheeler. "The Hitlerites or equivalent to the capitalist class," National Socialists have been carried the instructor continued. "How- away by this traditional German ro- .ver. there is a vagueness in Hitler's manticism. Theirs is a romantic Class Announcements Go To Printer Friday /ra i-n -ama s- nr h ~ ~ ri t t s S II ILA /A \ T w%!A r F