:3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY CAMPUS SOCI ETY Wednesday Is, Date Set For League Elections Mayer And Jennings Are Presilential Nominees Also To Elect Directors eC ..aI ucinnat Girls' Glee Club To .A.A. To Elect UrfnusualRain Outfit, Entertain With Concerts Here New £ f i eervs el Tea costuene SNoticed On Campus On W dnes J Martha Cook Will Honor High Eleven Martha Cook will give a formal dinner Wednesday in honor of the eleven members possessing the high- est scholarships. The eleven to be honored are Frances Allen, '34, Gladys Baker, '33, Sarah Lewis, '33, }Laura Miller, '33, Marie Prahl. '34, Marjorie Russell. '33, Margaret Sabom, Grad., Nilsa Saliva,' 33, Mar- abel Smith, '34, Margaret Timm, '33, Marian Webster, 33. The guest of honor will be Mildred Lasser. '32, ofI Detroit. She will be presented with an all-A pin by Mrs. James D. Bruce, representing the board of governors of Martha Cook.. The decorations will be Talisman roses and tapers to match. Coffee will be served in the Blue Room after dinner, .i - ____ _________ Where To Go Motion Pictures: Michigan, "42n Street;" Majestic, "Perfect Under standing;" Wuerth, "Hot Saturday. Lectures: Count Sforza, "Franc and Italy," 4:15 p. m. Lydia Mendel ssohn Theatre; Dr. Edith .Iaie Swif "The Psychological Aspect of Mar riage," 8 p. in., Lane Hall; Women Occupational Discussion Group, 4:1 p. mn., 205 Mason Hall; Rev. Edwar M. Duff, "The Story of The Prayc Book, Concluded," 11:30 a. m., Har ris Hall. Exhibits: Work of Mexican Artisi presented by the Ann Arbor Art As sociation, 1:30 to 5 p. m., Alumi Hall; "Early English Drama f'ror Its Beginning Through the Seven teenth Century." Of the c rnte:est to musical circles s coming visit of the Cincinnati Girls' Glee Club to Ann Arbor a guests of the local women's club. Thirty-six members of the Univer- sity of Cincinnati organization will arrive at 5:30 p. m. today by bus, i . G accompanied by Mrs. Karl P. Slough, Grace Mayer, '34, and Harriet Jen- chaperon, and Sherwood Kains, the pings, '34, are the two nominees in director. the election for the presidency of the The women will be met by mem- League which is to be held Wednes- bers of the Ann Arbor club and a day. joint business meeting will be held Miss Mayer has been active on the immediately to complete plans for campus since her freshman year the two days the group will spend when she was chosen chairman- of here, and to give the women oppor- programs in the freshman pageant. tunity to meet. Each member of the In her sophomore year she was ----_-_-_-_-_ chairman of the Sophomore Cabaret, and a member of the 'Ensian staff. McGoech To Travel This year she has been Junior Repre- I sentative on the Board of Directors A , roaw For Summer j of the League, and recording secre- ._ tary of Wyvern. Prof. Glenn McGoech of the music Miss Jennings, in her freshman department is among the faculty: year, was general chairman of thes Freshman Pageant, and a member of memer p n a tri ure1 this ,summer. He will sail June 16i Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman hon- from New York on "the Pennland" orary society. Her sophomore activi- and plans now to start his return ties included membership on both the trip September 1, according to Fred- Board of Governors and the Board eick Randall, head of the Travel of Representatives of the League. She Bureau and assistant secretary of was also on the Sophomore Cabaret the Alumni Association. committee and one of the House Or- theAtriAsitind ganization committeemen, This year,1 The trip will include Paris, Salls- Miss Jennings has again been chosen berg, Munich, Vienna, and Bayreuth Miss~~~~~~~~ Jennhsaai encoewith a few days in Berlin at which for the Board of Governors and the wt e asi elna hc Mr. McGoech will attend the festivals' Board of Representatives of the in celebration of Richard Wagner's Lengue. and has been a member of fiftieth anniversai-y. The programt the Judiciary Council. She is at wilinne Waner' "ieni,, "ea present president of Wiyverns. will include Wagner's Rienzi, "Der! preset prsidet ofWyven. Siegunde Hollander," "Tannhauser," Candidates for vice-presidency are Lie, gn ," "T a n e Marian Giddings, '34, and Ruth Rob- "Diengeseringr,"T UDies eIgold',, pnson, '34. Both women have been ac- "Dieceistersinger, Dies Reigold, ive, Miss Giddings since her fresh- "Percivale" and others. man year, and Miss Robinson since The productions will be given by her sophomore year, which was her the best talent in Europe today, in- first on the Michigan campus. cluding directors such as Toscanini Miss Giddings is a member of and Elm indor. Wyvern this year, feature editor of the Michiganensian, and author of MONTOR TO GIVE READING Junior Girls Play, "Love on the Run." Readings from Lessing's "Nathan Miss Robinson was chairman of der Weise" will make up the program the make-up committee of the Junior of Max Montor, internationally fam- Girls Play, and also a member of ed German actor, in a recital at the cast.. She is also a member of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, at 4:15 s . z'. ' ' s I . ' i a ;. ?I 1 z . 7 1 i . x S r t{ r 1 l niersity G.ir1s . Gee Ciub wil1 acd a.-. V ~'4 as hostess to each woman of theI' By MARJORIE MORRISON Cincinnati organization for the dura- C - A Seein tier whipe Wraith coming, tion of the visit. I tooper And r its Ar we sighed with relief to have found Dinner for the group will be served Picked For Pr hene someone who could dress cheerfully, at 6:15 p. m. in the Russian Tea Room Tuesday. The evening will be Others To Be Chose even in Ann Arbor drizzles. Thel spent -by each guest and her hostess I . white rubberized material was cutl in individual entertainment. Elizabeth Cooper, '34Ed., and Billie into the box lines of the spring swag- Wednesday morning will be spent Griffths. '35, have been nominated gers, with wide lapels accenting the in tours of the campus and local for the presidency of the Women's shoulders. Those lapels and the col- points of interest. The women will Athletic Association according to lar were bound in brown. which was be invited to attend several classes Jean Botsford, '33, president Only carried out in the hat. It was the which it is expected will be of inter- four offices are to be filled by the "high hat" done to extremes. The est. Wednesday noon the officers of elections, which will be held April 5 corded silk, skimpily brimmed, rose both organizations - will lunch to- in University Hall. .in a conical mound until the peak gether with their directors in the The nominations for vice-president collapsed from sheer exhaustion. Russian tea room. are Marie Metzger, '35, and Martha Equal in smartness was a noticed An informal college song concert Neuhardt, '35; for secretary, Char- teaing costume, conservative in color will be the feature at 3:30 p. m. lotte Simpson, '34Ed., and Betty but dashing in accessories. The mod- Wednesday when the visitors will Lyons, '34; for treasurer. Jane erate navy fez, so suitable for all sing as a group in the League Grill, Bircker, '35, and Alice Goodenow, daytime wear, was banded by a wide Tea will be held afterward. '34Ed. Other members for next band of waffle-stitch material in The focal club will honor the year's executive board will be ap- white, The color contrast was fur- guests with a formal reception Wed- pointed by the new officers. thered in the simple navy dress nesday night. The invitation list in- . topped with a mammoth white or- cludes President Alexander G. Ruth- ofiss Cooper was finance chairman gandie bow and collar. Even her yen and Mrs. Ruthven, the deans of the freshman pageant and of hair bob was of the newest, very the various colleges, and the faculty tuor c tGo Play, and a member of short and slightly waved to compli- of the music school. ment the hat she wore. The visitors will present their for- mie Cabariiterc ass sportso idig And it wouldn't be fair to neglect .mal program at this time, featuring the metallic nail polish that is being many novel group numbers and sev- ofnWyvern. used in place of jewelry by those on eral solos, it was announced. At the campus who have the latest. It comes same time, an interesting violin solo MisS Griffiths has filled the oftice c platinum or gold and augments of tinaplatinumiorygoldiandlaugments will be presented by a student from of treasurer this year in place Of any color. the Cincinnati Conservatory of Corrine Fries. who was unable to Music. erve. She was freshman hockey have -been interelass sports and one freshman pageant, a member fof of the leads of Junior Girls Play. Comedy Club, and Zeta Phi Eta. Miss Lyons was a member of the Miss Metzger was a member of a I reshan Girls Glee Ckbb, and the freshman pageant committee and: a University Glee Club, of Sophomore Sophomore Cabaret comm ttee. SheCabaret, J. G. P. and Fin Alley com- O w1Jposes Sw eat SohmrCaaecomte.Se atJG.PanFuAlyco- has been active in interclass sports {nittees. She is an athletic manager S Op Plfrcs 'and was head of basketball for the and a head of two minor sports. lJRI Prou t s V past season. Miss Brucker was a member of Miss Neuhardt took part in the the Freshman Pageant committee and WASHINGTON, April 3.-(GP)-An Freshman Girls Glee Club and the a Daily try-out, and head of golf. JACOBSON'S is pleased to announce MRS.y 4NNf HUGHES (lately of the Roberts Shop) ill again is associated 'with Our Millinery Department 11 ., V ,_ OANNOUNCING Miss Mary Bursie-u !As Hostess and Fashion Advisor for Ann Arbor CO-EDS- i Wyvern, and president of her house. Other offices and their candidates are Mary Stirling, '35, and Nan Die- bel, '35, for secretary; Barbara Bates, '35, and Hilda Kirby, '35, treasurer. Ruth Kurtz, '34, and Frances Man- chester, '34, are running for senior representative on Judiciary Council, while Kathleen Carpenter, '35, Vir- ginia Denne, '35,, Maxine Maynard, '35, and' Mary Sabin, '35, are the candidates for the position of junior representative. Names that have been submitted for the Board of Directors are Mary Louise Keesberger, °'34, Lenore Le- Gendre, '34, Charlotte Simpson, '34, and Josephine Woodhams, '34, for senior representative Mary Lou Els- p. m. tomorrow. Mr. Montor is tra- velling under the auspices of the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation and ar- rives in Ann Arbor this evening pass, '35, Mary O'Brien, '35, Marjorie Oostdyck, '35, and Virginia Roberts, '35, for j u n i or representative; Frances Carney, '36, Jane Haber, '36, Margaret Hiscock,'6, and Eliza- beth Rich, '36, for sophomore rep- resentative. The polls will be open in Univer- sity Hall, Helen DeWitt, '33, presi- dent of the League announced yes- terday. The elections are open to all undergraduate women, and are to be in charge of the Judiciary Coun- cil. appeal to the Easter-shopping. wo- freshman pageant; she was a mom.- men of America to buy "reasonably oer of the League dance committee, priced clothes with at least the effort and the properties committee of the to see they are made under decent Sophomore Cabaret. Formerly golf conditions" was made today by Mrs. manager for W. A. A., she is now Franklin D. Roosevelt. membership chairman, and was class She conceded a necessity for econ- manager for basketball. omy in this era of general pay cuts -Since this is her first year on and careful budgeting and rejoiced in campus . Miss Simpson's activities the present low cost of hats, which she thought, should insure every wo- man's inalienable right to a new Easter bonnet. RUDOLPH'S But she did voice objection to the purchase of clothes which in price annou and manner of manufacture would proclaim they must be sweat shop MR.ST E E ,P work. A crusade on this subject alsof has been waged by Secretary of La- ormerly of Di Mania Be bor Frances Perkins. On the Monday preceding Easter, For A ointrn Mrs. Roosevelt said, her own plan was to attend a Woman's Trade Un-' 207-8 Michigan ion League conference in New York having for its purpose the creation of a label system to show dresses had been made under reasonable working conditions.I1 Miss Goodenow has been very active in interclass sports and was- a mem- ber of the cast of Junior Girls Play. The nominating committee con- sisted of Jean Botsford, '33Ed., Jean Berridge, '33Ed., Elendora Gosling, '3-3Ed., Kay Rentschler, '33Ed., and Mary Marshall, '33Ed. Only W. A. A. members will be allowed to vote. ~EAUTY SH OP uncing ersonality Haircutter, auty Shop, is now with us , . ON TUESDAY, WE)NESDAY, AND THURSDAY, AFTERNOONS APRIL 4/h, t5, AND 6th FROM 3:30 TO 530 O'CLOCK c A CCEPT this cordial invita- tion to visit JACOBSON'S and view a charming collection of clever Easter fashions and vaca- tion clothes for discerning Co- cds MISSMARYBURSLEY will be here to advise and assist you in a satisfactory selection. Your visit Wi prove nost interesting. nt Phone 2-2757 n Theatre Bldg. is iIII I' . .. _. ,... 1 U 4 Days -May 17, 18, 19,20,'33-6 Concerts Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEME NT ( Revised March 25 ) Earl V. Moore. Frederick Stock. Howard Hanson, Eric DeLamarter. Juva Higbee... . .........Musical Director ......Orchestra Conductor .Guest Conductor Assistant Conductor Young People's Conductor Women Democrats Meet For Election Discussion' A discussion of Monday's election and a provision for' the continuance of the club by the formation of by- laws were the outstanding features of the meeting of the Women's Dem- ocratic Club of Washtenaw county. The group met Saturday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. James H. McDonald of Glencoe Hills. Among the prominent Democratic women from Ann Arbor were Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Mrs. Dean W. Myers, Mrs. Edward W. Staebler, Mrs. Hor- atio J. Abbot, Mrs. William C. Walz, Mrs. William ' L. Walz, Mrs. Williamt Dawson, Mrs. Emily Kerr, Mrs. Emil Schlenker, Mrs. A. J. Parker, Mrs. H. D: Golds, and Mrs. Lenore Shurtliff. i Mrs. Lillian Navarre, vice-chair-I man of the county Democratic com- mittee of Monroe was also present and discussed the great change which has taken place in recent years in the attitude toward women's participa- tion in politics. Arcade Jewelry Shop Fratermity and Michigan Jew'clry WATCH REPAIRING JEWELRY AND OPTICAL REPAIRING I I 1 ' HOUSE 0I-' ' NICKLLS ARCADEL CARL 1". BAY r - -- ......... . . 4 c OtNAi, F -U ARE READY..> , yl, JACOBSON'S YOTH 0 NINA KOSHETZ...............Soprano Russian Operatic Prima Donna GRETE STU ECKGOLD .......... Soprano Prima Donna, Metropolitan Opera Company L EONORA CORONA ........... Soprano Prima Donna, Metropolitan Opera Company ROSE BAMPTON........... . Contralto Rising Star, Metropolitan Opera Company TUESDAY -One Day Only.' SPECIAL SALE Early Spring Taken from our regular $5.95, $12.75, $16.75 and $19.75 Fashion Collections, these Dresses have been placed in two important low price groups. and what a gorgeous select FREDERICK JAGEL ......... . Metropolitan Opera Company ... Tenor . JOHN CHARLES THOMAS.....Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company PROF. HOBBS TO SPEAK Prof. Williaxm Hobbs will give a informal talk this afternoon at tJ regular Graduate Luncheon Club 1 meet in the Russian tea-room. ai CHASE BAROMEO ........... Chicago Civic Opera Company JASC HA EIETZ ... ...... . World Renown Virtuoso ....Bass Violinist TODAY'S EASTER HAT SPECIAL '3 ! GREY KID * BLUE KID *PARCHMENT . * WHITE X *BLACK PIGSKINS * KIDSKINS . FBRICS *DOESKINS . PATENTS . here they are for you. New, capti. vating styles, such as you ve never seen before... CONNIE Chic ~ Creationsmwil Read that smart, GUY MAIE R Pianist LEE PATTISON.................Pianist Distinguished 'Tw-Piano Recitalists PALMER CHRISTIAN. .. . ... ...Organist Distinguished American Performer THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION 300 Voices THE CHFCAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.70 Players YOUNG PEOPLE'S FESTIVAL CHORUS 400 Voices World premiere in concert form, of "MERRY MOUNT" Conduc ed by the composer . .... Howard Hanson "I LSHAZZAR'S FEAST". . ....... William Walton Fashion Annex $ 90 Main Section $990 $2.95 Business, Street, Afternoon, Evening Frocks, in gay print sand fine silk crepes are found in thesec groups. Many clever Turbans and brims in new fabrics Shot) Fariv All Saps Final I II II [I r ., ... 1 t.... . 't S..,tq*,U*+ AL Ill. L L11 670 .- 3 *at. l