N 4 iY childishly simple that it is almost an insult to anyone's intelligence to ask him to listen to an explanation: if Mr. Jones works more efficiently at making shoes than Mr. Smith, who in turn works more happily and efficiently than Mr. Jones at baking bread, then obviously it is in the best in- terests of both that each work at the occupation for which he is best adapted. And the same situa- tion exists between countries. . shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Summer Session by the Board in Lof Student Publications. er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- td the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or Lerwise credited in this paper and the local news ed herein. All rights of republication of special hes are reserved. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Assistant Postmaster-General. ription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by 4.50. s: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, 'bor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. sentatives: College Publications Representatives, D East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 n Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFF. Telephone 4925 rING EDITOR...............FRANK B. GILBRETH DITOR..........................KARL SEIFFERT S EDITOR ................ .JOHN W. THOMAS TS EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIEN ANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan. C. Hart Schaaf,. ley ShawTlenr R. Winters. S ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fr'ed A. Huber, stam Charles Baird, A. ames L. Bauchat, Donald son, Arthur W. Carstens,. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, ert B. Hewett, George M. Edwin W. Richardson, ck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., Sates, Marjorie E. Beck, nside, Ellen Jane Cooley, ishman, Anne Dunibar, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- [arie J. Murphy. Eleanor Katherine Rucker, Harriet Mr. Hearst may know more about the matter than economists-who dedicate their lives to in- tense and non-partisan study of such questions as whether or not it is wise for us to "Buy Ameri- can." They tell us that it is definitely to our best interest not to restrict our buying to one market. They tell us that if Mr. Jones inakes shoes best and quickest it is foolish to order them from some one else, who may do a worse job, take longer to do it, and enjoy himself less during the process. But Mr. Hearst tells us the economists are all wrong. It is too bad for Mr. Hearst that the news has leaked out that he himself fails-and on a large scale-to practice what he preaches, since he him- self buys his paper in Montreal. (A fact which he has attempted to conceal.) Otherwise some of us might have thought he was at least sincere. Screen Reflctions Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "AMERICAN MADNESS" * *VERY APPROPRIATE STORY OF A BANK RUN Dixon .................Walter Huston Mac............... . ......Pat O'Brien Helen ...........Constance Cummings Mrs. Dixon....... .. .Kay Johnson "American Madness" has a theme which, it seems to us, is somewhat new in pictures, namely that of banking and the appearance of the film could not have come at any more appropriate time. For the thrill-seeking movie goers, the picture furnishes two hours of continuous wallops, in- cluding among other things a bank robbery, a bank run, and an illicit love affair between the bank president's wife and the cashier of the insti- tution. The picture is, to a considerable degree, moralistis. The two moral precepts it preaches are: (1) That banking (and business in general) should be conducted from a human point of view rather than from one of cold hard cash. (2) That bank runs are futile at best and disastrous at1 Worst. The moral aspect of the film does not, however, detract from its audience interest, in view of the reels of swift action. lThe bank run scene is admirably executed, the desperate feelings of the mob being carried over very effectively.. Walter Huston, who has come to be the great portrayer of what men in public life should or should not be, lends the same power to the role of Dixon which he gives to all the parts he plays. Pat O'Brien doesn't do much but does that well and Constance Cummings continues to be aconstantly more attractive as a leading lady. Kay Johnson, as Dixon's wife, seems to be the weak link in the cast. Her appearance comes as dull thuds in the midst of otherwise bright moments. Added attractions: particularly poor comedy; fairly interesting news reel; furniture shop ads; and another one of those Burns and Allen things. -N. F K. Editonal Comment THE NEW RULING The success of the 1932 code of football regula- tions left the Intercollegiate Rules Committee with little cause to make any further sweeping changes in the aspect of the game. Last year's rather drastic renovations, although meeting with considerable adverse pre-season comment, accom- plished their end of increasing safety without rob- bing the game of its spectacular appeal. The latest experiment of the football legislators, the establishing of ten yard zones on either side1 of the field, arouses considerable controversy. It is argued by some that the ruling will diminish the value of the skilled punter, and will increase the tendency to resort to wide sideline sweeps rather than concentrate on the forward drive. However, these flaws seem to be more than out- wieghed by the benefits to be derived from the in- novation. In football, sidelines are a necessary evil, intended to keep the contest within bounds but not to handicap the play. Side zones will sat- isfy the need for limitation of the playing area, and will make it unnecessary for the offensive team to waste a down when cramped against the edge of the field. Thus the power of the offense, will be measurably increased with a correspond- ing gain in popularity and reduction in scoreless encounters so prevalent this past season. -Cornell Daily Sun. THE PROFITS OF DEATH Once, long ago, U. S. frontiersmen found on the bodies of slain savages scalping knives stamped with a British trademark. Enraged they began a protest that found its day to Washington. Thus, out of the Tecumseh uprising of 1811, emerged one of the factors producing the war of 1812. . Last Saturday before a local audience, a young man whose earnest face rose above an informal, open sports collar, told of similar situations today where the just rage would be directed not at a foreign nation but at industries within the nation which profits from munitions sales abroad-even to enemies in wartime. Some epigrams from Wilhelm Solzbacher: "National defense is only another name for war. "Every nation is willing to disarm-other na- tions. "Munitions making is the only business where the more the other fellow sells the more you do. "Military experts are running our disarmament conferences-that is like calling in the butchers for a conference on vetetarianism." Baying that he came from "a country faced with civil war and a continent confronted with international war," the German youth leader wondered why a ton of steel should be worth twice as much made into machine guns as if it were made into sewing machines, typewriters, or optical instruments. Why? To aid and abet existing small wars and the forces making toward large wars should be, in a world agonized from the tax bills of its last war, contrary to policies for general welfare. -Daily Iowan. o Flowers for all purposes * They are always fresh * Try the University Flower Shop 0 They are as near as your phone 4 Their service is at your call 0 They have the finest selection in the city. * Their prices are low HEADQUARTERS for GARDJENIAS Member of the FLORIST'S TELEGRAPH ASSOCIATION THE UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP, INC. Phone 9055 606 East Liberty St. Looking for a room . or looking for someone to take a room? Let the Daily do your looking by means of the classi- fied ad columns ... They Grow Their Own " - of EXTRA QUALITY FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c U L EEN EX19 25c KOTEX25c 35c Palmolive SHAVING CREAM 29c 5c Palmolive After-Shaving Talcum l15c JERGENS SOAPS 2 for Price of One 50c PROPHYLACTIC Toothbrushes 39c 2 39c Tubes McKesson'sShaving Cream 39c 60c FORHAN'S TOOT HPASTE 43c 60c MONOGRAM STATIONERY 24 Sheets, 24 Envlopes 9c 4 Bars PALMO LIVE SOAP 25c I BUSINESS STAF Telephone 21214. ; . BUSINESS MANAGER........ ....BYRON C. VEDDER C RIT MANAGER.....A . ..HARRY BEGLEY °WO1MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGEIR.......DON3NA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ce, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cr- culation, Gilbert E. Bursicy; Publictioiy, Robert By. Finn. ASSICTANTS: Jack Bellamy, GordonBoylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fre Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen 'e uus, Russenl ead, Fred Rogers' Lehtr Skinner, Joseph ~Salow, Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimmy; Billy Grifiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- Henry, HelenOlson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1933 The Bank Holiday Of Gov. Comstock .. . T HE JUSTIFICATION of Governor Comstock's bank holiday action daily becomes more obvious. Inside information on the measure leaks out slowly, but the' weight of the evidence is piling up until the governor's stand (so far as the advisability of the holiday is concerned) appears impregnable. Public confidence, supported to a great extent by ignorance of facts, is easily, shaken. And had the Guardian Union Trust Company closed its! doors, banks throughout the state which are also subsidiaries of the Guardian Detroit Union Group would have been imperiled by huge withdrawals, made by depositors who were not cognizant that! the closing of a single branch of the group in no way affects the other branches. . Suppose, however, that the governor had--con- fined his proclamation to those banks connected directly with the mother group. Would -such' an action have been advisable? Probably not. Sin- gling out a group in that manner would obviously have weakened confidence in members of the group, which would have subsequently been in danger of runs following the holiday. .If, the Guardian Union Trust Company had been allowed to fail, its direct effect upon .busi- ess .in Detroit and, Michigan probably would have been small. Its assets, as often have been pointed out, are tied up almost completely in real estate. Individuals would have been affected, but not business as a whole. The element of confidence, however, is all-important; and for this reason it was imperative that the company not be al- lowed to fail. The holiday in Michigan has precedents, even in the current fiscal year. During the fall of 1932 there were similar occurrences in Nevada, Colo- rado, and Louisiana. None of these moratoria, however, bore the import of the present one in Michigan, because of the vast amount of busi- ness enterprise invovlved in the Detroit area. The Louisiana moratorium lasted but one day, while that in Nevada was confined to a single chain of banks. The question eventually boils down to doubt as to the ultimate effect of the holiday. Will it re- sult in lack of confidence on the part of the pub- lic regarding banks in general; To a certain ex- tentit may have this repercussion, but the effect probably will not be marked. The action of most state banks in gradually loosening up the tension by allowing limited withdrawals tends to alleviate the situation. Actually, as pointed out by Prof. R. G. Rodkey, banking authority of the administra- tion school, the results are not predictable. How- ever there. can be no doubt that confidence, if- maintained by the public, will prevent any dan- gerous backwash from the Michigan moratorium. W. Randolph Hearst Vs. The Economists. . . (G RRINC1PLE: The extent to which I productive efficiency can be in- creased by means of specialization varies directly CA.-LLAL The Ad..Taker at 2-1214 SWIFT'Sh DRUGCo. 340 South State Street Phone 3534: Deliver STARS IMO & STRIPES 1 By Karl Seifert AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "CZAR IVAN THE TERRIBLE" BEST PICTURE ART CINEMA LEAGUE HAS IMPORTED YET Undoubtedly "Czar Ivan the Terrible" is the best motion picture offered to date by the Art Cinema League, both from point of view of the spectator- and artistic effort. It reveals none of the hasty transitions and confused photography which characterized "Ten Days That Shook The World," and the tendency to dreaminess that could be detected in "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" is not at hand. Czar Ivan is depicted as a barbarous, drooling despot, addicted to torture chambers, beheadings, and other repressive measures which were all too common for the good of the sheep of 1568. The- matically the Bojars, or military princes, are of first ,importance, for the impaling of Nikita and the strangling of the Czarina are outgrowths of the Bojar-serf conflict which in turn is based on Nikita's mechanical genius, termed "angodly" and "Satanic" by Ivan. "Czar Ivan the Terrible" is a Sovkino silent, but in direction, action, and photography it bears a remarkable likeness to a more modern Holly- wood picture in that from first to last it is crys- tal-clear to follow, has comic elements, and a stagey likeness of the Czar which is far removed from the remoteness of "Ten Days That Shook the World." The astonished gasp or disappointed sigh which greets the somewhat precipitate fade- outs of other Russian films was also markedly absent. Czar Ivan was approved by last night's premiere crowd. The Udes, an Eskimo-like tribe of forest dwell- ers, are photographed at work in native habitat as an "educational" two-reeler to precede the fea- ture. From after-theatre gossip it appears that the Art Cinema League slipped up again when they picked another short wrapped up in naivete and rustic simplicity. "Forest Dwellers" was slow and uninspiring. To return once again to the subject of Amer- ican. moviegoers acceptance of foreign filmology -the Art Cinema League has, from one point of view, done a bold thing in bringing to Ann Arbor movies that probably wouldn't stand on their own feet at an ordinary movie house. But cloak the foreign presentation in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, with' lights, expensive surroundings, eve- ning or. semi-evening dress, the. aura of a real premiere, and you have -a background that lends an educate-me atmosphere that is undeniable. What if a few do laugh at a dahlia short that WOMAN, LOVELY WOMAN The fair sex has started To wear its skirts parted- Is transforming them into pants. In female -tuxedoes They're braving the vetoes Of boy friends who eye them askance. A few of the boldest As well as the oldest Have even begun smoking pipes. Their aim, I might mention, Is public attention; They'd like to be masculine types. But woman will never, Although she is clever, Be able to equal the man Until she can tackle His chewing tobacco And hit the spittoon as he can. Wie Hate to Rush You! But Really, the Number of GR.ANuANAIVE%,CH IUTUI ES "Hitler Appeals to Germany," according to a headline. Well, we must say he never appealed to us much. We haven't asked the Chamber of Commerce about it yet, but it seems logical that for the past couple of years they've been speaking of De- troit as the Motorless City. Dear Editor: I have been reading about the Dutch cruiser that was run away with by its crew and it has set me to musing on the com- parative lack of imagination on the part of American bandits. Our holdup men are satisfied to make away with a little cash and a car or so, or at most a 'beer business. But a cruiser! It's tremen- dous. Nothing short of a Grade A, first- class genius could have conceived it. -B. P. L. Well, just off-hand we'd say that the dif- ference is that American crooks are in- fluenced too much by petty mercenary mo- tives and hardly ever pull a job just for the love of it. . Look at these boys in the Dutch Navy, now. Did they care anything about what they were going to do with the cruiser after they stole it? Did they worry about where to go with it, or how they were going to fight off the other ships and planes they must have known would find them sooner or later? * *' * No, they did not. And that's where they were like Congress. Do you think Congress is igetting low. GET YOURS NOW at the STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING .4 I