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April 02, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-02

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Mostly cloudy, light rains
Sunday; Monday generally
fair, warmer.


itl 6




Would It Be A Sensible Econ-
omy? A Chance To Start Over
With A Clean Slate.

VOL. XLIII No. 135



U ____________________________________________________________________________


Wet Victory Is
Prophesied In
Vote Monday
Wets Point To Majority In
State Repeal Poll Held
Last November
900,000 Expected
To Vote Tomorrow
Convention Will Be Held
April 10; Election Will
Decide Outcome
DETROIT, April 1.-P)-Because
87 of Michigan's 100 State represen-
tative distrits last November voted
for elimination of the State's bone-
dry law, opponents of prohibition to-
night were predicting a decisive pro-
nouncement in Monday's election in
favor of repeal of the Eighteenth
Opponents of repeal, while making
no predictions as to the outcome,
have expressed belief that the elec-
tion of delegates by county units
would cut materially into the margin
repeal proponents have claimed.
What normally would be an elec-
tion of relatively little interest has
taken on the aspect of another refer-
endum on the prohibition issue, be-
cause the state's voters are to name
delegates to a State convention to
act on the proposed repeal of the
prohibition amendment. Moreover,
the voters by their choice of dele-
gates are to determine whether
Michigan shall vote for or against
ratification of the repeal amendment.
The convention will be held April
10, but its action will be decided in
Monday's election when a wet or dry
pledged delegate will be elected in
each of the 100 State representative
Because of the interest aroused by
the repeal question, State officials are
predicting the vote Monday may ap-
proximate 900,000, an unusually
.:te for spring election.
Education Is
Discussed At
Continuing in the same trend of
thought that marked Friday's ses-
sion, the meeting of the spring par-
ley yesterday afternoon at the
League further entered upon the dis-
cussion of the nature and function
of education.
Definitions of education of the
previous sessions-integration of per-
sonality, aesthetic enjoyment, har-
monious development, exercise of
the intellect-drew added comment
from the audience of faculty and
students which necessitated further
explanation of the part of the pro-
ponents of these particular concepts
of education.
Prof. Samul T. Dana, dean of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
called education "a process that be-
gins when we are born and continues
until we die," He also suggested that
the social and intellectual life of the
University be integrated more than
they are at present and cited the
parley as a move in this direction.
A practical suggestion toward fur-

thering the efficiency of education
was introduced by Prof. Arthur D.
Moore of the College of Engineering
who advocated a vocational guidance
bureau on the campus. For $10, he
said, the bureau would give exami-
nationsto the student to determine
the field of endeavor to which he or
ghe would be best suited.
JRelioious Play
To Be Given At
The third of the plays featuring
worship through art, which portrays
the trial scene from "Saint Joan" by
George Bernard Shaw, will be pre-
vented twice today, at 4 and 8 p. in.,
in. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Music will be stressed in this play,
the sponsors announced. The Ann
Arbor Community Orchestra is

Broadcast Yesterday



Pope Pius XI yesterday inaugu-
rated the "Extraordinary Holy Year"
from St. Peter's Cathedral with an
international radio broadcast.
Socialists End
Campaign For
City Positions

McFarlan, Sellars
Final Pledges;
True Socialism


The Socialist Party concluded its
election campaign last night in the
County Court Building with ad-
dresses by each of the candidates for
alderman, and Prof. H. J. McFarlan,
Socialist candidate for Regent. Two
representatives of the Workers of
Ann Arbor Association also spoke.
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phil-
osophy department, a candidate for
alderman in the seventh ward said
that many people had the wrong idea
of socialism. He defined it as "pub-
lic ownership and public control of
industries which are essentially pub-
lic in their character, such as gas
plants, electric plants, milk supply
concerns. Public schools and public
universities are examples of socialism.
Socialism is still democracy, but is
simply an expansion of democracy's
Prof. H. J. McFarlan said that
there were two general classes of
people, the workers and those who
paid salaries. "By workers I do not
mean only ditch-diggers," he said.
"I am myself a worker, laboring with
my brain and being paid for that
labor." The real struggle in 'life, Pro-
fessor McFarlan said, was between
these two classes, for they have com-
pletely divergent interests.
Rev. H. P. Marley, candidate for
alderman in the fourth ward, saic.
that business had failed today be-
cause it was used to getting all pos-
sible profit, and because it produced
an unplanned society.
No 'Ens ian Orders
Taken After April 7
Michiganensians must be pur-
chased before April 7, it was said
yesterday by John A. Carstens, '33,
business manager.
On that date the order for the
number of yearbooks to be printed
will be sent in, he said, and, as no
extra copies are to be made up
this year, it will be impossible to
obtain one if it is not ordered be-
fore spring vacation.
A campus sale of the book will
be held Tuesday and Wednesday
to give those who have not already
made their purchase a last chance.

Welfare Loan,
Repeal Ballot
Up Tomorrow
R. F. C. Loan To ContinueL
City Poor Support Afters
May 1 Is Before People1
To Build Sewage E
Plant With Fundsr
Second Proposal Wouldt
Put Costs Of Plant On
A proposal for a $550,000 welfaret
loan from the R. F. C. for the con-t
struction of a city sewage disposalt
plant and contests for city and ward
offices will confront Ann Arbor voterst
at the annual spring primary Mon-t
day. The electorate of Washtenaw
County will also select its representa-e
tive at the State convention to ratify
-r reject the proposed twenty-firsts
amendment repealing national pro-t
The loan proposal requires a 60t
per cent favorable vote for passage.V
The measure has received the ap-s
proval of state officials, but it isI
doubtful at the present time that thec
R. F. C. will make the loan, evene
if the measure receiveshthe approvalt
of the voters. City officials say that,
if the loan is not secured, Ann Arbor
will be without funds to carry on r
its welfare work after May 1, andr
more than 2,200 persons will be de-
prived of the necessities of life. e
Would Give Work to Jobless
The sewage plant proposal is de-
signed to provide work for the job.-
less men rather than make them thet
recipients of a dole. During the pastI
week more than 200 welfare workerst
went on strike when the city cutt
their pay because of the fund short-t
age. The City Council then agreed
to restore the old wage scale tem-j
porarily. These men have formed
an organization known as the City
Workers and have endorsed the loanJ
proposal. -
Other organizations supporting the
measure are the Ann Arbor Minis-
terial Association and the Ann Arbor
Trades Council. It is opposed by the!
t'axpayers' League.
A second measure on the ballot
would provide for the operation of
the sewage disposal plan on a utility
basis. By the provisions of this
measure, citizens would pay for sew-
age disposal under the same condi-
tions as those under which they pay
their water supply.
Personalities Have No Place
The wet and dry candidates are
Nathan Potter and Lewis Reimann.
Mr. Potter was selected as the anti-
prohibition candidate. He is county
commander of the Crusaders. If
elected he is pledged to vote for the
repeal of the 18th amendment. Mr.
Reimann, president of the Washte-
naw Civic League, dry organization.
is pledged to vote against repeal. At
a meeting at Labor Temple last week,
Mr. Reimann attempted to inject
personalities into the campaign. Mr.
Potter pointed out that they have no
place in the issue, that even though
Mr. Reimann were the "worst
drunkard in town," he would be
obliged to vote against repeal if
elected. In the election last fall,
only one ward of the city, the sixth,
!voted dry.
Robert Campbell, former treasurer
of the University, is the Republican
candidate for mayor. He is opposed
by Rolla Frisinger, contractor, Dem-

ocrat. Mr. Campbell has served in
j the office of mayor. Mr. Campbell
has pledged himself to judicious
wage cuts, while Mr. Frisinger has
(Continued on Page 6)


Earthquakes For
Northwest States Is Protested
Severe earthquakes in the Greatd
valley are almost certain to come, S
in the opinion of Prof, William Her- t
bert Hobbs, of the geology depart- sA By
ment. Professor Hobbs also forecasts More Than 2,500; To
shocks for the lower Mississippi val-
ley and southeastern states. Be Presented Monday
In an interview today Professor
Hobbs said there are two great belts Signers Asked To
encircling the earth, along which -
most of the destructive earthquakes Give Home Towns
are felt, but that other areas are not
immune. One of the belts is around
the rim of the Pacific ocean and Proposed Measure Would.
thus includes the west coasts of
North and South America and CU University Income
Japan. The other passes through By 50 Per Cent
the Caribbean Sea, crosses the Atlan-
tic Ocean to pass through the Medi- Protest against the proposed re-
terranean region, follows the high duction in the University appropria-
mountain backbone of Asia and tion continued yesterday as the totalj
through the Malaysian archipelago number of signatures on the protest{
to New Zealand. The belts cross at petition rose to more than 2,500.
the Spice Islands north of Australia, Fraternities and sororities kept a
where is found the greatest focus of stream of copies coming into the
earthquake activity, offices of The Daily while other
"It must not be assumed," Profes- copies were turned in from the Union'
sor Hobbs said, "that areas outside and the Lawyers Club.
these specially dangerous belts are
immune from earthquakes, nor that The petition will be precented to
shocks may not be quite as destruc- the University Committee of the Leg-
tive in such places. Feb. 5, 1663, islature which will meet Monday
when fortunately there were no afternoon at the Union.
structures to be destroyed and only Signers of the petition have been
Indians and Jesuit missionaries oc- asked to write the names of their
cupied the country, one of the great home cities after their signatures,
earthquakes struck a large part of and to avoid signing more than one
the St. Lawrence valley, and in 1811 COPY.
under conditions not greatly differ- Opposition to the reduction shows
ent the lower Mississippi valley was itself in the willingness of all stu-
rocked by a major earthquake. dents to put their names on petitions.
Three-quarters of a century later Distribution of copies was the prob-
came the fairly severe Charleston lem which confronted members of
earthquake on the Atlantic sea- Michigamua, Sphinx, the National
board. Student League, and the Daily staff,
"Where earthquakes have been who are sponsoring the petition.
they will surely come again, and if Those who have not signed will be
the intervals are longer there is ob- able to register their objection to the
viously much less preparation for orster their sbgetio t the
ii proposed cut by signing at the






Hutchins Talks
At Methodist
Church Today
Bishop Page To Conduce
Confirnation Rites Foi
Episcopal Service
Robert M. Hutchins, president of
Chicago University, will deliver an
address on "The Higher Learning in
I America" at 7:30 p. m. today at the
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Following the lecture, there will be a
discussion group at Wesley Hall, a'
which time the students will be able

Cut In Budget

them. °Professor H obs s
tists can name the place
the times of future earthq'
shocks, he explained, r
jolting mass movementsc
(Continued on Page
Second In A


Speaks Here Today

1 Comstock

sakiscin-? League and the Union where copies
es but not will be available today.
esult from The proposed cut in the mill-tax
of portions will reduce the University's appro-
6) I priation by more than the 50 per cent
provided for in the law, it has been
pointed out by Rep. Philip C. Pack,
iKeS (Rep., Ann Arbor), a member of the
University committee who declared
A Ul that the wording of the bill will mis-
lead the casual reader into thinking
I that the cut is less than it really
Meet would be if the bill should become
a law.

Degener Wins Diving;
Cristy Loses Out In 500-

Copies of the petition objecting to
the mill-tax reduction should be
turned in at the offices of The Daily
in the Students Publications Build-

to meet President Hutchins person-
President Hutchins is one of Amer-
ica's most youthful college presidents
Previous to becoming president at
Chicago, he was dean of the late
school at Yale. He is a leader in the
development of a type of educatior
seeking to abolish the rigidity of the
old educational system in America.
The Right Reverend Herman Page
bishop of the diocese of Michigar
will perform the rite of confirmatior
at St. Andrews Episcopal Church a'
11 p. m. for a class of 31, most o'
whom are students. Bishop Page wil.
also preach at the service. The can-
tata, "From Olivet to Calvary" b
Maunder will be sung by the mer
and boys choir at 8 p. m.
"Experience" will be the subject ?'
the sermon by Dr. Frederick B
Fisher at 10:45 a. m. in the fourth o;
a series of Sunday morning Lenter
sermons on the general theme
"Qualities we Live By."
Rev. J. T. Sunderland will preactl
on "World Brotherhood" in the morn-
ing service at the Unitarian Church
"The Church and the Moderr
Family Life" will be the subject of
Rev.,Merle H. Anderson at the morn-
ing worship of the First Presbyteriar
| Church. Mrs. G. J. Diekema wil'
speak on "The Life of an Ambassa-
dor's Wife" at the Young People's
meeting at 6:30 p. m.

Sees End
Of Slump
Says Depression Will Be
Over In Eight Months
In peech Here
Passage Of Sales
Tax Is Foreseen
Governor Urges Decisive
Vote On Prohibition In
Election Tomorrow
Michigan "will have forgotten
vhat a depression is" in eight
nonths with the setting into motion
>f the Roosevelt relief program, Gov.
Villiam A. Comstock told a cheer-
ng crowd of more than 1,500 per-
.ons which packed the Whitney
rheatre here last night.
The governor predicted that the
egislature would swing into decisive
action after the election because
'first, there will be no more need
or political jockeying and, second,
hey will have talked themselves
ut." In the new budget, he pointed
ut, a 50 per cent reduction would
e made in the ordinary expenses of
he government, with an additional
12,000,000 for welfare work and
;11,000,000 for the primary school
und, all this money to be raised by
r state sales tax, the realiestate
ax being entirely eradicated.
Michigan Crucial State
Governor Comstock urged a de-
isive vote on the prohibition issue
n Monday. "Michigan," he added,
'may well decide the fate of national
)rohibition. We are supposed to be
wet state. If we vote wet, we can
,ad a nation-wide parade that will
esult in the quick end of prohibi-
ion. If we should vote dry qur ex-
mple would kill the Twenty-First
\mendment "
Taking a fling at the Rev. R. N.
lolsaple for his statement that the
'eturn .of beer would mean the re-
urn of therold saloon, Governor
,omstock remarked that the "drys
lie hard." "I have spent the last
.wo weeks at the amusing pastime
>f keeping beer bills off the floor of
he Legislature. I didn't want beer
o get mixed up with repeal. We
gaited 15 years for beer (legal beer,'
mean) and I think we can wait a
ew weeks longer."
Defends Legislature
Governor Comstock defended the
Legislature. "It is a good Legisla-
ure. "You don't want a bunch of
,es-men up there." He spoke jest-
ngly of his experiences during the
three months that he has been gov-
rnor. He described how he had
,ried during his whole life being a
anker. "Now, I have 268 of them,"
ie said. "I have been sitting up
lights with people ever since I have
een governor," he continued. "Next
veek I'm going to be sitting up with
he insurance companies. That's go-
ng to be a lot of fun."
Other speakers at the rally, which
.losed the local campaign, were
'rank Cook of Hillsdale and Charles
Hemans, candidates for the two re-
;ent posts; Ray Foley, Pontiac news-
)aper man and personal representa-
live of Murray Van Wagoner, nom-
.nee for state highway cmomissioner,
and Rolla N. Frisinger, candidate for
'mayor of Ann Arbor.

Inglis Named
Chairman Of
Detroit Bank

Y ard Race ing, Maynard S&reei, before noon
Monday. The building is closed Sun-
NEW YORK, April L.-(AP)-The day, but will open Monday at 8 a. m.
New York Athletic Club won the Those who have not signed the peti-
team trophy with 47 points in the tion will be able to do so today at the
finals of the annual National Ama- League or the Union.
teur Athletic Union swimming cham-
pionships held tonight in the Newst
York Athletic Club pool. Debaters Meet Ohio State

The University of Michigan finish-
ed second with 22, Miami Beach, Fla.,
third with 8, Stanford fourth with 61
and Fort Wayne fifth with 5.
Dick Degener, Michigan's Big Ten,
champion and defending titleholder,
surpassed his brilliant effoit in qual-
ifying this afternoon by pilling up
161.75 pointsato retain his high board
fancy diving crown.
300-yard medley won by New York
Athletic Club first team, Wallace,
Leonard and Walter Spence; second,
University of Michigan, John Schmei-
ler, Lewis Lemak, R. Renner; third,
Braton Club, Brooklyn, fourth, New

At Columbus Tomorrow
The Varsity Negative Debating
Team will leave Monday morning for
Columbus, where they will meet the
Ohio State Team Tuesday on the
conference question, "Resolved: That
a Limitation of Enrollment in West-
ern Conference Universities Should
Be Effected by Raising Scholastic
Coughlin Charges To Be
Discussed By Adelphi


At the morning service of the Con-
gregational church, the sermon will
be "The Necessity of the Cross," to
be given by the Rev. Mr. Allison Ray
The Congregational Student Fel-
lowship will meet at 6:00 p. m. The

York Athletic Club second team, time A discussion of the latest develop- usual supper will be followed by a
3:03.8. pormwihwl nld rhs
Ralp. Flanagan, 17 year old school- ments in Detroit's banking situation program which will include orches-
boyrom iamigan Bea, Fld, scon- and particularly the activities of the tral numbers, a cornet and a vocal
boy from Miami Beach, Fla., con- Rv ahrCalsE oglno solo, and an illustrated lecture on
quered a fast field to win the 500- Rev. Father Charles E. Coughlin of ~oo n nilsrtdlcueo
yard title. Ted Wiget, of Stanford the Shrine of the Little Flower, "Easter in Art" by Barbara Tinker,
wasrsecod and JackTet icanr 18Royal Oak, will constitute Tuesday's Grad.
was second and Jack Medica, 18- meeting of the Adelphi House of "The Social Challenge of Our Day"
'Wash., third. Representatives in Room 4203 Angell will be the subject of Rev. Theodore
James Cristy, Big Ten champion Hall, Willard Stone, '34, program 1 Schmale at the morning worship of
from the University of Michigan, manager, announced yesterday. the Bethlehem Evangelical Church.
stuck to the leaders through the firstin
soa othededdatranedhn h20 0 HayFevrVicisAsked
fourth, about 20 yards back of Med- a yi aetJo n y M c nss e
ica with Johnny Macionis, 16-year-,T AR v T (1 Ipnlfh Prv "Tt{
old high school boy from Philadel-
TL 1 t1 To7 Wealth ervic

Director Of 'Kameradschaft'
First To Star Greta Garbo

phia, last, another five yards back.
G. W. Pabst, who directed "Kam-" said yesterday, necessitating the
cradschaft," the Art Cinema League's making of contacts with an entirely IUniversity Council To
first all-talking picture to be given different set of distributors. Although Ap
this picture hat cost twice as much Meet Next On April 171
next Monday, Wednesday.'and as any previous league presentation,
Thursday nights in Lydia Mendel- it was emphasized by the directors The next meeting of the University!
ssohn Theatre, was the first to star that the price of the show will re- Council will be held April 17 in Roomi
Greta Garbo in a moving picture. main 25 cents for all seats in the B, Alumni Memorial Hall, it was an-I
The first picture to star the Swed- j house. Tickets are on sale now at the nounced yesterday by Prof. Louis A.
ish actress was "Die Freudlose Gasse" box office. All seats are reserved. Hopkins of the mathematics depart-l
(Streets of Sorrow), a bitter attack " 'Kameradschaft' pictures how ment, secretary of the University
on the bourgeois merchants of men c o n d u c t themselves while Senate and of the Council. General
Vienna, who were advancing their trapped inside a blazing coal mine University business will be discussed
own fortunes on the post-war de- when death is facing them," Jacob at this time.
pression in Vienna. Seidel, '35, secretary-treasurer of the
Since his imprisonment in a Bel- league, said yesterday. Senior Canes Must Be
gian camp during the war, Pabst has According to John Haynes Holmes, 0

Hay fever is again in the air, and "Hay fever, asthma, and, many
Dr. Buenaventura Jimenez, who is cases of eczema were formerly
in charge of the sensitization clinic thought to be different diseases," Dr.
at the Health Service, has sounded
a warning to some 200 University Jimenez said. "Now, however, we
students who by their previous sen- think that they are all different
sitization tests have been found to aspects of the same condition. In
be hay fever cases and in need of fact we know that there is a se-
treatment. quence of events which can roughly
Although the hay fever pollen pro- be expressed as follows; eczema in

DETROIT, April 1.-(1)-Thirteen
directors to take permanent charge
of the affairs of the 10-day-old Na-
tional Bank of Detroit were named
by stockholders late today.
Of the directors named, eight are
from Detroit, two from New York,
one from Ann Arbor, Mich., one from
Washington, D. C., and one from
Saginaw, Mich. James E. McEvoy,
president of the bank at its forma-
tion, was temporarily continued in
that position by the directors follow-
ing their election. A permanent pres-
ident and vice-presidents will be
named by the directorsdwithin a few
days, it was announced.


duced in the early spring period,
during April and May, by trees, is
not nearly as disastrous to hay fever
sufferers as the pollen produced by
weeds and shrubs in the late period,
during August and September, Dr.

infancy; gastro-intestinal disturb-
ances in childhood; hay fever in
adolescence or early youth; bron-
chitis in later years; bronchictasis
even later; and finally in old age,
inyocarditis or heart trouble."

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