Published every morning except Monday during the niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- ion and the Big Ten News. Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news ublished herein. All rights of republication of special ispatciies are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by nil, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, ne., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 oyston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFir Telephone 4925 TANAGING EDITOR ............FRANK B. GIBRRETH ITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT XORTS EDITOR. JOHN W. THOMAS VOMEN'S..ITO.................MARGARET O'BRIEN SSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER IGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. PORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. MPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C Healey,' Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Totter, HelenLevi- son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 USINESS MANAGER...............BYRON Q. VEDDEE REDyP MANAGER.... .........HARRY BEGLEY VOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........ DONNA BECKER EPARTMENT MANAGERS, Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, OrvU Aronson; Advertising Ser# ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. SSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Got'don Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred llertrick Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Elisabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Girafmh, Billy Griffi'th; ~Catherine McHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1933 lore On The hidget Cut . . N AN EDITORIAL appearing in The.Daily yesterday, it was pointed ut that the proposed cut in the state appropria- on to the University of more than $2,100,000, hich the legislature is considering, would seri- usly cripple the standing of the University and ould be certain to raise the rate of tuition. A complete tabulation of the income and budget f the University for 1932-33, as of January 31, )33, follows: THE Estimate of Income for this fiscal year, as usedI y the Regents in approving the budget for this year as as follows: Tuition and other College and School Fees .......... ......$1,225,000.00 Laboratory and other Department Fees ... 32,000.00 have the faculty representation and the student representation voted as separate blocks. So again the fears of the councilmen can not be based on what has actually happened. It cannot be denied, of course, that the power possessed by the Senate Committee might enable it, some time, to act in a way which students might consider detrimental to their interests. It is inconceivable that such action would ever be ma- licious, but it might result from failure to under- stand a student problem. An impartial view of the matter must take this into account, and we hope, with the Council, that ultimately a more autonomous form of student government than the present will evolve at Michigan. But to say that the Senate Committee actually has shown itself reluctant to adopt Council proposals is simply to: ignore facts. Business Manager Of niversity Houses . THE APPOINTMENT of a business manager of University houses is a step forward on the part of the University to help reduce the cost of living for students. The eco- nomic soundness of such a move is apparent. By buying food and other supplies in large quan- tities it will make it possible for the dormitories to reduce room. and board prices. Furthermore, the centralized management will make it possible to put into effect economies which cannot be ac-- complished under the present system. It might be well worth while for fraternities and sororities to study this new plan, for it is quite evident that, if the dormitories can save by pur- chasing through a central office, other organiza- tions can do likewise. As it is now, each house buys independently, with the result that only small, if any, discounts are given. House man- agers who have not had previous experience in buying food frequently make purchases which are costly. If the houses co-operated, therefore, and hired someone who was well-trained in the field of kitchen management, they could save a con- siderable sum of money each year. At Notre Dame, the manager of the student eating places receives $10,000 a year in salary. Surely if they find that it pays to hire a man at that salary, it would be worthwhile to try it here. 'What If?' American Game . . T HE GAME OF "What if?" is the greatest indoor sport of the Amer- ican people. No sooner does a war break out in the Orient than we begin feverishly wondering, "What if our country goes to war?" No sooner does Hitler seize the government of Gerniany than someone shouts, "What if Roosevelt estab- lishes a dictatorship in the United States?" It is this latter question which. is occupying much speculation now. When examined in the light of day, however, it comes almost within the class of absurdities. The German people have been suffering greater hardship than we have. Their standard of living was not so high in the first place and it has dropped more. They were more in the mood to1 grasp at a straw than our nation will be for years to come, and, especially, to grasp at a man who is, double characterization of the fearful girl and that girl's body inhabited by the wandering spirit of her soul's lover. She did it primarily by using her tremendous voice-range to best possible ad- vantage, and secondly by varying her carriage and gestures appropriately for the two parts. Paul Wermer, as Rabbi Azrael, read line after line of the highest type of high emotional drama that carried with it the power of convincing acting at a tremendous pitch. Others in the 26-man cast who deserve special mention for their good work were Paul Sissman, as the messenger, and Theodore Cohen, Morris Isaacs, and Joseph Lesser, as the three Batlonim, or professional prayer-men. As to adverse criticism, we feel again the need to plead with Miss Cohen to use her gestures more guardedly. In "Hedda Gabler," because of the neurotic character of the part, they were more acceptable and in the portions of "The Dybbuk" that dealt with the possession of Leah's body the same was true. However, in her characterizations of the normal Leah they were definitely bother- some. The entire effect of "The Dybbuk" as Hillel performed it is definitely favorable. More than' that, the work of Miss Cohen and Mr. Wermer and of the others mentioned was distinctly laud- able. We won't guarantee that you will like it, and if you don't understand it you won't, but to us "The Dybbuk" was a success. "EVERYMAN"-A MORALITY PLAY IN THE MODERN MANNER The impossibility of restating, an age in the exact terms in which it was at first defined is one of the sorrows, and perhaps the consolations, of man's limited lifetime. The moral of "Everyman," "all earthly things are but vanity," is definitely not of our age. Yet through all art, if it is art, as in all life runs a thread of immortality that binds the heterogenous parts into'the concept of a whole. The allegorical morality play of the Fifteenth Century seemed a retrogression from the growing reality of the Mystery and Miracle plays that preceded it, but, paradoxically, its ab- stract qualities only linked it the closer to life. With the introduction of contemporary traits into the characters began the delineation of character and the conflict of human passions that have marked the tragic drama ever since. A usual characteristic of nearly all Moralities was the pursuit of Everyman, or Mankind, by Evil, Forces, and his rescue by Conscience or Wisdom. The names of the forces' may change but the struggle still continues. When the thought and emotions of man became personified, and these! abstractions were made personal, the germ of tragedy was reborn, and its development has formed the history of the drama from the time of Shakespeare down to Eugene O'Neill. To James Doll, the director of the play, must go the credit for the adaption of this old allegory to modern use--a version which was intelligently and imaginatively conceived and lent itself sur- prisingly well to the means at hand. The highly effective costuming designed by Frances Young, and the musical interludes by the organ and choir of St. Andrew's church, contributed to a presenta-! tion which was an admirable if rather emotion- alized achievement for the Guild. Mr. Doll, as "Everyman" was outstanding for his sympathetic portrayal which was consistently in character with the part Sarah Pierce, the Second Narrator, a striking figure in gray, Charles T. Harrell as A.New IL .4 S U.T IS no longer necessary for the single man, the student, the bachelor, to send his laundry home. In doing so he pays postage two ways, is subjected to delays, and adds a burden to the duties of his hone olks. The Laundries of Ann Arbor have provided a means of eliminating this expense, delay, and inconvenience through the establish- went of a new service. This service is the MEN'S BUNDLE SERVICE in which we propose to accept menS' washings in bundles weighing from 25 ( ng ro four pounds up, for the low price for ReadY to Wear Laundry. 4 able to combine rosy promises with the appeal of Death, an hourglass in his gory hands, Glad Diehl a powerful personalitystas a white robed sister, Knowledge, and Billie The German people have behind them in their Griffiths as Discretion, were more who deserved political and racial history one thousand years of especial praise for their understanding, and often monarchy and dictatorship as against little more dramatic, acting, but in a community undertaking than a decade of popular sovereignty. Little won- like this there are many others, behind the scenes der, then, that in time of stress they should want as well as in front, who perhaps should receive 4 LS. FoRi b5c Diplomas......... ............ Deposits for Theses, Keys, etc.......... State Mill Tax for Current Expenses. Interest on Endowment Fund........... University Hospital.................... . Dental Operating Room. ........ Miscellaneous Sales and Services........ Rents,, Houses, Lands, Rooms, ,etc........ Interest on Bank Deposits............ Non-Student Fees and Deposits......... Smith-Hughes Fund................... 23,000.00 100.00 4182,724.67 38,435.00 2.271,726.68 23,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 100.00 26,400.00 Total.................................$7,834,986.35 Less: University Hospital (which is expected to be. as exact- ly as possible, self-supporting) .... ......2,271,726.68 $5.563259.671 Reduction in Estimate of Studenit Fees,$563297 for year, on basis of experience to this date ............................87,158.25 Nct Estimate of Income .............$5,476,101.42 BUDGET Operating budget as adopted by the Regents *May 27 and June 17, 1932............ 8229,214.27 Less Budget of University Hospital (de- ducted also from estimated income, - above)........................2,271,726.68 5,957,487.59 Less Deductions made since adoption of, budg-t .. ....:......................... 1,640.00 5,955,847.59 Plus additions made since adoption of budget....................7,102.00 5,962,949.59 Estimated Deficit for Present Year ........$ 486,848.17 Student Council And Senate Committee . . A T THE MEETING of the Student Council Tuesday night the im- pression was clearly given that most councilmen believe that the University Senate Committee on Student Affairs is reluctant to adopt Council proposals and suggestions. Some councilmen ex- pressed a fear that as long as faculty men are in a majority on the Senate Committee it will be difficult, to get Council suggestions accepted. The most cursory study of the facts of the mat- ter reveal that these councilmen have no warrant for their statements. For during the past two years the Senate Committee has adopted with but one minor exception not only every Student Council proposal, but every proposal which has come from the Interfraternity Council as well,- Significant measures which the Senate Com- mittee has passed in the last two years on the recommendation of either the Student or the In- terfraternity councils include those lowering grade requirements for fraternity pledging and initia- tion, relaxing deferred rushing rules, and per- itting all freshmen to live in fraternity houses. In additionthe Senate fCommittee has approved to revert from the unknown to the known, from the experiment to the proven. In America the case is entirely the other way.i From the earliest settlers to the latest immigrants, our population is made up of objectors to the old system. Behind us instead of a thousand years of monarchy we have four hundred years of popular liberty-a liberty ever jealously guarded. How,then, can anyone imagine such a people tamely submitting to such tactics as Hitler has employed in Germany during the past few weeks? He has suppressed opposing newspapers; he has forbidden opponents to speak over the radio; he has buttoned up and stowed away the Reichstag and the president; he has forcibly banished from the land thousands of the most industrious and valuable of its citizens-the Jews. Let anyone at- tempt any of these outrages in the United States of America and such a storm of indignation would arise from every corner of the country that no personality and no uniformed militia could with- stand it. Our politicians may overtax us, they may "beat" equal praise, so, to the company as a whole must the final commendation be given. -Kathleen Murphy. STARS I a '"'Yr , & STRIPES By Karl Selert Eaeh Additional Pound 16c the elections, they may waste our money and an-, noy us in a thousand aggravating ways, but let them invade our rights to the extent of attempt-' ing to "dictate" to us, and they will be over- thrown. America will have no "dictator" for many years.__ _ _ _ _ The Theatre A Grand Rapids clergyman who has been con- ducting a radio program of advertising for a prominent rubber company has now turned his microphonic activities into other channels, but there seens to be no basis for the runior that the worthy reverend was bounced. * * * The average income for all peisons in EnIgland is $250 a year. To keep up an average like that there iiust be a lot of people over there getting as much as five and six hundred a year. * * * 'SPIRIT' KEEPS H3OCKEY CLEAN --1eadline. But the ghost, apparently, doesn't work during games. * * * It has been found that two inches of ice will support marching infantry and four inches is sufficient for cavalry. The figures, of course, will vary if the ginger ale is very warm. NASTY RHIYME DEPT. there was an old lady named Crouch Who had a marsupial pouch It was handy for shopping And over-night stopping, But caused her to walk with a slouch. ' -The Doctors Whoofle. * * Recently published figures to the effect that men students have more colds than co-eds call to mind the old gag about the white horses eating more than the black horses mainly because there were more white horses. "THE DYBBUK"-- HILLEL PLAYERS By GEORGE SPELVIN A people fraught with emotion, with primitive superstitions, with a naive medieval belief in pre-I destination are those about which the psycholog- ically complicated plot of "The Dybbuk," current of Laboratory Theatre, is built. It is only through a complete resignation to the racial and mystical spirit of the play and a whole-, souled sympathy for the strange psychological problems of the people it represents that the casual observer can bring himeslf to any degree of appreciation for the remarkable characterization it contains. The Hillel Players, through musical and lighting effects, as well as through generally good staging, have made such an adjustment on the part of the audience not at all difficult. Predestination and reincarnation, carried to a point where it is possible for the soul of the inn ri n-ranrni'n4,nAi hrhn v.A fn, Antthe hn44 ei uof DELUXE FINISHED SHIRTS included in this service for only Handkerchiefs lc Extra )re ss shirls and separate starced(collads not include'ed in these bundle rates. Any of these Laundries will call for and deliver this service. There will be no postage, no delay, no burden thrust upon your people at home. Just step to a telephone and call any of the follow=, ing numbers. You will be surprised at the low cost, the prompt service and convenience. Try a bundle. . * * .' FOOTBALL REMAINS MOST POPULAR SPORT -Headline KYER LAUNDRY CO., Phone 4185 VARSITY LAUNDRY CO., Phone 2123 TROJAN LAUNDRY CO., Phone 9495 I It F III I