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March 31, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-31

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Prom t-6,
By Johns1Thomas

,pI ast


-A I .,,rlExhi*biti*on

A ni/'

Pyrctmid Formationis On ParallliBars W Pl !i?o Shnu fip

° I-F IDES ' football are
trninig, just as he~ worm turns,
ad will now come pinto their fair
share of the newspapa, notices. They
are not turning th ~ nselves, John
Kowalik notwithstand 1g.
raditionally, the lirA 1 has reeived
1ozs column space than{ th backfield
although their efforts al ° just as im-
portant to the success f the teami.
Tb C30indi vidu als tradtion ally do
the \Vwrt-ut do 'not .xc-civ- h2
One of the reasons a ~xvancd fo
this is that hie ply is_ oo hsrid to
see while a back who ca) circle the
end, in full +,view of everybody, con-
=-cqtently rest ives the prise for the
y ^ d s gained. But during this time
the lineOxip aybe cleaning out the
Sath for the 'all carrier with little
or no credit..Sport writers are sit-
tingt way tip in ;te stands, and even
those that use, glasses, frequently
miss the in tricao:es of lineplay, be-
ca utse it is almnosi impossible to keep
one', eves ol th,,a ball.
Another rca ' ri that the spot
writers write what', her readers want
to read. Peole w ,,ch the ball car-
icr and want to re\ d about hie.
Of all the linemen the, gards re-
cive ithe least p ibi\ tiy. The end
c,,n tie sesen esiy. 'fli' center's work
can be jurdged fairly ''accurately on
defense as far as passi g the ball is
oeriefned. Sometimes the tackles
arle asily discernible. But the
guards, in the iddle of tlte pileups,
in the center of the plyx and hard
going, seldom are visible.
But ''arry Kipke, is going to
change all of that with 1',is "rump
wheel"1 offene He has fo~nd .a wa
to draw attention to the lon-deserv-
ing guards although they 'still will
be doing the same work.
in, modern six-man-line football,
a, team's defensive strength rests
largely upon the tiards. There is .a
wide expiarse from tackle to tacklei
that they must fill And itis at that
samhe expanse of terrtory 'that the
opposition can throw their full of-
fenisive strength.
A guard's duties do not stop there.
Their blocking, is of primImport-,
nrrc to the running attack of ateam.
They try to snap out of the .lin,
whir around end, and bwl over the
opposition If they do, .the halfbak
rims along for a nice gain and re-
ceives the plaudits of the °erowd. if=
t hey don't, the back sarestZO'e and
Ihle attack tails.
Michigan, with Harry l$ewman,
had a much-feared passing attack,t
but nowk without him, the running
game must be developed. To this
end is attributed the new phase of
Mipke's attack.
The "rump wheel" lineup of theI
f uards simply means that instead ofa
facing the opposition, they will be
facing their own backfield. When
the ball is snapped they will be
turned around and can get out to]
block more quickly than if they had
to reverse their position first.
This means that they have a bet-
ter chance of bowling over the ends1
who have not had time to size ups
the situation before the quick block.
Usually when the ball is snpped the
ends cross the line of scrimmage two
or three steps, wait, size tup the sit-
uation, and get set for what they
expect to happen. Now with the fly-
ing start they'll be hit before they've
had time to do all of ths.
Kipke hopes that this will give his
running attack the blocking that it
must have to be successfl. He also
points out that the play of the
guards is brought out into the open
and proper attention will be given
them for their hard work.
The public has an advantage over
a sport writer as they have no re-
rsponsibilty for the game and can
watch an individual in several sue

cessive plays. A person can learn l
more football by watching a' guard
all afternoon than they can by;

jam 11(1Squad
G-oes TDornestie
* F o r "'f Sp ia4 I N ' RI SM ay
Iivc- G.'c.,Incs 1111Yp i
T.ichlugan's baseball Weam iinwi g o

:,operative dur ing the Spring11011-I
ia.The team wvili remain in Arn
.) or throughout the vacation,. in
,_ tier to get mere drills before the
pcni; of the scason. serprac-
cc _.i azes will be playe~d.wit>id
n":~cngto prese,,nt plans.
i the tezam had planned ~ C' to
Yo live in Detroit widiveaout in
(:-e ear every doy. Th- remainder of
t c teaan-1. will t'y a~rt. the ioune of
Coach Ray Fisher. r is. IF iherhas
'cr enteered to do the cookig, while
he 1lospective bail hawks will be-
-.qne dishy:ahers three times a day.
Fain prevented the team"s sched-
uiled outdoor drill yesterday, and the
innovation of practice during the
vacation period will be welcomed.
The hopes of the mound staff seem
more certain to be settled on Whitey
Wistert. The big right hander has
all the makings of a good pitcher. He
works hard, has a
fighting heart,
°?arns quickly, and
~cording to
,iher, is improv- t: :'.:>;::r :
nhis curve more
as -ses. In addi-
tion Wistert is a
htwndy bat sm an
and can be uscd &~.:
in the outfield
when not on the SMZ .
S tub W terbor, veter~an shortstop,
is bidding to be an improved bat -
nian. Waterbor, a natural right-
hand hitter, is learning to bat froin
the port side of the plate. He has a
good eye and is learning timing. in
ayesterday's batting drill he laced out

Uniiversity Gourse !LMDjriet
To Open Next J~eekb l (mlt
If Weaticer Perm'is hti So
Unpleasant langu~a, flyin turf,
and broken clubs wi ..ill soon :adorin the
landscapunls u nfo1:1re(Seen w eathir I74Lth the Clse ofthe winlterath-
cond'tio sprevent. The University1et'12 rogramfor independelntsan
(i ChtCaoi~exwill lbe open for play a; t.tn anulow
m 'xi tacodn tuJackT31t,
who is in charge of u.pkeep of te tloue: he10arNnch 021 the11:1tramural
ecours. Te gounP are in cellet Sprts eatt I it il a1 be w
cond ition despite the unf avorab.le tournaments h:;i0) oin UK"Leo
I condit.is oft the past wek antia:springv _ .'ati . T vacIthefac-
>fw dayW . ming and rolling weill
i-- ein tle :,cen hp. l{cur. n h foiyhn
outdjoors fora Ash A mmnand will is a a-dPbv! l tok . meii K'
during the vacati on aswel if lms r~r~~whc ilb ~e
year's r ocedureis 01fo;loclose! e
1h linksill he open or, the pi tioi 'iay hrsianad h
nest -C_ and al1 o tis. vhcn 010 A ll;n'et - ,-il n elo t~l


LiAeSaving T
Life Saving classes are the newest
activity to be listed on the women's
spring athletic card. A course of 10
or 12 lessons is to be offered at the
Union under the direction of Laurie
Campbell, head of the women's ath-
letic, department.
The aspirants to senior and ex-
aminer emblems are urged to turn
out for the first meeting tonight at
8:15 p. m. Eight hours in the water
during the practices is the mini-
mum requirement for permission to
take the examinations. .
The classes will be held every
Tuesday and Thursday evening at
8:15 p. m. at the Union for the next
six or eight weeks.

There arenneteen faycalty iea
hesentered ini the squash playoffs.,
t in ra1iti. Bbx 1lli h
fron Nihu~, Bak, adM~ry
Tntan~ralsports for the faculty',
dur ing the spring include baseball,
tennis, and golf. The baseball sched-
ule wxill be completed before the be-
inning,gof Isprin-'acati{.on:.
Schedules have a 1 r e a d y been
d,'rawn up for fraternity baseball,
tennis, s.nd hrho: oes!r, . 'The baseb:,1
teams ar-e organ.ized into eleven
leagues of five teams each. The ten-
nis and horseshoe tournaments will
be conducted as straight elimina-
tions, 49' teams being entered in
tennis and 32 in horseshoes.

Above is shown: one of the nine pyramid formations which will conclude Coach West's Annual Gym
Show tonight. These. formations are among the most difficult to be attempted by the squad. R~eading from'
left to. ijght thei men are: (Top Row) A. Steinberg, voito Lossila, and Carl Ellsworth; (gottom Row) iU.
Steinberg,; Rodes iClay, Oren Parker, and A. Decker.

Sixteen vets To B eFeatured
By ,Gym Squa ,I -M Buildin-,

Tickets '.4'(r (ood
Will Boxing. Showt
4On Sale 1oVbda~v

Sixteen -events' wills feature Coach , mats. Coach West insists that this !
Wilbuir West's; second annual gym- exhibition is not a "ics but rather 10)S~tii na ~tiiti
nastics exhibition to be h eld toighat an exhibition of difficult feats of manl and, ch.a nth lre<gmo~t~~ n gmatc scl.Cons itroa n' Im o;te cnj
tramrural IBuilding, Eight ,gymnasts Iii.-iswill be given, however, the Good W ,ill 31xn'111 W a
will, appear'to the rhythm of piano A Silver Wand Drill and Sword liignaiced . S i I Y th1ttick1G,,ts ou:
music provided by Pa lioxnpkins, Dance will precede a new novelty, a g nsl etwe tteUnica
"ihgnsMaw'tro.~ .Tiger Lespin gnumber, with tumbin 1 an11svrlcaiu trs
A solo electric' club dance with.tead catc theheImts.dedo o ei~ol: the sho0wc;hat(
gym' darkened will1 be given by Coach Coach West's solo, given last year cddo nfr wr f4 c
Ws.PrmdehbtosonieJby the entire squad, will feature the 01il et, u cultnwll b
ifeettpsothp rllbasexhibition. The spectacle reced i run unider h .og 7w CzlP
illfclima te pogrte a.lebasmuch favorable comment last year, IBout." 'Tis ,,ierl. ca i
The "program is to be divided into adCoc Whahsscicdt i p romiLaseda les 9 an cxiiroac
trocduce it as a solo number this year.haprisdtlat20hreru
two groups, with eight exhibitions to The pyraraid exhibitions on the bouts.
be given before the intermission.
Folc~iaix 'a ian oerur b Pulparallel bars in nine different for- Thi Grole is coopeain
Follwin a panoovetureby aulmations wii conclude th-e program, uvrhlgteso ydni u
Thoirpkins, he squad will present a 'i,e x'rii i re wysaog u11ga11 tereto tei
Free Hand Drill,' without sticks oa the most attrative, and e %i,.te ostsdo'r.- tasar ab i
clus.Ths s o b fllwe b ad;i:1 ciult1,and most dangrerous even ts, strib!)u ( i t walu ~nArbor an(
Morris- Dance with sticks 1and bells O h ih n h qah resronigc teab ti nconliitr
and. a Roman RPings and Side Horse to pp .r:liso yerqutdtwho are stoe-men ,l==ur o
Drill.senir. and only one is fomthe-
Foliow iz1 the intermission Ili. 1 (. AS Ph 'sbed Sto ol. T Z bF ho.Those toa tr*
tire sqtuad will present an exhibitionlwl b:RoesCaBo ar X tII.I
of tumbling, by individualis; and 0 Phil Geir, Bob Hunter, Or'en P 1e,"
acrobatics, by twvo or more, on the Tlilt Ponto, Len Seibold and Fred c ? a -'
-S -hiller. r ran l 'Sch iller are
DL: L~a. lb~i., A ~ . C


-several good drives from the wrong
Another man who drives the ball
1 -I bai rd is Clay Paulson~ Paulson bid-
Id lg for an infield post, looks like
az 'natural' at bat. lie has a good
eve and lined out n1ume1rous well-
l i(L cd balls. Johnny RegeezAi is an-
UoheYr man who is rapidly bettering
hs tick-work.
tit A Ncw D eat i,
i I 1

Union Bowlers Will
GoToT ninxn
The Michigan Unioun will sponsor
a bowling team which is to compete'
in the Southwestern Michigan Bowl-
ing Association Tournament to 'ber
held April 2 at Battle Creek. The
teamx bowled a 2,'-00 point game in
practice last wveek, which members
of the teami believe would place them
in the; tourney.

tthe F~ace of a Rising cre

P ,

ITT 'Vsalon



Starts S t-urday ___ a_______



, .1 JJI LFtJ1 5~. I IAI
Fratenity elay ide
Phi Beta Delta captured the IFn-
teizfraternity Relays title in the an-
nual 'meet held in Yost Field House,
lpst Wednesday night. The winning
time was '1:40. Meldman, Koplin,
Goldsmith, and Schwenger were the
members of the winning team. This
was' the first victory that Phi Beta~
Delta had won in the relay conmpeti-
watching the play of any other man
on the team. By the time that they
have done it for a full game, they
really know what it is about. Try it
next time.

_. ..I _ _ _ _
DURHAM, N. CMrh3,( -
Freddie Sington, former Stat' footba-ll ln h is iwi h it
iand basebalil player ' at heUniversity ofMiign.tlK',i "Maran
of Alabama and lnoxy a rien-ber leWi' m of "i;hl 51i
the Duke university football cotachin itt h.CahCifBe' 't'l
staff, will play baseball this summe opi.hnnrgsirua he
with the Atlanta Crackers of the v''~ onu nusitl fe
Southern association. pug "cu, . Fu ctt e
___________________from this year's jte.am l fozrm tin
CAPTAINS GOPHERS nucleus of a sqiuad which Coach
Michigan has seen Phil LaBatte, Keen thinks will even better thi,
stellar defense player for Minnesota,1 years' record. The veterans are : Cap-
play in Ann Arbor four times in the tain Mosier who wrestles at 1.511
last two years. Because of his steady I pounds, Landrum, 118 pounds, JoE
playing he will succeed Harold Carl- Oakley at 135 pounds, John Spoden,
son as captain next year on the heavyweight, and Bob Helliwell, 145
hockey team. pounds; who was ineligible this year.



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