wcrs and slightly warmer :ast portion Friday; Sat- cloudy. Am- w tt r itPAL Dati E! ita_ "a Student Council And Se Committee; Business Man Of University IIouses. 11 I. I VOL. XLIII No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1933 PRICE FIVE C. Small aCut BackedBy 4Taxpayers Citizens League Opposes 50 Per Cent Reduction Of University Budget City's Buying Power Would Be Hit, Claim Students, Faculty Would Be Reduced, Is Belief; Oppose Sewage Plant Members of the Ann Arbor Tax- payers League went on record as fa- voring a "reasonable" reduction in University appropriations, althoughi opposing the 50 per cent cut pro- posed at Lansing, in a meeting last night at City Hall. The taxpayers also indicated that they were op- posed to the erection of a sewage dis-; posal plant.] A motion introduced from the floor calling for the league to oppose any reduction in the University's appro-; priations precipitated a long debate,; during whiech the general temper of the assembly appeared to be in fa- vor of some cuts in professors' sal-- aries. Opponents of the reductions claimed that the University could not afford to lose its best professors, and that a large cut in appropria- tions would reduce the number of students in the University, thus elim- inating a good deal of Ann Arbor's buying power. Opposition Offered Those in favor of reductions claimed that the argument that the University. would lose its best pro- fessors was fallacious, because the professors would have no place to; go. Other universities throughout the country, it was claimed, were also reducin their salaries and the professor who did not want to ac- cept his cut at Michigan vould dis-] cover that no other Vace would want to pay a high price for his services A number of people in the audi- ence claimed that the University was erecting dormitories and taking ,stu- dent trade away from Ann Arbor citizens. A few suggested that while the University had in the past been an asset to the city it was now be- coming a liability. Resolution Unanmous After about one hour of discussion the original motion to oppose any reduction at all was withdrawn, and, one calling for a "reasonable" cut, but not 50 per cent, was substituted. This latter motion received practical- ly unanimous approval. John Dwyer, president of the league, said, "If the public is losing confidence in the educators it is the fault of the educators themselves. Their attitude is wrong. They do not seem to have a realistic idea of the situation. Economy and re- trenchment are not within their un- derstanding. "All unnecessary courses, luxuries, aid non-essentials should be elimi- nated from the educational system. Even University professors could live on. $1,800 a year until we got back on our feet." The motion to oppose the proposed borrowing of $550,000 from the R. . C for the erection of a sewage disposal plant was passed almost unanimously without debate. This proposal will be one of the major questions facing the city's electorate in the April 3 election. Civic leaders most closely connected with the problem contend that if the city voters do not approve the bill, wel- fare resources will be exhausted in little over a month, and 2,000 people will be deprived of money for food, clothing, and rent. IWO Ca1tptis Plays IiesCenl Preiiiieres More than 300 attended St. An- drew's C h u r c h presentation of "Everyman," medieval morality play, which was given last night in the church auditorium. Music for the performance was furnished by the church choir of 50 voices, and Noel Ferris, church or- ganist, and included two numbers by Bach, a modern composition, and several hymns. Fear Of Jews Has Precipitated Nazi Persecution, States Heller By RICHARD ROME Duress or fear on the part of the Nazi government is responsible for the present condition of the Jews in Germany, said Rabbi Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foundation, in a spe- cial statement yesterday. Painting a black future for the German Jews, Rabbi Heller indicated th'at any direct interference on the part of the United States or other nations would be resented by Ger- many, and undoubtedly would be un- successful. He suggested, however, raising the immigration quota for Jews as a possible remedy for the situation, and added that some relief might be achieved if the British were "less exacting" in the admission of Jewish immigrants into Palestine. Nine years ago, in a hook entitled "Harvest of Weeds," Rabbi Heller predicted the present monarchistic tendencies in Germany. In yester- day's interview, he voiced a belief that the Jews are "conquered not by arms, but by love and generosity." "The present situation of the Jew in Germany is indescribably tragic," Rabbi Heller said. "Because of the iron-clad censorship we do not even know exactly what they have gone through in the last few months and what they are going through now. One doesn't have to be endowed with an over-critical faculty to see that the atrocity-repudiation of the Ger- man Jews was prompted either by duress or fear. "Even before Hitler and the Nazi party acquired despotic power, they proclaimed an anti-Jewish program which was incredibly barbaric. Some of the planks of that platform were: expulsion of Jews who have settled in Germany since 1914; the dienfran- chisement of the native-born and their segregation into Ghettos; the curtailment of their natural in- crease through the denial of civil marriage licenses; their exclusion from governmental, professional, and literary and artistic posts; and the systematic boycotting of their busi- nesses. "How virulent the anti-Semitism of the Nationalists is, may be gauged from the advocacy of General Lud- endorf (who is a leader of theNazi) that the Christian tradition be re- jected and that it be replaced by old Teutonic lore because of the former's Hebraic origin and because its founder, Jesus, was a Jew and a Semite. "Daily news of the Nazi's treat- ment of the Jews that come to us through the most reliable sources is shocking. To brand this as propa- ganda fostered by Jews is ludicrous. It presupposes the complete control of the press by Jews and the naive gullibility of the news-gathering services. One cannot also accept the (Coallnimwd on Pawe 2) ussel Lecture Postponement Is Announced Pillsbury, Psychologist, To Deliver Speech; 1933 Winner To Be Named Postponement of the Henry Rus- sel Lecture, originally scheduled for May 4, was announced yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to President Alexander G. Ruthven. The new date will be May 12. , Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of.j the psychology department, will de- liver the lecture, having been selected early this year by the council of the Research Club of the University and approved by the Board of Regents. The Henry Russell Lectureship is! an honor bestowed annually on a member of the faculty of the Uni- versity in recognition of distin-I guished work in this particular field.I It was established 10 years ago when Henry Russel, who graduated from the Law School in the class of 1875, left a sum of $10,000 to the faculty of the University. Income from the sum is dividedj into two parts which are used for two annual honors for faculty men, the Henry Russell Lectureship and the Henry Russel Award. The lec- turer is selected from the senior members of the faculty, while the award is granted to a member of Petition Is Pushed For RevisedI Closing fofurs First steps toward the adoption of the revised rules for women's closing hours were taken yester- day, when, after much discussion the Board of Representatives of the Women's Self-Government Association passed the petition which stated that senior women maintaining a B average should be permitted to receive permission for late hours, overnight leave, and other special permissions from their house heads, instead of reporting to Dean Alice Lloyd, as at present. The petition will be brought be- fore the Board of Directors today at a meeting. If passed "there it will be presented to Miss Lloyd, who will confer with house chap- erons before signing the petition. Spring yParley o Hold First Session Today Problems Of Life To Be Discussed By Students With Faculty emelrs The first session of the spring par- ley on "What Constitutes an Educa- tion?" will open at 4 p. m. tdoay in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, where Homecoming Will F eature Novel Plans Traditional Features And Usual Work Will Amuse And Entertain Visitors Games To Be Held In Varsity Sports Family Banquet Planned Replacing Father-Son, Moth er-aughter Affairs Novel plans to make the 1933 Spring Homecoming the forerunner of a new "tradition of traditions" are well under way, it was announced yesterday by members of the general committee. This year Spring Home- coming will be held Friday, Satur- day, and Sunday, May 12, 13, and 14. Several campus traditions will vie with exhibits and routine work in furnishing visiting fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters a week-end packed with varied interests. Two well-established traditions- the distribution of M-blankets and Lantern Night-will be held Friday, if plans now under consideration in the Student Council are adopted. The annual freshman-sophomore tug-of- war will be held Friday at the Huron River near the Island, it was indi- cated, if the lagging undergraduate interest in the annual battle flares up sufficiently. In the field of inter- collegiate sport, Michigan will face Ohio State University Friday and Saturday in tennis, golf, and base- ball. Open Houses Scheduled Many focal points of interest on campus will be opened to visiting families, with competent guides en- gaged to show the various exhibits and innovations. The College of En- gineering and the University Muse- uns will hold open house all day Friday and Saturday, while the Wil- liam L. Clements Library of Ameri- a: Elbe fpen from 2. to 5 p. m. Friday and Saturday and from 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday. Hutchins IHall and the Law Quadrangle will be open for inspection. The Angell Hall Observatory will be thrown open from 7 to 10 p. m. Friday, and a special exhibit of re- cent archeological discoveries of note will be on display in Newberry Hall Friday afternoon an d Saturday morning.. Plan Displays, Conference Two other. special exhibits have been carded for the Homecoming week-end. A fine arts display may be seen Friday and Saturday in the Architecture Building, and the phys- ics department will give a special program these two days. Graduates of the School of Business Adminis- tration will hold a combined con- ference and reunion at 12:30 p. m. Saturday in Tappan Hall, it was an- nounced. Although the meeting is primarily for alumni, all interested are invited to attend. A signficant step towards a more enjoyable Homecoming week-end is seen in the combination of the old Father and Son banquet and the Mother and Daughter Luncheon into (Continued on Page 6) Count Sforza To Discuss Dictatorships In Europe The Joker In The Mill- Tax Cut By PHILIP C. PACK, '18 (State Representative, Ann Arbor) The following bill was presented to the State Legislature on March 27, 1933 and was reported favorably by the Ways and Means Committee: "There shall be assessed and collected each year on the taxable property of the state, as last fixed by the state board of equalization, preceding the last regular session of the legislature, for the use and maintenance of the University of Michigan, and the construction of buildings, the sum of 3-10 of a mill on each dollar of said taxable property, but not to exceed in any one year the sum of two million dollars, to be assessed and paid into the treasury of the state, in like manner as other state taxes are by law levied, assessed and paid; which tax when and IN THE PROPORTION PAID, shall be paid by the state treasurer to the Board of Regents. " During present year, the University is receiving a yearly appro- priation of more than four millions. The new bill proposes to cut this appropriation by more than 50 per cent. But the joker in the bill, namely "and in the proportion paid," means that this two million shall be further reduced in the proportion as taxes are actually collected. In the 1931 tax year only 68.3 per cent of the taxes were collected. To date (March 28, 1933) only 33 per cent of the 1932 taxes have been collected as against 4212 per cent for the same time last year. The Audi- tor General gave me figures today (March 28, 1933) which indicate that the maximum tax collection which may safely be anticipated for the current tax year will not exceed 50 per cent. In other words, the inadequate two million dollar appropriation will be cut 50 per cent-in short to an appropriation of only one million dollars per year if House Bill 10 should pass. This represents a cut of more than 75 per cent in the maintenance appropriation for the University and would, literally, ruin the institution. . Every faculty man, resident of Washtenaw county and alumnus of the University has a vital interest in this problem. It is now your duty to write or wire your State Representative or State Senator in protest. The time is short. On April 11th this bill will be placed on "special orders" for debate. Your action NOW is the test of your loyalty to your University. Students Uniting Agains Measure In Force; Ain. For 3,000 Subscriber Committee ToGet Totals Here Monda; Many Organizations Ar Falling Into Line Tc Make Movement Stron More than 1,400 students yester day registered their protest to th- proposed 50 per cent reduction in th University's appropriation from th^ state by signing a petition prepare a n d sponsored by Michigamu; Sphinx, the National Student Leagu and The Daily. Sentiment on the campus wN strongly opposed to the reductioi and comment was heard on evei hand of the chances which the Un. versity has of resisting the "drast: cuts" The petitions will be presented i the University Committee of the Leg islature, which will meet in Ann Ar bor Monday, and it was expecte that at least 3,000 students will hav signed by that time. Members of Michigamua, Sphin: the National Student League, an PETITIONS DUE SATURDAY All those who have in their pos- session signed copies of the peti- tion objecting to the mill-tax re- duction are requested to give them to officers of the National Student League or bring them to the of- fices of The Daily in the Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. This should be done before 3 p. m. Saturday. The Daily staff, wiio were in charg of the petitions, reported that stt dents were eager to sign, and thi it will be easy to get more signature Care was being taken to prevent dt plicaton of names, and signersweri asked to write in their home cities While little attempt was made t reach each student in the first rus of the petitioning, plans were lai last night to give every student a opportunity to sign. The University Committee of th legislature will meet Monday afte: noon in the Union. Members of th committee are Representatives Ph] Pack (Ann Arbor), William Me Guinerney (Wyandottte), Georg Creen (Saginaw), James Frey (Ba tle Creek), Melom Lee (Royal Oak Fred Watkins (Pontiac), and Willia Donnelly (Detroit), chairman. Matter S e 0 °C Board Meeting To Be Routin Signed To Petitions Agains 1,400 Names Are Already Caharet Plans Augmented As OpeningNears Campus Dramatic, Musical Stars Have Places In League Entertainment Further additions to the program of entertainment planned for the Campus Cabaret which will take place from 9 to 12 tomorrow night in the League ballroom were an- nounced last night. Katherine Leo- pold, '34, one of the stars of the Sophomore Cabaret, will play a nov- elty piano number, Bob Miller, '33, well-known campus singer, and Sally Pierce, '34, Play Production actress, will feautre a duet in addition to solos by each of them. Other numbers on the program will include two trios, one composed of Ernestine Richter, '36, Edith Fer- rin, '36, and Jean Seeley, '36, and the other of Barbara Bates, '35, Lucille Lucas, '34, and Mary Morrison, '35SM. Albert Newman. '34, will sing with the orchestra, and Tommy and Virginia Roberts will do a tap dance. Further addiitons will be made to- morrow. ROOD FOUND RESPONSIBLE Sixteen Arc Liea I -Ii rnl Tornado 13y The Associated Press) At least 16 prsons---w-re.lld, 15 were injured, and wide-spread dam- age was done by tornadic winds which dipped erratically across the Louisiana-Texas border area and southwestern Arkansas last night. Mount Holley, Ark., Shelbyville, Huntington, and Lindale, Tex., were hard hit among the communities swept by the storms. Indications that the death toll might be higher came with the report of a telephone operator at Coushatta, La., that a storm striking Hall Summit, in north Red River parish, killed six persons and caused heavy property damage. Degfener And Schmiel e r in In .First Trials Spence Of Rutgers Wins 100 - Yard Free Style Title From Al Schwartz NEW YORK, March 30.--(/)- Walter Spence, national collegiate champion from Rutgers University, tonight won the first of the national, A. A. U. 1933 swimming titles, cap- turing the 100-yard free style crown by an arm's-length over Al Schwartz, former national champion of the Il- linois A. C. in Chicago. Spence never was headed in the first of the eight swimming cham- pionships to be decided in a three- day carnival. The lone defending champion to appear today, Dick Degener, of the University of Michigan, outclassed his field as six of 12 entries qualified for the low board diving title finals.1 Degener piled up 123.30 points with his nearest competitor, Al Greene, of 1 the faculty not ranking higher than all meetings will be held. Another assistant professor and showing session will be held at 7:30 p. m. promise of unusual talent. The panel for the parley is com- Professor Pillsbury is a national posed of 17 professors of the Uni- authority on psychology. He has versity faculty, including Prof. John written several textbooks on the sub- ' L. Brumn, head of the journalism ject, is a member of numerous scien- department, chairman of the panel. tific societies, and often contributes The function of the parley, ac- to outstanding magazines on psychol- cording to Jule Ayers, '33, student ogy. He has been a member of the chairman, is to provide students the Michigan faculty since 1897 and head opportunity of discussing with the of the department since 1910. professors various problems of life, The innr oftheHeny Rusetandexchanging ideas on subjects The winner of the Henry Russel seldom touched upon in the class-I Award will be announced the evening room. ., +hafnlnfi annrinl n rom "Dictatorships in Europe" is the subject of an address to be given at f the lecture, accordngL o cus om. Cinema League To Present Its First 'Talkie' With the installation of sound picture equipment in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre completed, "Kam- eradschaft," a German talkying pic- ture, will be presented by the Art Cinema League April 3, 5, and 6, it was announced yesterday. The sound equipment has been in- stalled through the efforts of and with the aid of financing by the Art Cinema League. Several short fea- tures were tried on the new equip- ment yesterday and it was reported by officers of the League that the conditions in the, theatre are ideal for sound pictures. "Kameradschaft" tells the story of a mine cave-in in a French mine Introduce Discussion Groups 14:15 p. m. today in Lydia Mendel-] The introduction of student dis- ssohn Theatre by Count Carlo Sforza,+ cussion groups was intended to fur- member of the Italian senate and ther facilitate the discussion of vari- former minister of foreign affairs. An ous points, he said. open forum discussion will be held An informal discussion of educa- immediately after the count's lecture. tion by four members of the panel -- is planned in order to start the ses- sion, the committee in charge an- Trade Dollar To nounced yesterday. However, there will be no prepared speeches either 15 today or at any time during the par- ley, it was emphasized by the com- mittee. All talks are to be limited to three minutes, they said, About 150 merchants will intro- To Note Educational Relations duce scrip currency into Ann Arbor Education will be discussed in re- I today, giving away one trade dollar lationship to religion, art, leadership, with every $5 purchase. The offer civilization, 'science, character, per- will begin at 9 a. m. and will con- sonality, intellignce, responsibility, tinue until each merchant's supply and values, sponsors said, but the of the dollars is exhausted, but it is effect of education on the individual not expected that they will be given will receive the greatest amount of away any other day but today. 1 consideration. Supporters of the plain claim it Sessions are scheduled for 4 to 7:30 will increase business in the city ma- - p. in. today, 2 p. m. tomorrow, and terially, as people will want to pur- 9:30 a. m. Sunday. An optional din- chase goods tomorrow in order to get ner at 6:15 p. n. today and break- a free dollar, and once having the fast at 8:30 a. m. Sunday are the I dollar they will use it at the rate of PONTIAC, March 31.-A coroner's jury here early today found John R. Rood, of Ann Arbor, author of the 15-mill amendment, responsible for the deaths of Paul Goodman, fresh- man at the University of Michigan from Reading, Pa., and Ellen Louise Newton, of Pontiac, in an automobile accident on the night of March 11 at Keego Harbor. Be Released Merchants Use It Only routine matters will be dis- cussed at the meeting of the Board of Regents to be held at 3:30 p. m. today, it was announced yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to President Alexander G. Ruthven. Applications for sabbatical leave for next fall will also be received at this time, it was said.wThose of mem- bers of the faculty wishing this leave for theafall semester arereceived at the March meeting of the Board of Regents, while such applications for the second semester are tusually re- ceived at the October meeting. S enau"e Investigates4 ,J. P. Morgan' s ank WASHINGTON, March 30.-()- A Senate investigation headed to- night towards the inmost files of one of the world's great banking houses, J. P. Morgan & Co., determined to bring to light anything that has a bearing on the central task of cor- recting stock and bond sale prac- tices. Authority to inspect the Morgan records was sought of the Senate by its banking committee, which dis- closed it had been rebuffed so far ir its efforts to bring the big private banking concern into the light of its dollar is made it is necessary to buy Chicago, second with 103.17. a two cent stamp, which is for sale John Schmieler, University of in each of the trade dollar stores, Michigan, won the 300-yard medley and paste it on the back of the dol- event. August Harms, New York A. lar. Turning over at the rate of two C., placed second, and was trailed by times a week, the trade dollars will John Hart of New York. The time have $1.04 in stamps on their backs was 3:50.8. First and second in each at the end of six months. They will heat and the fastest third qualify for then be withdrawn and the mer- the finals in this event, chants holding them will be paid fullI value on each dollar. The extra four cents is to pay for cost of printing I W (-wBank's Deposits Are and advertising. 25 Million For First Week Many stores dealing with students are in back of the plan, These in- DETROIT, March 30. - (/) - In °u