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March 30, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-30

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From the
By John Thomas

'Mural Closure
Is Possibility
After Vacation
Intramural Doors Shut At
Night and On Sundays;
Complete Close Denied
The Intramural Building will be

First Outdoor
Prct~gie Held

Ned Turner Shows Instinct Of
. . r . t ta z -1 T "4 . . .

I-M Closing
High School
Sport Shots


IL- X t4'k,, I U __YL UNI~t l;EI~IAAA I( 1111 ' L iU l / t I GAUIA
By Baseballers Ned Turner, Michigan's 1932 Olym-
pic track representative, ended his Gym ExhibitionF eatures
With the return of good weather indooi track competition for the D istinctiveAttractions
Maize and Blue Saturday night, at i
and sunshine, Coach Ray Fisher yes- Bane.andB enSthayt , atils Distinctive costumes. music and
terday took his baseball squad of Butler. It was then that those milesDnci ot e ms
about 25 men out of the Yost Field ftraining that he has so accuratelyd ancing in addition to the gymnas-
Hous an putit hrogh is frsttabulated each day, showed their re-; tics routines will feature tne gym-
House and put it through its first ults. nastics exhibition to be put on to-
On the door of his Field House morrow night by Coach West's gym
Hitting Practice Ragged locker, Ned has a record of the dis- team at the intramural building.
Coach Fisher had his squad spread tance run each day since Jan. 3, 1933. Last year's attendance of 600 spec-
all over Ferry Field batting, throw- The total miles he has traveled on tators seems like to be increased,
ing, catching. and receiving advice. the track since that date is exactly since the program for this year's ex-
Two backsteps were put up and seven 63.5. Of these miles, he spent 35 hibition is more elaborate and inter-
batteries, working in alternate order, of them in warming up and 28.5 'esting.
worked out with the batters, giving competing with the watch. Music for the novelty numbers will
them practice in hitag The squ d' Along with this record is another be furnished by Paul Tompkins. New
bas c heir bating eys a houghb one, semi-complete, kept by Turner's and original schemes for gymnastic
get back their batting eyes although running mate, Ed Lemen. Lemen's routines and acts have been planned,
Captain Mike Difiley, Ted Petoskey' total mileage so far is approximately and there will be several pyramids
A.,.- Arft d i to mee fiar lahiibe vrl

Larsen Picks Team
For Boxing Show
Tentative selection of several of the
boxers who compete on the Ann Ar-
bor team against the Boys' Club
aggregation of Detroit during the
Good Will boxing show here April
26 have been made by Vernon Larsen,
freshman boxing coach.

CLOSING the Intramural Building'
after 6 p. m. and all day on Sun-
days came as a. surprise to many
students who have been forced to
take their physical recreation in the
evenings or none at all.
Just where the responsibility for
this decision rests is not certain. To
clear up this mystery the following
men were asked the same question:
"Where did the actual order to close
down the building evenings and Sun-
days actually come from?"
Earl Riskey, assistant director of
the Intramural department, says,
"the decision has been reached aftei
a, meeting with the Board in Control
of Athletics."
Andrew S, Baker, secretary of the
board, commented, "The Board has
not met."
Fielding H. Yost, athletic director,
passed on, "I know nothing about
the closing order."
ketball teams will compare f a-
vorably with those of every state in
the Union, with the possible excep-
tion of Indiana, Coach Cappon
He says that Indiana high schools
emphasize ba sketball to a far greater
degree than do the schools in any
other state. Up until a few years
ago, high schools in southern In-
diana did nothing else but play
basketball. All through grammar,
elementary, and high school, teams
were formed amongthe students.
An example of this is that on one
of Purdue's recent championship
teams, three members of the quintet
started pr~iying together in °elemen-
tary school, continued in high school.
and topped off their careers with
Purdue's Varsity.
Another reason for the superiority
of Indiana basketball over Michigan.
in high school 'circles, is that their
state championship tournaments arc
conducted in a different manner.
There are no class distinctions. A
little school can defeat the largest
school in the state, or at least, they
have the opportunity to do so.
This stimulates basketball, espe-
cially in the small towns. Because
if they win, their title is the state
championship. There is no class dis-
tinction. And the little schools would
rather knock off one of the big ones
than win the state title in any othei
* * *
SPORT SHOTS include:
The College of the Pacific will
come in for more football publicity
than ever before by signing the
Egrand old man, Amos Alonzo Stagg,
as their coach. On their first day of
spring practice, they drew nation-
wide attention because of the old
Juan Carlos Zabala, winner of the
marathon, at the Olympics, was re-
cently suspended by the Argentine
Athletic Federation for his criticisms
of the federation's policies.
Roy Henshaw pitched Chicago's
baseball nine into a high place in
the Conference standings for the last
three years and has been rewarded
with a tryout with the Chicago Cubs.
In his first two starts in exhibition
games he has turned in excellent
performances, the reports indicate.
Coach Fisher said that Henshaw,
while with the Maroons, did not look
like a man ready for the majors, but
he had demonstrated enough to be
sure of a place in professional base-

closed evenings and Sundays from
now on, Earl Riskey, assistant direc-
tor of the Intramural department,
said yesterday. At the :am time it
was intimated that the building
might be closed down entirely after
spring vacation, although Fielding
H. Yost, speaking for the Board in
Control of Athletics, was noncom-
mittal on this point and Riskey said
that he had no orders as yet to close
"We have so far managed to con-
tinue all of our Intramural and In-
tercollegiate programs and hope to
be able to continue to do so," said
Coach Yost yesterday. He said that
the matter would be considered by
the Board at future meetings al-
though no decision would probably
be reached before the spring holi-
The reasons given for closing the
Intramural Building evenings and
Sundays are that most of the or-
ganized winter programs were com-
pleted at the Open House, held last
Thursday, and there is littlehneed to
keep the building, with its huge
overhead expense, open nights and
Sundays. The building has alway
closed down in the past although
never so early. According to Mr.
R~iskey the building was opened
earlier lastfall than ever before.
There is no reason to believe that
the spring program, most of which
lakes place out of doors, will not b
^arried on in full this year. Mor
interest than ever before has been
manifested in independent competi-
tions;, while a growth of fraternit
entries has been noted. In thetearr
tennis tournament, 48 fraternitie
have signified a desire to enter, a
contrasted with 33, the number tak-
ing part last year.
The winter program was charac-
terized as successful by Riskey, wh(
emarked that individual participa
;,ion in unorganized sports was great
r in the 1932-33 winter season thai.
at any time in Intramural history.
While fewer fraternity teams com-
oeted in organized sports than in
1931-32, there was a noticeable in-
rease in the number of independent
eams organized.
Sall, possibly double A or A class.
Henshaw won two out of three
against the Wolverines in his college
Michigan has another nine letter
man in the making. Russ Oliver, a
sophomore, has won the coveted
award in football and basketball, and
is now gunning for a berth on the
baseball team.
Al Plummer, sophomore cage star,
has social inclinations it would seem.
One of the Detroit newspapers re-
cently came out with a photo of him
illustrating a new dance step at the
Colony Club.
John Regeczi and Whitey Wistert
like their athletics too. Out of foot-
ball togs-into basketball shorts. Out
of basketball shorts-into baseball
Coach Charlie Hoyt keeps his men
posted on what their opponents have
been doing all season. The bulletin
board in the locker room is plastered
with track meet clippings.
Michigan has a couple of battling
quarterbacks. Lee Shaw and Tony
Daucksza are the two fighters who
are also on the gridiron squad. The
latter is from Grand Rapids where
he was an All-State quarterback two
years ago.

Siegel Beats Snell
In TeniisMach To
Lead Varsity Rainks
Seymour Siegel, outstanding sopho-
more tennis prospect, defeated Snell,
captain of Michigan's tennis team
and formerly first ranking. man on


Included among those from the the squad, 6-4, 6-2, in a match yes-
campus who have consented to fight terday afternoon at the Intramural
are Dave Gallup, bantamweight; Building.
George Rice and G eorge Kohler, The story of Siegel's rise is an in-
featherweights; Lee Shaw and Carl teresting one. Last year he placed
Burgtorf, welterweights and Dave third in the state tennis standings
Golden, lightweight, and since his reporting for the ten-
Ferris Newman, heavy, and Jack nis squad has worked up from sev-
Starwas, former all-campus light- enth place in the pyramid tourna,-
heavy champion will be in the Ypsi- ment to that of first.
lanti delegation. In view of the apparent new ten-
Earl McCleery, Ann Arbor buzz nis star, Johnstone's hopes have
saw, may be back to battle Joe Smith brightened somewhat for the coming
in the welter weight division. season.


£'v on r LLzL, anvv nVcey w st erI Uman70.5,
aged to get off some long hits to the 70.5,
outfielders. Lemen's times were not recorded
The pitching staff took it easy and accurately, but Turner's timeshshow
had sot wrkou. Sd M~ayvery well his progression on the in-
had a soft workout. Sid McKay door track. On Jan. 14, he ran the
turned in some good pitching and half-mile course in 2 minutes fiat;
looks like Coach Fisher's best bet for Jan. 21, the half in 1:57.8; Feb. 4,
the coming season. the quarter in :51.0; Feb. 21, he
burned up three laps in 1:22.9, the
HILLTOPPERS TO PLAY HERE fastest 3 laps ever run in the Field
Michigan has added a home game House. Again on Mar. 11, he ran
with Hillsdale College to the 1933 the half in 1:54.5, hiS best time so
baseball schedule. Michigan plays far; and in Hamilton last Thursday,
there April 19, and the return game he finished the half in 1:58.5, after
is set for May 3. falling over Edwards.

done by the team in addition to the
individual performances of Michi-
gan's stellar performers.
Another feature of the program
will be two dances. The first of these
will be the Flamborough Sword
Dance, and it is an ancient expres-
sion portraying the joy of the sea-
men of Flamborough on returning
The other number is the Morris
dance, another traditional expres-
sion which arose from the old Moor-
ish custom of keeping time to ordin-
ary dances with sticks.


Tweed Suits
These soft rough fabrics in rich
browns are outstanding in Spring
styles. Shown in two patch pocket
models with leather buttons. The
Coats are ideal for sport outfits.

We invite your inspection of our complete line of Wedding Invitations, An-
nouncements, Social Stationery and Visiting Cards.
The Superior 'Quality and the Reasonable Prices Will Please You

$25 ~. $29.50
Crosby-Square Shoes
Brown buckskin oxfords with
crepe rubber soles should be
worn with these suits.





A "strong man" once gave public performances in
which he stopped a 9 lb. cannon ball shot from a
fully charged cannon. The audience gasped when
the gun flashed and the human Gibraltar stepped
forward out of the smoke uninjured, with the 9 lb.
shot in his hands.
The trick lay in the way an assistant prepared the
cannon for the performance. He used the regulation
amount of powder and wadding, but placed the
greater part of the charge of powder ahead of the
shot. The cannon ball was propelled only by the
small charge behind it whichpwas just sufficient to
lob the 9 lb. bail over to the strong man.

tmore fun to KNOW

needn't be eccentric to be
individual, nor need they
be bizarre to be distinc-
tive .
We have two thousand
patterns to choose from
at prices ranging from-
$22.50 to $40.00

f 1

A performance sometimes staged
in cigarette advertising is the illu-
sion that cigarettes are made easy
on the throat by some special
process of manufacture.
EXPLANATION: All cigarettes are
made in almost exactly the same
way. Manufacturing methods are

standard and used by all. A ciga-
rette is only as good as the tobaccos
it contains.
It is a fact, well known by
leaf tobacco experts, that
Camels are made from finer,
than any other popular brand.
In costly tobaccos you will find
mildness, good taste, throat-ease.
Smoke Camels critically, and
give your taste a chance to appre-
ciate the greater pleasure and sat-
isfaction offered by the more ex-
pensive tobaccos. Other cigarettes,



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