THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY finest in the country and is in keeping with the rest of the state, then we urge the members to re- draft the appropriation bill. In Indiana. the Legislature cut the income of its state university only $40,000. i ' Ck., The Theatre 1" ANGNA ENTERS WILL DANCE AT DRAMATIC FESTIVAL With the approach of the annual spring drama- tic season and the announcement that Angna __ . _, riue0h nr:unRlS4R + ...C .Z n.+xe, ..,- ; r'' I . n(Y Enters, distinguished dance mime, has been en- gaged for two dance recitals, a new and novel note was struck in the forthcoming program for the 1933 Dramatic Festival. Town Points By FRANCIS WAGNER Leon Czogol,, the man who shot President Wil- liam McKinley, was a graduate of Ann Arbor High School. He moved to Detroit where he worked as a blacksmith and mechanic, after his graduation here. The Huron River has its origin in Big Lake, Oakland county. It runs southeast to near Pon- tiac, southwest to Portage Lake, southeast again through Ann Arbor and into Lake Erie below Detroit. Post card manufacturers use a spot below the Arboretum as a "typical Michigan riverside scene." Geography texts use it too. President Roosevelt spent four hours in Ann Arbor last fall without attracting much attention. His train was pulled over to a Michigan Central siding while the late Thomas Walsh and Con-, gressman Michael Hart attended the 7:30 Mass at St. Thomas church. Horatio Abbott was in daily communication with Jim Farley and Mr. Roosevelt during the presidential campaign.- J.G.P. Election A-impus c(dKre Pick Committee Of Officers T .( str? v"' To Run Senior D~~ ~ By Sabini, Kirbyi I1 CAMPUS SOCIETY Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board In Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. - MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or, not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news -published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscriptonduring summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 41.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mall, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 495 0IANAGING EDITOR............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR....... ...............JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. 'Huber, Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G.Ferris, Sidney Frankel, Join C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George. M. -Holmes,. Edwin W. Richardson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise. Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan,'Lois Jotter, Helen ,Lev- son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANTAGERi................BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER ..................HARRY BGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MbANAGER........DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts. Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursloy; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: John Bellany, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Huhe, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigl er, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Giminy,. Billy Griffits, Catherine Melonry, May See- fried, Virginia McCoinb. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1933 The Proposed Budget Cuti*. It has been the policy of Robert Henderson for the past few years to bring each year an out- standing dancer. The last two seasons Martha Graham has been presented before enthusiastic Ann Arbor audiences. We feel certain that Miss Enters will provide no small amount of enjoyment during her stay here May 28 and 29. .Angna Enters' work, which has given her an outstanding reputation among dancers in New York and Europe, is reported to be entirely dif- ferent from Martha Graham's style. She is both an actress and a dancer. Her programs, varying widely in mood, from comedy to whimsy and his- toric interest, are called "Episodes in Dance Form." Miss Enters' repertoire includes over one hundred numbers, and for her Ann Arbor appear- ance, she will present a completely new series of dances at each of her two recitals. Of Miss Enters' recent dance recital last month at the Guild Theatre in New York, Arthur Ruhl, dramatic critic for the New York Herald Tribune, wrote, "Angna Enters can be, in the brief space during which each number lasts, tender or ter- rible, savage or sentimental; she is, in effect, dancer, painter, actress and satirical essayist. There is more brilliant acting, in the sense of atmosphere created and character put in visual terms,'in one of ner dance recitals than in most half dozen Broadway plays put together." Follow- ing Miss Enters' Ann Arbor engagement she will sail for England, where she will appear in a series of dance programs at the distinguished Playhouse Theatre in London. Further plans for the 1933 dramatic festival were made public yestierday by Mr. Henderson, who is at present i New York completing con- tracts for artists to be brought here during the season. He has announced a competition for the scenic designs for Ben Jonson's "The Silent Woman" which will be presented for four special performances. The competition will center among the students in the College of Architecture, and members of the stagecraft classes in Play Produc- tion courses. Persons interested in entering the competition are requested to see Harry Allen of the architecture college. The winning design for the settings of "The Silent Woman" Will be awarded a cash prize of $25; with an Honorable Mention made for the second award. The initial drafts for the designs, which may be either drawn in perspective or ex- ecuted on a model stage, Mr. Henderson explain- ed, 'but must be in the hands 'o f the judges by April 30. The award will be madeMay 14. The committee which will select the winning designs includes, in addition to Robert Henderson, Mr. Valentine B. Windt of the play production depart- ment, Prof. Jean Paul -Slusser, Mr. Harry Allen, and Prof. Walter Gores of the architecture col- lege. --A. E. B. -------- e1-e Ioa Women's Houses Warned Against Caucusing; Lose Vote If Guilty The annual election of of officers for next year's Junior Girls Play committees will be held at 4:15 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. At that time Dean Alice C. Lloyd will address the group on the mean- ing, history, and ideals of the Junior Girls Play and Frances Manchester, '34, chairman of the 1933 play, will discuss the qualifications for chair- men's positions. Nominations have been made for the following committees: general chairman, Barbara Sutherland, '35, and Marie Metzger, '35; assistant i. I i Memberships of two committees for Saturday's Campus Cabaret were announced yesterday by Mary Sabin, '35, and Hilda Kirby, '35, chairmen of the ticket and floor committees, The building now used by the band and as a chairm rli radio station was originally the Catholic students Mary Sabin, '35; property chairman, chapel. It was built by the late Fr. Michael Burke, Virginia Cluff, '35, and Susan Mah- first Catholic student pastor. ler, '35; finance chairman, Kilda Kirby, '35, and Margaret Phalan, '35; Ann Arbor has a Fourth Ave, and Fourth St., program chairman, Marie Murphy, Fifth Avenue and Fifth St. There is no First, '35, and Eleanor Blum, '35, Second for Third Ave. The situation came about Further nominations may be made thus: Main St. was originally Third St. The from the floor, according to Helen( numeral' streets;ran eastward. When the name of DeWitt, '33, president of the League, Main St. was changed, it :was. decided to run the diretioelectio s Jibcary Council numeral streets westward. For lack of other which is headed by Margaret Scner- names, Fourth and Fifth Sts. became Fourth and mack, '33. Fifth Avenues. Yesterday Miss Schermack issued a warning to sororities and dormi- .The present R. 0. T. C: fheadquarters served as tories against caucusing, reminding the University heating plant before the erection them that any infraction of the of the present building between Huron and Wash- ruling would mean that guilty houses ington Streets. would be barred from voting powers and that no women from those The highest point in Ann Arbor is in front of houses could hold any office. B n,, ivay 26 Co-Chairmen Are Cosen; Engage Union Ballroom, Orchestra Not Decided respctively. MissSabin's committee, which will The Senior Ball for 1933 will o have charge of admission and dance held Friday, May 26, in the Union ticket sales, will comprise Barbara Ballroom, it was announced la: t Sutherland, '35, Josephine McLean, night by Leslie R. Bain, '33, '36, Maxine Maynard, '35,iBetty Gil- , Last year Coon-Sanders supplied lard, '36, Mary Spencer, '35, Bettyj the music for the ball, which was Connor, '36,Nan Diebel, '35. Viry" held in the Union Ballroom . ginia Roberts, '35, and Emily Lou Each committee has two chair- Bowser, '36. men this year. Heads of the comn- The floor committee under Miss mittees are John H. Huss, '33, and Robert M. Fouss, '33, executive; Kirby will consist of Mary Catherine Margaret O'Brien, '33, and HarryS3W5 Snyder, '34, Janice Weiss, '5, and Begley, '35L, music; Margaret J. Elizabeth Mendenhall, '35.,.,y,,3L mui;Mrae J Keal, '33, and Leslie R. Bain, '33, publicity: Catherine F. Heesen. '3', Exhibit To Be Hell and Paul R. Nelson, '33. ticke; Roberta C. Henry, '33. and Kenneth B C a IL [ ty omen W' Hartwell. '33E, fav-ors; Ose' rt By Faculty Women ;n ""3EEaavr:scr. Ferkinson, '33E, and Raymond C. Blocher, '33, floor; Walter S. Bell, The Michigan Dames will be the '33Ed., and Henry F. Schaefer, '33, guests of the Faculty Women's 'Club decorations; Myron Brank, '33, and atgaeestin thb eld atm 3 Cp. mPaul C. Kingsley, '33, invitations. at a meeting to be held at 3 p, m. today in the West Gallery of Alumni 'PEERITE w-PORTABLE Memorial Hall. An exhibit is to be displayed under the sponsorship of New, Se o"dR ,ebail t, the art section of the , Faculty %it'r-Corona, Noiseless, Women's Club. Mrs. Walter B. Ford, , oya Rington Mrs. F. E. Bell, Mrs. J. W. Glover, Mrs. H. W. King, and Mrs. Paul 314 S. - S. An Ar. Welch will pour.S*A r in this season's version of the large picture hat that comes inevitably with spring. This year's mode is definitely more tailored with em- phasis on baku and the thicker straws for the wide brims instead of tle past lacy types. HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED Minimum Price 50 cents Gcenuine Facory Work--We M akeHats FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St., Near State the University Hospital on Observatory Street, while the lowest is on the land next the river in front of the Michigan Central station, An~n Arhor was the firgt city in Michi da~n to Where To Go a f b Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The' have a Bell Telephone dial system. Two other Bitter Tea of General Yen"; Majes- cities, Grand Rapids and Howell, had independ- tic, "Wild Horse Mesa"; Weurth, ent systems earlier. "Central Park." Plays: "Everyman," 4:15 and 8:15 Manchester, village 20 miles southwest of Ann p. m., St. Andrew's Church; "Dyb- Arbor, had' a decrease of 20 from 1920 to 1930. buk," 8:30 p. m., Laboratory Thetare. Lectures: Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, -Enlarging Life's proportions, 4 P. in., Wesley Hall. SCreen K1ect1nS Recitals: Student Recital, 4:15 a _ _ p. m., School of Music. THE HEARTHSTONE Pontiac Road at City Limits F AC U LTY OR G ROU P L UNC HEONS PRIVATE DINING ROOM DIAL 2-1786 FOt RESERVATIONS Complying with many requests, The Hearthstone will serve Sunday Dinners fror 12:30 to 7:30, and Week-Day Dinners from 6 to 8 P.M. -w F OR MANY YEARS, the people of the State of Michigan have justly prided themselves on possessing the finest univer- sity' in the Middle West and one of the finest in the world. The people have stood behind the Uni- versity and, with the tireless efforts of such men as Presidents Angell, Burton, and Tappan, have improved a fourth class institution until it can compare with any other. Now there is a possibility that the work of sev- eral generations of Michigan citizens and educa- tors will be undone in one fell swoop. The Uni- versity may go back where it started, back from a first class to a fourth class institution. The future of the University depends on the action of the State Legislature in regard to a proposal that would cut its mill-tax appropria- tion from more than $4,900,000 to $2,000,000.' We are entirely in sympathy with the drive for lower taxes and state economies that is the mo- tivating force of the Legislature. However, before such a drastic cut is meted out, that body should carefully investigate the results of such an action. This year, the total income for the University (excluding the University Hospital which is sup- posed to be entirely self-supporting) was $5,476,- 101.42. The expense total of the University (again excluding the University Hospital) will be $5,962,- 949.59. Even under the present appropriation of $4,182,724.67, it is evident that the institution is operating at a deficit of $486,848.17. Next year, assuming that all other sources of income remain the same, the income of the Uni- versity, under the proposed bill, would be only $3,293, 376.75. However, if the bill now before the Legislature is approved, the other sources of income will also be reduced. Obviously, if more than $2,000,000 is taken from the appropriation, many departments and colleges will be closed down altogether and a great drop in enrollment might well be expected as the curriculum was curtailed. Probably the first economy that the University would make would be a drastic salary reduction for faculty members. This would be absolutely necessary under the reduced budget and would have a very serious effect on the personnel of the institution. Gradually, many of the outstanding men on the faculty would go to other universities. Michigan would have a fourth rate faculty, in keeping with its fourth rate curriculum. Most important from the students' point of view is the effect that such a cut would have on the tuition rate. Tuition would certainly have to be raised. Many students could not possibly af- ford to pay any more tuition than the present rate. The result would be a further drop in en- rolliment and possibly a still higher tuition rate to counteract the loss of revenue from the with- drawing students. This year, the University's total revenue from tuition is about $1,137,842. If the appropriation bill is approved, the amount of money that the University will be able to spend next year will be $2,669,672.48 less than this year (the sum of the deficit and the cut in the money received from the mill-tax). Assuming that enrollment will notj decrease, it would be necessary to raise the amont orf tufiitionfrom 2nvroimatelv 5100lto C Student Health PERSONAL MEDICAL ADVISORS The University Health Service is attempting to eliminate two of the most valid objections to dis- pensary medical services, by the appointment of medical advisors for each of the major groups on the campus. These objections are, first, the lack of the "personal touch" and secondly, poor co-ordi- nation of the services of specialists. These evils occasionally lead to piece-meal methods of treat- ment and are always unsatisfactory to the patient. The system now established provides that one Physician, the group medical advisor., shall review the daily records of all the examinations and treatment of the students in that group. Two women physicians are advisors of all women and the men students are provided for in about the same ratio by having a man physician for each of the four classes. The advisor for the freshmen thus remains the same throughout the four years and the advantages of personal acquaintance are increasingly developed. If agreeable and reason- ably possible students are directed to seek service from or through their particular advisor. Upon these physicians rest the responsibility of being familiar with the general condition of the students in the group and of following up all im- portant indications for treatment or further ex- amination. 'By written notice -or personal inter- view, the student is informed of the desirability of such procedures andO he usually needs no further inducement to correct defects or initiate' a regime designed to improve his physical or emo- tional adjustment. Wherever needed, the services of consultants are obtained. Many students voluntarily go direct- ly to the sensitization clinic, to the physiotherapy department, and to various specialists, but these visits are, or should be, made with the knowledge of the medical advisor whois in a position to co- ordinate the various services offered and is thereby able to keep "first things first". An annual health check up voluntarily obtained by all students from their advisors is considered an important means of securing for the students the greatest health benefits. By such a system of observation, it is unlikely that a student will suffer as the result of mis- understanding or fail to follow up an important recommendation. It is the interest of the medical advisor to understand as much of the background of the pa- Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no staors keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "WILD HORSE MESA" A GOOD WESTERN, IF YOU LIKE WESTERNS Chane, The Hero ....... Randolph Scott Sandy, The Heroine ... .:.....Sally Blane Rand, The Villain...........Fred Kohler Constructed along" somewhat different line than I most tales of the wild west, this picture tells, in brief, how the younger brother was in love with a girl and the older brother appeared and took her away. With no charge of the Texas Rangers at the last moinent to save the little girl's honor, this show is better than most of its kind. Randolph Scott is good in the part of the tall, lean, hero with, an orthodox western drawl. Sally Blane is very natural as the sweet heroine and Fred Kohler is convincing in his part of the horse-stealing, store-robbing villain who entices Sally's mother to sell the store to enter an illegit- imate scheme to capture wild horses. The showsis good fora children and, as said above, for those who likeavesterns. --B. S. ID S -~ &0SRIPES 7 -By Karl Scifferi - IT JUST GOES TO SHOW DEPT. S "T 'will ., h r h sr --n rvrv l f i1 Crowd Of 600 Attend League Fas hion Show Capes And Mousseline De Sod Are Predominant; Swagger Suits Noted By CAROL J. HANAN An audience of more than 600 per- sons attended the Fashion Show held yesterday at the League which displayed what will be worn in the way of active sports clothes all the way to strict formal wear for both women and men. Capes and mousseline de soie are the two innovations for this spring that seem to be most definitely "in," and they are served up in every pos- sible shape, form and manner. In fact, the knee-length cape for street wear from all appearances seemed to be. replacing the long favorite swagger suit. One three-piece suit of grey tweed had a striped cape top under a romantic, swinging cape. The masculine vogue was shown for the first time, mostly comprising white flannel trousers and double- breasted coats. The new coat dress, which is really a suit with a three-quarter length coat over it, made its appearance in t" ; t' _, s ' '' FRIDAY NIGHT DANCING in the MICHIGAN LEAGUE. BALLROOM WithI THE MICHIGAN UNION BAND from nine 'until one I w oud a aern ave the morals of a duck,, a checked tweed material that some- he said, in stressing the comparative values of how escaped being bulky. modern life and nature. "I see ducks mate and The possibilities for mousseline de they stay mated. We had 77,000 weddings in soie that have beenrdiscovered this Cook County last year, and one in every seven 1 year is nothing short of miraculous. ended in divorce. When it comes to morals, ducks Great billowy lengths of it was fea- have it all over us. They stick. Ducks don't get tured in a lovely long gown of white I- I j i A "Furnace Tested" Safe mixed up in this moral mess." -Excerpt froma news item.f How can you tell it's the same duck?j QUESTION ON GEOGRAPHY EXAM: If thef people below the Isthmus of Kra are similar to the Fang of Africa, toward what towns would# their migrations tend? Let the people below the Isthmus of Kra worry about that. TAMM11ANY TAC,I BEING TW1TE) -HEADLINE And now thai Jimmy's gone, there's nothing left to roar. * * * Millions of worms are impeding road traffic in New South Wales, according to a dispatch, but it's probably all the fault of the Wifie who drives , from the back seat. * * * that managed to be inspirational enough to have black accessories to relieve it. And another gown used just one thickness of it in palest orchid and posed it over a satin sheath of the same shade. As for the hats, we were interested 100 ENGRAVED CARDS jnd PLATE $2.25 I Ant'l t- I)AVIS & OI11.NGER 109-1t it[a.t wash lgton St. j phone 8132 Second Floor A * EN AVANT ^n A 1 4.4 forward f A ^^ Buit# of Steel A Insulated From Heat The Meilink Chest is built with double steel walls and solidly insulated with Thermo-Cel to protect from heat. eBuilt by master safe builders it fils an absolute need for low cost, convenient Fire protection.,*!Every chest Pf i"f e A 1 le