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March 30, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-30

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'I'IT 4lC i1C A N -1 1 J1r'

City College 1)eaiis Survey Shws Late
Vitiiis O( jokers IJours Are Allowed
DETROIT, March 28. - W h e n At O ther 9olc es
pledges of Kappa Chi fraternity at
the Colleges of the City of Detroit (Continued from Page 1)
conspired to make the faculty the
butt of a joke, they hired an art stu- practically no difficulties either with
dent to reproduce the much-discus- the university-appointed heads of
sed "vaccination panel" of Diego the residence halls or with other uni-
Rivera, inserting caricatures of the versity officials."
various deans in place of Rivera's The survey, which includes several
figures. On anonymous telephone eastern women's colleges, showed also
call informed Joseph P. Selden, dean that general hours regulations at
of students, of the plot. Descending these institutions are more severe

French Work





upon the conspirators, Dean Selden than at the state universities and
inspected the panel and burst into other co-educational institutions.
laughter. Wisconsin Women Have Keys
The dean suggested that the panel At the University of Wisconsin
be transferred to the office of Alber- senior women, in addition to general
tus Darnell, assistant dean, who was permission to remain out until 12:30
also portrayed in the panel. a. m. on Friday and Saturday nights,
-- -may select two other nights each
League rehearsal room, first floor. week to remain out until that hour.
Please be prompt. They are furnished keyes to their
-- -- houses for use on those nights.
Red ros Lif Saing lases:Juniors, who also have keys, may re-
Red Crss Life Saving Classes: moutone week rnight uiltm2y:3
Classes in life saving for women will
begin this evening at 8:15 in the Un- a. ni.
ion Pool. These classes will meet In general, colleges and universi-
every Tuesday and Thursday eve- ties located in large cities have less
ning at 8:15. strict hours regtlations for women
Those who are interested in pass- than do those located in small cities
ing their Senior or Examiner Tests(and towns. The University of Min-
are requested to come out. This is a nesotaermits senios to remain o
good opportunity for members of theortonghtin aekan until 11:30
swimming club to pass their tests. two nights a week and until 11:30
one night weekly, with the additional
EVENTS TODAY privilege of special permission from
house chaperons for extra late
Psychological Journal Club meets nights.
at 7:30 p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Minnesota Rules Lax
Building. Miss Dji Lih Boa will re- Mulvesill res of
port on her studies of "Acquisition Women's Self Government Associa-
of Skill." All interested persons are tion at Minnesota, said in a letter to
invited to be present. The Daily:
"House rules at Minnsota are made
Political Science Journal Club more complicated by the fact that
meets in the Political Science Sem- two-thirds of our student body live
inar Room, 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. Round in their own homes an also by the
table discussion led by Count Sforza fact that our university is situated
Teaching staffs and graduate stu- in a large city.
dents of history and political sci- "For these reasons we feel that
ence are invited, rigid house rules are practically an
--- - -- impossibility. The rules are kept to
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual a certain extent, but the 'observance
meeting of the local Chapter of Phi of them depends a great deal upon
Beta Kappa will be held in Room the individual house mother or chap-
2003 Angeil Hall at 4:15 o'clock. At eron."
this time will occur the election of
officers and new members. Other Frank Spedding, '25 Gets
routine business will also be taken
up. $1,000 Che ustry Award
Dr. Frank H. Spedding, '25, has re-
Interpretive 'Arts Society: Thurs- cevdteLagurAar f$
day Afternoon Reading Hour. The ceivedtihe angui A of $1,-
proramto be held at 4:10 in Room 000 for outstanding research in purej
program t h 4: n chemistry, it was learned yesterday.
205 Mason Hall will be given byiPro- Dr. Spedding is the son of Mr. and
fessor Louis M. Eich. These meetings Mrs. Harold L. Spedding, of Ann Ar-
are free to the public. Persons wish- bor. He received both his B.S. and
ing to enter the poetry reading con- M.S., degrees at the University, and
test should give their names to Pro- then went to the University of Cal-
ers eof the sietty ho have not ifornia, where he earned the degree
signed the Secretary Book may do of Doctor of Philosophy in 1929.
at this meeting. Pharmacy School Alters
Forestry Club: Club picture will Entrance Requirements
be taken at 5:00 o'clock, Rentschler's
Studio. Freshmen and Sophomores High school chemistry, while still
are especially urged to be present. strongly recommended, will not be,
required for admission to the Col-
EXHI ITIONS lege of Pharmacy beginning with the
Architectural Building Exhibition: school year 1933-34, according to a
The first two years' work in free- two-year announcement of the col-
hand drawing from the school affil- lege issued yesterday.
iated with the Association of Col- Further revisions in the admission
legiate Schools of Architecture will requirements include removal of the
be shown in the Architectural Build- restrictions in regard to the group-
ing during the present week. Daily ing of half units of science, recogni-
from 1 to 5. Public is cordially in- tion of all subjects counted toward
vited. graduation in the secondary school,
~----and acceptance of a single unit of
n enArbor ArtiAssociation an- foreign language as an optional sub-
nounces an exhibition of drawings, lege issued recently.
prints and paintings by some of the The latest announcement of the
foremost Mexican artists. The ex- college describes the courses to be
hibition is open to the public daily offered during both the 1933-34 and
from 1:30 to 5 p. in. in Alumni Mem- the 1934-35 sessions, as well as those
orial Hall to be given in the Summer Session
of 1933.

For Pleasure,
Elrhard Says;
French Professor, Back
From France, Describes
Working Man There
"The average Frenchman doesn't
work for a salary, but because he
likes his work, and salaries are no
indication of the worth of thre work-
ers," declared Prof. Jean E. Ehirhard
of the French department in a talk
on "La France Au Travail" yester-
day afternoon, sponsored by the
Cercle Francais.
Professor Ehrhard recently re-
turned from France, where he was
doing his compulsory military serv-
ice on leave of absence from the
University. He is closely in touch
with the economic situation there.
"If you give a Frenchman a piece
of leather and tell him to punch
holes in it for eight hours a day he
will do it very badly; on the other
hand, if you tell him to do a certain
job and leave the performance up
to him he will doubtless turn out a
good piece of work," stated Professor
Another point that Professor Ehr-
hard emphasized was that there was
no dishonor in work. "A prince can
go to work in the iron industry and
not lose caste," he said. "The many
persons who buy and sell unimport-
ant little things on the street to eke
out a living do not feel that they
are abusing themselves and feel
quite an honor in their work," he
Eight Teams Still
In Debating Race
Eight teams from a starting field
of 200 remain in competition for the
high school debating championship
of the state and will meet in the
quarter-final elimination round on
March 31. They are East Lansing,
Trenton, Detroit Mackenzie, Flint
Northern, Saginaw Arthur Hill, Man-
istique, Grand Rapids Central, and
Grand Rapids Creston. The two sur-
viving teams of the semi-finals,
which will be held April 14 will com-
pete here April 28 at Hill Auditorium
for the state championship.
James H. McBurney, of the speech
department, who is managing the
contest, announced yesterday that
Ira Smith, University registrar, will
serve as chairman at the finals.
Conference On Teacher
Training To Be Held
The annual conference here on
teacher training will be held April
27, it has been announced by Dean
J. B. Edmonson, chairman.
This conference, which is spon-
sored by the School of Education,
will be held this year in collabora-
tion with the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters Club. Its general topic of dis-
cussion will consist of "Recent
Studies on Teacher Training in
U. S. exports, year in and year
out, are ten per cent of the produc-
tion of the country's movable goods.
Is Coming in Person
Hill Auditorium
Tickets on Sale at Wahr's, Union

Ploc advertlsements with Classified
Adverising Departnent. Phone 2-1214.
Tile classified columns close at three
o'clock pevious to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extri a charge.
Ca; 1 in dvance-llc per reading line
(on basis of five averago words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Mininmum~ 3 line- per insertion.
lOc per reading line for three or more
ti tlns.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14e per reading line for three or more
iO tdiscount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month... ..... ..........c
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months ..... ....8c
2 lines daily, college year...... ....7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year........ 7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 lines used as desired.........8c
1,000 lines used as desired..........7c
2,000 lines used as desired........e
The above rates are per reading line,
basf d on eight reading. lines per inch.
Ionic type' upper and lower case. Add
et per line to above rtes.for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%z point type.
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
LOST-Sunday night between Mich-
igan Theatre and Den. Small, tan
Russian Wolf muff. Call 9057.

HAVE-YOUR snap shots developed
at Francisco Boype. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
HALF SOLES and Rubber heels 59c.
We will call for and deliver. Phone
8736. 534 Forrest Ave. 376
naw. A desirable lot very cheap.
Mrs. Ferguson, 2-2839, or 3611.
REFRIGERATOR-Gray Duco, chro-
nium trim. 50 lb. icer. $15. 404
WILLYS-KNIGHT-De Luxe sedan,
9600 miles. Extra tires. Fender
wells. Sacrifice for immediate- sale.
Box 40A. 374
ROOM-And board at 807 S. State
for $3.25 a week. Come and see.
Good food. Two in a room. Show-
ers. Call 8912. 373
fer fraternity. 20 years experience.
German nationality. Phone 2-1352.
WANTED-Round trip ride to Char-
leston, West Virginia, spring vaca-
tion. Call G. Gosling, 2-3225.

TYPING - Stenography. Miss E.
Wells, Phone 4546. 24c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
S. U.-Shoe Repair Shop. Repairing
while you wait. Reasonable prices.
Hats cleaned and blocked. Shoes
shined. Open evenings. 199c

suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
Same Efficient &
Sanitary Service
216 E. Washington


.:_. :.:. r


for Students' Spring Vacation
in Coaches Only
Tickets may be purchased to many points in the
United States good going and returning on dates
conforming to closing and opening of College. For
further particulars consult railroad ticket agent.
4 Days -May 17, 18, 19, 20, '33 -6 Concerts
Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor
( Revised March 25 )

Earl V. Moore.
Frederick Stock.
Howard Hanson.
Eric DeLamarter.
Juva Higbee....

Musical Director
Orchestra Conductor
Guest Conductor
Assistant Conductor
Young People's Conductor


NINA KOSHETZ........... ...Soprano
Russian Operatic Prima Donna
GRETE STUECKGOLD.......... Soprano
Prima Donna, Metropolitan Opera Company
LEONORA CORONA ...........Soprano
Prima Donna, Metropolitan Opera Company
ROSE BAMPTON..............Contralto
Rrsing Star, Metropolitan Opera Company
FREDERICK JAGEL...............Tenor
Metropolitan Opera Company
Chicago Civic Opera Company
CHASE BAROMEO ...............Bass
Chicago Civic Opera Company
JASCHA HEIFETZ .......,.... Violinist
World Renown Virtuoso

GUY MAIER .......... Pianist
LEE PATTISON ............. . Pianist
Distinguished Two- Piano Reci talists
PALMER CHRISTIAN . . . . . . . . Organist
Distinguished American Performer
World premiere in concert form, of "MERRY MOUNT"
Conducted by the composer . . . . . . Howard Hanson
"BELSHAZZAR'S FEAST". .......William Walton
"SPRING RAPTURE"......... . . ....Harvey Gaul




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