The Weather rhowies Thursday; Friay Ll r e Sic igzr attij Editorials The Proposed Budget Cut. VOL. XLHI No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Workers Will End Welfare StrikeToday Common Council Rescinds Action Limiting Food Allowance Hiundreds Atend City Hall Meeting Ministerial Association Of- fers A Petition Asking For Sewage Plant Ann Arbor's welfare labor strike will end today, as a result of action taken by the Common Council last night at the City Hall. The council unanimously decided to rescind its cut on the food allowance and to meet and discuss the situation with the workers' representatives Tuesday. This action met with the approval of Earhart Bank and Scott Polk, leaders of the workers' delegation, and they promised that the strikers would get back to work. More than 300 people attended the meeting, completely filling the coun- cil room and overflowing into the corridor and down the building's stairway. Rules which normally pro- hibit spectators from entering the space reserved for the councilmen were waived and a good part of the crowd stood up within the railing. Most of those present were workers, but representatives of the Ann Arbor Trades Council, the Ministerial Asso- ciation, interested spectators, and a number of campus agitators were also there. The crowd's temper was generally good-natured and the final decision met with much applause. "Willing To Co-Aperate" Banks spoke for the workers, say- ing that some people in his group were in "pretty bad shape" and not in a condition to take care of their wives and children decently. "We want to bring our children up as they should be," Banks said, "and we want to do the decent thing with the council. We realize the problem and are willing to work with the council to solve it. We are asking only one thing: to go back to the basis existing before the latest cut." Aid. Emil Schlenker, chairman of the poor and cemetery committee, replied that the committee had con- sistently endeavored to do its best to both the welfare laborer and the taxpayer. "There are about 8,000 others in this city who are just hang- ing on, re.ady to fall over into your group at any moment. I think that Ann Arbor is paying as much money as any other city in this state, if not more," he said. The Rev. Harold Marley, pastor of the Unitarian Church, presented a petition in behalf of the Ann Arbor Ministerial Association. It called for the removal of the cut on food, for a reduction in the gas and electric rates of welfare workers, and for the erection of a sewage disposal plant. "Workers Earn Money" Speaking as one of the workers, E. A. Hall said that the city's news- papers are presenting an incorrect picture when, they call the workers "indigents living off the city." The workers, Hall said, "are going out earning that money by. hard labor. We are not giving them a thing. A representative of the Trades Council said that scrip should be eliminated and the men paid in ac- tual money. On behalf of. the coun- cil, he asked that the workers be al- lowed to buy where they wanted to, rather than at stores designated by the city, and suggested that the work be handled by the city engineer rather than the poor committee of the Common Council. Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk reported on the meeting he and a number of' other city officials had had with state representatives at Lansing. One-half of the weight tax, he said, was to be used for welfare work in the various counties as soon as a bill legalizing such a distribution of money could be put through the State Legislature. (omi nmiity Orchestra fo Assist 'Saint Joan' Music and drama will combine to form the "worship through art" service to be given Sunday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre where the trial scene from "Saint Joan" by George Bernard Shaw will be presented as part of the project being sponsored by the Student Christian Associa- tion, the Council for Religion, and; Survey Shows Other Colleges Allow Late hours F'or Women Senior women at the majority of { a representative group of American colleges and universities canvassed by The Daily are given special late hours privileges, according to the result of a survey just completed. Although few co-educational and women's colleges have later hours for senior women than those in force, at Michigan, four institutions of the thirteen canvassed reported more lax restrictions for women students in general. They are Ohio .State Uni- versity, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Chi- cago, and the University of Minne- sota. At only one of the schools con- tacted-Chicago-are, women entirely free from hours regulations. At Ohio State all women students are per- mitted to remain out until 1 a. m. Friday and Saturday nights, and may stay out one hour after any campus social function. Extra Nights For Ohio Seniors Regulations at, Ohio State also, permits senior women to stay out until midnight one additional night during each week, while at the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley senior and junior women may "use their own discretion with regard to nights outs," according to the rules in force there, but "may not enter- tain callers in their houses after 2:15 a. m.", A letter received by The Daily from William E. Scott, director of student activities at the University of Chicago, states in part: "There are no' sororities at the University of Chicago, so that the only women students over whom the university exercises jurisdiction are those living in the several residence halls. Chicago Has No Rules "There are no regulations relative to the time women students must return to the halls. As a matter of protection against prowlers, the doors are locked at 10:15 p. m. Stu- dents returning after that time are admitted by a portress, who is on duty throughout the night. "The university officially is not concerned with the private lives of its students. The freedom enjoyed by women students, generally speak- ing, is not abused, and has occasioned (Wontimied on Page 2) Campus Shops Start Plan Of 'Trade Dollars' Will Be Given With Purchase Of $5; Be Redeemed In 3 Each Must Days Many stores and business firms with which students deal are among those inaugurating the trade dollar plan Friday, a list of merchants en- gaged in the project shows. The list was made public yesterday by the Chamber of Commerce, which is in- dorsing the idea. Among the drug stores which will' give away one trade dollar with every five dollar purchase Friday are Cal- kins-Fletcher, Crippen's, Cahcw Co., Swift's, and the Quarry. Included among the men's furnishing stores are Saffell and Bush, Wild, and Wag- ner. Dey Studio, Francisco and Boyce, Rembrandt Studio, and Rent- schler's Studio will likewise engage in the plan. Other firms dealing with students, such as Goldman Brothers, Greene Cleaners, Michigan Beauty Shop, Campus Bootery, and Dewey Smith Barber Shop are all included. These firms are among the nearly 150 which will present to every pur- chaser one trade dollar for every five dollars worth of goods bought. The trade dollar may then be used to buy other goods in either the same store where it was originally given away or in any one of the other stores in the group. It has a full value of one dollar, the same as ,a dollar bill of United States currency. However, the dollar must be used within three days of the time it comes into a person's possession, thus in- suring the fact that it will be used at, least twice a week. Before it can! be used, the buyer will have to pur-I chase a two-cent stamp from the store where the purchase is being made. This stamp will be placed on the back of the dollar. At 'the end of six months, each dollar, having transferred hands at least twice a week, will have $1.04 in stamps on it. Each trade dollar will then be redeemable for a regular dollar. The extra four cents is to cover the cost of printing and adver- tising. Although trade dollars can be used to buy goods at any time during the six months, they will be given away with five dollar purchases for one day only, Friday. They can be used, furthermore, only for purchases of over one dollar. No change will be given on trade dollars. Backers of the plan claim it will stimulate business in Ann Arbor be- cause: 1 people will buy goods they need Friday in order to get the free dollar, and 2 it will be used at least' twice a week, thus encouraging trade. lay Production Will Give Two Spring Shows In order to give training to a, larger number of students, Play Pro- duction will present two spring shows instead of the usual one, it was an- nounced yesterday by Valentine B. Windt, director. "Journey's End" by R .C. Sheriff and "Cardle Song" by Martinez Sierra, two recent Broad- way successes have been chosen for production. Kosnonosov, Czar Of Hillel Players, Leaves For Minsk By GEORGE SPELVIN Dmitri Komonosov - "supervisory director" - it's done by mail - and mirrors. The extent to which a dramatic organization will go to lure an un-! suspecting public into its clutches ("box-office" to you) was demon- strated by the Hillel Players' neatest trick of the week. A former member of the celebrated Moscow Art Theatre passed through Ann Arbor recently wrote a few let- ters, and, before you could say "Dmi- tri Komonosov," Hillel blossomed out with a publicity campaign using his name. Komonosov, it seems, has been connected for some .years with Amer- ican presentations of "The Dybbuk," and has given technical advice on settings and costumes for the current presentation of the play here-pri- marily by remote control. Daily reporters were rebuffed yes- terday in an attempt to interview Hillel's "technical director," and it was discoverd that the rebuff was not so much due to a commendable modesty on the director's part as to the fact that no one knew where he was. Rabbi Bernard Heller (head of Hillel Foundation)-"The dramatic work is more or less out of my hands. I am told a director has been secured, but I guess'he is in Detroit now." Philip C. Shorr (box-office attend- ant)-"He isn't here this afternoon. No, I've never seen him." Melburn L. Brizdale (ditto ditto)- "Let me handle this, let me handle this! Naw, he's gone to Chicago. He was here two weeks ago but I didn't see him." Unidentified person (ditto ditto ditto)-"He was here Monday." Chorus of actors and stagehands- "Who?" At press time last night it was ru morde that Kosmonosov is in Flint, Saginaw, or Petrozavodsk. Will Bar Long Speeches At SpringParley All speeches at the Spring Parley will ,be extemporeaneous in nature, according to Jule Ayers, '33, chair- man of the executive committee. No member of the panel jury will pre- pare lengthy addresses which might bore the audience during the parley. "Only under exceptional circum- stances will any individuals be allow- ed to hold the floor for more than three minutes," he said. This rule will apply to both faculty members serv- ing on the panel jury and to those in the audience. An informal discussion will open the parley Friday afternoon when All faculty members and stu- dents are cordially invited to at-I tend the spring parley, Faithj Ralph, '33, announced yesterday. four of the jurymen, Prof. Max S. Handman of the economics depart- ment, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy department, Prof. John F. Einstein Will Drop German CitizenRights Scientist Seeks To Sever Connection, Protesting Anti-Semitic Campaign Boycott Of Jewish To Begin Saturday Nazi Manifesto Holds Jews Responsible For 'Libel- ous Foreign Propaganda' BERLIN, March 29.-(P)-As direct action, repressive measures by Chan- cellor Adolph Hitler's Nazis got un- der way against Jews in many parts of Germany today as a prelude to the nation-wide anti-Jewish boycott which begins Saturday, it was learned that Professor Einstein has taken steps to renounce his Prussian citi- zenship. Professor Einstein, a Jew, became a citizen in 1914 when he accepted a position with the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Upon landing at Brus- sels after his recent trip to the Uni- ted States,.he wrote to the German consulate there for information about the steps necessary to end his citi- zenship. He pointed out that he for- merly was Swiss. Boycott Begins Saturday The anti-Jewish boycott, the dead- line for which was set by Nazi party authorities at 10 a. m. Saturday, al- ready has begun in many sections of the Reick. There were numerous reports of the picketing of Jewish stores and other repressive measures, but Berlin heard of no serious. clashes. The Jewish newspaper Vossiche Zeitung, commenting on the boycott, said if it "is carried out it would mean the economic ruin of hundreds of thousands of German Jews, irre- spective of age or sex, and the ejec- tion of German Jewry from German communities." A long manifesto issued .:by the Nazi party last night announced the boycott is to be inaugurated at 10 a. m. Saturday "like a blow." It said innocent must not suffer, but that the guilty must not be spared. It added the boycott was fromulated for defense of the Nazi party "against the atrocity propaganda abroad." Jews Held Responsible Jews now living in Germany were held responsible for these so-called "libels." The long-standing Nazi resentment against the influx of Jews into Ger-' many during the World War, be-i cause of hostilities in Jewish popu- lation centers on the eastern front, and after the war, as a result of per- secution of Jews in other eastern European countries, was reviewed in the statement. "What would America do if Ger- mans in America turned against that country as do the Jews in Germany?" it asked. "For decades Germany has admitted every foreigner without re- striction. One .-hundred thirty-five persons live on a square kilometer in Germany, and in America hardly 15 to the square kilometer. Despite this, America has restricted immigration, even excluding completely certain nationalities." SEEK TO REVOKE HONOR KOTBUS, Germany, March 29.- (MP)-Nazi members of the new city council introduced a resolution to- day to revoke the honorary citizen- ship conferred upon Charles A. Le- vine in 1927. Fight Over Property Tax Holds Up Appropriations Bill In House Administration May Propose Other Levy University Funds Up For Discussion On April 11, DuringSpring Vacation LANSING, March 29. -(P) -Im- portant appropriation bills were held up in the house today as Republican members sparred to find out whether the administration program propos- ing the abolition of the state prop- erty tax is to be completed. Measures providing drastic cuts in appropriations for penal institutions and the University and Michigan State College were ready for consid- eration in committee of the whole. Rep. George C. Watson (Rep., Capac) declared if such bills are passed now, with a tax clause attached, a state property tax will be necessary. "I have been informed the admin- istration proposes to secure revenues for state operation from other sources. If we pass bills with a tax clause, ordering the amount raised by property taxation, it would be necessary to recall and amend all of them if a sales tax or other new form of revenue should be enacted later. We also should allocate the new 15-mill tax before passing ap- propriations if we are going to have a property tax," Watson said. Democratic and Republican lead- ers joined to defer action on the bills. A measure providing for a cut of more than $500,000 in the appropria- tions for Jackson, Marquette and Ionia prisons was made a special order of business for next Tuesday and bills to cut deeply the mill-tax appropriations for the University and University To Meet }ne-falff O}f Pay Roll A 50 per cent pay roll will be issued by the University tomor- row, according to a statement is- sued last night by Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secre- tary of the University. A release of funds from the state treasurer permitted the payment, which amounts to approximately $300,- 000. Michigan State College were made special orders for April 11. Upon motion of Rep. Vern J. Brown (Rep., Mason) the house then dcided to hold up all appropriation measures hereafter for at least five days after they are reported from committee to give members a chance to study their provisions. University and Michigan State College commit- tees meanwhile have arranged for conferences with college authorities to determine the effect of the pro- posed cuts. A new plan to meet tiw demand of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. that the state appropriate funds for welfare relief before further loans are released, was offered by Repre- sentatives Edward B. Kirkwood and Ate Dykstra, both Republicans. An Open LeUer To the Student Body: A bill has been proposed in the State Legislature that would cut more than $2,000,030 from the State appropriation to the Univer- sity. This amount of money is more than one-third of the total that the University will spend this year. The results of such a cut would be: 1. Increase in tuition. 2. Curtailment of curricula. 3. Reduction of faculty members' salaries. 4. The eventual resignation of many outstanding professors. These elements would make Michigan a fourth-rate institution. Today petitions will be circulated among you asking the Legislature not to cut the percentage of mill- tax received by the University. Be- cause of decreased property values, this would mean a reduction of ap- proximately $200,000 in the money received from Lansing. This is as large a cut as the University can afford to take and still retain its present status. Your signature on this petition may materially aid the University. We urge you to co-operate. The Editors. Corridor Is Discussed By Count Sforza Says 'Sforza Line' Was Only Fai And Square Boundary Settlement Problems in international relations brought forth by three European bones of contention, Upper Silesia, the Polish Corridor, and Austria, were discussed yesterday by Count Carlo Sforza in a lecture delivered in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Upper Silesian plebiscite, at; which this disputed territory voted to go with Germany, was discussed at some length by the count, who told of the "Sforza Line" and of the League of Nations' committee appointed to settle the Silesian boundary dispute. The boundary advocated by the "Sforza Line" was ultimately reject- ed, he said, although informing the "line" he had kept in mind the prin- gples of nationality. "The League of Nations called my proposed boundary 'that damned Sforza Line,'" the count said. "My boundary was always bobbing up be- _ause it was, as I still believe, the Subsequent addresses to be de- livered by Count Carlo Sforza in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will be thrown open for forum discussion after the regular lecture. The dis- cussions will last about 20 min- utes. It has also been announced that no distinction will be made between "semi-public" and "pub- lic" addresses. All will be held publicly in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. only fair and square settlement. But the league reasoned that popular opinion would accuse them of making no progress if they didn't introduce some new plan. Most of Silesia is Polish-the league esteemed coal .nore than men." With respect to the Polish Corr- ;iro, Count Sforza declared that there was a fundamental psychologi- -al misunderstanding between Ger- many and Poland. He urged a Pol- ish-German alliance as a means of stimulating trade and international good-will and preventing the further impoverishment of East Prussia, now severed from the larger part of Ger- many. Count Sforza called the Versailleb Peace clause which prevents an Aus- tro-German union "a most stupid mistake." "Why shouldn't these two countries amalgamate?" he asked. "Everything in Austria is Germany. The only dif- ferences are the postage stamps and the national flag. It seems to me not a bad idea to evaluate once more the "genius" of Bismarck, who thrust Austria from Germany in the Nine- teenth Century." Leading Campus Groups Campaign For Retention Of Six-Tenths Mill Tax See Curtailment Of Campus Operations 'Too Far In Interests Of Economy,' Pack Says In Opposing Bill Plans to circulate petitions request- ing the Legislature to allow the Uni- versity appropriation to remain at six-tenths of a mill Were announced last night by the National Student League, and leaders of Michigamua and Sphinx, senior and junior honor societies. The petitions will be circulated if classrooms, at strategic points on campus, and in fraternities, sorori- ties, and dormitorities. They will be in the following form: "We, the undersigned, students of the University of Michigan, believing that the proposed 50 per cent reduc- tion in the appropriations from th State Legislature to the University is excessive and would: The Petition 1) Seriously cripple the educational facilities of the institution; 2) Reduce the size of the faculty, and substantially decrease the salar- ies of remaining teachers; 3) Materially raise tuition fees 'of students; and 4) Undermine the standing of the institution as one of the leading uni- versities of the Middle West, hereby petition the members of the State Legislature to permit the appropria- tion to remain at six-enths of a mill." Precautions are being taken to pro vent a' duplication of signatures. The campus action follows the off- ial proposal yesterday at Lansing by the House ways and means com- mittee to reduce by one-half the. present mill-tax appropriation to the University, and to set up a maximum limit on the mill-tax appropriation of $2,000,000. Trhe present lmita- tion is $4,900,000. Officials of the University refused to comment on the situation, but un- official predictions were that if the proposal were adopted, operation of the University would necessarily be seriously impaired, Pack Opposes Bill Rep. Phil C. Pack (Rep., Ann Ar- aoI) vehemently criticized the bill yesterday and declared that "they might just as well close the Univer- sity." He said he was "for economy," but that this was "going too far." The House proposal comes on the heels of a bill introduced Monday in the upper chamber by Sen. William Palmer, (Dem., Flint) proposing a cut of more than $1,000,000 in. the University appropriation. This bill was defended by Sen. Henry C. Glas- ner, chairman of the Senate finance and appropriations committee, who declared it was part of the prelim- inary budget report of his commit- tee. House Amends, Passes, Bill For Conservation WASHINGTON, March 29.--AP)-A huge and willing House Democratic majority today floundered through a parliamentary maze, engineered by Republican opponents, but finally succeeded in passing President Roose- velt's bill designed to provide em- ployment and conserve the forests. Because gag rules temporarily had been thrown aside for the first time during House consideration of a Roosevelt measure, some amend- ments were inserted. This made im- possible final Congressional action tonight, as the Senate must act on the changes. While the House was talking about the forest conservation bill, the Sen- ate got a foretaste of what is to happen tomorrow when it takes up the next step in Mr. Roosevelt's un- employment program-a plan to give $500,000,000 in relief grants to the states. Against Mill-Tax Reduction; Circulate Protest Petitions Legislature Delays Action ZI) Two Plays, 'Everyman' And 'Dybbuk'WillOpen Tonight Bringing pre-spring vacation cam- pus dramatic activities to a close, two organizations will present 'two unique plays at 8:15 p. in. today. "The Dybbuk," which will open tonight in the Laboratory Theatre, should have a particular interest for students because it appeals primarily to the intellectual mind through dramatic .medium, according to Morton Frank, president of the Hillel Players. The play is especially difficult to produce, in that it is necessary for the feminine lead, Leah, played by Vivien Cohen, '33, to take two parts at the same time, involving two dis- tinct voice tones. Dybbuk" hopes to do for the Jewish life." The St. Andrew's Church will have an atmosphere of early sixteenth century England when the opening performance of "Everyman" will be presented at 8:15 p. m. today in the church. In producing "Everyman" the obsolete dialogue of the original manuscript has been done away with, and an altered and revised version has been adopted. Starring in the play are a number of student and faculty members who have been prominent in campus dra- matics during the past year. James V. Doll, '33, who will take the part of "Everyman," was in charge of the Coventry play, given last Christ- mas, and has undertaken the direc-