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March 29, 1933 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-29

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Men-SudentHav MoreCohi

Ifi driwes Tear I)Qwni FlaIgs 0J I 01(eflONItbic

rJIa 'Wo en Forsythe Deelart,
{"Men students have more colds; more susceptible to temperat ure

i i

-Associatud Y, ess Phioto
hrl a f- cr the edict' that the black, red and gold banners of the German republic were no
t~ e' ~slaylgroups of- Chancelloir Hitler's nazi tore down the Republican flags in the city of
'c - ey ere r epl ,cd with the flag of the old empire together with the swastika flag of the nazi
.ho:' k troops.

than women students," declared Dr.
Warren Er. Forsythe, director of the
University Health Service, in an in-
terview yesterday in which he out-
lined some simple rules for avoiding
"Plenty of sleep, 'as much out-of-
door exercises as possible, and a bal-
a need diet are the best preventatives
against this simple yet, baffling in-
fection," he said. "A balanced diet
should include fresh acid fruits, be-
cause the alkaline condition which
they produce in the blood is unfav-
orable to colds.'
Weatheri conditions 'influence a 'stu-
dent's susceptibility to colds only in
rclation to their affect on his physi-
c l resistence. A: lowered resistene
is caused by getting one's feet wet,
wearing; too few clothes, and, in gen-
eral, rushing the season. The tn
te-dency of men students to over-dress
softens their skins and- makes themi
WUildn't 1it Govern iucut
Authors were afraid to attack the
government in the. Eighteenth Cen-
tury, so. they :expressed -theim desires
for a more perfect social-order in the
picturing, of Utopias, said. Prof. Eu-
gene Rovillatin, of the romance lang-
I ag e department, who gave a talk
recently before the, Romance Journal
Club on "The Essence of (Tench
Thought During the Eighteenth Cen-
Professor Rov~illain added that the
Utopias took the forms of voyage
literature, -orienta] ism. exoticism, and
the desert island- motif.
Y. K. Jenkinr Yang, farmier archi-
tectural student in the University,
has sendt from China a model paagoda,
about 30 inches in height,, as a, gift
to the College of Architecture, The
model is: delicately, carved in ligh~t
colored woo'd, _aind. bciirs ;orpanental
details found in that ford;' of Chince

Somie colds ;later in the prnr e
esseniti-!,ll y ay ver.Stde Jsa-
flici .cd w;ith these cols may bim-
muntized yte~ens tteHat
Service, 'if their complaint i5 taken1
in hand a onh or six wesbtr
the seaison bin( is.
Studze ,,s should avoid g Ini
simn wihcolds, as s pr-
duecrslsiusinfction s. The methodr)
of heading offa cold by a -,work;
out". is harmful, as the b iody nced,3
the water whiich is "watdoat" to
carry en jit6 processes.
For Diseutssion1
A new innovationl is being fe-atured
at the spring parley this y ear by the
introduction of interest groups, which
Fare to meet. at 8 p. m. Saturday at
the, League to consider questions of
spe-ial interest to certain groups.
One of. the purposes of the b~arley
this year, according to the ceeutive
committee' is to stimulate group
thinking which is not always practi-
cal in as large a gathering as is ex-
pected, to attend the meetiugs. It
is for this reason, the committece said,
that the interest groups w ill be ntro-
Student chairmen for these groups
will be chosen at the parley, Faith
Ralph, '33, who is in charge of the
group meetings announced yester-
day. Miss Ralph stated that a pro-
fessor Who seems to have much 'to
oyler on some subject that arous
( pecia'l interest 'at the parley will
fmeet with the group which is to con-
Aidcr that particular subject lea d in
the 'discussion.
The niet tangible assets of United
eta tes .motor-vehicle nu faces,
slys' the 'department of commeTrrce,
exceed $L;600,00,0:00..

h9 DtOfl ryr
V e e'rie, the tra-
dtiona('l bar with ftincd _;.OhOgany
.-o) anmb" ~foo",rail will still re-
nin lli:,coa -_ted ith lthe dust,,of the
dry c er, awa P h'amIing unit of
matile ad sainlss seelwill takes
At - ic'v , it t .ill if anl article ('n-
iiledM"'The odern Bar--A Thing
of Beauty" 'whi s Eing distributed,
by a h'd in aufa turer of bev-
M 'agc A ringequipmnlt, is anyy mdi-
cat'nn. T'elip ughty roance of the
bars vf]which "the beer lcooling and.
are thei'1 las t ordinlln _elring eta-
Thennwb:a's will kbe 'iishcsmart-
est, snlappiest, and most up-to-date,
baeverage and food ser ving places."
I Tnt on .,ly th a itsel-f, but the
atmnosphere of the aloon also is
threatened. "Even the free lunch will
p~robably be missing from theco-
cu-ter,' the article st ates.
This new tyl~c of bar and sur-
roundingm, according"Loto eaxoQuit,
rwill do away w1th mnavy evis of the
old satloon and wH ilitheoserving
or liquor Nout in the open and free
from the intoxi catin that the old
greenl bay dloors so oftenl hid."'
These mlodern bars will be on ex-
hibit ion at the Century of Progress;
in Chicago this summelr~ it was an-
noun ced.
..Thenew ;." beer "will Ibe intoxi-
ciniluttesta will not lUc
uinc )ofoabl o imibe," Prof.
FAcI (obrt esL, Herad of the Physio-
logy Department, said ye,:terday.

award fo: heir poetry last year.I F _
anley Fid ' hows lti Jlgri4 ru n Book~s fro mNe in hr u
Ca O .~O i prin i. irSeventteenth Cendtry Now OnDisplayjr In Library
.cher is 1himslf z'an outstandi n! ,i
list and haS vwon acclaimas, a- --_.-.____
icl rti. Alag ehii o oos nEn-and many of thxemx rare. tative dramas of such men as George
aotherI Hopwood winner, Clarence ishz drama frzomx its beginning! The earliest plays in the display Pecle, Robert Greene, Christopher
'e, has been studying this year thi'ough tlie seventeenth Century is, arc a r1eprinting of tour which were M~arlowe, and Thomas Nashe.j
lakr' Shol f raa t al.DOW o di -'play in the wall cases of i pop il~V 4bout 1433. andl which wre- The display of Sakespeare's
n R. Sv. am ha:,als4o spent the,
rat the Baker ins:titution,. the main labrary. The, developnments probably fir'st pva-fdrmed about 1328. work,,:;alo cotain rare editions.
ijh erswhsenve wsfrom the e;,ri est liturgic'al plays There ;,re some written in Latin and ! There is ani original copy of the('
eted for a $1,000, award has b een through the mystery dramas of the some fracsimxile reprints of. original fourth folio, which was the last of;
ying at' Urbana, Ill., and also in Middle Ages, the first comedy, the cditioins. 'the Seventeenth century editions of
fornia. Dorothy Tyler,° another Elizabethan. period, Shakespeare's A 156C edition of the first English his woi'ks. The restoration -drama
elist 'who earned a $2,5Q'0 pietime, which was the height ofEng - ' comedy, Ralph Roister Doister by' collection conltains much of the orig-
relled extonsively in Europe last lish drama, and the .pcriod- of the Nicholas 'Udall, is shown . The case final pinting, including plays of John'
Lmer and is noW' teaching at Pal- estoi ation rc' all reprersented. Most devoted to the Elizabethan drama-' Dryden, ' the mo~st outstanding play-
s School of the bocks are or'iginal. editions: tists Contain rare copies of represenx- wri ht Of that time. i

La test Modes In The WorlOf FJiasit on Most Famouim(opl eate

"cci ttvd Em;n Photos

. P _.~~~~~'x? .ft t 4x x t

She hed he 'dnt setion of
t he stliflent vyeatI(' o.

r iCst ;p&*xjq., lashignps were displayed xit the k l-ashkon Orig-inator's. gu111-10show in New V ork.
P~rinte~d gloves, hat and scarf are particularly attrat'te with tits type (2f (oat shown at left. Th)(
dress also matches. A hat of black ribbon is showa in the ' nter.A At the' ri t i Nat «hi! :!Ani navy
blue -afternoon' frock.

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