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March 29, 1933 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-29

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1 16- 1 1


Fashions For Men

Rtgid Laws Disregarded In Yale
And Princeton Fashion Dictates

So much bunk has been laborious-
iy concocted and solemnly handed.


taprn H eaeh Oii+' cut on the subject of what consti-
a ttes good taste in dress that it i:
'd onder that the average mar
liven U 1' no more fashion-conscious than:
he is. "What the well-dressed mar,
Although in AYin Am"' wil ear' has become almost a,,
:ble spring climate one can aEfet the ntandard a subject for jokes as th
uaitof thze Scotch anti the di&-x
present popular wool ties until nearly agrceability of one's mother-in-law.
the first of May, the question of That, we take it, is a natural conse-
spring and summer neckwear is one quence of the pin-headed type 01
co be considered, and the smartest asin gdne that hways e
;Mae Sree hberashris ae fa-pressedl itself in terms of "yor..
State Street haberdasheries are fea- mustn't wear this after a certaint
turing the latest spring creations. hour" and "you musn't wear this
Most of these are products of the with this under any circumstances
sunny climes and the Palm Beach at any hour at all."dh
season, and what the well-attired It is an acceped fact that the
average American young man ha:;
man will wear on campus in a few too much inherent horse sense to bc
weeks will reflect what he wore be- bothered very much by a lot of rules
low the Mason-Dixon .a few weeks that nobody but a gigolo could find
ago. either time or inclination to observe.
Bandanna prints-smart, colorful, There are a few rules, pertaining to
formal dress, which are usually lived
and joyous-were Palm Beach's con- up to. For the rest we will only try
tribution to masculine sartorial joy. to point out some of the things that
They come for the most part in have met with favor among young
India madras cotton; for University men of the college world, particu-
men State Street is specializing in larly at Yale and Princeton wher
four-in-hands, of course, but bows the majority of new ideas in men's
with slightly rounded blunt ends ap- wear are conceived. In observing
pear to be coming back somewhat. what is being adopted enthusiastic-
And no one has forgotten the polka- ally throughout the college group we
dot foulard, either: These are glow- find that the old saying, "As go Yale
ing on smart counters in all sorts of and Princeton so go the nation," still
f bizarre color combinations, reminis- holds to a marked degree.
cent of those color contrasts seen For some years past no such deli-
about the cafes and casions of south-
ern France. The ne plus ultra this Smart Sports Outfit
t season will evidently be that supe-
rior bit of sophistication, gray with
yellow spots. Others that are going
to hold their own will be seen in
coral with white. spots, white with
red, and-ever-popular grandfather
of them all-blue with white spots.,
" Spaced figured foulards, many on
backgrounds of a rich orange-yellow
or the new "breeches yellow," are
coming around, too. One of the most C
attractive of these, definite but not
"loud," consists of the convention-
alized Indian "curve-of-the-head"
stamp in either red or blue or both,
on a yellow background.
The Ann Arbor Art association is
sponsoring an exhibition of draw-j
ings, prints, and paintings by some of
the foremost Mexican artists. This
display will open daily from 1:30 to
5 p. m. until April 12, in Alumni
Memorial hall.

nite acceptance of any one pattern
has been evident at any time as the
aresent enormous popularity of the
numerous variations of Glen Urqu-
hart plaids. First obseizved almost
two and a half years ago at, so s c o0
the early spring functions in the ea:t,
such as the Uniled Hunts and other
:sporting e'ents, this pattern is grow-
ing consistently and is constantly
extending its influence into all tha
branches of men's apparel.
It is seen now in neckwear, shirts,
hose, suits, and even in robes, pa-
jamas, and shorts. There are two
types of plaids of which Scotland is
the ancestral home, and clan plaids
and the district plaids. The Glen
Jrquhart pattern is probably the
best known of the latter group, desig-
nating in the homeland the districi;
of origin.

Mes sce t Indiates .
impetus For Cor tort
Formal wear for this spring and
summer has already indicated that
it will follow the impetus of the past
season for more comfot as well as[
more color. An example that got off
to a good start last year and is ex-
pected to become even more popular
this season is the mess jacket, as
It comes in varying styles, the one
shown here having the conventional
peaked lapel and buttons. It can be
worn with a weskit or with a black
conmerbund, a sash that is wound I
around the waist. Some wear their
regular tuxedo trousers with the
jacket but it is best, because of the
shortness of it in back, to have a
special high-waisted pair.
Another model is often seen with
the white drill shawl collar and with-
out buttons. It is unusual to find it
being worn without the commerbund.

A black tie com letes the picture and
sets off the outfit by contrast.
Another variation of this style that
those "in the know" expect to set the
paice this year is the shawl collar
single breasted white linen drill din-
ner jacket. This is cut along the
same lines as the regular Tuxedo
jacket and is to be worn with trous-
ers to match or with black dress
trousers, black tie, and weskit.
Popular Tab Collar
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Styled and

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The Graduate D.B. will be
modeled in Grey "Flannel"
and the new houndstooth
fabric of brown or grey.

Sports apparrel for the mcn
who cares. We have earned
the reputation of correct-
ness because of our success-
ful efforts to discern be-
tween sound, practical men's
fashion, and fads that have
no proper justification.

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he "Houndstooth Check,"
mart, popular and correct
n detail with our famous
IALON Fastener on this
martly tailored slack is well
. . "Just Different."

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This brown tweed raglan
sleeve full-belted topcoat,
also the grey Chinchilla
"Double Breasted" model
will be featured in the
fashion show this after-



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