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February 17, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-17

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Illinois Medics
To Professor
'Secret Six' Of hicago Is
Enlisted To $olve Stu-
dent Backniyl Notes
CHICAGO, Feb. 16.- (P)-The
"Secret Six" began tonight an inves-
tigation of what officials said ap-
parently was a plot by University of
Illinois medical studehts to obtain
their degrees by threatening a pro-
fessor and his family with death.
Chief Irvestigator Alexander Jamie
of the famous anti-crime group said
Prof. Maurice B.. Visscher received
the threats in letters and that he
asked for the investigation.
The inquiry brought modern crime
detection methods to the University's
Chicago campus in the form of "lie
detector" device. Dr. John A. Lar-
son questioned a number of the 100
students in Prof. Visscher's classes.
Two of them, Dr. Larson said,
were indicated by the machine to
have had knowledge of the plot.
Handwriting experts also were con-
ducting investigations.
Police said the letters were writ-
ten in typical gangster fashion-the
writing plainly disguised. Each of
them threatened the professor and
his family with death unless he
granted passing grades to each of
his students in February examina-
The authors also referred in the
letters to arrangements made with
the notorious "42" gang of Chicago
to bomb Vissher's home unless he
complied with the demands.
Had Graded Papers
Ironically, Jamie said, the profes-
sor had already completed grading
the quiz papers when he received the
first letter a week ago. Two more
letters followed.
Prof. Visscher first regarded the
letters as the result of a student
prank, but University officials in-
sisted on a full =investigation. The
Visscher family wasp out of the city
when the first letter arrived, Jamie
said, and Prof. Vissher notified them
to remain "until the matter O.;
cleared up." Dr. Larson said the first
letter began:l
"We, the members of the class,
don't like the manner in which you
are treating us, and warn you not
to flunk any of us."
Prof. Visscher said he believed
"some boy may have become irra-
tional through intense study or
worry." He added that he believed
himself in no danger "unless the
irrationality reaches the insane
stage." Visscher is a professor of
To Hear Radio
Lecture Today
Series Of Broadcasts To
Take Place Of Extension
Division Speakers
More than 20,000 high school stu-
dents throughout the state will mee
today at 2 p. m. for their regu-
lar assemblies and hear the first o
an experimental series of five radio
i talks, which will be broadcast from
the Morris Hall studios of the Uni-
versity Broadcasting Service.
These programs will take the place
of the regular service which the Uni-
versity Extension Division render
high schools by sending speakers to

address various assemblies.
Radio sets in more than 150 high
schools will pick up the programs
said Dr. William D. Henderson, head
of the University Extension Division
The first speaker of the series wil
be Dr. Russell W. Bunting, of the
dental school, who will speak tomor-
row on the subject "Decay of Teeth.'
Other speakers on the program ar
Dr. 0. R. Yoder, assistant superin-
tendent of the Ypsilanti State Hospi-
tal, Dr. Carl E. Badgley and Dr. Al-
bert C. Furstenburg, of the Medica
School, and Coach Harry G. Kipke.
Coach Kipke will. review the past
football season, putting special em-
phasis on football a&s a builder of
health and character, according to
Dr. Henderson.

Rodkey Tells
Reasons Why
Banks Closed
(Continued from Page la
find that the properties underlying
these evidences of indebtedness have
depreciated materially in value. This
makes it still more difficult to realize
cash upon them.
"The Union Guardian Trust Com-
pany," Professor Rodkey continued,
"is a subsidiary of the Guardian De-
troit Union Group, Inc. This holding
company controls, through stock
ownership, not only this 'crust com-
pany, but also the Guardian National
Bank of Commerce, and about 20
other banks and trust companies in
important cities throughout the state.
The general public, however, might
not comprehend the fact that a
single member of the group could fail
without in any way reflecting upon
the soundness of the other members.
It was feared that runs of such pro-
portions might ensue that even the
soundest member of the group could
be seriously embarras.sed.
"Apparently the authorities in the
prolonged conference in Detroit ian
Monday felt that a banking holiday
would impair confidence in. other
banks less severely than would the
failure of this trust company, the
principal non-banking member of
the group."
Exhibit Persian
Areiteeture In
ictu res Her
An exhibit of photographs and col-
ored illustrations showingtile design
and structure of Persian Islamic Ar-
chitecture is now on display in the
first floor exhibition cases of the
Architecture Building. Brought to
the University through the courtesy
oif the American Federation of Arts,
a national organization for the cul-
tivation of the arts, with headquar-
ters in Washington, D. C., the ex-
hibit is attracting much interest. It
will be shown until the end of next
Photographs of Persian vaults,
mosques, arcades, and other types of
architecture, are to be seen. There
is also a photograph of the Peacocl
throne in the Gulistan Palace which
was used at the coronation of the
present Shah of Persia.
Admission Formerly Denied
This photographic survey of the
Persian architecture has only recent-
ly been made. Prior to the acces-
sion of the present Shah, those whc
did not profess the Moslem belie
were not allowed to enter or inspeci
the mosques. Thus an integral ga
was left unfilled between two import-
ant periods of Persian architecture
for no knowledge could be gleamed.
Under the enlightened view of the
present Shah, however, permissior
was finally given for a scientific stud
of the mosque architecture. on13
since 1929 has the photographi
; study been going on, and it still ha
much to accomplish.
Arthur Upham Pope, director o:
the American Institute for Persia
Art and Archaeology, under whos
t auspices the survey is being under-
taken, prepared the exhibit.
f "Unsurpassed, Unequalled"
"Certain architectural q u a 1 i t i e
I were comprehended and expresse
- there nearly 2,000 years ago," Mr
Pope stated in an article prepare
e at the same time as the exhibit, "tha
- have never been surpassed or perhaps

s even equaled since.
"New methods of constructior
were developed and employed-meth
1 ods of the greatest importance fox
the history of the subsequent archi-
tecture, particularly in Europe. Ar-
- cade facade, vast entrance archs
1 huge vaults, the beginnings of th
buttress, and the dome were all de-
veloped there and then graduall
transmitted to the west. European
e Architecture is unintelligible withou
- this reference to Persian contribu-
tions," Mr. Pope said.

Earl Denounces
Tax 'Steal' At
Road Banquet
(Continued from Page 1)
tential dangers confronting an econ-
omy campaign by Prof. Thomas H.
Reed of the political science dpeart-
ment in the main address of the eve-
ning. "There must be a retrench-
ment of government expenses. No
nation was ever taxed back to pros-
perity. But that retrenchment must
be sane, not a hysteria of economy,"
he stated.
Attention to government on the
part of the common voter was urged.
"It is obvious that the financial prob-
lems of our community cannot be
solved with every American crying,
'No taxation except for the other
New directors who were elected for
the Michigan Association of Road
Commissioners and Engineers at their
meeting at 4 p. m. yesterday are Mar-
cus Hoyt, Keewenaw county road
commissioner, and George E. Taylor,
Lenawee county commissioner. Offi-
cers appointed by these directors.
are; president, Edward Scheune-
mann, McComb county commissioner
who was last year's vice president;
vice president, Allen Williams, Ionia
county engineer; secretary-treasurer,
K. I. Sawyer Marquette county en-
The morning session yesterday was
conducted by Mr. Scheunemann in
the Union ballroom. Papers were
read on "Low Cost Bituminous Sur-
face Construction" by Prof. W. J.
Emmons director of the State High-
way Laboratory and on "Recent De-
velopments in the Use of ,Calcium
Chloride on Sand-Clay and Gravel
Roads" by L. L. Bateman, county en-
gineer of Barry county.
In the afternoon meetings in the
engineering buildings, the Michigan
Highway Department engineers held
a closed session. At the open meet-
ing, J. H. Dennis, president of the
Michigan Association of Road Coin-

The applications of the McNitt-Hol-
beck law were discussed by J. G.
Rakow7ky, who showed their effect
on the highway conditions in Barry
county, of which he is engineer.
In discussing the meetings of the
Highway Conference for The Daily,
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the high-
way and traisport department, who
has been in charge of local arrange-
ments, said, "It is unique among the
many highway m e e t i n g s held
throughout the country because it
is the only one where the safety
angle is stressed 'and co-operative
meetings hield with sheriff and police
officers. In a year like this, its ef-
fects cannot be over-estimated."
junior Case Clubs
Reach Semi-Finals
(Continued from Page 1)
Story Club by Allan Diefenback and
Edwin Stanley. Three members of
the Law School faculty will form a
court for the hearing of each of
these cases.
In the freshman finals supremacy
will be contested for in Holmes Club
by James H. Denison and Richard R.
Kruse vs. James Coultrap and Byron
E. Linville; inKent Club by John E.
Glavin and Leonard L. Kimball vs.
John T. Damm and Stewart M. Han-
son; in Marshall Club by Stanton
W. Todd and Benjamin L. Baum vs.
Charles T. Lawton and John J. Al-
der; and in Story Club by George F.
Medill and William J. Ordish vs.
Robert E. Cowden and Robert H. De-
The, finalsin the junior competi-
tions will be heard Founders Day, in
April. The court for the finals has
not yet been announced, but the Su-
preme Court of Michigan judged the
contest last year.
The usual prizes of $100 to the
winners'and $50 to the losers in the
junior finals will be awarded after
the Founders Day hearing. These
prizes are donated by the firm of
Campbell, Buckley, and Ledyard, of
Detroit, in memory of their late par-
tner, Henry M. Campbell, '78L,


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3LtfE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending
library. 5c daily. Clean, covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
SUITE -Private bath, first floor,
well furnished, near campus. No
other roomers. For men. 3280.
NICELY Furnished front room. Suit-
able for one or two men. 928 For-
est, Phone 2-1767. 304
LOST - Wire-haired pup. White,
black and tan. Call 4818. 1706
Cambridge. 307
LOST-Brown leather notebook in
Angell Hall. Finder please phone
2-324'3. 306
LOST -- Small Elgin watch, white
gold, square with diamonds and
sapphires. HIarriet Edelstein, phone
2-3281. 305

TYPING - Typing carefully done.
s V e r y moderate rates. O. K.
d Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
d TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
t M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
n These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
- LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
- Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
e WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
'y guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
n 611 Hoover. 15c
t STUDENT - And family washing
- careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. f c

LOST-Copper ladel with law club
emblem at J-Hop. Finder please
Phone C. F. Gila at Lawyers' Club.
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c
FIRST CLASS-Woman cook. Best
of references. Hotels and fraternity
experience. After March 1st. Write
Box 14A. 303
A Stirring Drama of Today!


"Madame Butterfly"

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The greatest portrait in the gallery of the cinema"
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Pit O'Brien Constance Cummings

Moran & Mack Comedy

Burns & Allen



im * f L AXn r f T"" V, n -qwy iS


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