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March 29, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-29

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The Associated Press is excius
for republication of all news dis
not otherwise credited in this p
pubished herein. All rights of
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at2
second class matter. Special: rat
Third Assistant Postmaster-Gene
Subscription during summer b
41.50. During -egular school ye
mil, $4.50.
Offlees: Student Publications B
Anin Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2
Representatives: College Publi
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Stri
Boylston Street, Boston;r612N
Telephone '4
MANAGING EDITOR.............
NIGT EDITORS: Thomas Coine
Josephr A. Relhan, C. Hart
Glein R. Winters.
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe
REiORTERS: Charles Baird, A
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Re
0. F'erris, Sidney Pran kel, Joh
Hewett, George M. Holmes,
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Wh
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck
Jane Conley, Louise Crancla
Jennette Duff, Carol J. Hanan,
,on, Marie J. Murphy, Margar

AN DAILY tion it is not for want of fullness and charm in
the lithographs and drawings he submits, but
because of the superior reach and power-"bite"
ris the word one wishes to use-displayed by black
and whites of that rival Mexican genius, Jose
Clemente Orozco. Like Rivera, Orozco is also a
mural painter, with a reputation firmly grounded
G-on his epoch-making frescoes in Mexico City, in
California, 'arid in New York City; at the momnent
rf he is engaged on an important series of murals
-.decorating the new library at Dartmouth College.
His lithiographs and drawings have been perhaps
- more widely displayed, and have received even
greater acclaim than those of Rivera, and with
y - r good reason, as one may easily understand by
making the comparison in the present exhibition.'
Rivera's work is suave, rich, and decorative, the
apt Monday fluring the forms, however, a little empty; Oroxco's is tense,
ession by the Board in sharp, and charged with meaning-there is some-
erence Editorial Associa- [thing ominous and electric about even his white
cTED PRES spaces, and his angular black lines have the sinis-
ively entitled to the use ter threat of a bayonet-thrust. Seldom is modern
patches credited to it or graphic art, not even inthe most violent German
aper and the local news
republication of special Expressionist work, does one find the concentra-
Ann Arbor, Michigan, a tion and bare force of these Orozco compositions.
e of postage granted by The prints, "Mexican Pueblo," "Family," or "Mex-
y carrier, $1.00; by mail, ician Soldiers," have a sinister force arrived at
ar by carrier, $4.00; by through purely graphic means that allies them
Building, Maynard Street, with the art of doya, rather than with that of
ications Re resentatives, any contemporary.
ct, New Yrk City: 80 Lighter sides of the Mexican movement are
forth Michigan Avenue, represented in the gay and satirical drawings of
AFF Miguel Covafrubias, well-known already in this
.FRANK B. GILBRETH country, in the color stylizations of Carlos Merida,
..O.NA.STHMFA in the paintings of Siqueiros and Crespo, and in
...MARGARET O'BRIEN the lyrical compositions of Maxine Albro. A de-
.MIRIAM CARVER lightful panel in water color by a Mexican school-
(Ilan, John W. Pritchard, child, a stylized design of fruits and vegetables
Schaaf, Brackleyslaw, that had it not been the work of a -genuine primi-
tive must have proceeded from the studios of
. a ePaul Poiret, bears witness to the happy cominia- !
. Ellis Ball, Charles G. tion of sound native tadition and healthy indivi-s
alph G. Coulter, Wiliam dual creativeness which seem to characterize the
in C. Healey, RobertB. so-called Art-Renaissance in Mexico. The depres-.
Edwin W. Richardson,
ipple, Jr. sion prices which all the works shown he're bear
Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen make one hope that some of 'them may have a
ii, Dorothy' DshIman, chance to remain in Ann Arbor.;


bulk, so that in these times his meals could not
possibly cost more than three dollars a week; in-
deed, there are several eating places in town where
one could eat well for three dollars---provided one
has it. The student, therefore, does 30 hours of
work for $3, or at the rate of 10 cents an hour!
Nowhere except in the exploited cotton belt of
the South are such low wages paid to the work-
ing class. We shake our heads in pity for the dis-
mal conditions of that dark section of the coun-
try, but the same conditions prevail right here in
under our noses in disguised form. Even the wel-
fare boards pay the unemployed more than that.
Even the city of Ann Arbor pays it's forced labor
at the rate of 30 cents an hour. Yet the enlighten-
ed girls and boys of the sororities and fraterni-
ties, that class whom we lobk to for understand-
ing and humane attitudes, pay their forced labor
-forced, because Otherwis' the student would
have to drop out of school into the ranks of the
17,000,000 unemployed--10 cents an hour. And
what is more the dishwasher or waiter is afraid
to grumble, for you can get ;them for a dime a
dozen nowadays. True, too, and sadly so, these
exploited people are the last to complain. They
have become habituated to their lot, and they
have come to believe that this is the way things
must go, and that there i no other way. They
are resigned, all resistance has been driven out
of them. Some even resent as "charity snoopers"
and "Xed agitators" those who suggest that they
try to improve their conditions.
But is the situation really so utterly hopeless?
Is there no way out? Yes, there is. Dishwashers,
waiters, all other forms of exploited student help,
employed and unemployed, does it seem so pre-
posterous for you to form a Union to protect your-
selves? In actual practise, in what way do you
differ from other exploited laborers, who have
banded themselves into Unions? Is not a general
student labor strike your legitimate weapon to
force from your employers shorter hours and a
fairer wage? Let us start here a movement that'
will spread throughout the country-a student
labor union for the employed and unemployed
students. The chief difficulty is organization. The
Chief difficulty is the traditional student lethargy,
hov to get him to realize that, by the principle
of free competition, he will soon be getting two
meals and eventually only one for the work he is
now doing for three meals. The sneers and in-
tiiidation of the employers are unimportant com-
pared to this difficulty. The grave question now is
how much more economic pressure must be put
upon student labor before it gets organized. We
hope that those on the Michigan campus have the
foresight, the initiative, and the courage to under-
take now that labor unity among students which
eventually must come to all campuses. There are
several organizations on this campus to whom
labor and student labor in particular is a vital
problem, and who would be glad to co-operate in
any undertaking in which the student seeks to
help himself. I refer to the National Student
League, The Committee for Student Relief, and
the Michigan Socialist Club.






J .



Visit your local merchants today and
see the wonderful ne w spring style~s
that you've heard so much aout.
He has done his best to the latest

fas hOn dictates

. ..and will be able

t helpyou tremendo s in coosin

e L 1,elen v
et D. Phalan, Marjorie

Telephone 2-1214
VREIT MANAGER ....,......-......HARRY BEG'EY
DEPAITMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
' f, 'Gilbert E. Burxl y; Pubivation,- I4b6r E.
AiS4; 1n rellamy Gq don Boylan, Allen Cieve-
dAft bi r ,T"Ert&, Jac 1 E roym son, Fred iHertrick,'
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusl, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Eizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
e nny Billy Grif.itlis, Catherine McHeary, May See-
ted, Vlrginia ModComb.
Pritve es For
r Wome1. .
tion to the League board of repre-
s for more lenient hours for senior
women, who have obtained high scholastic stand-
ing, is in line with the more enlightened atti-
tude being taken here and all over the country
with regard to the advisability of allowing more
mature college students to take a greater share in
the responsibility of proper conduct.
Denial of this sense of responsibility is a tacit
ad-ission of the fact that three years in college
have accomplished nothing so far as shaping
character is concerned. It is an admission that
sen ors are fio more equipped to go out into the
world and face its difficult problems than are
freshmen who have not had the benefits of a
eo'ege tra-ning.
anY. woien's colleges and co-educational in-
Atatitnfs ha've made special arrangements for
senior privileges. The proposal drawn up by
w'nen students here advocates only moderate
changes fro1m the preseit system. The suggested'
revisions are rational, allowing only studens who
have prQvec their scholastic ability to benefit by
the easnur . Also, the nature of the privileges
wvould not m'aterialy interfere with the regularity'
1 thours kept by students.
A recognition of the fact that Michigan pro-
du'es women graduates of sufbiciently mature
outlook to be deserving of at least a conservative'
amount of extra privileges would make it seem
ineytable that the board of repre'sentatives take
Into c1isideration the preponderance of student
openimn in favor of this measure, and give it the
atteition it deserves.
the six men who run our countr'y
-\organ, Rockefeller, Mellon, George F. Baker,
and: the Da.onts. . . Henry Ford for good meas-
Ie, are some more lists he might have com-
Six men who think they ruln America but don't:
Nkholas Murray Butler, William Randolph
Hearst, Father eharles E. Coughlin, William E.
'orah, Huey P. Long, Bishop Cannon.
$ix men who would like to run America: Nor-
mIn Thomas, Al Smith, John N. Garner, Josef
Stalin, H. L. Mencken, Howard Scott.
ix men who know they don't run America:
-Herbert Hoover, Andrew Volstead, George Moses,
Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Samuel Insull, Jimmy
SDi men who ought to run America: Will Rog-
ers, Walter Lippman, Eddie Cantor, Hiram Bing-:
ham, Peter Arno, Ben Bernie.

M u s i cE - -n t

Marie Sisson, '33Ed., student of Edith Koon,
piano instructor of the School of Music, assisted
by Lenamary Aldrup, SM, and Goldie Russel,
'34M, pupils of Thelma Newell, instructor in
violin, and Gladys Schultz, '358M, accompanist,
will give a recital at 4:15 p. m. Thursday, March
30, in the School of Music. The general public
is invited.
The following numbers will be given:
Preludio and Fughetta in C minor......... Bach
Sonata Op. 13.....................Beethoven
Adagio Cantabile
Marie Sisson
Allegro moderato from Petite Synphonie
Op. 74, for two violins and piano .......Moret
Lenamary Aldrup and Goldie Russell
Childhood -Scenes Op. 70 ..........Tarenghi
The Talking Doll
Dance of a Marionette
A Tale of Fear
Bright Short Story
On the Rocking Horse
Round and Round
Miss Sisson
Air VarieNo. 6-Theme and Variations ... Duncla
Miss Russell
Wedding Day.......................Grieg
Der Jongleur' Op. 31, No. 3 .............. Toch
March Grotesque ...................... Sinding
Miss Sisson
The usual Wednesday organ recital will be post-
poned this week until Sunday afternoon, at four
fifteen, when Palmer Christian, University organ-'
ist, wiIl present an all Bach program including the
great Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor which is
fast becoming a tradition with Ann Arbor au-
diences, so popular is Mr. Christian's interpreta-
tion of this great masterpiece.


Your Wares.

PATI-10A -IZ-11".

- a ,t



But this movement cannot be made by a few
"agitators." It must come frnt below, it must
arise spontaneously from the rank and file of the
student wage earners. We believe that it will.
Michigan student workers, show the way!
- -Leor Groppe I
1. "It is now certain that the Federal law works
by an 6rganization of crinp. Perfectly innocent
private citizens, en who not only had no liquor
on their persons, but had never used it in their
lives, have been murdered by gunmen in the name
of the Government of the United States. People
have been shot at sight, not only without trial,
but practically without suspicion and without rea-
son.",.-G. K. Chesterton.
2. In the United States we make laws in order
to make people moral. If children could make laws
they would do the same.
--M. Levi.



Letters published in this column should riot be
construed wa expressing the etitorial opinion of The
Dal}. Anonyio-usco unulctions will be disregard-,
ed. The niatmes of cominunitcants- will, howcvter. be xre-^
gardedas cotidentis I upon request. Contributors are
asksd to b brief, confining tlaim elves to less than
300 words it possible.

To 'the Editor
How many of you readers have ever washed
dishes in a sorority or fraternity house? How
many can understand the psychology of the stu-
dent who knows that he is here for an educa-
tion, an~d yet must interrupt that education day
in and day out, three times a day, seven times a
week, to earn his livelihood? Aside from the def-
iimte expenditure of physical energy and the loss
of time, it is the mental strain which is most dis-
tressing, as can be understood only by those who
have such jobs, and make the student unfit for
his studies. Yet these students are graded on the
same basis as the boys and girls whose dishes they'
wash. They are expected to give their best, and
their economic disadvantages are brushed aside
with the attitude that "a really good man will
get ahead anyway." But what about the men who
are not outstanding, but simply fair, ordinary
scholats? It seems to me the elementary duty of
e jery instructor to ascertain for himself, if he
does not automatically receive this information
from the University, the economic status of every
one of his students, and that it be a strong fac-
tor in his grading. Only after considering this all-.
important economic element can it be said, justly,
that each student has an equal opportunity in the

ti. .

--By Karl Seiffer
"A New York magistrate, in a hurry to go out for
lunch, 'dismissed all prisoners at the bar who
planned to plead guilty, thereby saving the city
the expense of getting convictions and freeing
them formally.
* * *
A California boy is to be prosecuted for steal-
ing a horn from the Fresno State College band,
but expectations are that he will be able to pay his
fine with the cash gift of gratitude being col-
lected by Fresno residents.
That's right-we have definite information
that somebody bought a textbook last week.
If Detroit is really interested in economy, the
city could save a lot of lost energy by getting
Father Coughlin started on the Rivera frescoes,
thereby cutting down the number of civic fire- I
works displays 50 per cent.
~. -1-
"I would be absolutely 9"Iainst cutting the
hours or personnel of the police or fire depart-
ments because I believe as they now stand they
are the most efficient in tli state."
-Mayoralty Candidate Robert A, Campbell.

Att Revieo


* * *
The Legislature, according to a dispatch, has
passed a bill to stdp frog leg bootlegging. Rumor
says the bill was adopted over the protests of
dry legislators, who wanted to substitute the less



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