The Weather
icreasing cloudiness and
mer Wednesday; Thursday
ably showers and warmer.
Privilege For Senior IVon
Anicrica's Secret Six.
No. 131
I 1 1 1 -
a ft Plan
Mayor Newkirk Reveals
Proposal To Appropriate
One-Half Of Weight Tax
Expects Leislature
Will Masten Action
Meanwhile, 200 Welfare
Workers Of City Begin
First Day Of Strike
A plan to oppropriate one half of
the weiglft tax and use it for welfare
purposes, the money being distribut-
ed to the various county heads
who would then pass it on to the
cities and townships within their re-
spective boundaries, was approved by
state-wide city officials yesterday.
The plan will be introduced into the
Legislature either today or tomorrow,
according to Mayor H. Wirt New-
Mr. Newkirk, upon returning last
night from a meeting of the Mich-
igan Municipal League at Lansing,
announced that Ann Arbor's welfare
problem appeared certain of solu-
tion as a result of action taken at
the meeting.
Will Act Quickly
"A 'representative of Gov. William
Comstock," said Mr. Newkirk, "at-
tended the convention and approved
the plan. We expect that the bill
will be pushed through the Legisla-
ture as quickly as possible, and the
money should be available for the
counties by the end of the week."
County Clerk Harry Atwell, in-
formed of the proposal last night,
said that if the bill were passed a
special meeting of the Washtenaw
Board of Supervisors would probably
he called so that the money could be
distributed to those centers within.
the county which were most in need
of it'.
Meanwhile about 200 welfare
workers, beginning their first day
of actual strike. found their demads
supported by the Ann Arbor Miis~
teria assocition, wnich met at noon
in the Y M. C. A. building and
passed a resolution urging "that the
Common Council through its Poor
Committee seek a means to restore
immediately the last food allowance
cut of 15 per cent."
The ministerial meeting was at-
tended by a number of Ann Arbor
city officials. Al McDonald, president
of the Common Council, said that
Ann Arbor's welfare money was run-
ning dangerously low and the city
could not pay out any more money
than it had. The reductions, he con-
tended, were necessitated by the
city's present financial condition.
Changes Suggested
The ministerial association also
urged that: (1) In cases where it is
demonstrated that families or indi-
viduals will live within their income,
the city pay for work done in cash
instead of scrip; (25 A change in the
policy of the gas and electric utility
companies so that a reduced rate
will be charged those families depen-
dent upon the city; thus making it
unnecessary to completely shut off
electric current on April 1st as pro-
posed; (3) The erection of a sewage
disposal plant to be financed if pos-
sible by the city, but if not, by pri-
vate capital.
The striking men today walked
from one city project to another ask-
ing their fellow workers to join them
in the strike. Many of the latter de-
cided to forego working for the day
and to wait and see what the Com-
mon Council would do in its special
meeting at 7:30 p. mn. today in City
Five Profes ors Attend
Chemical Conference'
Five Michigan professors are repre-
senting the University at the semi-
annual meeting of the American
Chemical Society, which opened Sun-
day, in Washington, D. C.
The men, who are all in the chem-
istry department include Prof. Floyd
E. Bartell, Prof. John R. Bates, Prof.
G. G. Brown, Prof. Chester S. Schoe-
pfle, Prof. Hobart H. Willard.
The convention will remain in ses-
Fair Sex Ins ists On
Ci valrois Males
in. Annual Debate
Mud-slinging and almost unchival
rous tactics were employed in the
annual fight-to-the-finish debate be-
tween Athena, women's speech so-
ciety, and Adelphi, men's debating
club, held last night in Angell Hall,
in which the women emerged carry-
ing the scarlet banner.
The question was, Resolved: That
Chivalry Be Abolished on the Michi-
gan Campus in Social Affairs. Speak-
ing for the victors who took the neg-
ative side, were Mary Jondro, '33,
Helen Campbell, '33, and Martha Lit-
tieton, '34. Striving fiercely for the
affirmative were Bob Howard, '34,
Milton Krammer, '36, and Willard
Stone, '34. Robert Sawyer, '33, speak-
er of Adelphi, acted as chairman and
general master of ceremonies.
The fair sex claimed from the first
that there were no evidences of chi-
valry existing on the campus. On
the other hand, to shot the women
that such a condition did exist, the
men offered them cigarettes and
manifested courtesy. Once having
established the fact, they turned
about to condemn it,
All, of which goes to snow that if
the girls have anything to say about
it, chivalry is here to stay-for , a
Hillel Players
WIll P resen t
Play Will Open Tomorrow
Night; Cast Will Include
More Than 30 Members
"The Dybbuk," annual spring
drama presentation of the Hillel
Players, will open tomorrow night at
the Laboratory Theatre and wil con-
tinue Friday and Saturday nights
with a special matinee on Saturday
afternoon. The play is under the spe-
cial supervision of Dmitri Komono-
sov, of the Moscow ArtTheatre, who
will undertake the technical direction.
The cast is one of the largest of
any campus production and includes
30 people. Featured players are Vi-
vien Cohen, '33, star of "Hedda Gab-
ler," Paul Wermer, '33Med., who has
appeared in numerous other campus
productions, Milton Silberstein, '34,
Morris Isaacs, '34, Dena Sudow, '34,
Morton Frank, '33, Paul Reitman, '36,
Paul Sissman, '35Med., Lawrence Ru-
bin, '34, and Abe Zwerdling, '35.
Others who will also take part in the
production are Ted Cohen, '35, Joe
Lesser, '35, Berenice Kavinoky, '35,
Rose Levine, '36, Philip Shorr, '34,
William Kaplan, '36, Herbert Shar-
litt, '33, Ruth Cohen, '34, Richard
Rome, '36, Minna Giffen, '36, and
Herbert Brodkin, '33.
Larry Levy, '34,, and Fred Rebman,
who were responsible for the sets in
"Anna Christie," will have charge of
those in "The Qybbuk."
Tickets may be reserved at the
Laboratory Theatre box-office from
noon to 10 p. m., telephone number
is 4121-789. Tickets are priced at
50 cents for the evening performance
and 25 cents for the special mat-
inee on Saturday.
Mairiage Relations Talk
Will Be Given at 8 P. M.
Continuing the course on marriage
relations and home making which is
being offered by the Student Chris-
tian Association, Mr. J. L. Kolle, De-
troit authority on interior decoration,
will speak at 8 p. m. today at Lane
Hall on the subject, "Making the
Home Attractive Through Interior
Fashion Show
To Be Held In'
Living Models Will Display
Latest Modes In Spring
And Summer Clothing
Historic CostumesI
Will Be Exhibited
Six Local Shops To Take
Part In Show; Dancing
Will Also Be Provided
With student and professional
models mixing their exhibitive tal-
ents, the League's style show will
swing into action at 3:30 p. m. today
in the main ballroom of the League.
The latest models in spring and sum-
mer clothing for both men and wo-
men will be displayed by living
models during the course of the show.
Contributions from a number of
members of the faculty will be used
in the history of styles which will
open the review. Dean Alice C. Lloyd,
Assistant Secretary of the University
Herbert G. Watkins, and Dr. Louis
P. Hall, of the School of Dentistry
will contribute some of the treasured
clothes that years ago were consid-
ered "the thing." They will be worn
by some of the models to show the
advances, or lack of them, that cloth-
ing. has gone through.
Student models have been recruited
by the numerous shops that are ex-
hibiting their stocks from the mem-
bership of some of the campus dram-
atic organizations, as wel as from
the student bodyingeneral.
Six.local shops are taking part in
the show and have a total of 16
models,teach of whom will appear in!
at 'least two different costumes.
Tea dancing has also been provid-
ed for to the music of Bill Marshall's
orchestra. Light refreshments will be
served in buffet style. There will be
a charge of 10 cents per person to
cover the cost of the food, officials
The aim of the show, according to
the sponsors, is primarily to educate
the students in the proper things to
be worn at the proper times and to
acquaint them with changes that
have taken place in showings for this
season as compared to those for last
Women's wear will include show-
ings of the latest dress for sports
wear, for daytime, for informal af-
ternoon w e a r, informal evening
In the men's division will be seen
clothing for sports wear, for busi-
ness, for informal daytime wear, and
for formal and informal evening
Mexican Drawings1
On Exhibition Here
An exhibition of prints, drawings
and paintings by some of Mexico's
leading artists has been put on dis-
play in the South Gallery of Alumni
Hall, it was announced yesterday.
This group comes from the Delphic
and the Weyhe Galleries of New
York under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
The group includes such names as
Diego Rivera, known for his work at
the Detroit Art Institute, Jose Cle-
ments, Miguel Covorrubias, well-
known caricaturist, Carlos Merida,.
and several others. This is the first
time the work of any of these men,
who are among the leaders in the
movement to revive Mexican Art,
has been shown in Ann Arbor.
The exhibition will continue until
April 12..
Polloek Urges
Measures To
Curb Lobbies
Necessary To Elect Men
Who 'Are Not Afraid To
Exercise Independence'
Activities Should Be
Brought Into View
Believe Lobbyists May Be
Used To Speed Up Gov-
ernment Business
Legislative enactments designed to
throw more light on activities of the
insidious variety of lobbyist, and to
improve legislative and drafting serv-
ices to aid the harrassed senator or
representative in avoiding the yoke of
the lobbyist were urged by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department in a radio ad-
dress last night. Speaking with Pro-
fessor Pollock were Sen. Edward P.
Costigan of Colorado and Dr. Edward
B. Logan, Pennsylvania's budget sec-
"If the lobby is no longer a mere
parasitic appendage to government,
and is a means, however crude and
rudimentary, of group expression, it
would seem logical that it should be
brought more into the public view,"
Professor Pollock said. "Our path
therefore might well be in the direc-
tion of throwing more light on the
lobbyists and their activities.
Rests With Legislators
"My own feeling is that even with
an adequate law regulating lobbying,
it will remain a matter of electing
representatives who are not afraid to
exercise their independence and fol-
low their own judgment regardless of
consequences. Unless able, indepen-
dent representatives are sent to legis-
lative bodies, the interests of all the
people are not going to be properly
Professor , Pollock characterized
present-day lobbies as a manifesta.-
tion of the shift in social importance
from the individual to the group.
Economic and social interests are
only indirectly represented when
Congressmen and Senators are elected
by a certain number of people locat-
ed in a certain geographical area,
and so naturally a new agency
known as the lobby has come on the
scene to provide an avenue of rep-
resentation for functional groups, he
Would Use Lobby
"The question now arises as to how
we can best make use of the lobby
and nullify its occasional evil and
corrupting influence," Professor Pol-
lock continued. "Lobbyists, I think,
can be put to work in speeding up
government business, because they
have a specialized knowledge of leg-
islation and can be counted on at
times for expert counselt"
Five Of Wilson
Points Broken,
Sf orza Claims
'Open Covenant' Proviso
Scrapped By Versailles
Peace Itself, He Says
Five of Woodrow Wilson's Four-
teen Points have been either forgot-
ten, disobeyed, or neglected by the
nations concerned, Count Carlo Sfor-1
za said yesterday afternoon in an ad-
dress on "Wilson and the Versailles
Peace" in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Most prominent among these
"forgotten points" are those relevant
to the Polish Corridor, disarmament,
and curtailment of economic barriers,
he said.
"Point one, guaranteeing open
covenants openly arrived at, was in
fact broken by the Versailles Peace
itself ,"the count said. "But the
League of Nations has done much. to
aid open negotiations, even though it:
is an accepted fact that nearly all
diplomacy must be preceded by some
secret conferences. Point two, rela-
tive to the freedom of the seas, was
completely destroyed because Lloyd
George opposed it. Point three, per-
taining to the removal of economic
barriers between countries, has been
violated from forgetfulness, rather
than in a malicious or willful spirit.
Proposal To Cut University
Appropriation By- One-Hal
Is Presented To Legislatur
Government Of
Student Council, Student
Relations Committee To
Discuss Reorganization
Reorganization of student govern-
ment advanced a step last night
when members of the University
Council Committee on Student Re-
lations met with members of the
Student Council to discuss the plan
which has been submitted to the
The plan provides for two houses
to pass resolutions on all matters not
pertaining to academic activities, the
upper of which is to be appointed by
the president of the University and
is to contain four students and four
faculty members, while tl e lower
house will contain 16 student mem-
bers elected by the campus at large.
Prof. Preston E. James of the geog-
raphy department, a member of the
Committtee, told the Council that
there are - certain functions which
must be exercised by the faculty, but
that there was also a large body of
powers which could easily be dele-
gated to a student group.
In regard to the plan of having
ex-officio members of the council
Professor James said that the funda-
mental problem was that of making
the council truly representative of
the student body.
It was brought out that student in-
terest will not be centered in a body
which does not have power to do
anything, and there is at present a
blocking up of measures which the
Council would like tonhave passed by
the action of the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs, on which fac-
ulty members dominate.
On the other hand opinion was ex-
pressed that the University will not
be willing to give powers to a body
that is not truly representative of the
The problem of who is to be re-
sponsibletothe Regents and to the
state if anything goes wrong was set
forth by Dr. Russell W, bunting, of
the dental school, who said that he
believed the whole of the condition
lay in getting sympathetic faculty
men on the board that is to rule on
student affairs.
Detroit Citizens Move
To Support New Bank
DETROIT, March 28.-PA.-Long
smouldering dissension against plans
of assimilating within the new Na-
tional Bank of Detroit the more liq-
uid assets of the city's two largest
banks, both closed, apparently was
dying tonight, as officials and citi-
zens alike moved to support the new
100 per cent liquid institution, first
of its kind under Federal regulations.
Last of the active dissenters was
Police Commissioner James K. Wat-
kins' committee, en route home from
Washington with the word to the
public that the new bank should be
supported, in view of reported con-
cessions for depositors of the two
closed banks, the First National and
the Guardian National Bank of Com-
Friends Honor
Second Show Feature
To lBe Ended Earlier
Arrangements to allow women
students attending the second
show on Sunday nights at the.
Michigan Theatre to see the com-
plete feature picture and leave in
time to be home by 11 pm. have
been made, Gerald Hoag, man-
ager, announced last night.
In accordance with what will be
the general policy from now on,
the feature of the second show
Sunday night will be finished by
1 .10:45. The change in time is made
possible by shifting news reels,
and some short subject, from be-
fore to after the feature.
Mr. Hoag said last night that
the new plan will be used in the
Majestic Theatre also if it proves
Note Decrease
In Wthdrawals
600 Students Drop From
University Since Fall:
Financial Causes Few
Withdrawals from the Universit3
from the beginning of the current
year to the end of February were les
by 171 than during the same period
last year, when a drop of 771 wa
noted, it was announced yesterday
This year the total is only 600 unde
the original enrollment, and the de-
crease is 22.2 per cent for the en-
tire University.
Last year all withdrawals for rea-
sons of scholarship or discipline to-
taled 193 against 90 this year, a de-
crease of 53.4 per cent. Faculty mem-
bers assert that the decrease is du
to an increased earnestness on tht
part of students which had been ob-
served even before the statistics tc
prove it wvere available.
Students, other than graduates
who assigned financial difficultie
as the reason for leaving totae :
slightly less this year than in 1932
there being 95 as against 107. Thirty-
four left to take jobs outside, a
compared to 45 last year, and ill
health accounted for the withdrawal
of 61 in 1933 and 76 in 1932.
The only case in which the numbei
of withdrawals was greater in 193
than in 1932 is that of graduate stu-
dents who left for other reasons than
the completion of their work. There
were 71 this year as against 45 last
Only 82 students were sent home
in February for poor scholarship, a
compared with 179 in 1932, and there
were drops also in the number who
voluntarily withdrew on account of
trouble with their scholastic work.
Apparently the students this year
are not only applying themselves
more seriously to their work, accord-
ing to faculty members, but are
showing a disproportionately greater
tendency to remain in college, pos-
sibly because of the lack of salaried
positions to be found outside.
Dean Cooley On
25 Per Cent Reduction '1
Michigan State Colleg
Levy Also Proposed
University Will Be
Leading House Committe
Reports Bills; Would S
Limit At $2,000,000
LANSING, March 28.-()-T1
most drastic cut In history in tl
appropriations of the state's majc
educational institutions was official]
proposed to the legislature today b
the house ways and means commit
Backed by the powerful .recomn
mendation of the committee two bil:
were released to the floor providin
for unparalleled cuts in Universit
of Michigan and Michigan State Co
lege appropriations. The mill-ta
levy for the University would be et
in two, being dropped from six-tent1
if a mill. The committee, in addi
tion, advocated a maximum limit o
the mill-tax appropriation of $2,000
000 a year as compared with a cr
rent limit of more than $4,900,0,.
The Michigan State College mil]
tax would be reduced from two
4enths of a mill to fifteen-one hun
:reths. The maximum limit would b
$900,000 a year as compared with
)resent $1,640,000.
Unanimous Vote
According to Rep. Clyde Stou
;hairman, the vote of the committe
in favor of the cuts was unanimous
Release of the amended measui-re
aroused immediate protest fror
riends of the institutions. Rep. Ph
;. Pack (Rep., Ann Arbor) membe
if the University committee, sa
'they might just as -well close the in
"The proposed cut of more tha:
$2,000,000 would seriously cripple th
Jniversity," he declared. "On th
:aculty payroll there are 257 instruc
,ors receiving salaries of $1,727, Th
eduction would force the Universit
to reduce members of the faculty i:
he lower brackets and would crippi
As operations. I am for economy bu
..his is going tGoo far
Pack declared the University h
12.8 students per instructor as corm
)ared with 9.5 in a number of uni
;ersities in other states.
Tax Bill Vetoed
Gov. Comstock today vetoed th
Stout-Priest bill extending the tim
limit for paying 1932 taxes withou
interest or penalty to May 1. He ex
olained the same objective could b
reached by resolution,. Rep. Harol
C. Bellows (Dem., Bay City) immedi
ately urged the release from commit
,ee of his bill to cancel penaltie
and interest until uly 1.
Meeting little opposition the sen
ate passed the Derham-Doyle bi
reducing hunting license. The meas
ure cuts deer licenses from $3.50 t
$2 and permits the issuance of on
duplicate license for the wife or
member of the family under 21 year
of age at no added cost.
Warn Women
Of Caucus Rule
In . G. P. Vot
Organizations That Breal
Ruling To Lose Voting
Powers For Year
Reminding the sophomore wome:
of the penalties that are inflicted o:
any houses found caucusing, Mar
garet Schermack, '33, chairman c
judiciary committee, yesterday issue
warning against infraction of th
ruling in the Junior Girls Play elec
tions to be held at 4:30 p. m. tomor
row in the Lydia Mendelssohn The
Any dormitory or sorority whic
attempts caucusing is refused votin
powers for the year and women wh
belong to the house are automaticall
barred from holding any office, ac
'Everyman,' English Morality
Play, Will Be Given Tomorrow
A slight hint of Eugene O'Neill's
technique employed in a medieval
play, will mark the performance oj,
"Everyman," under the direction of
James Doll, '33, which will open in
St. Andrew's Church tomorrow eve-
The play "Everyman" was one of
the earliest of the English morality
plays in which moral virtues are per-
sonified. While it is essentially one
of the early religious dramatic ef-
forts, it represents the first attempts
to branch away from the church.
given, due to the difficulty of the
dialogue. A revised and altered ver-
sion will be given, and the material
usually given by different characters
in the prologue will be given by the
Many of the students taking part
in the production are prominent in
campus dramatics. The cast includes
Frances Johnson, '33, as the narra-
tor; Donald Brackett, '35, the Voice
of God; Charles Harrell, '34, Death;
James Doll, '33, Everyman; and Mar-
garet Norton, '34, Good Deeds.
Others in the cast are John Melley,j
His SeventyEighthAnniversary
Dr. Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean dotes of Dean Cooley's life and they
Emeritus of the Colleges of Engineer- all show his fine characteristics. A
ing and Architecture, celebrated his few years ago a student was charged
78th birthday yesterday. Pres. Alex- with a very serious University and
-ander G. Ruthven and Secy. Shirley social offense. The dean obtained
W. Smith were among those to pay permission from the faculty to handle
their respect to "Our Grand Old the case as he desired. Then he call-
Man." During most of the day Dean ed the student into his office and
Cooley received his friends in his had him write' out a confession.,
flower-filled room in the West Engi- After this the dean sealed the con-
neering Building. fession in an envelope and both the
Dean Cooley was born March 28, dean and student signed their names
1855 at Canandaigua, New York. In across the seal. The letter was then
1878 he graduated from West Point ! put in the Dean's safety box and no
and became a professor of Mechani- one but the student was ever to know
cal Engineering here in 1881. He be- the story as long as the student com-