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March 28, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-28

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-- -
-,- ~

able. The "flop houses" of Detroit are particularly
wretched; the condition of men who room there is
emphasized by a statement made by an inmate
during the current investigation: "Aw, lots of the
guys here get sick. You don't want to pay any
attention to that."
This is not a "humanitarian" editorial. We seek
! merely to restate a practical way to provide em-
ployment for many men, and at the same time
3 to cut down crime and vice and improve living
conditions in the greatest city in Michigan.

v----- --- ea
Student HeaIth

's1i F
.ilGo t


- ----- -
- e1Four stars means extraiordinary; three stars very
good twostar goo; on str ust another pice;
Published every morning except Monday during the go stars ktp away fro n ita
University year and Summer Session by the 'Board in no ,.5keawyfoxit
Control of Student Publications.A
ienber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- T KH M'CIG N
tion~ and the Big Teni News Service. "THE KING'S VACATION"
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use AREGULAR ARLISS PICTURE
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or SMOOTH, UNSENSATIONAL
rot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special The King .......... . .....Ueorge Arliss
dispatches are reserved. The Queen ......... Mrs. Florence Arliss
Entered at thte Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by The Valet..................O. P. Heggie
Third Assistant Postmaster-General. I Helen ................Margery Gateson
Subscript~on dutrinag sumimer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Millicent...................Patricia Ellis
mnail, $4.50. Jh ..... ikPwl
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, John....................Dick Powell
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214, George Arliss maintains his reputation for
Representat ives:. College Publications Representatives, Gog rismitishsrptto o
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City 0 80 suave sophistication in this picture constructed
Boylgon Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue. along regular Arliss lines. As the king of an un-
Chicago. ..., i
EDITORIAL STAFF named European country who abdicates to per_-
*ANAGING EDITORTelephone 4925 Rmit a bloodless revolution to take place, he shows
CITY EDITOR.......... . ........... KARL SEIFFERT his usual complete mastery of the part and his
SPORTS EDITOR ................ JOHN W. THOMA$ usual smooth reading of lines.
WOMEN'S EDITOR ...........MARGARET O'BRIEN uulsot edn flns
ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.........MIRIAM CARVER Margery Gateson as Helen, the king's first love
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, whomhe had to 'divorce in order to take the
Joseph A. Rerihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, throne, plays competently the role of the socially
Glein , Winters.

Inall institutions of learning, the problem of
how best to conserve, promote and supervise the1
health of the students is of paramount import-,T
ance. Its complexity increases with the size of
the group. At the University of Michigan, a sys-
tem, referred to as Dormitory Nursing, has de-
veloped during the past few years and serves as
an assistance to the dormitory heads. a conveni-
ence to the students ard an extension of the Rep
University Health Service' .
The establishment here of resident nurses in l
the dormitories and residence halls for girls orig- 0
inated at Martha Cook Building in 1925. During


1 0


Z I L "M wl' 0Ih 4A Crt I A-%

-1V - Nt 1 1 9
With the opening of the new
League Hosiery Shop plans to show INovel Features PhnIw
the Micnjan co-ed how to start Ihe -. i2
business of staying young early. -C li
OlCding to Miss Mary Manchester, ( oItIo Iraiidn


l'o Lis [1in 1ntge 0of tale snop.

i .

SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fre4 A. Huber,1
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G.
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William
0. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healcy, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson;
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Bium. Ellen:
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy .Dniman,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hlnan, Loi .1ottr,aHlen Levi-
son, Marie J. Murphy, Argaret D- Phalan, Marjorie
Teleph1oe -1214
CREDIT MANA(;ER..................HARRY BEGLEY'
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley, Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Goirdon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen nuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph SudoW, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Algier, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmny, Billy Griliths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb.
TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 19331

ambitious woman, eager to get something out of
life before it is too late and to marry her daughter
well. The king, finding that she is not the same
woman that he left 18 years before, finally dis-
covers that he no longer loves her.
The Queen, portrayed by Mrs. Arliss, is a sym-
pathetic soul, who, realizing the king's love for
Helen, releases him from their marriage on his
abdication. Meeting her accidently, the king finds
that she is after all the woman he has been look-
ing for.
The parts of Millicent, the king's daughter,
John, her mechanic lover, and the valet are not
This picture will appeal to those who like
George Arliss, but it varies little fron other Arliss
-B. S.
A novelty feature known as "Music Lovers
Night" will be inaugurated at the Michigan thea-
ter on Wednesday night with the first 12-minute
program by a concert orchestra of 19 musicians.
Only two numbers will be played each Wednes-
day night and the first two weeks are definitely
arranged for, the management announces. The
continuance of the policy will depend on the
reception of the idea by the public.
This Wednesday night the orchestra under the
direction of Florian Liijdbergh will open with
selections from Spanish Caprice by Rimsky Kor-
sakoff. The second and final number will be a
popular number ."I Played Fiddle for the Czar."
The personnel of the orchestra has been recruited
from the University groups, and in addition to
the musicians, will also occasionally include vocal
interludes by University singers.
If the program is successful, it is said by the
management, it will provide part-time employ-
ment for many persons. The orchestra has been
rehearsing their first program for three weeks and

the past few years, each of the five main dormi- Elections for next year's Junior Ellen IHelsley, representative 01 a
tories, Martha Cook Building, Helen Newberry Girls' Play commitee will be held at cosictics company. wiii give he hs-
Residence, Betsy Barbour House, Mosher Hall and 4:15 p. im. Thursday, March 30, in sons which will show each «voman
Jordan Hallhashadan' okithe Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, ac- how to give herself a facial, and ac-
Jodn H l as hda nurse working on a part- cording: tu Helen DeWitt, '33, presi- quaint her with the cosmetics xvhich
time basis. During this present unprecedented dent Of the League. arn erwthetheo esi.
year there have been some irregularities in the The elections will be under the di- aKboving that the women canont
system but the policy will undoubtedly be con- reeetion of the Judiciary Council. pay much for lessons Miss Ileisley
tinued. The nurses are usually students in the Margaret Schermack will be chair- has reduced the price of the sermes
Department of Public Health Nursing who are man. to 50 cents. Lessons xviXi be conducted
taking full academic work. In the dormitory the Nominations were submitted by for the towns-people in the morn-
nurse works tinder the direction of and in co- two sophomore representatives on the ings and for the students during the
operation with the social director. Both nurses League Board of Directors who are afternoon.
and social directors co-operate with the University Barbara Bates,.'35. and Mary O'Brien, --------
Health Service. '35. They were assisted by one other
The Dormitory Nurse is expected to emphasize member, Nan Diebel, '35, whom they Lner mi. is
the educational and preventive aspects of disease cIhose to assist them.
rather than the therapeutic. She is usually Chair- Nominations made by this commit-
tee are: for general chairman, Bar- ..Oi
mnan of a Health Committee in her house and bara Sutherland, '35, and Marie
is often referred to as Health Adviser. Her speci- Metzger, '35; for assistant chairman, 1ThisinIAT- tI
fic objectives are as follows: Mary Stirling, '35, and Mary Sabin,
(a) To interest students in the promotion of '35; for property chairman, Virginia ------
community and personal health. Cluff, '35, and Susan Mahler, '35; Alpha Chi Omega and Theta Phi
(b To disseminate certain health facts re- for finance chairman, Hilda Kirby,. Alpha entertained week-end guests.
garding such common hygiene matters as: '35, Margaret Phalan, '35; for pro- Theta Xi gives a supper dance,
overweight, underweight, sleep and rest, gram chairman, Marie Murphy, '35, ALPHA CHI OMEGA
mental hygiene, care of infections, cor- and Eleanor Blum, '35.1 Roberta Dillman, '34, acted as
rection of defects, etc. Other nominations may be made maid-of-honor at the wedding of
(c) First aid and routine treatment of minor m the floor, stated Miss DeWitt. Adele Norton, '31. The ceremony took
illnesses. y o sopho- place at the bride's home, Rochester,
(d) Serves as a connecting link between the more women are urged to be present Mich.
as the offices voted upon are some Thelma Berner, '32, arrived from
Doritory and the Health Service, of the most important held by junior Buffalo, N. Y., for the week-end. Mrs.
Specific instructions are 'given covering the women, Miss DeWitt concluded. Samuel R. Park of Caro, Mrs. J. W.
routine treatment of minor illnesses. The Health Lyons of Jackson, and Mrs. John
Service furnishes the necessary medicines, dress-, V St.iS i 'In Fauver, Detroit, visted their daugh-
ings and incidental supplies. -? AS0 .xk ters for the week-end at the sorority.
Each year sees an improvement in the techni- For Sprina eason Ap ALPHA EPSILON PHI
ques and policies that make this type of health 1Alpha Epsilon Phi had a pajama
service an activity worth fostering. party for actives and pledges Satur-
-Health Service Life is just a succession of swag- day night. Games were played and
ger suits these spring days. But our chow mein was served. Vivian Cohen,
- - - --- eyes were drawn by one suit in par- '33, sang.
ticular. The straight skirt and box THETA XI
Ecoat of hrring-bone were in a beige- An informal supper dance was held
gray. The (oat, fastened only at the at Theta Xi Sunday night. Mrs. L. B.
neck by a "frog" of silk braid, flashed Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moffet
SPRIG HAS CUB open to show the short charteuse of Detroit were chaperons. Other
jacket underneath, which in turn guests were Juanita Pillatt,. Joliet,
Howling porch Victrolas, memorable treks tocoverd a mi n ht = 1--


Sevnrl aduil ions have been made
io the (commniitees that arc assisting
ewith arrangements for the Campus
Cabaret to be held April 1 in the
main ballroom of the League, it was
announced yesterday.
Hilda Kirby., '35. chaiman of the
floor committee, has announced that
the following people have been named
to her committee: Jean Hayward,
'35, Charlotte Anderson. '35, Patricia
Kelley, '35, Betty Sue Calcutt, '35,
Lois Kcddy, '35, and Dorothy Leake,
'35. Three more names will be added
tomorrow, Miss Kirby said.
Constance Giefel, '33, is assistant
to Miriam Carver, '33, chairman of
entertainment. Anna Miller, '36, and
Lois Jotter, '35, are to assist Eleanor
Blum, '35, chairman of publicity.
Handbills' were distributed last
night to all thersororities, fraterni-
ties and dormitories.
Dancing to Pete Blomquist's or-
chestra will be from 9 to 12 p. m. En-
tertainment consisting of several
solos, two trio numbers, a tap spe-
cialty and a tango will be the fea-
tures of the evening. The cabaret
has been planned. so that an inex-
pensive evening of fun can be had,
the price being 25 cents a couple and
15 cents for single admission.
Jacobs, '35, Mona Barns, '33, Audrey
Bates, '33, Helen Holden, '33, Ruth
Stesel, '33; Helen Houck, '36, Gladys
Draves, '36, Eleanor Mann, '34, and
Virginia Roberts, '35.
Helen McCarthy, '31, of Grosse
Pointe, Irene Finnegan, '30, Ann
Robb, '31, Margaret Robb, '34, and
Virginia Hanlon, '32, all of Detro: ,
spent the week-end at the Theta Phi
Alpha sorority.
ill Makes - I r ae and. Portable
Sold Rented 2 & rued R ired
Large choice stock, h.Bsy mezs,
314 S. State St Ann Arbor.


Detroit In The Mirror
And A Bit Bewildered..
The dynamic city of Michigan
has entered its own art museum; has looked at
the murals painted therein by Diego Rivera; has
turned away, puzzled, but possessed of a vague
idea that they were supposed to present the spirit
of Detroit; has examined reports of art critics,
who have shown that the paintings do actually
interpret Detroit as a city entirely industrial, sci-
entific, materially progressive; has thereupon de-
claimed wildly against the presumption of Rivera,
who has disregarded all the finer things that are
supposed to go into the intrinsic makeup of the
A signed article in one newspaper protests vig-
orously against the artist's oversight of Detroit
"culture." Nowhere in the painting, it is insisted,
is there any hint of the lofty ideals that pervaded
Detroit's founding and growth; nowhere a hint of
the struggles of the pioneers who made the city
what it is today; nowhere a sign of the cultural
ideals, the dynamic spiritual enterprise, that
characterizes the metropolis--nowhere, in short,
a glance at the real soul of Detroit,
It is easy to see what has actually happened.
The painter Rivera saw the soul of Detroit only
too clearly. He saw the city essentially composed
of industrialism, mechanical civilization, scien-
tific and technological progress. He recognized
that Detroit, in the past few decades, has lost
those ideals that originally characterized it; that
the city is now dedicated to what he has put into
his murals.
Whether this immolation of spirit in favor of
industrial progress is laudable or otherwise is im-
material to the present question. The point is that
Rivera has placed a revealing mirror before De-
troit, and the city doesn't like it. Detroit can't
take it. It might have been advisable for the cit-
izenry to appoint a committee to determine just
what Rivera thought of Detroit before he began
painting of the mural.
etroiLs 'Flop
iouse' Situatioi e.
S UDDEN conspicuousness of De-
troit's "flop house" situation, result-
ing from five deaths within the past few weeks, all
the mortalities directly attributable to unsan-
itary conditions in the lodging places, points to
an excellent means of providing employment to
many men in Detroit within a very short time,
and at a comparatively small expense. It is simply
to make preliminary inroads into the slums of De-
troit, with intent eventually to abolish the in-
adequate housing conditions and to substitute in-
expensive but modern apartment hotels which
would soon pay, at least in part, for themselves.
This sort of work has been done in New York.
The slums of Manhattan have been for years the
symbol of civilized degradation. For many years
the gradual growth of cramped and unsanitary
housing conditions on the east side of the na-
fion's largest city was almost completely over-
looked by all municipal departments except the
board of health and the police. But, more re-
r-ar lt nnr-n r- - nff^ . 17 0'no- c- - n..._ + -

gE fJ(iE ous.l l.; Mary Lawery, Manchester: Jane
the woods, discordant seenades and crowded gt-Iiting and simply cut as ,ioflet, Det'oit. Margu cite Dayton
bridges with the murmurir g of the brook drown- it was, the under jacket was not and Margaret Conklin, both of Ann
ed by the purring of- honeyed eulogies beckon the :bulky but gave contrast and added Arbor, were among the guests.
advent of spring, which in straight news fashion warmth against chilly days that are Women in the University who were
was coldly heralded as occurring at 7:28 o'clock still to come. And above all, we no- presenI were Sally Place, '34, Doro-
last night amidst snow flurries and high water. ticed the "coat hanger" silhouette of thy Marshall, '33, Dolly Robbins. '33,
Bicycling, roller skating, wagon coasting and that topcoat. As Paris has dictated, Marian Heckathorn, '35, Greta Wess
horse riding will be ushered into their own as that is the effect which must be borg, '35, Marion Foley, '34, Barbara
soon as the sleep-provoking rain subsides and achieved style. The entire outfit was Casper, '34, Jean Royce, '36, Helen
topped by a. black turban that needed-
enough scrip can be garnered to garnish the cam-atpin by hld ktuin itsedrdu
pus with yellow ties and baby blue spring frocks. a h- ood it in its precarious _
Forthcoming sunshine will find scantily-clothed positioniI
roof dwellers trying to get the jump on other tan- A
aspirants for a bronze pigmentation. ;,Ter
j Stone quarries and gravel pits swollen into . 5
readiness by spring rains and melting ice will feelA
the more adventuresome cautiously dabblin . _.

WFinger Vave
ham moo 1 ,rea-!tment ....
Shampo & Marce .

:; .


the feature is expected to increase attendance on

Wednesday nights. I Ub y ng a
goose-pimpled foot in their too-cooling depths.
-----------** The scorching sun driving couples into coke em-
poriums, on walks ending in crazy stream wad-
W Points ing races. Breezes wafting through open windows
and whipping the pages of neglected text books.
Lilting melodies from spring's bright-featheredj

Professor Thomas Reed of tne political science
department once worked as secretary to Hiram
Johnson, once the great reform governor of Cali-
fornia and now fiery United States senator and
exponent of Bull-Moosism.
The clock now situated in the tower of the
Engineering shops building once adorned the
tower of the old library. It was moved to its present'
location at the time of the building of the new
Ann Arbor has 110 city jail. Persons arrested
by the city constabulary are confined in the
county jail on Ann Street.
Carl (Pete) Lehmann, local attorney, who died
recently was reputed to have one of the loudest
legal voices in southern Michigan. Reporters from
Detroit papers claimed that they could write theirI
stories in the telegraph office across Huron Street
from the courthouse when "Pete" gave an address
to the jury.
When Governor Alfred E. Smith travelled
through Ann Arbor about five years ago, his offi-
cial car failed to stop at a red stop light on Main
Street. Local residents kicked to the police. But
Al wasn't arrested.
The recent appearance of Ignace Jan Pader-'
ewski here marked the sixth time that the noted
pianist has played before a local audience.1
Horatio Abbott, in a talk before the DemocraticI
convention last June in Chicago immediately fol-
lowing the Roosevelt nomination, predicted that
Michigan would cast its vote for a Democratic
presidential nominee in November for the first
time since the Civil War.
Ann Arbor is practically on the line between
Group V and VI climates according to Koppen
classification. Both groups are indicative of mid-
latitude forest and prairie lands, the former with
mild and the latter with severe wiriters.
em ... ,, io ~rsa t~ "F,, ,,,..... t- .

friends. Gosh, if it would only stop raining.
Indiana Daily Student



-- ByKarl Seiffert
The German Ambassador to England is said to
have such a large wardrobe that lie handles his
neckties with a pitchfork, like hay. Well, we have
more or less the same trouble, and nov our other
shirt is beginning to get sort of tattered too.
Quick, Henry, the Flit!
Infant mortality among oysters, according to
authorities, has been cut by the use of new in-
cubators, which certainly ought to be good news
to anyone who is contemplating hatching out a
brood of oysters.
It has been found that a piece of Rochelle
salts will act as an amplifier when an electric
current is run through it, Which certainly ought
to be good news to anyond who is contemplating
running an electric current through a piece of
Rochelle salts.
"At the time I make My report on the De-
troit banking situation to the citizens of De-
troit, I shall have something to say with re-
spect to a personal attack which was made on
me over the radio Sunday afternoon."
-Police Commissioner Watkins of Detroit.
L* *EA *

Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The
King's Vacation;" Majestic, "20,000
Years In Sing Sing;" Wuerth, "See-1
ond Hand Wife."
Exhibits: Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion presents the work of well-known
Mexican artists, 1:30 to 5 p. im.,
Alumni MemoriaTl Hall. Women As
Authors, General Libiary. Student's
Free iand Drawing Exhibits, Archi-
tecture Building, 1 to 5 p. m.
The residents of Alumnae House
entertained at a supper dance Satur-
day night. The music was provided
by radli, Mrs. Sarah Cennant and
Prof. Hugh Keeler and Mrs. Keeler
were chaperones. Members -of thel
'committee who arranged the party
were Laila Wilson. '36SM, Florence
Kep,. '36, and Rose Cruse, '36.
A brand new,
naor vw'ay
to make
ad do your
cfassinates at
favor at the
same time
Most of your friends
smoke, don't they? Ten
to one, it's one of the -
noaional ly - known r 4 t
brands shown here.
Here's a plan forselling
them the cigaretes that
they'll be buying any-
way-making money by
the transaction - and -n-
putting them in a posi-
tion to make money, too!'0"
The Allied Sales Plan
Shows you how. It's Sim-
Iple, easy, profitable- -
and even non-smokers
wil be inteesed in i.-_z
w Wrt n rtothw 4
you can earn all those
littleextas that r S 1TR
such a boon to a
college men
ar d women. 1 - 7,

Burr, Patterson& Auld Co.
Detroit, Michigan & Wallerville, Ontario

Special This Week
Sue., Wed., and Saturday
Reg $5.00Permanent
Wave fol r ay.....-
Comnplc't, %ith S~lhmoalld
Finget' Wave.
Phone 2-2757
207-8 Mich. Thcatrn Iekdg


A N K 0 A K E S


..a A


t! ' ',
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For your convenience
nn Arbor Store
603 Church Sc.


You might as well admit it now-the


girl whose skin is marred by unsightly blemishes loses
many dates! Helena Rubinstein, world-famous Beauty
Authority, has designed preparations especially to over-
come blackheads, pimples, coarse pores.
Conducted by
Representative of Helena Rubinstein
Special Classes at 10:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M.
FOR BLACKHEADS AND OPEN POREs-use Blackhead and Open
Pore Paste---a scientific wash that refines skin texture, corrects
sallowness. (Pore Paste Special for sensitive skins) . . x.oo
FOR A SOOTHING LOTION-use Snow Lotion to heal and con-
ceal blemishes, an exquisite powder base, too! . . . x.oo
FOR BLEMISHES AND BLOTCHES-applyAcnc Cream, a medicated
preparation that disinfects and heals . . . 0.oo; 2.oo
With every dollar purchase of her Famous Pasteur-
ized Face Cream, the first most essential step to
beauty, Helena Rubinstein offers a dollar size gift
jar of her marvelous Yout'nifying Tissue Cream $1

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