THlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARt - 7r T in the Russian Tearoom of the Mich- I' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETiN igan League, cafeteria service. Pro- j ~~"'' ~ jfessor H. A. Sanders, Professor of PublicaIn In the Bulletin is constructive notIce to al members of the Latin and Chairman of the Depart- ity. Corpy eived at the office of the Assistnt to the President Uttil ment of Speech and General Ling- t,,:0.m".. Iuistics, will speak on the UniversityF VtL, XLIII TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1933 No. 130 Collection of Rare Biblical Manu-e scripts and the research work which NOTICES is being carried on. Automobile Regulation: Those students who take advantage of the 1a w-year payment plan for license plates should promptly report such ar- Alpha Nu debating society regular8 1nent so that their student driving permits may be renewed. The old meeting 7:30 p.m. Room 4003 Angell8 t tgs issued during the first semester will be void on and after April Hall. William Groenig will lead a discussion on "Philippine Indepen- T The 1933 license numbers of cars which are stored in Ann Arbor or are dence.t Allthose interested in the not driven by exempted students should be promptly reported to Dean society are invited to attend. Bursley's office, Room 2, University Hall. Adelphi House of Representatives: W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean Regular meeting, fourth floor of An- gell Hall. The program will feature a University Loan Committee: The Loan Committee will meet on Tues- debate with Athena. The question is, dY, March 28, at 1:30 p. in., in Room 2, University Hall. Students who "Resolved: that Chivalry be abolished have filed applications with the Office of the Dean of Students should call on the Michigan Campus in Social &t that office for an appointment with the Committee. Affairs." Visitors are welcome. J. A. Bursley, Chairman., Occupational adjustment discus-1 University Bureau of Appointments: Many students have taken sets of sion group meets at 4:00 o'clock in1 blanks for registration and have failed to return them. This material is Mason Hall Room 205. All women s elysive and, if not returned, is an absolute waste. The Bureau will feel students interested are invited. These f sled to report to the respective Deans all students who have taken meetings are a jointaproject of The dB registration blanks and have failed to return them by April 1st. men's League and the Pan-Hellenic 'pe registration of students for business positions was held at a dif- Association through the co-opera- ,rent time than the registration for teachers, which made the late regis- tion of University Bureau of Appoint- tration fee officially due at a later time. According to the Regents' ruling ments and Occupational Information. those students attending the University and on the campus the first semes- Gertrude Muxen, Counselor on tr who registered for teaching positions had to pay a late registration fee Occupational Information b1 0eteks after the official day of registration, and those registering now have been paying the late registration fee, not to the office, but to the Tau Beta Pi initiation at 5:00 p. m.j Tiesrer of the University. Michigan Union. Initiation banquet' Tose registering for business positions must have the blanks returned at 6:15. All members are cordially nUV lter than April 1st or pay a late registration fee. invited. T. Luther Purdom, Director Kappa Tau Alpha meeting at 7:30 Blogical Station: Applications for admission for the coming Sum- p. in. in front of the Medical Build- mer $ssion should be in my hands before April 15 when all applications ing. Transportation will be provided. l be considered. Announcenents of the courses offered can be obtained at the office of zeta Phi Eta: Important meetinga the nmier Session or from the Director. Applications should be made on tonight. Election of officers and Zeta thei application blanks which can be secured at my office, Room 1119 Na- gir. More chapter history for exam. tural Science building, from 4 to 6 p. in., daily. 7:30 in A.H. George R. La Rue, Director Forestry Club: Meeting tonight in 2039 N.S. Prof. Ralph Aigler of the Graduate Students Applying for Teachers' Certificates: Will all, students Law School, will speak on "Land and eoled ii the Graduate School who are planning to receive Teachers' the Law." Refreshments. loUates during the current year please reportat the Recorder's Office o1 iGie Sehool of Education at their early convenience. Camera Club: Mr. Dey of Dey Stu- C. O. Davis, Secretary. dios will talk on portrait photogra- phy in the Union, Room 302, at 8 Phi Beta Kappa: The.annual meeting of the local Chapter of Phi Beta p. in. Everyone welcome. 2Kppa will be held in Room 2003 Angell Hall on Thursday, March 30, at 4: bcldck. At this time will occur the election of officers and new mem- Black Quill: Meets at 8:00 p. m. - Lounge 1, Michigan League. beis. Other routine business will also be taken up.Lon 1,ihaLgu Orma F. Butler, Secretary-Treasurer Christian S c i e n c e organization meets at eight o'clock this evening in Senior Mechanical Engineers: Individual photographs for the Mechan- the chapel of the Michigan League ical EVgtneering group picture are due now. Will you also bring your 50 building. All faculty and students in- cefit to Room 221, as we are anxious to complete this work-promptly. terested are invited to attend. Swiniming--Women Students: The swimming and elective diving Senior Ball Committee: Meeting c ases will not meet tonight because of the Interclass Meet, at 7:30 p. m. in the Michigan Union, Room. 319. ACADEMIC NOTICES Zpology 32 (Heredity): Envelopes will not be needed Tuesday. An All-campus Freshmen Parley _______________at 7:30 p. m. at Wesley Hall, cornei State and Huron Streets. Question Anthropology 106 will meet in Roo 225 Angell Hall on Thursday, hfor discussion is same as for Spring Ch1 30, at 3:00 p. i. instead of Tuesday, March 28. Parley, "Am I Getting an Educa- tion?" 1i1ihal Science 52: The students in Section 2 please attend the lec- be given in 1025 A.. at 4:15 p. m. on Wednesday and the one to Catholic Students: The Annual ven in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 4:15 p. m. on Friday, and Retreat and Forty Hours Devotion, cOmie to the regular class meeting at 11:00 a. m. on Friday. which began Sunday, will close with a Solemn Procession of the Blessed English 6, Report-Writing, College of Engineering: For the benefit of Sacrament at 7:30 p. m. thOse students who necessarily missed my Tuesday lecture, I shall repeat H i r tZO lecture at five aid at 7 p. m. Wednesday in Room 348 West Engineer- the Chapel at 1l:3 a Tice of woRshi ing. J. Raleigh Nelsonh E. M. Duff will speak on "The Story LECTURE of the Prayer Book Service." Uriversity Lecture: Max Montor, well-known dramatic impersonator, "Everyman" Rehearsal: Dress re- will give readings from Lessing's hearsal of entire cast with music at "Nathan der Weise" (in German) at 7:30 in Saint Andrew's Church. 4:15 p. in., Wednesday, April 5, in James DollDirector. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, under r- Today & Wednesday the auspices of the Department of EXHIBITION SALLY EILERS in German. The public is invited. Ann Arbor Art Association an- "Second-Hand 1W11if "nounces an exhibition of drawings, EVENTS TODAY prints and paintings by some of the Botanical Journal Club meets at foremost Mexican artists. The ex- 7:30 p. m, in Room 1139 N.S. Papers hibition is open to the public daily ALL SOUND by Dr. Kanouse, Mrs. Drummond, from 1:30 to 5 p. m. in Alumni Mem- Miss Hedrick ,N'Mr.- Lowe,- and Mr. orial Hall until April 12. KAMERADSC HAFT Tidd. All interested are cordially in- vited. COMING EVENTS 'dia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting Wed- Luncheon for Graduate Student1 nesday, March 27, Michigan League, _- -- at 7:30 p. m. A program has been arranged, and all members are urged to be present. LET'S MEET AT THE Sophomore Engineers '35: There will be a meeting for all those inter- ested in getting the 1935 class jack- ets, at 4:30 p. m., Room 348 West Engi0eering b u i I d i n g, Wednesdayt nTheatre) March 29. The final decision as to the exact style, price and details to be included in the jacket will be Breakfasts served 7:30 to 10:30 A.M. made by the group meeting at the Delectable Hot Luncheon, 11 to 2:00 above time. Grilled Sandwiches a Specialty I Alpha Kappa Delta will meet Wed- nesday, March 29, at 8:00 p. m. in PROMPT SERVICE AND POPULAR PRICES the Russian Tea Room, Michigan AND THAT AFTER-THEATRE TH IRST? League. Election of new members and Philip Boardman will speak on the topic "Sir Philip Geddes." -JUST THE TRICK! Eta Sigma Phi: Meeting Wednes- day, 7:45 p. m., Grand Rapids Room Michigan League. Dr. Meinecke will pump_ INgive a lecture-recital. St. Andrew's Church: The Service of Meditation which is usually heard in the church on Thursday will be -BE held on Wednesday at 4:15 p. m. thi - -- - - .---- week spea Yc mee Roo elect II nun 8:00 on N Pi f, . The Rev. Henry Lewis will See C-i s F r Sforza Debunks Europe's Plan kl on "How to Use the cuc. e _, 1~ o fi4 euk ~l~ cs P a kn" wt s h h .Political Parties, Leaders Se ungstown-Michigan Club will ' O, I 1 if F " C ,-Co-ntinue from Page 1) t Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in party-he is a strong leader who has Plansf S319, Michigan Union, for the Aremained adamant in the face of tion of new officers. S ty concerted British opposition because he won't play the British game the pervision arris Hall: The Feast of the An- (Continued from Page 1) way Gandhi will." for of t ciation will be celebrated at theThrarnopitalatesn isw a. m. Communion in the Chapel ,hat will take time, and the problemd There are no political parties in tions, w Wednesday morning, in many Michigan cities is a very im- England now, Count Sforza said. Pontiac. Wednesday___morning.___"Innntrone."we see only one real, Iwsla minent one.'"aitoa pryexsig h cutwas learr Meanwhile the vote on a sewage dla party existing," the count he s delre."That party is the, Radical Tes rofessorsplantwill occur at the regular elec- Socialist, which characteristically tures, th Lion,April 3. Supporters of the plan, 4which was unanimously passed by the enough is not radical and not so- during t r e s e U I Common Council, -hope the people cialistS will con will vote upon it favorably, even In Spai the present political con- situation i' rthough it is undetermined at the dition is analogous to that existing of the i present moment whether the R.F.C. n other European countries 200 sity fac will lend the money or not. years ago Count forza said. sented t ~~~- --~~to-~To shed light on the contemporary for Fedc 1rx w. .. zt ,naiueunta-------We believe that some way will-be- hXnii i li i flth osits, . ries Of Lectures for a "Spring Series" of lec- be present'ed under the su- of Wilfred B. Shaw, direc- Le Bureau of Alumni Rela- ere made at a meeting of the Alumni Club last Friday, it ned yesterday. eries will consist of two lec- .e first of which will be given he week following Easter and cern a phase of the banking n. It will be delivered by one ive members of the Univer- ulty who drew up and pre- o President Roosevelt a plan eral guarantee of banking de- according to T. Hawley Tap- cretary of the Alumni Asso- The second will follow in wo weeks with a political dis- by a member of the faculty. T]. i i i I C C ti Prof. W. F. Ramsdell, Pack Pro-; V ;""t IAVI" conception of Muss>on n, e couiu fessor of Forest Land Management found for us to get the money, quoted from an interview with the IFaust said, "for it is essential that' dictatoir, obtained by lEinil LTudwig, of the School of Forestry and Con- we have it, and therefore we wish to German biographer. servation, and P. J. Hoffmaster, have this plan ready and approved Turning to the present nationalist State Superintendent of Parks of the by the people when the situation is risings. Count Sfozza raid that "Fas- Michigan Department of Conserva- clarified. We want to be ready to go. cism and Naziism are manifestatiohs tion, is in Washington, D. C. to pre- We do not want to be put in the po- of an after-war neurasthenia. with a sent for Gov. William Comstock a sition where we cannot ask for a profound inferiority-complex their proposed large scale forestry unem- loan, because the people have not ap- root. Both were paid by big business ployment relief project for Michigan. proved this proposal, if the State or at first, but both are gradually com- Professor Ramsdell, who has been the R.F.C. decides to lend the ing under the control of the lower doing extensive work in the field in money." and middle classes." connection with the George Willis May Come From Road Funds --_ Pack Forestry Foundation, said re- It is expected that the money bor- H Hom and Egg cently, "Michigan is unusually well rowed from the R.F.C. will be taken fitted for carrying on work of this from the allotment of funds for road SandwLL NIT nature, and it is to be hoped that a building, and it would thus not be OPEN ALL IICCTIT co-operative Federal-State project necessary to pay it back. The loan BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH may be worked out with officials at would be carried on the R.F.C.'s ladies o tc I Washington." books, and after 1935 such appor- posits, a ping, se ciation. about tw cussionk Earn Cash In Your Spare Time We will appoint you our exclu- sive agent on your campus to sell high grade line of station- ery. Excellent profits. Write for full details today. M..H. GOLDEN ohawk Tablet Co. 1302-1308 N. Halsted St. Chicago, Ill. - I I tionment of the Federal road grants as would properly come to Ann Ar- - Negroes Bound Over To bor would be posted as "offsets" until Circuit Court By Payne the loan is liquidated. .u"sifts down to whether we prefer to Lucille Boyd, both of whom are ne-b"Tha e qese ti,"ysaid M ausrta Mrs. Lorraine Turner and Miss build a needed utility and avert a Luoes acBuyd of feloous assaultlocal calamity, if not a serious dan- groes accused of felonious assault ger, or build more roads. In effect upond rs. Marget Lee, negro, were the voters will decide whether it will bound over to circuit court yester- be work, food, rent, and clothing day by Judge Jay H. Payne. for our needy or new roads for those When asked at the examination who have automobiles. why they had quarreled with Mrs. "After May 15th it will not be a Lee, the two accused women stated question of 'dole or jobs;' it will be that it was all over a phonograph neither, if the voters decide against record entitled "I'll Be Glad When the down-river treatment plant and You're Dead You Rascal You." Mrs. the R.F.C. loans are not made. Ann, Lee was badly cut in the fight that Arbor will then be at the end of its followed. relief resources." CLASSIFIED, DIRECTR I LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c , 30 1 REDUCTION on RAILROAD FARES for Students' Spring VCation ON E FA RE fo ROUND T RIP in Coaches Only Tickets may be purchased to many points indthe United States good going and returning on dates conforming to closing and opening of College. For further particulars consult railroad ticket agent. SAVE TIME + TRAVEL BY TRAIN in SAFETY and COMFORT ADVERTISING Plen advertisements with Classified Adverlisinug Department. P1iojIe 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to dlay of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra chargc. Cash in advance--ic per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more Telephone rate-15c per reding line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10 -% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month........... ...e 4 lines E.O.D. 2 months........ 2 lines daily, college year .......... 7c 4 lines E. 0. D., college year......7c 100 lines used as desired............9c 300 lines used as desired............Sc 1,000 lines used as desired...,.......?c 2,000 lines used as desired........e The above rates are per reading line, based on eight readinxg lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower ease. Add 6e per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold 'face, uipper and lower ca-se. Add Icu per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. WANTED PIANO-Wanted for daily afternoon practice by Music School Student. Write Box 38A. LAUNDRIES WANTED WANTED--MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago Buyers. 34c ----~--- - -- TYPING TYPING - Stenography. Miss E. Wells, Phone 4546. 24c TYPING--Notes, papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c NOTICE HAVE-Your snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. 29c FOR SALE BETWEEN - Geddes and Wash- tenaw. A desirable lot very cheap. Mrs. Ferguson. 2-2839 or 3611. 371 The rates of State license and gas- oline taxes for automobiles are com- puted to have risen 292 per cent since the World war. MAJES TIC -Last Times Today- YEARS IN SING SI NY by WARDENH LAWES wt SPENCER TRACY. AISEmDAVIS WEDNESDAY! INiNG ROOM One Block North from Hill Auditorium NEW PRICES - BY THE WEEK Two Meals per Day . . . . . . $4.00 Three Meals per Day . . . . . $5.50 SINGLE MEALS Breakfast 30c Lunch 30c Dinner 40c Sunday Dinner 50c PROMPT SERVICE EXCELLENT FOOD Serving Michigan Men and Women for the 29th Year CALL 4863--Specializing laundry. Soft water, prices. .I) student reasonable 12c MICHIGAN NOW SHOWING GEORGE ARLISS in "THE KING'S VACATION" "BRING 'EM BACK A WIFE" Taxi Boys Comedy "BAND WAGON" Bernice Claire [I WITHN BANDOLPA 5[W11 SALLY BLANE > FRED KOHLER LMILLE LAVERNE 1? i Th f i i - -- ~- -~. -. te Farmers and Mechar There's a new deal . . but this continues the same fine service maintained for over fifty yearsi Commercal, Trust and Savings rics Bank bank it has in the fields. System 11 ESTABLIShED 1843 Se1itie I CAMPUS TRAVEL BUREAU VACATION 1A Member of tie Federal Reserve El . 11 11 I * A n s A. *l~k grLs-ASc 11 11 11