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March 28, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-28

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The Weather

Fair And cooler
Wednesday generally

fair atnd




Ed iiorials
Detroit in The Mirror. And A
Bit Bewildered; Detroit's 'Flop
Hiouse' Situation.




Aim Arbor
Call Strike
Welfare Employees Claim
They Are Receiving Too
Little Pay
Officials Leave For
Lansing Conference
Mayor Newkirk At Head
Of Delegation; To Meet
Administration Board
Ann Arbor's welfare situation came
to an abrupt crisis yesterday when
100 indigents employed by the city
met at the Labor Temple and, pro-
testing against a recent cut in wages
and the possibility that further cuts
would be made, called a gener..d
strike of all the city's welfare work-
ers. The strike becomes effective to-
The workers then elected a com-
mittee which presented a petition de-
scribing their condition as "critical"
and becoming "intolerable" to Mayor
Newkirk. The mayor, saying that the
situation was admitltedly serious,
called a meeting for all those inter-
ested in the welfare problem for 7:30
p. m. Wednesday at the City Hall.
Meanwhile, a committee of city of-
ficials, headed by Mayor Newkirk,
leaves this morning for Lansing,
where it will meet other city offi-
cials throughout the state in a con-
vention called to find some way out
of municipal financial difficulties.
The committee will also meet mem-
bers of the administrative board of
the University. Mayor Newkirk said
last night that he hoped the board
would render financial aid to Ann
Arbor's welfare work.
Scott Polk, elected secretary of the
striking workers, last night said the
strike had been called entirely on
the e's own volition. "There is no
outside influence in this affair," he
said. "Communists, Socialists or
other radical elements are not in-
volved and most of the men are
dyed - in - thee - wool Republicans or
Democrats. We simply do not think
that we can live on the wages we are
getting for our work."
One of the men, Polk said, was get-
ting $4.25 a week for food. Out of
this money he had to buy edibles for
himself, his wife, and five children.
The workers called a meeting of
their group for 7:30 a. in. today at
the City Garage.
Concert Stars
To Perform At
May Festivities

Gives Series Here

U. So Attorney
Opens Detroit
Bank Inquiry
Fr. Coughlin's Charges

Fortner Governor
Pleads For I ecdthy
Oulook On Politics
A plea for college students to look
at the "healthy" side of politics, was
voiced by former Gov. Wilber M.
Brucker at anopen forum Sunday
afternoon' in the Union
"There is no more corruptness in
politics than in business," the former
executive said, "but that in politics
is much more obvious because it is
visible. While every college student
cannot run for office it is the duty

Are Investigated;
Protests 'Slander'


Free Press Head


EroIse's Party
Groups Hit By
Count Sorza
Calls De Valera Only Real
Ccntemporary Leader In
Europe's s p e c t a c u l a r political
parties are pathological phenomena
led by relatively unimportant indivi-
duals, and Fascism and Naziism are
movements similar to the Crusades
of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centur-
ies, Count Carlo Sforza said yester-
day in the second of a series of lec-
"Men don't matter in the European
parties of today," the speaker af-
firmed. "They are psychological sym-
bols of the masses, and are definitely
not true leaders. It appears more and
Following Count Sforza's lec-
ture yesterday, it was announced
that all of his remaining ad-
dresses here will be open to the
public, and held in Lydia Men-'
delssohn Theatre. The remain-
ing' lectures will be given at 4
p. m. as follows: "Woodrow Wil-
son's P e a c e and .Versailles
Peace," today; "The Problems of
Central Europe, Poland, Austria,".
tomorrow; "Dictatorships in Eu-
rope," Friday; "French and Ger-
mans," Monday, April 3; "France
and Italy," Tuesday, April 4;
"The Two Imperialistic Dreams
of the Great Powers, the Balkans
and the Colonial Illusion," Wed-
nesday, April 5.
more today that the statement of the
French historian Taine that 'foreign
blood is necessary for real leadership'
is indeed true.
"Eamonn de Valera is the only real
leader in contemporary politics. He,
a full-blooded Spaniard, is the ac-
knowledged "inventor" of his Irish
(Continued on Page 2)
Funeral services for Prof. George
Slocum, who died from a heart at-
tack Friday morning, were held at

II ~of each to thin~k of politics, an~ to
think sanely, and ,so to remedy any
Toy Has Interview With evil conditions which may exist."
Priest; Ford Company iSpeaking in favor of more central-
Aompanyized executive powver,. Mr. Brucker
Makes Big Deposit qualified his statement by pointing
out that he could not advocate a dic-
DETROIT, March 27. - (U) - A tatorship under the guise of expedi-
group of tight-lipped representatives ency, such as he said exists in Italy
of the federal government moved and Germany. He praised the efforts
into Detroit today to investigate its of the -Roosevelt administration in
banking situation as reverberations taking advantage of the present
continued from the controversy over emergencies as a time for sane ac-
the treasury department's refusal to tion, citing the centralized control as
permit reopening of the city's two illustrated by the administration as
largest national banks. fulfilling his ideals.
The investigators are headed by-
John S. Pratt, assistant United H s
States attorney general, was "highly Laes I e n o rP
confidential" and would not be the
subject of interviews. He came spe- 0 n Roosevelt's
cifically to investigate the affairs of
the First National Bank-Detroit and 'f~J * CD
the Guardian National Bank of Com- R e ief Program ,
merce. The results of his investiga-
tions, he said, would be reported to
Washington and acted upon there. Congress Considers Meas-
Stair Publishes Telegram ures To Provide Jobs
Coincident with the arrival of the o
investigators, E. D. Stair, newspaper For 250,000 Employed
publisher and banker, made public W
a telegram to President Roosevelt, in WASHINGTON, March 27.-(P)-
which he referred to an attack made Congress hastened today toward en-
upon him yesterday by the Rev. Fr. actment of the first two steps in
Charles E. Coughlin, and urged a President Roosevelt's unemployment
complete investigation of the local relief program-work for , 250,000
situation. men in the nation's forests and
Father Coughlin meanwhile was $500,000,000 for direct Federal aid to
being interviewed by Prosecutor the destitute.
Harry S. Toy, concerning certain In a swirl of rapid developments,
charges he made in an address yes- the forestation plan was approved
terday in which he denounced the by committees at both ends of the
Detroit Bankers Co., holding com- capital as the direct relief bill was in-
pany for the First National Bank and troduced and marked for speedy ap-
its director. Mr. Stair, who is pub- proval, possibly as'an amendment to
lisher of the Detroit Free Press, is the other measure.
also the non-salaried president of the The Senate shortly afterward'
Detroit Bankers Co. opened debate on the revised bill to
Fr. Coughlin's Charges put the jobless to work in the forests,
Father Coughlin in his address but action was postponed until to-
charged that $63,000,000 had been morrow by Sen. McNary, Republican
taken from the First National Bank leader.
on "inside information" immediately The House agreed to take up the
preceding the banking holiday and measure Wednesday after its labor
asserted that the bank was only 12%r committee had rejected a substitute
per cent liquid a few days before the offered by Chairman Connery and
holiday, although depositors were be- approved the Roosevelt-sponsored
iny told it was 80 Der cent liquid_ bill.

More Lenient
Hours Seen
For Women
Formal Petition To Be
Presented To Board Of
Sororities Favor
Change In Rules
D a ily Survey Indicates
Many Ilelieve Seniors
Should Get Privilege
Possibility of more lenient rules
for senior wonen's closing hourswas
seen last night when it was learned
that a formal petition requesting a
change in the rules will be submitted
Thursday, at a meeting of the Board
of Representatives of the Women's
Self-Government Association.
According to the proposal advo-
cated, senior women with a B average
will not be required to apply to the
dean of women for any special per-
mission regarding closing hours, but
may obtain it through their house
presidents. These provisions were
found to overcome the objections
raised when it was suggested that
senior women be freed from all re-
strictions concerning closing hour.
The petition follows a Daily sur-
vey which has revealed that a ma-
jority of women feel that a student
who has been on campus for three
years, and has maintained a high
scholastic average, deserves more
privileges than an underclassman.
Results of The Daily survey indi-
cate that all sororities favor later
closing hours for seniors.
Because of the government organ-
ization of the dormitories it was dif-
ficult to pole them, but a number of
interviews indicate a preponderance
of opinion in favor of the suggested
change . The results from one dormi-
tory compiled through the assistance
of the director, show it to be unan-
impously in fvpr of the change.4
STherequested privileges would be of
special value to women in dramatic
productions and other activities that
sometimes require them to be out af-
ter closing hours, as well as for occa-
sional social functions, campus wo-
men said yesterday. Specific details
will be left to the discussion of house
heads Thursday.
The suggested change will be
brought before the Board of Repre-
sentatives, which is made up of the
presidents of all houses on campus.
If passed there it will go to the
Board of Directors, the other legisla-
tive branch of the League. Then it
will be submitted to Miss Alice Lloyd,
who will consult with the house
chaperons before she gives her ap-
Freshmen To Hold
Preliminary Parley
A Spring Parley for' freshmen only,
on the subject, "Am I Getting an
Education?" will be held at 7:30 p. m.
today at Wesley Hall.
Upperclassmen will compose the
panel jury at this preliminary par-
ley. Jule Ayers, '33, student chair-
man of the regular Spring Parley,
will preside asrchairman of the panel.
The other students who complete the
jury are Faith Ralph, '33, Joseph
Griggs, '33M, and Joseph Ackerman,
It was stated yesterday by the
chairman of the preliminary parley
that the questions to be considered

are expected to be similar to those
coming up before the regular spring
parley to be held this week-end.



Michiogan Beer
By Next Month
Brew Bill Will Be Given
gSolons After State Vote
On Repeal Amendment
LANSING, March 27.-'P)--Beer in
Michigan shortly after the middle of
April was the promise of the admin-
istration today.
Governor Comstock said a control
bill, dealing only with 3.2 per cent
beer and wine, will be ready for in-
troduction in the legislature April 4.
He believed Republicans and Demo-
crats will co-operate to rush it
through. It will require at least 11
or 12 days to put the measure
through legislative routine. The gov-
ernor hopes to have the bill on his
desk by April 16. If the necessary
two-thirds majority can be obtained
in the legislature to make it immedi-
ately effective, beer will become a
legal beverage in this state as soon
as the governor adds his signature,
The administration bill will be
based upon recommendations to be
made by the special commission
named by the governor to study
liquor control methods. While it will
set up a permanent beer and light
wine control system, it will not at-
tempt to anticipate the control prob-
lems that may be encountered if the
Eighteenth Amendment is repealed.
The governor said he is not pre-
pared to disclose the details of the
measure. He indicated, however, that
it will be liberal, possibly permitting
sales, in unbroken packages, through
grocery stores or other convenient
dispensaries, and sales by the bottle
or glass in hotels and restaurants.
Catholic Students End
Devotion Services Today
A three-day annual retreat and
40 hours' devotion for Catholic stu-
dents on the University campus,
which opened Sunday morning, will;
conclude with special services at 7:30
p. m. today at St. Mary's Catholic
Students' Chapel. Catholic students
have been zealous in attending the
spiritual exercises, and a record
number is expected to be present for
the solemn closing tonight, according
to the Rev. Fr. Allen J. Babcock.
Visiting priests attending the sol-
emn closing tonight will be the Rev.
Fr. Lewis Dion, of Pinckney; the Rev.
Fr. Frank Bertram, of Maybee; the
Rev. Fr. Herman Fedewa, of Howell;
the Rev. Fr. Joseph Marshke of the
parish of Christ the King, Detroit;
the Rev. Fr. Vincent Alfes of St. Jo-1
seph's Hospital, Detroit; and the Rev.
Fr. John M. Lynch, of Ann Arbor.
New Student Council -!
Plans Up Tonight
Plans for student government
which have been submitted to the
University Council Committee on
Student Relations will be discus-
sed at a meeting of the Student1
Council tonight, when the mem-I
bers of the committee will attend1
the regular meeting of Student i

Cut Proposed



Lansing Measure



Palmer Also Introduces
Bill For Slash In State
College Appropriations
Authorities Here
Have No Comment
Part Of Regular Budget
Report, Glasner Says;
Seen By Comstock
LANSING, March 27.-P)-Drasti
reductions in the mill tax appropria-
tion of the University of Michigan
and Michigan State College are pro-
posed in two bills introduced tonight
by Sen. William Palmer (Dem.,
The measures provide a reduction
in the University, appropriation from
six-tenths to four-tenths of a mill
and in the Michigan State College
levy from two-tenths to one-tenth
mill. They also would require the in-
stitutions to live within the mill tax
funds, eliminating appropriations for
buildings and improvements.
Predict Amounts
The two measures would mean a
total reduction of from $2,274,000,
with the University mill tax cut $1,-
University authorities here de-
clined yesterday to comment on
the proposed reductions, inas-
much as they are only contem-
plated actions and have been
given no official significance as
312,000, and Michigan State College
fund reduced more than $600,000.
The University also spent $90,176 for
buildings I st year while State Cob
lege obtained $200,000 for this pur-
The proposed cut would reduce the
revenues at present received by the
University from the state by about
Senator Palmer, who is author of
the measure to eliminate agricultural
bxtension work, also plans to submit
future proposals abolishing Central
State Teachers, and Western State
Teachers Colleges.
LANSING, March 27.-(Special)-
Sen. Henry C. Glasner, chairman of
the finance and appropriations com-
mittee, said yesterday that the pro-
posed reductions are parts of the pre-
liminary budget reports of his com-
mittee and the ways and means com-
mittee of the House. These plans
are now in the hands of Governor
Comstock, according to Senator
Champion Budget
Senator Glasner said yesterday
that "The budget recommendations
of the finance committee as well as
those of the ways and means com-
mittee are Democracy's response to
the challenge of the forces of ineffi-
ciency, waste, and extravagance in
governmental affairs.
"These budget cuts are drastic,"
Senator Glasner continued, "but they
must be drastic if any semblance of
relief is to be obtained. They may be
somewhat changed by the Legisla-
ture but in the aggregate will pass
both House and Senate without al-
teration. They represent the admin-
istration's answer to the appeal of
our citizenship for relief from crush-
ing taxation which is rapidly forcing
them into bankruptcy."
Other lessenings in appropriations
planned include $15,000 for the State
Psychopathic Hospital here, $42,666
from the attorney general's office,
$23,244 from the state treasurer, and
a number of smaller cuts. No indi-
cations were given as to when the
recommendations may be acted upon
by the legislature.

Philippine-Michigan Club
Presents Program Today
The Philippine-Michigan Club will
provide a varied program at 6:30
p. m. today at the Bethlehem Church
on Fourth Ave., where a dinner is
being sponsored by the Y. W. C. A.
,A Filipino play, called a harana, a
native dance known as a sortido, a
fashion show of native clothes for
u7Arin a hohrnld .,r.1imp n1.nd v~,A

. ig l VVY 4J OU jltu u. ' '.A1 A..
Mr. Stair, in his telegram to the
President, referred to Fr. Coughlin's
remarks as a "slanderous attack"
against "myself and other citizens of
this city." Fr. Coughlin, he added,
presents himself from time to time
as the spokesman for your adminis-
In supporting the government's
plan to establish the new National
Bank of Detroit recently, Fr. Cough-
lin asserted he spoke at the request
of Secretary Woodin.
The new bank, which opened last
Friday, with the backing of General
Motors Corp. and the Reconstruction
Finance Corp. announced late this
evening that the Ford Motor Co. de-
posited $1,000,000 late today.

Sink Expects Big Crowds
For Annual Event; Says
It Will Be Excellent


Ann Arbor is one of the few cities 2:30 p. m. yesterday at his nome at
of the country to have an outstand- 328 E. Huron St. Interment was in
ing musical festival this season, Pres. Forest Hills Cemetery.
Charles A. Sink of the Music School
declared in an interview yesterday.
Many nationally known musical Ciy9s oorFae
programs have had to be abandoned
this year, President Sink said. TheR.F.C.
Westchester, N. Y., festival has been
cut to one day, and the North Shore
Festival at Evanston, Ill., has been By WILLIAM G. FERRIS
completely dropped, he added. Unless the R. F. C. relents in its
This year's selection of concert recent decree prohibiting loans to
artists was termed by President Sink Michigan, or the State manages to
"one of the finest in years raise money in some manner which
"The enthusiasm that has greeted does not appear clear at the pres-
the announcement of this year's pro- ent time, 2,000 people in Ann Ar-
gram with its list of internationally bor will find themselves deprived of
famous stars indicates that patrons money for food, rent, and clothing
of the May Festival are appreciative in about one month and a half. At
of plans that are under way," he de-
clared. "The success of the past May w that time Ann Arbor welfare funds
Festivals has been owing to the fine Mowillebe ex ed.
musical discrimination on the part Moreover, even if some method of
of music lovers who have supported procuring the money is evolved be-
our efforts. fore May 15, the city's dependents
This year's May Festival will be will find themselves without support
the fortieth consecutive program . unless the citizens in Monday's elec-
since its beginning in 1894 and prom- tion approve a plan to borrow money
ises to meet with all the success of from the R. F. C. for a sewage dis-
previous festivals, President Sink posal plant.
said. That is the situation as it con-
Ann Arbor was said to be unique fronts the city and as it has been
in being the only university town in outlined recently by Alderman Wil-
the country. which attracts such liam H. Faust, chairman of the fi-
prominent concert artists as are nance committee of the Common
scheduled for May Festivals. Council, who today is a member of
T~olmiar n- n~m0nchav Ann Arbor's degtion at aLnsn


Crisis Unless
ate Bring Succor
money, according to Alderman Faust,
wil be gone by May 15, and there is
no possibility of borrowing further as
the city has reached its legal credit
There are 634 families, comprising
1,948 individuals, on the welfare lists.
No one knows what will become of
them if the state and the R. F. C.
refuse aid: "This is not," Mr. Faust
said, "a cry of 'wolf' but constitutes
a real and serious danger to our com-
Delegations from this city have
been making frequentttrips to Lan-
sing. On the last of these journeys
representatives said the corporation
might loan Ann Arbor about $3,000
for the remaining days of March but
no money would be forthcoming after;
that. This is in line with the R.F.
C.'s recent message to Governor Wil-
liam Comstock, declaring that itI
would not loan money for relief pur-
poses unless the state put up an
equal sum.

Far-reaching in its scope, the
$500,000,000 bill was laid before Con-
gress by Senators Wagner (Dem.,
N. Y.), Costigan (Dem., Colo.), and
LaFollette (Rep., Wis.) who have
been working on it at the request of
the President.
They introduced it as a separate
bill, but planned to offer it as an
amendament to the forestation meas-
ure in order to speed consideration,
provided administration leaders ap-
Local Church
Group To Give
Morality Play
Following in the same vein of dra-
matic presentation as the Coventry
Nativity Play of Tailors and Shear-
men, given last Christmas, St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church will present
"Everyman," an old English morality
play, at 8:15 p. m. Thursday and
Friday, it was announced yesterday.
The play will be under the direc-
tion of James Doll, '33, of Play Pro-
duction staff, and will be presented
on a specially constructed platform
in the church. The medieval cos-
tumes are being designed by Frances
Johnson, who is to be remembered
for her work in "Hay Fever" recently.
Matinee performances will be given
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and
the Friday afternoon show will be
primarily for children, it was an-
Wiyorality Nominee
Restates Economy Plan
Robert A. Campbell, former
University treasurer and mayor-
ality candidate of the Republican
Party, yesterday clarified his pre-

Ann Arbor Beaus And Femmes
Deck Out InSpring Splendor

If Ann Arbor is not the best dres-
sed campus in the Big Ten by Easter,
it certainly won't be the fault of the,
League. A fashion show sponsored by
Ann Arbor merchants to be given
from 3:30 to 6 p. m. Wednesday in
the main ballroom in connection with
a tea dance, is going to let the stu-
dents know what to expect along
with the first robin.
Just as an action of equal rights
for men if nothing else, men'sl
fashions are going to be displayed
and modeled, as well as those for wo-
men, by student models.

be shown boasting a coy red rose
peeping beneath the brim.
Herbert Watkins, assistant secre-
tary of the University, will contri-
bute a nobby black and white suit
that was snappy some 15 years ago.
Mr. Watkins seems to have a senti-
mental.attachment for that suit; he
discovered it at a rummage sale,. and
he declares that even now it's still a
"dandy," even though he fears it has
become a little tight for him of late.
A straw hat and a dashing little der-
by will also appear from among his
souveniers. ,
Dr. Louis P. Hall of the School

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