1 £11A .EiA duplicated when The Habima Players brought their version of the play to America. For the Hillel Players to present "Anna Christie," as I understand they did, is an error of taste. To such a play, it is scarcely conceivable how they could bring any quality that is important or justified. Quite the reverse is true of "The Dybbuk." In it all the rich emotional sincerity and fervor which is a touchstone for their passionate people should be in the highest, most grateful relief. If in their individual performances they are wise enough to play with the starkest simplicity, letting the full fervor of this great and powerful play rush through, there will be a production of extraordinary beauty, of primitive virility. 1810 to 1819 there was not a single case of small- pox. From all over the world similar reports poured in, with grateful resolutions and honors for Jenner. One of the most touching tributes came from a group of North American Indians who wrote, "We shall not fail to teach our chil- dren to speak the name of Jenner and to thank the Great Spirit, for bestowing upon- him so much wisdom and so much benevolence. We send with this a belt, and a string of Wampum in token of our acceptance of your precious gift, and we be- seech the Great Spirit to take care of you in this world and in the land of Spirits." -Health Service.. If Vcn write. we hve it. Cor'respondence Stationery, rotinte4.apens, L*, aetc." met'rpertes all Wiks. =8 Cin (ards fr eerbody, .1 . State St., ,Ax. Albr HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED Mintum Price 545U1 Q Genuine Iactory work-we Make Hats FACTORY HAT STORE (47 Psekar st., Near Sta#e except Monday during the r Session by the Board In lonAs. onference Editorial Assoela- S-v-- - ~ t dL .g Ten News Service.( U OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very Press is exclusively entitled to the use good; two stars good; one star just another picture; of all news dispatches credited to it or no stars keep away from it. edited in this paper and the local news . All rights of republication of special AT THE MAJESTIC served, "20,000 YEARS IN SING-SING" Post bffce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as tter. Special rate of postage granted by TENSE, MOVING, FASCINATINGj frn uPostmaster -General. PFP uring summer by carrier, 100; by mal, PORTRAYAL OF PRISON LIFE guiar school year by carrier, *4.00; by Tom Connors ............ Spencer Tracy it Publications Btilding, Maynard Street, His Girl ................. .Bette Davis : College Publications Representatives, Warden Long ............Arthur Byron hirty-F'ourt 1street, New York City: 80 Joe Finn, politician ......Louis Calhern Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenxue, "20,000 Years in Sing-Sing," a picture from the Telephone S4T25 b6ok of the same name by Warden Lewis E. Lawes Telephone 42 TOR..........FRANK B. G.. RET of Sing-Sing prison, tells the story of Tom Con- ~KARL SEIFFERT .JOHN W THOMAS nors, self-proclaimed "tough guy," who in his SNS EDTOR.....MARIGAMCARER own words "works his way through to the death house."' rn Street, ITOR.. S EDITOIR TS EDITC 'ANT WO!% [T EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, eph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, inn R. Winters. ZTS ASSISTANTS: L. Rss Bain, Fred A. Huber, pert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. )RTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. ndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C.. Healey, Robert B. nett. George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson, irge Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. bara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen e Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, nette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- , Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie tern. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 NESS MANAGER.......... .BYRON C. VEDDER IT MANAGER>..... .... .......HARRY BEGLEY EN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER iRTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Graf ton Sharp; ertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- ation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications. Robert E'. n. TANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- d, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, ph Hume, Allen Knuust, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, ter Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. ,abeth Aigl er, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Amy, Billy Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- d, Virginia McComb. SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1933 e Campus Welcomes unt Sforza. Intensely moving, the story begins with Con- nors' commitment to the prison while he still has the philosophy that only suckers work for a liv- ing. After political pull and bribes have both failed to move Warden Long to make things easier for the prisoner, Connors begins to see that the warden is a "square guy" after all and his redemption begins. The warden, after deciding that Connors is not so tough as he thinks he is, releases him on his honor for one day to see his girl, who, it is re-! ported, is about to die as the result of an auto- mobile accident. The prisoner finds that the girl jumped from an automobile when one of Con- nors' "friends" was taking advantage of his. ab- sence. In the battle which follows in the girl's room, Finn, the friend, is shot by the girl to save Connors and he goes back to the "hot spot" toj save the girl, an honest man in every way except in the eyes of the law. The warden is portrayed as a "white man," firm, stern to those who require an iron hand, but# always willing to give a helping hand to those who are honest with him. His life is pictured as no bed of roses andhno one is sorrier to see Con- nors go to the chair than he. It is a good picture and an interesting presenta- tion of prison life. -B. S. CARL SANDBURG, "KAMERADSCHAFT," ON ART CINEMA PROGRAM. Carl Sandburg, well-known American poet, will How strange, in this day of youth triumphant to see most of the power and money in the hands of fellows past 70. --Daly Illini T own Points _ - Dn By FRANCIS WAGNER Maurice Hindus, in his latest book on Russia, gives recognition to the Michigan Union. He re- marks, facetiously, that in Russia women are per- mitted to enter buildings on an equality with men, not, he says, like the practice at "one mid-west- ern U. S. college," which permits women to enter its Union building only through a side entrance. The Diagonal was known in the old days as the "Long Walk," Practically all of the great actors and actresses of the American stage Guring the past 50 years have played at the old Whitney theatre here. The list includes Al Jolson, Minnie Maddern, Fiske, Richard Mansfield, Chic Sale, Eddie Cantor, etc. Chief Tom O'Brien of the local police depart- ment has two sons whose birthdays both occur on All Fools' Day (April 1), Two University professors serve on the Ann Ar- bor common council. They are Prof. William Pa- ton of the economics department and Prof. Leigh Young of the forestry school. The Republicans have a majority of 12-3 over the Democrats on the common council. Two of the Democrats are from the second ward. The second ward is the city's Democratic stronghold while the sixth and seventh are just # as strong Republican. The first is inclined to go Republican, while the third, fourth, and fifth are balance wards. - F LOWEST CITY PRICES THE ATHENS PRESS Printers Dial 2-1013 40 years of knowing how! 206 North Main Downtown ---- I BY POPULAR DEMAND! SCATTER SUNSHINE with Greeting Cards! Greeting Cards completely meet a need in our daily lives. We have cards with appropriate sentiments for all occasions. Do come in and see our lise of E=AST-ER CARDS" Have you developed the JIG-SAW Craze? See the new CORK BASE JIG-SAWS. We have Jig-Saws from 15c to $2. FFRANCISCO - BOYCE PHOTO COMPANY 723 North University 108 East Liberty ---M aw Ulea ev S1' 1 I I ontinues All Thtis'Week! S Replenished stock, popular $1 books now selling at.. 77c Some unusual stationery bargains -- priced as low as. .49 Inspect some of the new "SPECIALS" displayed this week, One dictionary special will amaze your Many items reduced as low as 50% -All quality merchandise. Good Times Are Ahead-- NOW IS Ti E TIME TO BUY'! "At Both Ends of the Cain p1us SLATER'S BOOKSTORES it Character of population by wards: 1st, commer- cial class; 2nd, German; 3rd, tradesmen; 4th, Irish and Negroes; 5th, poorer workingmen; 6th, University faculty; 7th, faculty and wealthier classes. The situation today which wives only three State Street East University Avenue -U I F_ ___ A A N EXCEPTIONAL opportunity is afforded the campus by the pres- :e on the lecture platform here of Count Carlo >rza. All of us in general, and students of his- y and political science in particular, will enjoy firing the European situation discussed by one o knows it first hand. appear on Art Cinema League Program on April movie houses to the city is somewhat unusual. 4, it was announced recently. This move, accord- Among the theatres of the past were the Arcade, ing to directors of the League, is in line with the leading campus movie house of its time; Or- policy of bringing to Ann Arbor leaders in all pheum, small Main Street house; Rae, dime- forms of art which resulted in the talk by Roy pem ml anSre os;Re ie orms, oar ,ch rslted inthetwesterns; Star, scene of the great riot; Washing- Harris, composer, last week.which cc d th y V1 111O1, 1V U t 11 J L. 'ount Sforza is the only member of Italy's The next film presentation of the League will -Mussolini government who was asked by Mus- be "Kameradschaft," a German story of the value ni to stay on under the new regime. From that of comradeship. This picture was directed by a fa- ago thean ad r a hd tim geI t, and from the fact that he refused to par- ! nous German, G. W. Pabst. It will be shown on tin eaaronsto the burningn buil hadtineget- pate in the dictatorial government, we know April 3, 5 and 6, Sandburg appearing April 4. :'ste pancte e burubling.fro- t he is capable, unembittered, and sincere. Through the efforts of the Cinema League, it peod o anted ther me' wrth r ne of the four public lectures to be given will is expected that sound equipment will be installed'people who wanted their money's worth I with dictatorships in Europe. A good many in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre in the near fu- ---. us like to think that a new sort of Public ture so that foreign sound pictures may be in- nion is being born in the world. It is said by cluded in the League's presentation. te eminent students that the peoples of at In a statement issued recently by the officers ;t Western Europe and America are awakening of the Art Cinema League, it is said, "The League_ _ 1 new consciousness, which makes them think was founded with the main purpose of developing ocial directions and distant national destinies. a sincere appreciation of cinematic art. It does are prone to overlook, in our meditations, the not limit itself, however, to this field alone. Feel- t ssolinis, the Hitlers. Count Sforza will tell us ing that this country has literature and music By Karl Seiffert ut them, probably predicting where their ad- ranking in excellence with that of Europe, the Colmbus's1ys1p1l 300 tures will lead. League has set out to popularize those individuals I um, saaiy as an exporer was oncy $3n -I a year, proving that boom time extravagance in nd in other public and semi-public lectures who have a purely American message, instead of the matter of political salaries dates back at least will discuss other problems and personalities importing foreign talent as has often been the to 1492. resent-day Europe. case i the past n behalf of the campus we welcome Count ,~~~.~.~~ Edd.riP Cnnfn faa of fiverairfr -lr'i Sforza, and acknowledge our appreciation to the Carnegie EndowmenU for International Peace, under whose auspices he is here. heTTheatre JEWISH MYSTICISM By ROBERT HENDERSON The Hillel Players are presenting the poignant drama of Jewish legend, "The Dybbuk," and, while I can pretend to very little knowledge of the campus productions, it seems highly fitting and stimulating that such a group should present just such a play. It stands to reason that if the large number of University productions are to amount to anything more than so much exhibitionism on the part of various student actors, each group must have a definite standard and metier. When the Hillel Players present such a play as "The Dybbuk" they are capitalizing a fine and very rare quality that they alone can give. In such a production they should justify their reason for heDing. y "The Dybbuk" tells in stirring measures the primitive story of ancient Hebrew superstitions. It is centered about Chassidism which afforded the Jews of eastern Europe in the early Eighteenth Century an escape into an intercommunicating world of reality and unreality at a time whenI their life was insecure and atrociously hard. In the beginning Chassidism was of a gentle and genial character, a reaction against a more drastic and repellent religious psychology, the Talmud worship in which Jewish life buried itself after an era of massacre. The Baal Shem Tov (Lord of the Holy Name) was a rare personality who advocated deserting ritual and letters for a return to Nature, and worship through joyousness. . ,.... ,.. .,. ........Pt.. ... ,.,. .:. _ me eantor, oaermorve daugiters, ca.o s ois home "the Cantor Home for Girls." Sounds morej oLm uci L riea tn like the second stage of a dead semi-stag party. CHILD HUNTED 10 HOURS SMALL POX VACCINATION IS FOUND IN WASHER Vaccination aganist small-pox is brought to I--Headline the attention of everyone upon this Campus when Apparently a guarded attempt to come they first enter the University. The benefits of Alean. this procedure have been tested so completely that it is difficult to turn the imagination back * to the time when vaccination was first introduced. Some harps have been discovered in Egypt that This was done in 1796 by Edward Jenner, in Eng- gave forth distinct sounds after an estimated { land. I silence of 3,000 years, according to a news item. Jenner was a modest country doctor, resource-; We don't believe it, though-you'd never be able ful and skillful, with a great interest in natural to keep an Irishman quiet that long. phenomena. In those days, small-pox was a great * * * scourge, killing many every year, leaving others A marrying justice declares that puppy love fearfully scarred. has declined in recent years, which should be As a young medical student he heard a country- enough to get the S. P. C. A. worked ip to fever woman say "I cannot take small-pox for I have pitch. had cow-pox." He carried this in his mind and en- * deavored to get some definite evidence on the sub- ject. SLY WINK DEPT. His great opportunity came when he was told "Restoration of additional banking facilities1 about a milkmaid who had an infected hand. brought to Detroit a great sense of relief and This was found to be a typical vesticle, or blister, I encouragement."-Editorial in Detroit paper. of cow-pox. On the fourteenth of May a healthy "Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., weekly review re- boy, James Phipps, was vaccinated in two places ports that business was proceeding with more with material, lymph, taken from one of the blis- vigor, and that recent anxiety has given way 1 ters on the milkmaid's hand. Later this boy was to a sentiment of renewed confidence."-News inoculated with small-pox material and did not1 Item. contract the disease. Thus the country-side ob- FEDRAL RESERVE STATEMENT: Money servation about cow-pox giving immunity to , in circulation declined $661,000,000 this week. small-pox was completely proven and vaccination against small-pox was initiated. Jenner wrote at that time. "The joy I felt at OLD TEASEL INDUSTRY the prospect before me of being the instrument SOON TO DISAPPEAR destined to take away from the world one of its -Headline greatest calamities was so excessive that I some- I Couldn't take it, eh? times found myself in a kind of reverie." As may be expected this "reverie" was broken in upon by forlSpring ,., O. A THE HmSR SSUE ,LLL" TMHEIGENANNDAILY lI presents 54N0lashionSection on * 6T 4 VIM0Jas hin PayV,1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, If IN TI-S ISSUE WILL BEF - v PRESENTED SPECIAL. PAGES OT. FASHION NEWS, O .; PARTICULAR INTEREST TO THE MEN AND WOMEN OAN Tils CAMPUS .. .ti ,yj .. "' "W' 2 y 117- NN . a 2lk