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March 26, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-26

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r in the Bu1letin is constructive nootie to all members of the
Copy received at the office of the A-stant to the President Until



No. 1291

University Loan Committee: The Loan Committee will meet on Tues-
ay, March 28, at 1:30 p. n., in Room 2, University Hall. Students who
ave filed applications with the Office of the Dean of Students should call
t that office for an appointment with the Committee.
.. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Automnobile Regulation: Those students who take advantage of the
alf-year payment plan for license plates should promptly report such ar-
ngement so that their student driving permits may be renewed. The old
erniit tags issued during the first semester will be void on and after April
1J33 W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean
Biological Station: Applications for admission for the coming Sum-
er Session should be in my hands before April 15 when all applications
Ill be considered.
Announcements of the courses offered can be obtained at the office of
e Summer Session or from the Director. Applications should be made on
ie application blanks which can be secured at my office, Room 1119 Na-
.ral Science building, from 4 to 6 p. m., daily.
George R. La Rue, Director
Graduate Students Apply for Teachers' Certificates: Will all students
irolled in the Graduate School .who are planning to receive Teachers'
ertificates during the current year please report at the Recorder's Office
'he School of Education at their early convenience.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual meeting of the local Chapter of Phi Beta
appa will be held in Room 2003 Angell Hall on Thursday, March 30, at
15 o'clock. At this time will occur the election of officers and new mem-
rs. Other routine business will also be taken up.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary-Treasurer
University Bureau of Appointments: Many students have taken sets of
anks for registration and have failed to return them. This material is
pensive and, if n)ot returned, is an absolute waste. The Bureau will feel
fnpelled to report to the respective Deans all students who have taken
it registration blanks and have failed to return them by April 1st.
The registration of students for business positions was held at a dif-
rent time than the registration for teachers, which made the late regis-
ation fee officially clue at a later time. According to the Regents' ruling,
ose students attending the University and on the campus the first semes-
r who registered for teaching positions had to pay a late registration fee
o wyleks after the official day of registration, and those registering now,
wve been paying the late registration fee, not to the office, but to the
'easurer of the University.
Those registering for business positions must have the blanks returned
t later than April 1st or pay a late registration fee.
T. Luther Pur om, Director
Zoology 32 (Heredity): Envelopes will not be needed Tuesday.
French Lecture: Mr. J. E. Ehrhard will give the last lecture on the
rcle Francais program, "La France au travail," Wednesday, March 29,
4:15 o'clock, Room 103, Romance Language Building.-
The annual play of the Cercle Francais will be Moliere's "Bourgeois
ntilhomme" to be given on April 27.
University Lectures: Count Carlo Sforza, former Minister of ForeignM
fairs of Italy, will deliver a series of four lectures (in English) in the
dia Mendelssohn Theatre at 4:15 p. m. as follows:
Monday, March 27-Men and Parties of the Present European Policy.
Friday, March 31-Dictatorships in Europe.
Monday, April 3-French and Germans.
These lectures are under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for
ternational Peace. The public is cordially invited.1
University Lecture: Dr. W. L. G. Joerg, Research Editor of the Ameri-
n Geographical Society, of New York, will lecture on the subject, "The
w Era of Polar Exploration and Research Since 1925," Friday, MarchI
at 4:15 p. m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is invited.

to be presented by students under
the auspices of the Student Christian
Association at 8:00 p. mn. Admission
free, silver offering.
Dress Rehearsal for all members
of cat for the servicebFriends and
Enemies of Jesus, will be held in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 2
Presbyterian S t u d e n t Appoint-
9:30 -Student Classes at the
Church House.
10:30-Morning Worship. A Cam-
pus Service lead by Students.
5:30--Social Hour and Supper.
Guests, Tuxis Society.
6:30-Student Forum. Play to be
presented by the Tuxis Society.
8:00-Campus Worship Service at
Lydia Mendelssohn. "Friends and
Enemies of Jesus" Theme of the
Jewish Students: Debate between
Hillel debaters and the Detroit Jew-
ish Center team at 8:00 p. m. in the
Hillel Foundation. The subject is Re-
solved: That a Jewish University
should be established in the United
States. A socidl hour will follow.
Lutheran Students: 'Reverend Mr.
John H. Nicolai, pastor in Adrian,
will speak at the regular Sunday ec;'e-
ning meeting of the club. "Christ
Wrought a Perfect Redemption."
Discussion group will meet at 4:00
o'clock. Social half-hour at 5:30,
supper at 6:00, and speakler at 6:30.
All Lutheran students are invited to
attend. The club meets in the Zion
Parish Hall, corner of Fifth Avenue
and Washington.
Wilel Foundation services at 11:15
at the League Chapel. Rabbi Bern-
ard Heller will speak on "Reform
Judaism-Its Achievements and Fail-
Liberal Students' Union - Neil
Staebler, candidate for Alderman,
will speak on "Is.ues in the Coming
City Election." Unitarian church,
7:30 o'clock.
"God, Religion, and Humanism"
will be the topic of the discussion
panel by Professors A. H. Wood,
Katherine Greene, Roy W. Sellars
and John F. Shepard, at the morning
church services at 10:45.

Be Presented

Dollar Dictator

Student Church Proposal To Curtai Curri
Prograni1 Wil 'Should N ot Be Settled



Elimination of freshmen and sopho-
Virginia Frink To Talk more classes at the University of
Michigan is emphatically a question
On Student Religious not to be settled in the heat of a
political campaign, but by the Board
+Groups And Campus Life of Regents and administrative offi-
cers of the University, declared Prof.
Sunday morning worship at the Clifford Woody of the educational
First Presbyterian Church will be school in answer to the proposal
conducted by students of the Uni- made by Dr. Paul F. Voelker, Demo-
versity, it was announced yesterday. cratic candidate for the office of state
Instead of the customary preaching superintendent of public education,
service, these students will bring to Dr. Voelker advocated the elimin-
the service their interpretation of ation of the first two years of classes
the relationship which the church at the University recently as a means
and religion must have in modern of state economy in educational ex-
life. penditures, and suggested that the
The Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, Univer- underclassmen attend private and
sity pastor for Presbyterian students, !denominational schools for the first
who will direct the service of wor- two years.
ship, stated that the entire service, Professor Wood pointed out that,
including other elements of worship, John Hopkins University eliminated
will be in the hands of University the first two years of college work
students. -and handled the plan entirely

fact that most of the junior and
smaller colleges of the state, upon
whom the eliminated students would
be forced to fall, are in no financial
position to care for the influx of stu-
dents that would necessarily follow.
During the present business depres-
sion, at least, the money that would
have to be expended for the purpose
of providing adequate libraries, lab-
oratories, and other equipment for
the junior and smaller colleges would
be far more than enough to continue
the two classes at the University
of Michigan, continued Professor
Woody. Since the local communiti °s
supporting these colleges are in diffi-
cult financial conditions, it is rea-
sonable to assume that the State
will be called upon to provide such
necessities as libraries and labora-
tories, as it now .does for the Univer-

-Associated Press Photo
Fred . Kent, New York investment
banker, was named by the Federal
Reserve Bank as "dictator" of foreign
exchange to regulate future transac-
tions and restrain speculation on the
Leaorue Plans
Fashion Show
O-n ednesday
A fashion show given by Ann Ar-
bor merchants in co-operation with
the League will be held Wednesday
from 3:30 to 6 p. m. in the main ball-
Ann Arbor shops for both men and
women are taking part in displaying
their latest togs for sping that will
be worn by student models. One of
the main features of the show will be
that fashions for men will be dis-
played and modeled as well as those
for women. The introduction will
take the form of a history of styles
showing what the well-dressed co-ed
and college man wore many years
In connection with the show there
will be tea dancing starting at 3:30
p. in. with music furnished by Bill
Marshall's orchestra. Refreshments
will be served in the help-yourself
and eat-what-you-will manner, and
a fee of 10 cents will be charged.
Alpha Nu will hold a discussion
on the Philippine question, led by
William Groening, '34, at 7:30 p. M.
Tuesday. Anyone interested is in-
vited to attend, and try-out speeches
will be heard before the meeting.
fourth floor of Angell Hall. The pro-
gram will feature a debate with
Athena. The question is, "Resolved:
that Chivalry be abolished on the
Michigan Campus in Social Affairs."
Visitors are welcome.

Virginia M. Frink, '35, who has t
been prominent in the productions of u
,Comedy Club and other dramatic e
activities, will speak upon "The Con- t
tributions Which the Student Relig-
ious Organizations Make to Campus
Life." John Rogers, '33M, a member
of the Student Volunteers, will dis-
cuss the value of achurch back-
ground as a training for professional -
life and the necessity that the church
in this generation help young people
find possibilities of adequate expres-
Joseph F. Griggs, '33M, one of the
few students picked for the Spring
Parley panel, will speak on the sub-
ject "Dare We Live Up to Our Own
Best Thinking?" He will present theI
problem of constructive social action
in the present situation and the rela-
tion of the church to it.
This service will also feature spe-
cial music and devotional elements.

hrough the proper officials of the Natives of 18 states hold seats in
university without political interfer- the Texas legislature. One member's
ence. He added that this is no time land of nativity is Syria and anothor
o settle the question as it is a known was born in Canada.

Place adertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone -1-1214.
The clasilici columns close at three
o'clock previouis to dayv of insertion.
Box numbers nmay be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advane-llc per reading line
(on basis of live average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimumn 3 linen' per insertion.
IOc per reading line for three or more
Telephonerate--15e per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14e per readung line 'or three or more
ins i tionsa.
10'% discounrt If paid within ten days

Occupational adjustment discus-
sion group will meet Tuesday, March
28, at 4:00 o'clock in Mason Hall
Room 205. All women students inter-
ested are invited. These meetings
are a joint project of The Board of
Representatives of the Women's
League and the Pan-Hellenic Asso-
ciation through the co-operation of
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Gertrude Muxen, Counselor on
Occupational Information
Botanical Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, March 23, at 7:30 p. m. in
Room 1139 N.S. Papers by Dr. Kan-
buse, Mrs. Drummond, Miss Hedrick,
Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Tidd. All inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Romance Journal Club will meet
Monday, March 27, at 4:10 in R.L.f
108, Mr. F. W. Gravit will speakon
"The Student Life of Nicolas Claude
Fabni de Peiresc," and Professor Ro-
villain, on "L'Essence de la pensee
du dix-huitieme siecle francais."
Graduate students and others inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Luncheon for Graduate Students:
Tuesday, March 28, in the Russian
Tearoom of the Michigan League,
cafeteria service. Professor H. A.
Sanders, Professor of Latin and
Chairman of the Department of
Speech and General Linguistics, wtl
speak on the University Collection of
Rare Biblical Manuscripts and the
research work which is being car-
Tied on.

fromn the Ed i.teof a iis.rtioi.
MInimum three lines per insertion.
HBy on iract, per iline-2 lines daily, one
lnes.........on ...........Be
In Auto Accid1ents 2 lines E( datl o hsa1........Sc
4 lines E. 0. D., college year..,.....7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
Bad weather and slippery streets 300 lines tised as desired.........Se
1,000 lines used as desired......:....7c
were responsible for three motor ac- 2,000 lines used as desired.......
cidents in Ann Arbor yesterday, The above rates are per reading line,
necesitaingtapig asix earold based on eight rezadinkg lines per inch.
necessitating taking a six year Ionic type, pperand lower case. ACd
boy and a woman to the city's hospi- 6etper line to aboverates for all capital
talc. tletters. Adid 6c per line to above for
tals. bold face, upper and lower case. Add
The six year old boy was Wesley 10c per line to above rates for bold face
Archr, on o DaielW. Ache, Tcapital letters.
Archer, son of Daniel W. Archer, The above rates are for 7% point type,
2000 Independance Rd., whose car
struck another automobile at 12:30 p. LAUNDRIES
in. at the intersection of Church - -- _----
Street and South University Avenue. STUDENT - And family washing
Flying glass from Archer's car cut careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
the boy about the head and he was 3006. 6c
taken by his father to University
Hospital. Witnesses did not get the CALL 4863-Specializing in student
name of the driver of the other car, laundry. Soft water, reasonable
but its license plate is registered to prices. 12c
R. F. Zimmerman of Barton Hills,
police said.
Coming into the city along Wash-
tenaw Avenue, a car driven by Joseph COM PL ETE TR
Moreau, 910 Forest Ave., of Ypsilanti,
was struck at 1:15 p. m. by a car TO ALL PARTS
going east on Hill St., driven by Wal-
ter Pieper, of Clinton, Mich. One
of the passengers in the Moreau car, STEAMSHIP, R. R., AND
Mrs. John Halton, was injured and
taken to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital. INDEPENDENT AND
Pieper told police that he had tried
to stop but had skidded. RELIABLE - EFFICI
Edward Thompson, 101 Summit St.,
of Hudson, driving north on Main
Street, found that the slippery p
weather prevented himfrom stop- MICHIGAN AL UM N
ping, and collided into a truck driven (A Unit of the University of P
by Charles Aker, 729 Brooks St. The
accident occured at 1 p. mn. ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL

suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
WANTED -- 1925 Michiganensian.
$5.00. Phone 2-1812 in evening or
call at 514 E. Ann St. 367
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
PIANO-Wanted for daily afternoon
practice by Music School Student.
Write Box 38A.
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
,repairing, refinishing and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
TUXEDO-For sale. Size 37, $16.00.
$4.0.00 value. Box 15B, Michigan
Daily. 360

Architectural Building Exhibition: The first two years' work in free-
and drawing from the school affiliated with the Association of Collegiate
:hools of Architecture will be shown in the Architectural Building during
e present week. Daily from 1 to 5. Public is cordially invited.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Meeting in the Russian Tea Room of the League.
ease try and be present.
Triangles will meet at 5:00 in the Union.
Philippine-Michigan Club: Meeting in Lane Hall at 3:00 p. m. There
all be a short program after which tea will be served.
Michigan Socialist Club: There will be a discussion of "The Economics
Karl Marx" by Frances Marmarosh, graduate student in Economics, at
30 in the Union to which the public is invited.
First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher will preach at 10:45 a. m. on "Loy-
y." Dramatic Service of worship at 7:30 p. m.
Wesley hall: Class with Dr. Blakeman on "Jesus' Motive," at 9:30
m. Oriental-American Group at 3:30 p. m. Student Guild at 6 p. m.
)ward Busching chairman. Sub- - - - --.--
t for discussion: "Dare We Live
e Jesus." Election of Oflicers for t ve (

Tau Beta Pi initiation at 5:00 p. m.
Michigan Union Tuesday, March 28.
Initiation banquet at 6:15. All mem-
bers are cordially invited.
Freshman Parley Tuesday evening
7:30 p. m. at Wesley Hall. All Fresh-
men on campus cordially invited.
Military Ball Committee meeting
Mondayrafternoon at 5 o'clock in the
R. 0. T. C. Headquarters. All mem-
bers are requested to be present.
Monday Evening Drama Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
Monday evening at 8 o'clock with
Mrs. Carl Burklund, 28 Marlboro
Drive, Packard Road.
Book Shelf and Stage Faculty Wo-
men's Club will meet with Mrs. W.
W. Sleator, 2503 Geddes, Tuesday at
Faculty Women's Club will meet in
the West Gallery of Alumni Memor-
ial Hall Thursday, March 30, at three
o'clock. The Art Section will be in
charge of the exhibit and tea to
which the Michigan Dames have
been invited as guests of the Club.


Michigan Alumni Association)

_. .... ..I.P.& A ilL., M
American Express World-Wide Service

Bloody urd er


Alpha Nu debating society regular
meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. in. in
Room 4003 Angell Hall. William
Groenig will lead a discussion on
"Philippine Independence." All those
interested in the society are invited
to attend.
Adelphi House of Representatives:
Regular meeting Tuesday, March 28,

A trail of blood led toward the
road, and the head and parts of the
body were discovered about 15 feet
from the scene of the slaughter.
However, it is not so bad as it sounds,
for the victim was only a cow from
the Hanlin farm, north of Ann Ar-
The cow, a roan heifer, was taken
sometime Thursday night by an en-
terprising robber who slaughtered
and cleaned the animal, before drag-
ging away the carcass.

1 :3O toll P.M.



r .e.,._.....e_ .... .+.u...s+.. r .

u ,c~u., l1I 1 Uti1

Arris Hall: Regular student sup-
per at 6:15 p. in. at *a cost of 25.
cents. Professor W. I. Worrell of the
Semitic Department of the Univer-
sity will Speak on "Mohaininedism,."
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship today are: 8:00 a. in. The
Holy Communion, 0:30 a. m. Church
School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten,
11:00 a. i. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
"Everyman" Rehearsals: Today An
Saint Andrew's Church, 2 p. m. Nar-'
iators; 3 p. i. Cousin; 3:30 p. M.
Good Deeds and Knowledge; 4:30
p. rn. Fellowship; 5:30 p. m. Death
and the Voice of God; 7:30 p. m. En-
tire Ensemble-Director James Doll.
Worship Thrcug Art Program:
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Scenes
from the life of Jesus including a
scene from Don Marquis' Dark Hours

under the supervisory direction of



Direct fromengagement at New
York City Music Hall-fArst pic-
ture to draw overflow crowds to
the biggest theatre in the world!


V A-C A T I Nat

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